commit 9edc9bf4a59b722d2d54b08db54ad5da6058402f
parent 5fde3277a1a795adf3fd5e91b212b33eb7886244
Author: William Casarin <>
Date: Fri, 7 Mar 2025 10:53:40 -0800
ui: add SearchView and SearchQueryState
Introduce a new view for searching for notes.
Signed-off-by: William Casarin <>
4 files changed, 285 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
diff --git a/crates/notedeck_columns/src/ui/ b/crates/notedeck_columns/src/ui/
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ pub mod note;
pub mod preview;
pub mod profile;
pub mod relay;
+pub mod search;
pub mod search_results;
pub mod side_panel;
pub mod support;
diff --git a/crates/notedeck_columns/src/ui/search/ b/crates/notedeck_columns/src/ui/search/
@@ -0,0 +1,219 @@
+use egui::{vec2, Align, Color32, RichText, Rounding, Stroke, TextEdit};
+use super::padding;
+use crate::ui::{note::NoteOptions, timeline::TimelineTabView};
+use nostrdb::{Filter, Ndb, Transaction};
+use notedeck::{Images, MuteFun, NoteCache, NoteRef};
+use std::time::{Duration, Instant};
+use tracing::{error, info, warn};
+mod state;
+pub use state::{SearchQueryState, SearchState};
+pub struct SearchView<'a> {
+ query: &'a mut SearchQueryState,
+ ndb: &'a Ndb,
+ note_options: NoteOptions,
+ txn: &'a Transaction,
+ note_cache: &'a mut NoteCache,
+ img_cache: &'a mut Images,
+ is_muted: &'a MuteFun,
+impl<'a> SearchView<'a> {
+ pub fn new(
+ ndb: &'a Ndb,
+ txn: &'a Transaction,
+ note_cache: &'a mut NoteCache,
+ img_cache: &'a mut Images,
+ is_muted: &'a MuteFun,
+ note_options: NoteOptions,
+ query: &'a mut SearchQueryState,
+ ) -> Self {
+ Self {
+ ndb,
+ txn,
+ note_cache,
+ img_cache,
+ is_muted,
+ query,
+ note_options,
+ }
+ }
+ pub fn show(&mut self, ui: &mut egui::Ui) {
+ padding(8.0, ui, |ui| {
+ self.show_impl(ui);
+ });
+ }
+ pub fn show_impl(&mut self, ui: &mut egui::Ui) {
+ ui.spacing_mut().item_spacing = egui::vec2(0.0, 12.0);
+ if search_box(self.query, ui) {
+ self.execute_search(ui.ctx());
+ }
+ match self.query.state {
+ SearchState::New => {}
+ SearchState::Searched | SearchState::Typing => {
+ if self.query.state == SearchState::Typing {
+ ui.label(format!("Searching for '{}'", &self.query.string));
+ } else {
+ ui.label(format!(
+ "Got {} results for '{}'",
+ self.query.notes.notes.len(),
+ &self.query.string
+ ));
+ }
+ egui::ScrollArea::vertical().show(ui, |ui| {
+ let reversed = false;
+ TimelineTabView::new(
+ &self.query.notes,
+ reversed,
+ self.note_options,
+ self.txn,
+ self.ndb,
+ self.note_cache,
+ self.img_cache,
+ self.is_muted,
+ )
+ .show(ui);
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ fn execute_search(&mut self, ctx: &egui::Context) {
+ if self.query.string.is_empty() {
+ return;
+ }
+ let max_results = 500;
+ let filter = Filter::new()
+ .search(&self.query.string)
+ .kinds([1])
+ .limit(max_results)
+ .build();
+ // TODO: execute in thread
+ let before = Instant::now();
+ let qrs = self.ndb.query(self.txn, &[filter], max_results as i32);
+ let after = Instant::now();
+ let duration = after - before;
+ if duration > Duration::from_millis(20) {
+ warn!(
+ "query took {:?}... let's update this to use a thread!",
+ after - before
+ );
+ }
+ match qrs {
+ Ok(qrs) => {
+ info!(
+ "queried '{}' and got {} results",
+ self.query.string,
+ qrs.len()
+ );
+ let note_refs = qrs.into_iter().map(NoteRef::from_query_result).collect();
+ self.query.notes.notes = note_refs;
+ self.query.notes.list.borrow_mut().reset();
+ ctx.request_repaint();
+ }
+ Err(err) => {
+ error!("fulltext query failed: {err}")
+ }
+ }
+ }
+fn search_box(query: &mut SearchQueryState, ui: &mut egui::Ui) -> bool {
+ ui.horizontal(|ui| {
+ // Container for search input and icon
+ let search_container = egui::Frame {
+ inner_margin: egui::Margin::symmetric(8.0, 0.0),
+ outer_margin: egui::Margin::ZERO,
+ rounding: Rounding::same(18.0), // More rounded corners
+ shadow: Default::default(),
+ fill: Color32::from_rgb(30, 30, 30), // Darker background to match screenshot
+ stroke: Stroke::new(1.0, Color32::from_rgb(60, 60, 60)),
+ };
+ search_container
+ .show(ui, |ui| {
+ // Use layout to align items vertically centered
+ ui.with_layout(egui::Layout::left_to_right(Align::Center), |ui| {
+ ui.spacing_mut().item_spacing = egui::vec2(8.0, 0.0);
+ let search_height = 34.0;
+ // Magnifying glass icon
+ ui.add(search_icon(16.0, search_height));
+ let before_len = query.string.len();
+ // Search input field
+ //let font_size = notedeck::fonts::get_font_size(ui.ctx(), &NotedeckTextStyle::Body);
+ ui.add_sized(
+ [ui.available_width(), search_height],
+ TextEdit::singleline(&mut query.string)
+ .hint_text(RichText::new("Search notes...").weak())
+ //.desired_width(available_width - 32.0)
+ //.font(egui::FontId::new(font_size, egui::FontFamily::Proportional))
+ .margin(vec2(0.0, 8.0))
+ .frame(false),
+ );
+ let after_len = query.string.len();
+ let changed = before_len != after_len;
+ if changed {
+ query.mark_updated();
+ }
+ // Execute search after debouncing
+ if query.should_search() {
+ query.mark_searched(SearchState::Searched);
+ true
+ } else {
+ false
+ }
+ })
+ .inner
+ })
+ .inner
+ })
+ .inner
+/// Creates a magnifying glass icon widget
+fn search_icon(size: f32, height: f32) -> impl egui::Widget {
+ move |ui: &mut egui::Ui| {
+ // Use the provided height parameter
+ let desired_size = vec2(size, height);
+ let (rect, response) = ui.allocate_exact_size(desired_size, egui::Sense::hover());
+ // Calculate center position - this ensures the icon is centered in its allocated space
+ let center_pos =;
+ let stroke = Stroke::new(1.5, Color32::from_rgb(150, 150, 150));
+ // Draw circle
+ let circle_radius = size * 0.35;
+ ui.painter()
+ .circle(center_pos, circle_radius, Color32::TRANSPARENT, stroke);
+ // Draw handle
+ let handle_start = center_pos + vec2(circle_radius * 0.7, circle_radius * 0.7);
+ let handle_end = handle_start + vec2(size * 0.25, size * 0.25);
+ ui.painter()
+ .line_segment([handle_start, handle_end], stroke);
+ response
+ }
diff --git a/crates/notedeck_columns/src/ui/search/ b/crates/notedeck_columns/src/ui/search/
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+use crate::timeline::TimelineTab;
+use notedeck::debouncer::Debouncer;
+use std::time::Duration;
+#[derive(Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
+pub enum SearchState {
+ Typing,
+ Searched,
+ New,
+/// Search query state that exists between frames
+pub struct SearchQueryState {
+ /// This holds our search query while we're updating it
+ pub string: String,
+ /// When the debouncer timer elapses, we execute the search and mark
+ /// our state as searchd. This will make sure we don't try to search
+ /// again next frames
+ pub state: SearchState,
+ /// When was the input updated? We use this to debounce searches
+ pub debouncer: Debouncer,
+ /// The search results
+ pub notes: TimelineTab,
+impl Default for SearchQueryState {
+ fn default() -> Self {
+ SearchQueryState::new()
+ }
+impl SearchQueryState {
+ pub fn new() -> Self {
+ Self {
+ string: "".to_string(),
+ state: SearchState::New,
+ notes: TimelineTab::default(),
+ debouncer: Debouncer::new(Duration::from_millis(200)),
+ }
+ }
+ pub fn should_search(&self) -> bool {
+ self.state == SearchState::Typing && self.debouncer.should_act()
+ }
+ /// Mark the search as updated. This will update our debouncer and clear
+ /// the searched flag, enabling us to search again. This should be
+ /// called when the search box changes
+ pub fn mark_updated(&mut self) {
+ self.state = SearchState::Typing;
+ self.debouncer.bounce();
+ }
+ /// Call this when you are about to do a search so that we don't try
+ /// to search again next frame
+ pub fn mark_searched(&mut self, state: SearchState) {
+ self.state = state;
+ }
diff --git a/crates/notedeck_columns/src/ b/crates/notedeck_columns/src/
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ use enostr::Pubkey;
use crate::deck_state::DeckState;
use crate::login_manager::AcquireKeyState;
use crate::profile_state::ProfileState;
+use crate::ui::search::SearchQueryState;
/// Various state for views
@@ -13,6 +14,7 @@ pub struct ViewState {
pub id_to_deck_state: HashMap<egui::Id, DeckState>,
pub id_state_map: HashMap<egui::Id, AcquireKeyState>,
pub id_string_map: HashMap<egui::Id, String>,
+ pub searches: HashMap<egui::Id, SearchQueryState>,
pub pubkey_to_profile_state: HashMap<Pubkey, ProfileState>,