
One damus client to rule them all
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      1 use egui::{vec2, Button, Label, Layout, RichText};
      2 use tracing::error;
      4 use crate::{
      5     app_style::{get_font_size, NotedeckTextStyle},
      6     colors::PINK,
      7     fonts::NamedFontFamily,
      8     support::Support,
      9 };
     11 use super::padding;
     13 pub struct SupportView<'a> {
     14     support: &'a mut Support,
     15 }
     17 impl<'a> SupportView<'a> {
     18     pub fn new(support: &'a mut Support) -> Self {
     19         Self { support }
     20     }
     22     pub fn show(&mut self, ui: &mut egui::Ui) {
     23         padding(8.0, ui, |ui| {
     24             ui.spacing_mut().item_spacing = egui::vec2(0.0, 8.0);
     25             let font = egui::FontId::new(
     26                 get_font_size(ui.ctx(), &NotedeckTextStyle::Body),
     27                 egui::FontFamily::Name(NamedFontFamily::Bold.as_str().into()),
     28             );
     29             ui.add(Label::new(RichText::new("Running into a bug?").font(font)));
     30             ui.label(RichText::new("Step 1").text_style(NotedeckTextStyle::Heading3.text_style()));
     31             padding(8.0, ui, |ui| {
     32                 ui.label("Open your default email client to get help from the Damus team");
     33                 let size = vec2(120.0, 40.0);
     34                 ui.allocate_ui_with_layout(size, Layout::top_down(egui::Align::Center), |ui| {
     35                     let font_size = get_font_size(ui.ctx(), &NotedeckTextStyle::Body);
     36                     let button_resp = ui.add(open_email_button(font_size, size));
     37                     if button_resp.clicked() {
     38                         if let Err(e) = open::that( {
     39                             error!(
     40                                 "Failed to open URL {} because: {}",
     41                       ,
     42                                 e
     43                             );
     44                         };
     45                     };
     46                     button_resp.on_hover_text_at_pointer(;
     47                 })
     48             });
     50             ui.add_space(8.0);
     52             if let Some(logs) = {
     53                 ui.label(
     54                     RichText::new("Step 2").text_style(NotedeckTextStyle::Heading3.text_style()),
     55                 );
     56                 let size = vec2(80.0, 40.0);
     57                 let copy_button = Button::new(
     58                     RichText::new("Copy").size(get_font_size(ui.ctx(), &NotedeckTextStyle::Body)),
     59                 )
     60                 .fill(PINK)
     61                 .min_size(size);
     62                 padding(8.0, ui, |ui| {
     63                     ui.add(Label::new("Press the button below to copy your most recent logs to your system's clipboard. Then paste it into your email.").wrap());
     64                     ui.allocate_ui_with_layout(size, Layout::top_down(egui::Align::Center), |ui| {
     65                         if ui.add(copy_button).clicked() {
     66                             ui.output_mut(|w| {
     67                                 w.copied_text = logs.to_string();
     68                             });
     69                         }
     70                     });
     71                 });
     72             } else {
     73                 ui.label(
     74                     egui::RichText::new("ERROR: Could not find logs on system")
     75                         .color(egui::Color32::RED),
     76                 );
     77             }
     78             ui.label(format!("Notedeck {}", env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION")));
     79             ui.label(format!("Commit hash: {}", env!("GIT_COMMIT_HASH")));
     80         });
     81     }
     82 }
     84 fn open_email_button(font_size: f32, size: egui::Vec2) -> impl egui::Widget {
     85     Button::new(RichText::new("Open Email").size(font_size))
     86         .fill(PINK)
     87         .min_size(size)
     88 }