commit 4e7cdd679b993d09aa0e7eb0a40f480a2ee14f50
parent aa71ed647c8122627c2b6ac371db9288676bb8e4
Author: William Casarin <>
Date: Fri, 12 Oct 2018 19:34:31 -0700
ghost timeblock selector
M | viscal.c | | | 207 | +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------------------------- |
1 file changed, 118 insertions(+), 89 deletions(-)
diff --git a/viscal.c b/viscal.c
@@ -626,8 +626,7 @@ static char *format_locale_time(char *buffer, int bsize, struct tm *tm) {
static char *format_locale_timet(char *buffer, int bsize, time_t time) {
struct tm lt;
lt = *localtime(&time);
- format_locale_time(buffer, bsize, <);
- return buffer;
+ return format_locale_time(buffer, bsize, <);
@@ -794,6 +793,7 @@ static int timeblock_seconds(struct cal *cal) {
return cal->timeblock_size * 60;
+// TODO comebine parts with move_event?
static void move_relative(struct cal *cal, int rel)
time_t st;
@@ -884,7 +884,6 @@ static int event_minutes(struct event *event)
static void expand_selection_relative(struct cal *cal, int sign)
int *step = &cal->timeblock_step;
- int org_step = *step;
struct event *event =
@@ -894,8 +893,8 @@ static void expand_selection_relative(struct cal *cal, int sign)
if (sign < 0 && size <= 15)
*step = 5;
- else if (sign > 0 && size >= 15)
- *step = 15;
+ /* else if (sign > 0 && size >= 15) */
+ /* *step = 15; */
int minutes = *step * sign;
@@ -1078,7 +1077,7 @@ static int event_is_today(time_t today, struct event *event)
static void move_event(struct event *event, int minutes)
- time_t tst, tet;
+ /* time_t tst, tet; */
icaltimetype st, et;
struct icaldurationtype add;
@@ -1187,7 +1186,7 @@ static void delete_timeblock(struct cal *cal)
first_event_starting_at(cal, starting_at);
// nothing to push down today
- if (first == -1)
+ if (first == -1)
for (int i = first;
@@ -1822,79 +1821,36 @@ static void saturate(union rgba *c, double change)
c->b = P+((c->b)-P)*change;
+static double get_evheight(double evheight)
+ return max(1.0, evheight - EVMARGIN);
static void
-draw_event (cairo_t *cr, struct cal *cal, struct event *ev,
- struct event *sel, struct event *target) {
- // double height = Math.fmin(, MIN_EVENT_HEIGHT);
- // stdout.printf("sloc %f eloc %f dloc %f eheight %f\n",
- // sloc, eloc, dloc, eheight);
+draw_event_summary(cairo_t *cr, struct cal *cal, time_t st, time_t et,
+ int is_date, int is_selected, double height, const char *summary,
+ struct event *sel, double x, double y)
+ // TODO: event text color
+ static char buffer[1024] = {0};
+ static const double txtc = 0.2;
static char bsmall[32] = {0};
static char bsmall2[32] = {0};
- static char buffer[1024] = {0};
- union rgba c = ev->ical->color;
- int is_dragging = target == ev && (cal->flags & CAL_DRAGGING);
- double evheight = max(1.0, ev->height - EVMARGIN);
- /* double evwidth = ev->width; */
- /* icaltimezone *tz = icalcomponent_get_timezone(ev->vevent, "UTC"); */
- icaltimetype dtstart = icalcomponent_get_dtstart(ev->vevent);
- /* icaltimetype dtend = icalcomponent_get_dtend(ev->vevent); */
- int isdate = dtstart.is_date;
- int is_selected = sel == ev;
- int is_editing = is_selected && (cal->flags & CAL_CHANGING);
- time_t st, et;
- vevent_span_timet(ev->vevent, &st, &et);
- double x = ev->x;
- // TODO: date-event stacking
- double y = ev->y;
- /* printf("utc? %s dstart hour %d min %d\n", */
- /* dtstart.is_utc? "yes" : "no", */
- /* dtstart.hour, */
- /* dtstart.minute); */
+ char *start_time;
+ char *end_time;
time_t len = et - st;
- cairo_text_extents_t exts;
- // TODO: we may not be editing the summary
- const char * const summary =
- is_editing ? g_editbuf
- : icalcomponent_get_summary(ev->vevent);
- if (is_dragging || ev->flags & EV_HIGHLIGHTED) {
- c.a *= 0.95;
- }
- // grid logic
- if (is_dragging) {
- /* x += ev->dragx; */
- y += ev->dragy;
- st = closest_timeblock(cal, y);
- y = calendar_time_to_loc_absolute(cal, st);
- target->drag_time = st;
- }
- /* y -= EVMARGIN; */
+ cairo_text_extents_t exts;
- cairo_move_to(cr, x, y);
+ int is_editing = is_selected && (cal->flags & CAL_CHANGING);
- // TODO: selected event rendering
- if (is_selected)
- saturate(&c, 0.5);
+ summary = is_editing ? g_editbuf : summary;
- cairo_set_source_rgba(cr, c.r, c.g, c.b, c.a);
- draw_rectangle(cr, ev->width, evheight);
- cairo_fill(cr);
- // TODO: event text color
- static const double txtc = 0.2;
cairo_set_source_rgb(cr, txtc, txtc, txtc);
- if (isdate) {
+ if (is_date) {
sprintf(buffer, is_selected ? "'%s'" : "%s", summary);
cairo_text_extents(cr, buffer, &exts);
- cairo_move_to(cr, x + EVPAD, y + (evheight / 2.0)
+ cairo_move_to(cr, x + EVPAD, y + (height / 2.0)
+ ((double)exts.height / 2.0));
cairo_show_text(cr, buffer);
@@ -1907,9 +1863,8 @@ draw_event (cairo_t *cr, struct cal *cal, struct event *ev,
/* cairo_show_text(cr, summary); */
/* } */
else {
- format_locale_timet(bsmall, 32, st);
- format_locale_timet(bsmall2, 32, et);
- /* printf("%ld %ld start %s end %s\n", st, et, bsmall, bsmall2); */
+ start_time = format_locale_timet(bsmall, 32, st);
+ end_time = format_locale_timet(bsmall2, 32, et);
// TODO: configurable event format
char duration_format[32] = {0};
char duration_format_in[32] = {0};
@@ -1920,42 +1875,61 @@ draw_event (cairo_t *cr, struct cal *cal, struct event *ev,
in = now - st;
out = et - now;
- format_time_duration(duration_format, sizeof(duration_format), len);
- format_time_duration(duration_format_in, sizeof(duration_format), in);
- format_time_duration(duration_format_out, sizeof(duration_format), out);
+ format_time_duration(duration_format,
+ sizeof(duration_format), len);
+ format_time_duration(duration_format_in,
+ sizeof(duration_format), in);
+ format_time_duration(duration_format_out,
+ sizeof(duration_format), out);
if (out >= 0 && in >= 0 && out < len) {
const char *fmt =
- ? "'%s' | %s | %s in | %s left"
- : "%s | %s | %s in | %s left";
- sprintf(buffer, fmt, summary,
+ ? "'%s' | %s to %s | %s | %s in | %s left"
+ : "%s | %s to %s | %s | %s in | %s left";
+ sprintf(buffer,
+ fmt,
+ summary,
+ start_time,
+ end_time,
- duration_format_out);
+ duration_format_out
+ );
else if (in >= 0 && in < 0) {
const char *fmt =
- ? "'%s' | %s | %s in"
- : "%s | %s | %s in";
+ ? "'%s' | %s to %s | %s | %s in"
+ : "%s | %s to %s | %s | %s in";
- sprintf(buffer, fmt, summary,
+ sprintf(buffer, fmt,
+ summary,
+ start_time,
+ end_time,
- duration_format_in);
+ duration_format_in
+ );
else {
const char *fmt =
- ? "'%s' | %s"
- : "%s | %s";
- sprintf(buffer, fmt, summary, duration_format);
+ ? "'%s' | %s to %s | %s"
+ : "%s | %s to %s | %s";
+ sprintf(buffer,
+ fmt,
+ summary,
+ start_time,
+ end_time,
+ duration_format);
cairo_text_extents(cr, buffer, &exts);
- double ey = evheight < exts.height
+ double ey = height < exts.height
cairo_move_to(cr, x + EVPAD, ey);
@@ -1963,6 +1937,55 @@ draw_event (cairo_t *cr, struct cal *cal, struct event *ev,
+static void
+draw_event (cairo_t *cr, struct cal *cal, struct event *ev,
+ struct event *sel, struct event *target)
+ union rgba c = ev->ical->color;
+ int is_dragging = target == ev && (cal->flags & CAL_DRAGGING);
+ int is_selected = sel == ev;
+ icaltimetype dtstart =
+ icalcomponent_get_dtstart(ev->vevent);
+ time_t st, et;
+ vevent_span_timet(ev->vevent, &st, &et);
+ double x = ev->x;
+ double y = ev->y;
+ double evheight = get_evheight(ev->height);
+ const char *summary =
+ icalcomponent_get_summary(ev->vevent);
+ if (is_dragging || ev->flags & EV_HIGHLIGHTED) {
+ c.a *= 0.95;
+ }
+ // grid logic
+ if (is_dragging) {
+ /* x += ev->dragx; */
+ y += ev->dragy;
+ st = closest_timeblock(cal, y);
+ y = calendar_time_to_loc_absolute(cal, st);
+ target->drag_time = st;
+ }
+ /* y -= EVMARGIN; */
+ cairo_move_to(cr, x, y);
+ // TODO: selected event rendering
+ if (is_selected)
+ saturate(&c, 0.5);
+ cairo_set_source_rgba(cr, c.r, c.g, c.b, c.a);
+ draw_rectangle(cr, ev->width, evheight);
+ cairo_fill(cr);
+ draw_event_summary(cr, cal, st, et, dtstart.is_date, is_selected,
+ evheight, summary, sel, x, y);
static inline void
draw_line (cairo_t *cr, double x, double y, double w) {
@@ -1995,6 +2018,9 @@ draw_time_line(cairo_t *cr, struct cal *cal, time_t time) {
static void
draw_selection (cairo_t *cr, struct cal *cal)
+ static const char *summary = "";
+ static const int is_selected = 0;
+ static const int is_date = 0;
double sx = cal->x;
double sy = calendar_time_to_loc_absolute(cal, cal->current);
time_t et = get_selection_end(cal);
@@ -2005,6 +2031,9 @@ draw_selection (cairo_t *cr, struct cal *cal)
cairo_set_source_rgba(cr, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.2);
draw_rectangle(cr, cal->width, height);
+ draw_event_summary(cr, cal, cal->current, et, is_date, is_selected,
+ height, summary, NULL, sx, sy);
static int