
One damus client to rule them all
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      1 use egui::{style::Interaction, Color32, FontId, Style, Visuals};
      2 use notedeck::{ColorTheme, NotedeckTextStyle};
      3 use strum::IntoEnumIterator;
      5 pub const PURPLE: Color32 = Color32::from_rgb(0xCC, 0x43, 0xC5);
      6 const PURPLE_ALT: Color32 = Color32::from_rgb(0x82, 0x56, 0xDD);
      7 //pub const DARK_BG: Color32 = egui::Color32::from_rgb(40, 44, 52);
      8 pub const GRAY_SECONDARY: Color32 = Color32::from_rgb(0x8A, 0x8A, 0x8A);
      9 const BLACK: Color32 = Color32::from_rgb(0x00, 0x00, 0x00);
     10 const RED_700: Color32 = Color32::from_rgb(0xC7, 0x37, 0x5A);
     11 const ORANGE_700: Color32 = Color32::from_rgb(0xF6, 0xB1, 0x4A);
     13 // BACKGROUNDS
     14 const SEMI_DARKER_BG: Color32 = Color32::from_rgb(0x39, 0x39, 0x39);
     15 const DARKER_BG: Color32 = Color32::from_rgb(0x1F, 0x1F, 0x1F);
     16 const DARK_BG: Color32 = Color32::from_rgb(0x2C, 0x2C, 0x2C);
     17 const DARK_ISH_BG: Color32 = Color32::from_rgb(0x25, 0x25, 0x25);
     18 const SEMI_DARK_BG: Color32 = Color32::from_rgb(0x44, 0x44, 0x44);
     20 const LIGHTER_GRAY: Color32 = Color32::from_rgb(0xf8, 0xf8, 0xf8);
     21 const LIGHT_GRAY: Color32 = Color32::from_rgb(0xc8, 0xc8, 0xc8); // 78%
     22 const DARKER_GRAY: Color32 = Color32::from_rgb(0xa5, 0xa5, 0xa5); // 65%
     23 const EVEN_DARKER_GRAY: Color32 = Color32::from_rgb(0x89, 0x89, 0x89); // 54%
     25 pub fn desktop_dark_color_theme() -> ColorTheme {
     26     ColorTheme {
     27         // VISUALS
     28         panel_fill: DARKER_BG,
     29         extreme_bg_color: DARK_ISH_BG,
     30         text_color: Color32::WHITE,
     31         err_fg_color: RED_700,
     32         warn_fg_color: ORANGE_700,
     33         hyperlink_color: PURPLE,
     34         selection_color: PURPLE_ALT,
     36         // WINDOW
     37         window_fill: DARK_ISH_BG,
     38         window_stroke_color: DARK_BG,
     40         // NONINTERACTIVE WIDGET
     41         noninteractive_bg_fill: DARK_ISH_BG,
     42         noninteractive_weak_bg_fill: DARK_BG,
     43         noninteractive_bg_stroke_color: SEMI_DARKER_BG,
     44         noninteractive_fg_stroke_color: GRAY_SECONDARY,
     46         // INACTIVE WIDGET
     47         inactive_bg_stroke_color: SEMI_DARKER_BG,
     48         inactive_bg_fill: Color32::from_rgb(0x25, 0x25, 0x25),
     49         inactive_weak_bg_fill: SEMI_DARK_BG,
     50     }
     51 }
     53 pub fn mobile_dark_color_theme() -> ColorTheme {
     54     ColorTheme {
     55         panel_fill: Color32::BLACK,
     56         noninteractive_weak_bg_fill: Color32::from_rgb(0x1F, 0x1F, 0x1F),
     57         ..desktop_dark_color_theme()
     58     }
     59 }
     61 pub fn light_color_theme() -> ColorTheme {
     62     ColorTheme {
     63         // VISUALS
     64         panel_fill: Color32::WHITE,
     65         extreme_bg_color: LIGHTER_GRAY,
     66         text_color: BLACK,
     67         err_fg_color: RED_700,
     68         warn_fg_color: ORANGE_700,
     69         hyperlink_color: PURPLE,
     70         selection_color: PURPLE_ALT,
     72         // WINDOW
     73         window_fill: Color32::WHITE,
     74         window_stroke_color: DARKER_GRAY,
     76         // NONINTERACTIVE WIDGET
     77         noninteractive_bg_fill: Color32::WHITE,
     78         noninteractive_weak_bg_fill: LIGHTER_GRAY,
     79         noninteractive_bg_stroke_color: LIGHT_GRAY,
     80         noninteractive_fg_stroke_color: GRAY_SECONDARY,
     82         // INACTIVE WIDGET
     83         inactive_bg_stroke_color: EVEN_DARKER_GRAY,
     84         inactive_bg_fill: LIGHTER_GRAY,
     85         inactive_weak_bg_fill: EVEN_DARKER_GRAY,
     86     }
     87 }
     89 pub fn light_mode() -> Visuals {
     90     notedeck::theme::create_themed_visuals(light_color_theme(), Visuals::light())
     91 }
     93 pub fn dark_mode(is_oled: bool) -> Visuals {
     94     notedeck::theme::create_themed_visuals(
     95         if is_oled {
     96             mobile_dark_color_theme()
     97         } else {
     98             desktop_dark_color_theme()
     99         },
    100         Visuals::dark(),
    101     )
    102 }
    104 /// Create custom text sizes for any FontSizes
    105 pub fn add_custom_style(is_mobile: bool, style: &mut Style) {
    106     let font_size = if is_mobile {
    107         notedeck::fonts::mobile_font_size
    108     } else {
    109         notedeck::fonts::desktop_font_size
    110     };
    112     style.text_styles = NotedeckTextStyle::iter()
    113         .map(|text_style| {
    114             (
    115                 text_style.text_style(),
    116                 FontId::new(font_size(&text_style), text_style.font_family()),
    117             )
    118         })
    119         .collect();
    121     style.interaction = Interaction {
    122         tooltip_delay: 0.1,
    123         show_tooltips_only_when_still: false,
    124         ..Interaction::default()
    125     };
    127     // debug: show callstack for the current widget on hover if all
    128     // modifier keys are pressed down.
    129     #[cfg(feature = "debug-widget-callstack")]
    130     {
    131         #[cfg(not(debug_assertions))]
    132         compile_error!(
    133             "The `debug-widget-callstack` feature requires a debug build, \
    134              release builds are unsupported."
    135         );
    136         style.debug.debug_on_hover_with_all_modifiers = true;
    137     }
    139     // debug: show an overlay on all interactive widgets
    140     #[cfg(feature = "debug-interactive-widgets")]
    141     {
    142         #[cfg(not(debug_assertions))]
    143         compile_error!(
    144             "The `debug-interactive-widgets` feature requires a debug build, \
    145              release builds are unsupported."
    146         );
    147         style.debug.show_interactive_widgets = true;
    148     }
    149 }