
One damus client to rule them all
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      1 use std::collections::HashMap;
      3 use enostr::{Filter, RelayPool};
      4 use nostrdb::{Ndb, Transaction};
      5 use notedeck::{NoteCache, NoteRef, NoteRefsUnkIdAction};
      6 use tracing::{debug, info, warn};
      8 use crate::{
      9     actionbar::NotesHolderResult, multi_subscriber::MultiSubscriber, timeline::TimelineTab, Error,
     10     Result,
     11 };
     13 pub struct NotesHolderStorage<M: NotesHolder> {
     14     pub id_to_object: HashMap<[u8; 32], M>,
     15 }
     17 impl<M: NotesHolder> Default for NotesHolderStorage<M> {
     18     fn default() -> Self {
     19         NotesHolderStorage {
     20             id_to_object: HashMap::new(),
     21         }
     22     }
     23 }
     25 pub enum Vitality<'a, M> {
     26     Fresh(&'a mut M),
     27     Stale(&'a mut M),
     28 }
     30 impl<'a, M> Vitality<'a, M> {
     31     pub fn get_ptr(self) -> &'a mut M {
     32         match self {
     33             Self::Fresh(ptr) => ptr,
     34             Self::Stale(ptr) => ptr,
     35         }
     36     }
     38     pub fn is_stale(&self) -> bool {
     39         match self {
     40             Self::Fresh(_ptr) => false,
     41             Self::Stale(_ptr) => true,
     42         }
     43     }
     44 }
     46 impl<M: NotesHolder> NotesHolderStorage<M> {
     47     pub fn notes_holder_expected_mut(&mut self, id: &[u8; 32]) -> &mut M {
     48         self.id_to_object
     49             .get_mut(id)
     50             .expect("notes_holder_expected_mut used but there was no NotesHolder")
     51     }
     53     pub fn notes_holder_mutated<'a>(
     54         &'a mut self,
     55         ndb: &Ndb,
     56         note_cache: &mut NoteCache,
     57         txn: &Transaction,
     58         id: &[u8; 32],
     59     ) -> Vitality<'a, M> {
     60         // we can't use the naive hashmap entry API here because lookups
     61         // require a copy, wait until we have a raw entry api. We could
     62         // also use hashbrown?
     64         if self.id_to_object.contains_key(id) {
     65             return Vitality::Stale(self.notes_holder_expected_mut(id));
     66         }
     68         // we don't have the note holder, query for it!
     69         let filters = M::filters(id);
     71         let notes = if let Ok(results) = ndb.query(txn, &filters, 1000) {
     72             results
     73                 .into_iter()
     74                 .map(NoteRef::from_query_result)
     75                 .collect()
     76         } else {
     77             debug!(
     78                 "got no results from NotesHolder lookup for {}",
     79                 hex::encode(id)
     80             );
     81             vec![]
     82         };
     84         if notes.is_empty() {
     85             warn!("NotesHolder query returned 0 notes? ")
     86         } else {
     87             info!("found NotesHolder with {} notes", notes.len());
     88         }
     90         self.id_to_object.insert(
     91             id.to_owned(),
     92             M::new_notes_holder(txn, ndb, note_cache, id, M::filters(id), notes),
     93         );
     94         Vitality::Fresh(self.id_to_object.get_mut(id).unwrap())
     95     }
     96 }
     98 pub trait NotesHolder {
     99     fn get_multi_subscriber(&mut self) -> Option<&mut MultiSubscriber>;
    100     fn set_multi_subscriber(&mut self, subscriber: MultiSubscriber);
    101     fn get_view(&mut self) -> &mut TimelineTab;
    102     fn filters(for_id: &[u8; 32]) -> Vec<Filter>;
    103     fn filters_since(for_id: &[u8; 32], since: u64) -> Vec<Filter>;
    104     fn new_notes_holder(
    105         txn: &Transaction,
    106         ndb: &Ndb,
    107         note_cache: &mut NoteCache,
    108         id: &[u8; 32],
    109         filters: Vec<Filter>,
    110         notes: Vec<NoteRef>,
    111     ) -> Self;
    113     #[must_use = "process_action must be handled in the Ok(action) case"]
    114     fn poll_notes_into_view(
    115         &mut self,
    116         txn: &Transaction,
    117         ndb: &Ndb,
    118     ) -> Result<NoteRefsUnkIdAction> {
    119         if let Some(multi_subscriber) = self.get_multi_subscriber() {
    120             let reversed = true;
    121             let note_refs: Vec<NoteRef> = multi_subscriber.poll_for_notes(ndb, txn)?;
    122             self.get_view().insert(&note_refs, reversed);
    123             Ok(NoteRefsUnkIdAction::new(note_refs))
    124         } else {
    125             Err(Error::Generic(
    126                 "NotesHolder unexpectedly has no MultiSubscriber".to_owned(),
    127             ))
    128         }
    129     }
    131     /// Look for new thread notes since our last fetch
    132     fn new_notes(notes: &[NoteRef], id: &[u8; 32], txn: &Transaction, ndb: &Ndb) -> Vec<NoteRef> {
    133         if notes.is_empty() {
    134             return vec![];
    135         }
    137         let last_note = notes[0];
    138         let filters = Self::filters_since(id, last_note.created_at + 1);
    140         if let Ok(results) = ndb.query(txn, &filters, 1000) {
    141             debug!("got {} results from NotesHolder update", results.len());
    142             results
    143                 .into_iter()
    144                 .map(NoteRef::from_query_result)
    145                 .collect()
    146         } else {
    147             debug!("got no results from NotesHolder update",);
    148             vec![]
    149         }
    150     }
    152     /// Local NotesHolder unsubscribe
    153     fn unsubscribe_locally<M: NotesHolder>(
    154         txn: &Transaction,
    155         ndb: &mut Ndb,
    156         note_cache: &mut NoteCache,
    157         notes_holder_storage: &mut NotesHolderStorage<M>,
    158         pool: &mut RelayPool,
    159         id: &[u8; 32],
    160     ) {
    161         let notes_holder = notes_holder_storage
    162             .notes_holder_mutated(ndb, note_cache, txn, id)
    163             .get_ptr();
    165         if let Some(multi_subscriber) = notes_holder.get_multi_subscriber() {
    166             multi_subscriber.unsubscribe(ndb, pool);
    167         }
    168     }
    170     fn open<M: NotesHolder>(
    171         ndb: &Ndb,
    172         note_cache: &mut NoteCache,
    173         txn: &Transaction,
    174         pool: &mut RelayPool,
    175         storage: &mut NotesHolderStorage<M>,
    176         id: &[u8; 32],
    177     ) -> Option<NotesHolderResult> {
    178         let vitality = storage.notes_holder_mutated(ndb, note_cache, txn, id);
    180         let (holder, result) = match vitality {
    181             Vitality::Stale(holder) => {
    182                 // The NotesHolder is stale, let's update it
    183                 let notes = M::new_notes(&holder.get_view().notes, id, txn, ndb);
    184                 let holder_result = if notes.is_empty() {
    185                     None
    186                 } else {
    187                     Some(NotesHolderResult::new_notes(notes, id.to_owned()))
    188                 };
    190                 //
    191                 // we can't insert and update the VirtualList now, because we
    192                 // are already borrowing it mutably. Let's pass it as a
    193                 // result instead
    194                 //
    195                 // holder.get_view().insert(&notes); <-- no
    196                 //
    197                 (holder, holder_result)
    198             }
    200             Vitality::Fresh(thread) => (thread, None),
    201         };
    203         let multi_subscriber = if let Some(multi_subscriber) = holder.get_multi_subscriber() {
    204             multi_subscriber
    205         } else {
    206             let filters = M::filters(id);
    207             holder.set_multi_subscriber(MultiSubscriber::new(filters));
    208             holder.get_multi_subscriber().unwrap()
    209         };
    211         multi_subscriber.subscribe(ndb, pool);
    213         result
    214     }
    215 }