commit e92daf8cb89205df88db709cbaa4904a7203fc3c
parent 2cf0249aea8dab6f382fa88a9c420fd7ec863a6b
Author: William Casarin <>
Date: Fri, 5 Jan 2024 14:38:17 -0800
"next up" ephemeral event
M | viscal.c | | | 47 | +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ |
1 file changed, 47 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
diff --git a/viscal.c b/viscal.c
@@ -2497,6 +2497,51 @@ static void draw_current_minute(cairo_t *cr, struct cal *cal)
cairo_set_source_rgb (cr, col, col, col);
+// draw until-next ephemeral event. This even appears when you have no
+// event but an upcoming event. It allows you to see how much time is left
+// until the next one, etc
+static void draw_ephemeral_event(cairo_t *cr, struct cal *cal)
+ static const char *summary = "Until Next";
+ struct event *ev;
+ double sx, sy, height;
+ time_t st, et;
+ int ind;
+ int is_date = 0;
+ int is_selected = 0;
+ time(&st);
+ sy = calendar_time_to_loc_absolute(cal, st);
+ sx = cal->x;
+ // if we don't have an upcoming event, don't bother
+ if (-1 == (ind = find_closest_event(cal, st, 1)))
+ return;
+ ev = &cal->events[ind];
+ vevent_span_timet(ev->vevent, &et, NULL);
+ ind = query_span(cal, ind, st, et, 0, 0);
+ // something is already here
+ //if (ind != -1)
+ //return;
+ //
+ if (et - st < 300)
+ return;
+ height = calendar_time_to_loc_absolute(cal, et) - sy;
+ cairo_move_to(cr, sx, sy);
+ cairo_set_source_rgba(cr, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.2);
+ draw_rectangle(cr, cal->width, height);
+ cairo_fill(cr);
+ draw_event_summary(cr, cal, st, et, is_date, is_selected,
+ height, summary, NULL, sx, sy, ((union rgba){ 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 1.0 }));
static int
draw_calendar (cairo_t *cr, struct cal *cal) {
int i, width, height;
@@ -2519,6 +2564,8 @@ draw_calendar (cairo_t *cr, struct cal *cal) {
draw_event(cr, cal, ev, selected, get_target(cal));
+ draw_ephemeral_event(cr, cal);
if (cal->selected_event_ind == -1)
draw_selection(cr, cal);