
One damus client to rule them all
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      1 use egui::{pos2, Color32, ColorImage, Rect, Sense, SizeHint, TextureHandle};
      2 use image::imageops::FilterType;
      3 use notedeck::ImageCache;
      4 use notedeck::Result;
      5 use poll_promise::Promise;
      6 use std::path;
      7 use std::path::PathBuf;
      8 use tokio::fs;
     10 //pub type ImageCacheKey = String;
     11 //pub type ImageCacheValue = Promise<Result<TextureHandle>>;
     12 //pub type ImageCache = HashMap<String, ImageCacheValue>;
     14 // NOTE(jb55): chatgpt wrote this because I was too dumb to
     15 pub fn aspect_fill(
     16     ui: &mut egui::Ui,
     17     sense: Sense,
     18     texture_id: egui::TextureId,
     19     aspect_ratio: f32,
     20 ) -> egui::Response {
     21     let frame = ui.available_rect_before_wrap(); // Get the available frame space in the current layout
     22     let frame_ratio = frame.width() / frame.height();
     24     let (width, height) = if frame_ratio > aspect_ratio {
     25         // Frame is wider than the content
     26         (frame.width(), frame.width() / aspect_ratio)
     27     } else {
     28         // Frame is taller than the content
     29         (frame.height() * aspect_ratio, frame.height())
     30     };
     32     let content_rect = Rect::from_min_size(
     33         frame.min
     34             + egui::vec2(
     35                 (frame.width() - width) / 2.0,
     36                 (frame.height() - height) / 2.0,
     37             ),
     38         egui::vec2(width, height),
     39     );
     41     // Set the clipping rectangle to the frame
     42     //let clip_rect = ui.clip_rect(); // Preserve the original clipping rectangle
     43     //ui.set_clip_rect(frame);
     45     let uv = Rect::from_min_max(pos2(0.0, 0.0), pos2(1.0, 1.0));
     47     let (response, painter) = ui.allocate_painter(ui.available_size(), sense);
     49     // Draw the texture within the calculated rect, potentially clipping it
     50     painter.rect_filled(content_rect, 0.0, ui.ctx().style().visuals.window_fill());
     51     painter.image(texture_id, content_rect, uv, Color32::WHITE);
     53     // Restore the original clipping rectangle
     54     //ui.set_clip_rect(clip_rect);
     55     response
     56 }
     58 pub fn round_image(image: &mut ColorImage) {
     59     #[cfg(feature = "profiling")]
     60     puffin::profile_function!();
     62     // The radius to the edge of of the avatar circle
     63     let edge_radius = image.size[0] as f32 / 2.0;
     64     let edge_radius_squared = edge_radius * edge_radius;
     66     for (pixnum, pixel) in image.pixels.iter_mut().enumerate() {
     67         // y coordinate
     68         let uy = pixnum / image.size[0];
     69         let y = uy as f32;
     70         let y_offset = edge_radius - y;
     72         // x coordinate
     73         let ux = pixnum % image.size[0];
     74         let x = ux as f32;
     75         let x_offset = edge_radius - x;
     77         // The radius to this pixel (may be inside or outside the circle)
     78         let pixel_radius_squared: f32 = x_offset * x_offset + y_offset * y_offset;
     80         // If inside of the avatar circle
     81         if pixel_radius_squared <= edge_radius_squared {
     82             // squareroot to find how many pixels we are from the edge
     83             let pixel_radius: f32 = pixel_radius_squared.sqrt();
     84             let distance = edge_radius - pixel_radius;
     86             // If we are within 1 pixel of the edge, we should fade, to
     87             // antialias the edge of the circle. 1 pixel from the edge should
     88             // be 100% of the original color, and right on the edge should be
     89             // 0% of the original color.
     90             if distance <= 1.0 {
     91                 *pixel = Color32::from_rgba_premultiplied(
     92                     (pixel.r() as f32 * distance) as u8,
     93                     (pixel.g() as f32 * distance) as u8,
     94                     (pixel.b() as f32 * distance) as u8,
     95                     (pixel.a() as f32 * distance) as u8,
     96                 );
     97             }
     98         } else {
     99             // Outside of the avatar circle
    100             *pixel = Color32::TRANSPARENT;
    101         }
    102     }
    103 }
    105 fn process_pfp_bitmap(imgtyp: ImageType, image: &mut image::DynamicImage) -> ColorImage {
    106     #[cfg(feature = "profiling")]
    107     puffin::profile_function!();
    109     match imgtyp {
    110         ImageType::Content(w, h) => {
    111             let image = image.resize(w, h, FilterType::CatmullRom); // DynamicImage
    112             let image_buffer = image.into_rgba8(); // RgbaImage (ImageBuffer)
    113             let color_image = ColorImage::from_rgba_unmultiplied(
    114                 [
    115                     image_buffer.width() as usize,
    116                     image_buffer.height() as usize,
    117                 ],
    118                 image_buffer.as_flat_samples().as_slice(),
    119             );
    120             color_image
    121         }
    122         ImageType::Profile(size) => {
    123             // Crop square
    124             let smaller = image.width().min(image.height());
    126             if image.width() > smaller {
    127                 let excess = image.width() - smaller;
    128                 *image = image.crop_imm(excess / 2, 0, image.width() - excess, image.height());
    129             } else if image.height() > smaller {
    130                 let excess = image.height() - smaller;
    131                 *image = image.crop_imm(0, excess / 2, image.width(), image.height() - excess);
    132             }
    133             let image = image.resize(size, size, FilterType::CatmullRom); // DynamicImage
    134             let image_buffer = image.into_rgba8(); // RgbaImage (ImageBuffer)
    135             let mut color_image = ColorImage::from_rgba_unmultiplied(
    136                 [
    137                     image_buffer.width() as usize,
    138                     image_buffer.height() as usize,
    139                 ],
    140                 image_buffer.as_flat_samples().as_slice(),
    141             );
    142             round_image(&mut color_image);
    143             color_image
    144         }
    145     }
    146 }
    148 fn parse_img_response(response: ehttp::Response, imgtyp: ImageType) -> Result<ColorImage> {
    149     #[cfg(feature = "profiling")]
    150     puffin::profile_function!();
    152     let content_type = response.content_type().unwrap_or_default();
    153     let size_hint = match imgtyp {
    154         ImageType::Profile(size) => SizeHint::Size(size, size),
    155         ImageType::Content(w, h) => SizeHint::Size(w, h),
    156     };
    158     if content_type.starts_with("image/svg") {
    159         #[cfg(feature = "profiling")]
    160         puffin::profile_scope!("load_svg");
    162         let mut color_image =
    163             egui_extras::image::load_svg_bytes_with_size(&response.bytes, Some(size_hint))?;
    164         round_image(&mut color_image);
    165         Ok(color_image)
    166     } else if content_type.starts_with("image/") {
    167         #[cfg(feature = "profiling")]
    168         puffin::profile_scope!("load_from_memory");
    169         let mut dyn_image = image::load_from_memory(&response.bytes)?;
    170         Ok(process_pfp_bitmap(imgtyp, &mut dyn_image))
    171     } else {
    172         Err(format!("Expected image, found content-type {:?}", content_type).into())
    173     }
    174 }
    176 fn fetch_img_from_disk(
    177     ctx: &egui::Context,
    178     url: &str,
    179     path: &path::Path,
    180 ) -> Promise<Result<TextureHandle>> {
    181     let ctx = ctx.clone();
    182     let url = url.to_owned();
    183     let path = path.to_owned();
    184     Promise::spawn_async(async move {
    185         let data = fs::read(path).await?;
    186         let image_buffer = image::load_from_memory(&data).map_err(notedeck::Error::Image)?;
    188         // TODO: remove unwrap here
    189         let flat_samples = image_buffer.as_flat_samples_u8().unwrap();
    190         let img = ColorImage::from_rgba_unmultiplied(
    191             [
    192                 image_buffer.width() as usize,
    193                 image_buffer.height() as usize,
    194             ],
    195             flat_samples.as_slice(),
    196         );
    198         Ok(ctx.load_texture(&url, img, Default::default()))
    199     })
    200 }
    202 pub fn fetch_binary_from_disk(path: PathBuf) -> Result<Vec<u8>> {
    203     std::fs::read(path).map_err(|e| notedeck::Error::Generic(e.to_string()))
    204 }
    206 /// Controls type-specific handling
    207 #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
    208 pub enum ImageType {
    209     /// Profile Image (size)
    210     Profile(u32),
    211     /// Content Image (width, height)
    212     Content(u32, u32),
    213 }
    215 pub fn fetch_img(
    216     img_cache: &ImageCache,
    217     ctx: &egui::Context,
    218     url: &str,
    219     imgtyp: ImageType,
    220 ) -> Promise<Result<TextureHandle>> {
    221     let key = ImageCache::key(url);
    222     let path = img_cache.cache_dir.join(key);
    224     if path.exists() {
    225         fetch_img_from_disk(ctx, url, &path)
    226     } else {
    227         fetch_img_from_net(&img_cache.cache_dir, ctx, url, imgtyp)
    228     }
    230     // TODO: fetch image from local cache
    231 }
    233 fn fetch_img_from_net(
    234     cache_path: &path::Path,
    235     ctx: &egui::Context,
    236     url: &str,
    237     imgtyp: ImageType,
    238 ) -> Promise<Result<TextureHandle>> {
    239     let (sender, promise) = Promise::new();
    240     let request = ehttp::Request::get(url);
    241     let ctx = ctx.clone();
    242     let cloned_url = url.to_owned();
    243     let cache_path = cache_path.to_owned();
    244     ehttp::fetch(request, move |response| {
    245         let handle = response
    246             .map_err(notedeck::Error::Generic)
    247             .and_then(|resp| parse_img_response(resp, imgtyp))
    248             .map(|img| {
    249                 let texture_handle = ctx.load_texture(&cloned_url, img.clone(), Default::default());
    251                 // write to disk
    252                 std::thread::spawn(move || ImageCache::write(&cache_path, &cloned_url, img));
    254                 texture_handle
    255             });
    257         sender.send(handle); // send the results back to the UI thread.
    258         ctx.request_repaint();
    259     });
    261     promise
    262 }