
One damus client to rule them all
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commit 409e8c2e3a890b5b4d7553c023ad0144e842733a
parent 19bc37b0bc7a8b30947c8a3d585aad362cbbf25d
Author: William Casarin <>
Date:   Thu, 28 Nov 2024 09:15:29 -0800

icon: fix app icon

Updated to roberto's fixed icon, I also added some padding so that it
looks right int the app switcher.

Signed-off-by: William Casarin <>

Massets/app_icon.icns | 0
Aassets/damus-app-icon.png | 0
Aassets/damus-app-icon.svg | 261+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Dassets/damus_rounded_256.png | 0
Ascripts/ | 59+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Msrc/ | 4++--
6 files changed, 322 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/assets/app_icon.icns b/assets/app_icon.icns Binary files differ. diff --git a/assets/damus-app-icon.png b/assets/damus-app-icon.png Binary files differ. diff --git a/assets/damus-app-icon.svg b/assets/damus-app-icon.svg @@ -0,0 +1,261 @@ +<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?> +<svg + width="1024" + height="1024" + viewBox="0 0 1024 1024" + fill="none" + version="1.1" + id="svg21" + sodipodi:docname="damus-app-icon.svg" + inkscape:version="1.4 (e7c3feb1, 2024-10-09)" + xmlns:inkscape="" + xmlns:sodipodi="" + xmlns="" + xmlns:svg=""> + <sodipodi:namedview + id="namedview21" + pagecolor="#ffffff" + bordercolor="#000000" + borderopacity="0.25" + inkscape:showpageshadow="2" + inkscape:pageopacity="0.0" + inkscape:pagecheckerboard="0" + inkscape:deskcolor="#d1d1d1" + inkscape:zoom="0.2800591" + inkscape:cx="724.847" + inkscape:cy="724.847" + inkscape:window-width="1104" + inkscape:window-height="771" + inkscape:window-x="222" + inkscape:window-y="38" + inkscape:window-maximized="0" + inkscape:current-layer="svg21" /> + <g + id="g22" + transform="translate(-6.40822,-11.4789)"> + <g + filter="url(#filter0_dii_3010_339)" + id="g1" + transform="translate(96.40822,102.9789)" + inkscape:label="logo-bg"> + <path + fill-rule="evenodd" + clip-rule="evenodd" + d="m 834,256.627 c 0,-9.782 0.004,-19.565 -0.056,-29.348 -0.049,-8.241 -0.144,-16.48 -0.368,-24.717 -0.484,-17.953 -1.543,-36.06 -4.736,-53.813 C 825.602,130.741 820.314,113.98 811.981,97.6166 803.789,81.5337 793.088,66.8168 780.32,54.0578 767.555,41.2989 752.834,30.6049 736.746,22.4179 720.366,14.0829 703.587,8.79697 685.558,5.55998 667.803,2.37199 649.691,1.315 631.738,0.829997 623.495,0.606998 615.253,0.512998 607.008,0.461998 597.22,0.401999 587.432,0.406999 577.644,0.406999 L 463.997,0 h -85 L 267.361,0.406999 c -9.807,0 -19.614,-0.005 -29.421,0.054999 -8.262,0.051 -16.52,0.145 -24.779,0.367999 C 195.167,1.315 177.014,2.37299 159.217,5.56498 141.164,8.80097 124.36,14.0849 107.958,22.4139 91.8354,30.6019 77.0825,41.2969 64.2906,54.0578 51.5007,66.8158 40.7798,81.5297 32.5728,97.6096 24.2169,113.981 18.9189,130.752 15.673,148.77 c -3.196,17.746 -4.255,35.847 -4.742,53.792 -0.222,8.238 -0.318,16.477 -0.368,24.717 -0.06,9.784 -0.563,21.937 -0.563,31.72 l 0.003,110.09 -0.003,85.909 0.508,112.429 c 0,9.796 -0.004,19.592 0.055,29.388 0.05,8.252 0.146,16.502 0.369,24.751 0.486,17.976 1.547,36.109 4.746,53.886 3.2449,18.032 8.5419,34.817 16.8908,51.201 8.208,16.106 18.9309,30.842 31.7218,43.619 12.7909,12.777 27.5398,23.485 43.6594,31.684 16.412,8.346 33.224,13.639 51.288,16.88 17.789,3.193 35.936,4.252 53.923,4.737 8.259,0.223 16.518,0.318 24.78,0.368 9.807,0.06 19.613,0.056 29.42,0.056 L 380.006,824 h 85.211 l 112.427,-0.004 c 9.788,0 19.576,0.005 29.364,-0.055 8.245,-0.05 16.487,-0.145 24.73,-0.368 17.96,-0.486 36.078,-1.546 53.841,-4.741 18.018,-3.241 34.789,-8.532 51.16,-16.873 16.092,-8.198 30.815,-18.908 43.581,-31.687 12.766,-12.775 23.466,-27.509 31.658,-43.612 8.338,-16.392 13.626,-33.185 16.866,-51.229 3.19,-17.77 4.248,-35.896 4.733,-53.865 0.223,-8.25 0.318,-16.5 0.367,-24.751 0.061,-9.796 0.056,-19.592 0.056,-29.388 0,0 -0.006,-110.444 -0.006,-112.429 v -85.999 c 0,-1.466 0.006,-112.372 0.006,-112.372 z" + fill="url(#paint0_linear_3010_339)" + id="path1" + style="fill:url(#paint0_linear_3010_339)" /> + </g> + <g + id="g21" + inkscape:label="center-logo" + transform="translate(96.40822,99.978896)"> + <path + d="M 343.319,671.664 C 240,748.442 240,152 240,152 c 206.638,45.258 413.278,90.517 413.276,189.925 -0.003,99.409 -206.637,252.961 -309.957,329.739 z" + fill="url(#paint1_linear_3010_339)" + stroke="#ffffff" + stroke-width="30.3537" + id="path2" + style="fill:url(#paint1_linear_3010_339)" /> + <path + d="m 240.68,255.493 135.608,68.759 -36.29,-143.247 z" + fill="#ffffff" + fill-opacity="0.325424" + stroke="#ffffff" + stroke-width="6.07075" + id="path3" /> + <path + d="M 374.627,322.975 361.121,455.329 249.025,343.233 Z" + fill="#ffffff" + fill-opacity="0.274576" + stroke="#ffffff" + stroke-width="6.07075" + id="path4" /> + <path + d="M 373.276,323.65 461.738,210.879 540.07,330.403 Z" + fill="#ffffff" + fill-opacity="0.379661" + stroke="#ffffff" + stroke-width="6.07075" + id="path5" /> + <path + d="M 374.626,324.326 548.172,491.794 539.393,330.403 Z" + fill="#ffffff" + fill-opacity="0.447458" + stroke="#ffffff" + stroke-width="6.07075" + id="path6" /> + <path + d="M 360.445,454.654 548.847,493.145 375.301,324.326 Z" + fill="#ffffff" + fill-opacity="0.20678" + stroke="#ffffff" + stroke-width="6.07075" + id="path7" /> + <path + d="m 360.446,454.654 -86.435,99.941 189.752,22.959 z" + fill="#ffffff" + fill-opacity="0.244068" + stroke="#ffffff" + stroke-width="6.07075" + id="path8" /> + <path + d="m 540.069,330.403 90.487,71.579 -39.841,-140.457 z" + fill="#ffffff" + fill-opacity="0.216949" + stroke="#ffffff" + stroke-width="6.07075" + id="path9" /> + <path + d="m 360.702,460.732 c 3.356,0 6.077,-2.721 6.077,-6.078 0,-3.356 -2.721,-6.077 -6.077,-6.077 -3.357,0 -6.078,2.721 -6.078,6.077 0,3.357 2.721,6.078 6.078,6.078 z" + fill="#ffffff" + id="path10" /> + <path + d="m 374.882,329.728 c 3.357,0 6.078,-2.721 6.078,-6.078 0,-3.356 -2.721,-6.077 -6.078,-6.077 -3.356,0 -6.077,2.721 -6.077,6.077 0,3.357 2.721,6.078 6.077,6.078 z" + fill="#ffffff" + id="path11" /> + <path + d="m 539.905,336.225 c 3.356,0 6.077,-2.721 6.077,-6.077 0,-3.357 -2.721,-6.078 -6.077,-6.078 -3.357,0 -6.078,2.721 -6.078,6.078 0,3.356 2.721,6.077 6.078,6.077 z" + fill="#ffffff" + id="path12" /> + </g> + </g> + <defs + id="defs21"> + <filter + id="filter0_dii_3010_339" + x="0" + y="-3" + width="844" + height="847" + filterUnits="userSpaceOnUse" + color-interpolation-filters="sRGB"> + <feFlood + flood-opacity="0" + result="BackgroundImageFix" + id="feFlood12" /> + <feColorMatrix + in="SourceAlpha" + type="matrix" + values="0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 127 0" + result="hardAlpha" + id="feColorMatrix12" /> + 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result="effect2_innerShadow_3010_339" + id="feBlend15" /> + <feColorMatrix + in="SourceAlpha" + type="matrix" + values="0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 127 0" + result="hardAlpha" + id="feColorMatrix16" /> + <feOffset + dy="-3" + id="feOffset16" /> + <feGaussianBlur + stdDeviation="2" + id="feGaussianBlur16" /> + <feComposite + in2="hardAlpha" + operator="arithmetic" + k2="-1" + k3="1" + id="feComposite16" + k1="0" + k4="0" /> + <feColorMatrix + type="matrix" + values="0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.25 0" + id="feColorMatrix17" /> + <feBlend + mode="normal" + in2="effect2_innerShadow_3010_339" + result="effect3_innerShadow_3010_339" + id="feBlend17" /> + </filter> + <linearGradient + id="paint0_linear_3010_339" + x1="42.405701" + y1="800.86902" + x2="803.62" + y2="23.1313" + gradientUnits="userSpaceOnUse"> + <stop + stop-color="#1C55FF" + id="stop17" /> + <stop + offset="0.5" + stop-color="#7F35AB" + id="stop18" /> + <stop + offset="1" + stop-color="#FF0BD6" + id="stop19" /> + </linearGradient> + <linearGradient + id="paint1_linear_3010_339" + x1="224.823" + y1="410.40201" + x2="668.45203" + y2="410.40201" + gradientUnits="userSpaceOnUse" + gradientTransform="translate(0,3)"> + <stop + stop-color="#0DE8FF" + stop-opacity="0.780822" + id="stop20" /> + <stop + offset="1" + stop-color="#D600FC" + stop-opacity="0.954338" + id="stop21" /> + </linearGradient> + </defs> +</svg> diff --git a/assets/damus_rounded_256.png b/assets/damus_rounded_256.png Binary files differ. diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/ @@ -0,0 +1,59 @@ +#!/bin/bash + +# Exit on error +set -e + +# Check dependencies +if ! command -v inkscape &> /dev/null; then + echo "Error: Inkscape is required but not installed. Install it and try again." + exit 1 +fi + +if ! command -v iconutil &> /dev/null; then + echo "Error: iconutil is required but not installed. This tool is available only on macOS." + exit 1 +fi + +# Check input arguments +if [ "$#" -ne 2 ]; then + echo "Usage: $0 input.svg output.icns" + exit 1 +fi + +INPUT_SVG=$1 +OUTPUT_ICNS=$2 +TEMP_DIR=$(mktemp -d) + +# Create the iconset directory +ICONSET_DIR="$TEMP_DIR/icon.iconset" +mkdir "$ICONSET_DIR" + +# Define sizes and export PNGs +SIZES=( + "16 icon_16x16.png" + "32 icon_16x16@2x.png" + "32 icon_32x32.png" + "64 icon_32x32@2x.png" + "128 icon_128x128.png" + "256 icon_128x128@2x.png" + "256 icon_256x256.png" + "512 icon_256x256@2x.png" + "512 icon_512x512.png" + "1024 icon_512x512@2x.png" +) + +echo "Converting SVG to PNGs..." +for size_entry in "${SIZES[@]}"; do + size=${size_entry%% *} + filename=${size_entry#* } + inkscape -w $size -h $size "$INPUT_SVG" -o "$ICONSET_DIR/$filename" +done + +# Convert to ICNS +echo "Generating ICNS file..." +iconutil -c icns -o "$OUTPUT_ICNS" "$ICONSET_DIR" + +# Clean up +rm -rf "$TEMP_DIR" + +echo "Done! ICNS file saved to $OUTPUT_ICNS" diff --git a/src/ b/src/ @@ -47,8 +47,8 @@ fn generate_native_options_with_builder_modifiers( } } -pub fn app_icon() -> &'static [u8; 192739] { - std::include_bytes!("../assets/damus_rounded_256.png") +pub fn app_icon() -> &'static [u8; 271986] { + std::include_bytes!("../assets/damus-app-icon.png") } pub fn generate_mobile_emulator_native_options() -> eframe::NativeOptions {