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commit d9e22ce7bf21ca625ed9c60612de26a4ffd31e2c
parent 255a0c55baf9f13e9757fcd544c0ad6a0004add4
Author: William Casarin <jb55@jb55.com>
Date:   Sun, 22 Jan 2023 09:43:51 -0800

Add translations for de_AT, de_DE, tr_TR, fr_FR

Changelog-Added: Translations for de_AT, de_DE, tr_TR, fr_FR

Adamus Localizations/de_AT.xcloc/Localized Contents/de_AT.xliff | 1235+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Adamus Localizations/de_DE.xcloc/Localized Contents/de_DE.xliff | 1235+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Adamus Localizations/fr_FR.xcloc/Localized Contents/fr_FR.xliff | 1235+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Adamus Localizations/tr_TR.xcloc/Localized Contents/tr_TR.xliff | 1235+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Mdamus.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj | 28++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Adamus/de-AT.lproj/InfoPlist.strings | 9+++++++++
Adamus/de-AT.lproj/Localizable.strings | 493+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Adamus/de-AT.lproj/Localizable.stringsdict | 154+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Adamus/de-DE.lproj/InfoPlist.strings | 9+++++++++
Adamus/de-DE.lproj/Localizable.strings | 493+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Adamus/de-DE.lproj/Localizable.stringsdict | 154+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Adamus/fr-FR.lproj/InfoPlist.strings | 9+++++++++
Adamus/fr-FR.lproj/Localizable.strings | 493+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Adamus/fr-FR.lproj/Localizable.stringsdict | 154+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Adamus/tr-TR.lproj/InfoPlist.strings | 9+++++++++
Adamus/tr-TR.lproj/Localizable.strings | 493+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Adamus/tr-TR.lproj/Localizable.stringsdict | 154+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
17 files changed, 7592 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)

diff --git a/damus Localizations/de_AT.xcloc/Localized Contents/de_AT.xliff b/damus Localizations/de_AT.xcloc/Localized Contents/de_AT.xliff @@ -0,0 +1,1234 @@ +<?xml version="1.0" ?><xliff xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" version="1.2" xsi:schemaLocation="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2 http://docs.oasis-open.org/xliff/v1.2/os/xliff-core-1.2-strict.xsd"> + <file original="damus/en-US.lproj/InfoPlist.strings" source-language="en-US" target-language="de-AT" datatype="plaintext"> + <header> + <tool tool-id="com.apple.dt.xcode" tool-name="Xcode" tool-version="14.2" build-num="14C18"/> + </header> + <body> + <trans-unit id="CFBundleDisplayName" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Damus</source> + <target>Damus</target> + + <note>Bundle display name</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="CFBundleName" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>damus</source> + <target>damus</target> + + <note>Bundle name</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="NSPhotoLibraryAddUsageDescription" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>&quot;Granting Damus access to your photo library allows you to save photos.</source> + <target>“Damus Zugriff auf deine Fotomediathek zu gewähren, erlaubt dir Fotos zu sichern.</target> + + <note>Privacy - Photo Library Additions Usage Description</note> + </trans-unit> + </body> + </file> + <file original="damus/en-US.lproj/Localizable.strings" source-language="en-US" target-language="de-AT" datatype="plaintext"> + <header> + <tool tool-id="com.apple.dt.xcode" tool-name="Xcode" tool-version="14.2" build-num="14C18"/> + </header> + <body> + <trans-unit id=" " xml:space="preserve"> + <source> </source> + <target>61b6edf1108e6f396680a33b02486a70_tr</target> + <note>Blank space to separate profile picture from profile editor form.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="%@" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>%@</source> + <target>%@</target> + + <note>Amount of time that has passed since reply quote event occurred. +Abbreviated version of a nostr public key.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="%@ %@" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>%@ %@</source> + <target>%@ %@</target> + + <note>Sentence composed of 2 variables to describe how many reposts. In source English, the first variable is the number of reposts, and the second variable is 'Repost' or 'Reposts'. +Sentence composed of 2 variables to describe how many profiles a user is following. In source English, the first variable is the number of profiles being followed, and the second variable is 'Following'.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="%@. Creating an account doesn't require a phone number, email or name. Get started right away with zero friction." xml:space="preserve"> + <source>%@. Creating an account doesn't require a phone number, email or name. Get started right away with zero friction.</source> + <target>%@. Ein Konto zu erstellen benötigt keine Telefonnummer, Emailadresse oder Name. Fang jetzt sofort ganz reibungslos an.</target> + + <note>Explanation of what is done to keep personally identifiable information private. There is a heading that precedes this explanation which is a variable to this string.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="%@. End-to-End encrypted private messaging. Keep Big Tech out of your DMs" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>%@. End-to-End encrypted private messaging. Keep Big Tech out of your DMs</source> + <target>%@. End-zu-End verschlüsselter privater Nachrichtenaustausch. Halte Tech-Riesen aus deinen PNs heraus</target> + + <note>Explanation of what is done to keep private data encrypted. There is a heading that precedes this explanation which is a variable to this string.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="%@. Tip your friend's posts and stack sats with Bitcoin⚡️, the native currency of the internet." xml:space="preserve"> + <source>%@. Tip your friend's posts and stack sats with Bitcoin⚡️, the native currency of the internet.</source> + <target>%@. Belohne Beiträge deiner Freunde und sammle Sats mit Bitcoin⚡️, der eigenen Währung des Internets.</target> + + <note>Explanation of what can be done by users to earn money. There is a heading that precedes this explanation which is a variable to this string.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="%lld" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>%lld</source> + <target>%lld</target> + + <note>Number of reposts. +Number of profiles a user is following.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="%lld/%lld" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>%lld/%lld</source> + <target>%lld/%lld</target> + + <note>Fraction of how many of the user's relay servers that are operational.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="'%@' at '%@' will be used for verification" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>'%@' at '%@' will be used for verification</source> + <target>'%@' bei '%@' wird zur Verifizierung benutzt werden.</target> + + <note>Description of how the nip05 identifier would be used for verification.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="'%@' is an invalid nip05 identifier. It should look like an email." xml:space="preserve"> + <source>'%@' is an invalid nip05 identifier. It should look like an email.</source> + <target>'%@' ist eine ungültige nip05 Kennzeichnung. Diese sollte wie eine Emailadresse aussehen. </target> + + <note>Description of why the nip05 identifier is invalid.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="(Profile.displayName(profile: profile, pubkey: whos))'s Followers" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>(Profile.displayName(profile: profile, pubkey: whos))'s Followers</source> + <target>(Profile.displayName(profile: profile, pubkey: whos)) Follower</target> + + <note>Navigation bar title for view that shows who is following a user.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="(who) following" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>(who) following</source> + <target>(who) folgt</target> + + <note>Navigation bar title for view that shows who a user is following.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="&lt; e &gt;" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>&lt; e &gt;</source> + <target>&lt; e &gt;</target> + + <note>Placeholder for event mention.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="@" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>@</source> + <target>@</target> + + <note>Prefix character to username.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="About" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>About</source> + <target>Über</target> + + <note>Label to prompt for about text entry for user to describe about themself.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="About Me" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>About Me</source> + <target>Über mich</target> + + <note>Label for About Me section of user profile form.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Absolute Boss" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Absolute Boss</source> + <target>Absoluter Macher</target> + + <note>Placeholder text for About Me description.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Account ID" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Account ID</source> + <target>Konto ID</target> + + <note>Label to indicate the public ID of the account.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Add" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Add</source> + <target>Hinzufügen</target> + + <note>Button to add recommended relay server. + Button to confirm adding user inputted relay.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Add Relay" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Add Relay</source> + <target>Relay hinzufügen</target> + + <note>Label for section for adding a relay server.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Any" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Any</source> + <target>beliebig</target> + + <note>Any amount of sats</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Are you sure you want to repost this?" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Are you sure you want to repost this?</source> + <target>Bist du sicher dass Du den Beitrag auf deinem Profil teilen möchtest?</target> + + <note>Alert message to ask if user wants to repost a post.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Banner Image" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Banner Image</source> + <target>Bannerbild</target> + + <note>Label for Banner Image section of user profile form.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Before we get started, you'll need to save your account info, otherwise you won't be able to login in the future if you ever uninstall Damus." xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Before we get started, you'll need to save your account info, otherwise you won't be able to login in the future if you ever uninstall Damus.</source> + <target>Bevor wir anfangen, Du wirst deine Kontodaten sichern müssen, sonst wirst du dich in der Zukunft nicht mehr anmelden können wenn du Damus jemals deinstallierst.</target> + + <note>Reminder to user that they should save their account information.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Bitcoin Beach" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Bitcoin Beach</source> + <target>Bitcoin Beach</target> + + <note>Dropdown option label for Lightning wallet, Bitcoin Beach.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Bitcoin Lightning Tips" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Bitcoin Lightning Tips</source> + <target>Bitcoin Lightning Zahlungen</target> + + <note>Label for Bitcoin Lightning Tips section of user profile form.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Blixt Wallet" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Blixt Wallet</source> + <target>Blixt Wallet</target> + + <note>Dropdown option label for Lightning wallet, Blixt Wallet</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Blue Wallet" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Blue Wallet</source> + <target>Blue Wallet</target> + + <note>Dropdown option label for Lightning wallet, Blue Wallet.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Breez" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Breez</source> + <target>Breez</target> + + <note>Dropdown option label for Lightning wallet, Breez.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Broadcast" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Broadcast</source> + <target>Senden</target> + + <note>Context menu option for broadcasting the user's note to all of the user's connected relay servers.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Cancel" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Cancel</source> + <target>Abbrechen</target> + + <note>Button to cancel out of posting a note. + Button to cancel out of reposting a post. + Button to cancel out of view adding user inputted relay. + Cancel out of logging out the user.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Cash App" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Cash App</source> + <target>Cash App</target> + + <note>Dropdown option label for Lightning wallet, Cash App.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Chat" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Chat</source> + <target>Unterhaltungen</target> + + <note>Navigation bar title for Chatroom view.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Clear" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Clear</source> + <target>Löschen</target> + + <note>Button for clearing cached data.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Clear Cache" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Clear Cache</source> + <target>Zwischenspeicher löschen</target> + + <note>Section title for clearing cached data.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Copied" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Copied</source> + <target>Kopiert</target> + + <note>Label indicating that a user's key was copied.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Copy" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Copy</source> + <target>Kopieren</target> + + <note>Button to copy a relay server address.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Copy Account ID" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Copy Account ID</source> + <target>Konto ID kopieren</target> + + <note>Context menu option for copying the ID of the account that created the note.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Copy Image" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Copy Image</source> + <target>Bild kopieren</target> + + <note>Context menu option to copy an image into clipboard. + Context menu option to copy an image to clipboard.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Copy Image URL" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Copy Image URL</source> + <target>Bild URL kopieren</target> + + <note>Context menu option to copy the URL of an image into clipboard.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Copy LNURL" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Copy LNURL</source> + <target>LNURL kopieren</target> + + <note>Context menu option for copying a user's Lightning URL.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Copy Note ID" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Copy Note ID</source> + <target>Notiz ID kopieren</target> + + <note>Context menu option for copying the ID of the note.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Copy Note JSON" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Copy Note JSON</source> + <target>Notiz JSON kopieren</target> + + <note>Context menu option for copying the JSON text from the note.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Copy Text" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Copy Text</source> + <target>Text kopieren</target> + + <note>Context menu option for copying the text from an note.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Copy User ID" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Copy User ID</source> + <target>Benutzer ID kopieren</target> + + <note>Context menu option for copying the ID of the user who created the note.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Copy invoice" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Copy invoice</source> + <target>Zahlungsdaten kopieren</target> + + <note>Title of section for copying a Lightning invoice identifier.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Create" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Create</source> + <target>Erstellen</target> + + <note>Button to create account.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Create Account" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Create Account</source> + <target>Konto erstellen</target> + + <note>Button to create an account.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Creator(s) of Bitcoin. Absolute legend." xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Creator(s) of Bitcoin. Absolute legend.</source> + <target>Erfinder von Bitcoin. Absolute Legende(n).</target> + + <note>Example description about Bitcoin creator(s), Satoshi Nakamoto.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="DM" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>DM</source> + <target>PN</target> + + <note>Navigation title for DM view, which is the English abbreviation for Direct Message.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Damus" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Damus</source> + <target>Damus</target> + + <note>Name of the app, shown on the first screen when user is not logged in.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Default Wallet" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Default Wallet</source> + <target>Voreingestelltes Wallet</target> + + <note>Button to pay a Lightning invoice with the user's default Lightning wallet.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Delete" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Delete</source> + <target>Löschen</target> + + <note>Button to delete a relay server that the user connects to.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Dismiss" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Dismiss</source> + <target>Schließen</target> + + <note>Button to dismiss a text field alert.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Display Name" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Display Name</source> + <target>Profilname</target> + + <note>Label to prompt display name entry.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Done" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Done</source> + <target>Fertig</target> + + <note>Button to dismiss wallet selection view for paying Lightning invoice.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Earn Money" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Earn Money</source> + <target>Verdiene Geld</target> + + <note>Heading indicating that this application allows users to earn money.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Edit" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Edit</source> + <target>Bearbeiten</target> + + <note>Button to edit user's profile.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Encrypted" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Encrypted</source> + <target>Verschlüsselt</target> + + <note>Heading indicating that this application keeps private messaging end-to-end encrypted.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Encrypted DMs" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Encrypted DMs</source> + <target>Verschlüsselte PNs</target> + + <note>Navigation title for view of encrypted DMs, where DM is an English abbreviation for Direct Message.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Enter your account key to login:" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Enter your account key to login:</source> + <target>Gib deinen Kontoschlüssel ein um dich anzumelden:</target> + + <note>Prompt for user to enter an account key to login.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Error: %@" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Error: %@</source> + <target>Fehler: %@</target> + + <note>Error message indicating why saving keys failed.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Filter State" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Filter State</source> + <target>Filter Einstellung</target> + + <note>Filter state for seeing either only posts, or posts &amp; replies.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Follow" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Follow</source> + <target>Folgen</target> + + <note>Button to follow a user.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Followers" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Followers</source> + <target>Follower</target> + + <note>Label describing followers of a user.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Following" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Following</source> + <target>Folgt</target> + + <note>Text to indicate that the button next to it is in a state that indicates that it is in the process of following a profile. +Part of a larger sentence to describe how many profiles a user is following.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Following..." xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Following...</source> + <target>Folge…</target> + + <note>Label to indicate that the user is in the process of following another user.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Follows" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Follows</source> + <target>Folgt</target> + + <note>Text to indicate that button next to it is in a state that will follow a profile when tapped.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Global" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Global</source> + <target>Weltweit</target> + + <note>Navigation bar title for Global view where posts from all connected relay servers appear.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Goto post %@" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Goto post %@</source> + <target>Gehe zum Beitrag %@</target> + + <note>Navigation link to go to post referenced by hex code.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Goto profile %@" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Goto profile %@</source> + <target>Gehe zum Profil %@</target> + + <note>Navigation link to go to profile.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Home" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Home</source> + <target>Heim</target> + + <note>Navigation bar title for Home view where posts and replies appear from those who the user is following.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Invalid key" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Invalid key</source> + <target>Ungültiger Schlüssel</target> + + <note>Error message indicating that an invalid account key was entered for login.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="LNLink" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>LNLink</source> + <target>LNLink</target> + + <note>Dropdown option label for Lightning wallet, LNLink.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Left Handed" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Left Handed</source> + <target>Linkshändig</target> + + <note>Moves the post button to the left side of the screen</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Let's go!" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Let's go!</source> + <target>Lass uns loslegen!</target> + + <note>Button to complete account creation and start using the app.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Lightning Address or LNURL" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Lightning Address or LNURL</source> + <target>Lightning-Adresse oder LNURL</target> + + <note>Placeholder text for entry of Lightning Address or LNURL.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Lightning Invoice" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Lightning Invoice</source> + <target>Lightning-Rechnung</target> + + <note>Indicates that the view is for paying a Lightning invoice.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Local default" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Local default</source> + <target>System-Standard</target> + + <note>Dropdown option label for system default for Lightning wallet.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Login" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Login</source> + <target>Einloggen</target> + + <note>Button to log into account. + Button to log into an account.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Logout" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Logout</source> + <target>Ausloggen</target> + + <note>Alert for logging out the user. + Button for logging out the user. + Button to logout the user.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Make sure your nsec account key is saved before you logout or you will lose access to this account" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Make sure your nsec account key is saved before you logout or you will lose access to this account</source> + <target>Stelle sicher, dass du deinen nsec-Schlüssel gespeichert hast, sonst wirst du den Zugang zu deinem Konto verlieren.</target> + + <note>Reminder message in alert to get customer to verify that their private security account key is saved saved before logging out.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Muun" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Muun</source> + <target>Muun</target> + + <note>Dropdown option label for Lightning wallet, Muun.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="NIP-05 Verification" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>NIP-05 Verification</source> + <target>NIP-05-Verifizierung</target> + + <note>Label for NIP-05 Verification section of user profile form.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Nothing to see here. Check back later!" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Nothing to see here. Check back later!</source> + <target>Hier gibt es nichts zu sehen. Komm später wieder vorbei!</target> + + <note>Indicates that there are no notes in the timeline to view.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Notifications" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Notifications</source> + <target>Benachrichtigungen</target> + + <note>Navigation title for notifications.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Pay" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Pay</source> + <target>Bezahlen</target> + + <note>Button to pay a Lightning invoice.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Pay the Lightning invoice" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Pay the Lightning invoice</source> + <target>Bezahle die Lightning-Rechnung</target> + + <note>Navigation bar title for view to pay Lightning invoice.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Phoenix" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Phoenix</source> + <target>Phoenix</target> + + <note>Dropdown option label for Lightning wallet, Phoenix.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Post" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Post</source> + <target>Veröffentlichen</target> + + <note>Button to post a note.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Posts" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Posts</source> + <target>Beiträge</target> + + <note>Label for filter for seeing only posts (instead of posts and replies).</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Posts &amp; Replies" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Posts &amp; Replies</source> + <target>Beiträge &amp; Antworten</target> + + <note>Label for filter for seeing posts and replies (instead of only posts).</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Private" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Private</source> + <target>Privat</target> + + <note>Heading indicating that this application keeps personally identifiable information private. A sentence describing what is done to keep data private comes after this heading.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Private Key" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Private Key</source> + <target>Privater Schlüssel</target> + + <note>Label to indicate that the text below is the user's private key used by only the user themself as a secret to login to access their account.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="PrivateKey" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>PrivateKey</source> + <target>Privater Schlüssel</target> + + <note>Title of the secure field that holds the user's private key.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Profile" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Profile</source> + <target>Profil</target> + + <note>Sidebar menu label for Profile view.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Profile Picture" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Profile Picture</source> + <target>Profilbild</target> + + <note>Label for Profile Picture section of user profile form.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Public Account ID" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Public Account ID</source> + <target>Öffentliche Konto ID</target> + + <note>Section title for the user's public account ID.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Public Key" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Public Key</source> + <target>Öffentlicher Schlüssel</target> + + <note>Label indicating that the text is a user's public account key.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Public Key?" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Public Key?</source> + <target>Öffentlicher Schlüssel?</target> + + <note>Prompt to ask user if the key they entered is a public key.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Public key" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Public key</source> + <target>Öffentlicher Schlüssel</target> + + <note>Label indicating that the text is a user's public account key.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Reactions" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Reactions</source> + <target>Reaktionen</target> + + <note>Navigation bar title for Reactions view.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Recommended Relays" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Recommended Relays</source> + <target>Empfohlene Relays</target> + + <note>Section title for recommend relay servers that could be added as part of configuration</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Relay" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Relay</source> + <target>Relay</target> + + <note>Text field for relay server. Used for testing purposes.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Relays" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Relays</source> + <target>Relays</target> + + <note>Sidebar menu label for Relay servers view</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Reply to self" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Reply to self</source> + <target>Antwort an sich selbst</target> + + <note>Label to indicate that the user is replying to themself.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Replying to %@ &amp; %@" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Replying to %1$@ &amp; %2$@</source> + <target>Antwort an %1$@ &amp; %2$@</target> + + <note>Label to indicate that the user is replying to 2 users.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Replying to:" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Replying to:</source> + <target>Antwort an:</target> + + <note>Indicating that the user is replying to the following listed people.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Repost" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Repost</source> + <target>Teilen</target> + + <note>Button to confirm reposting a post. + Title of alert for confirming to repost a post.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Reposted" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Reposted</source> + <target>Geteilt</target> + + <note>Text indicating that the post was reposted (i.e. re-shared).</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Reset" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Reset</source> + <target>Zurücksetzen</target> + + <note>Section title for resetting the user</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Retry" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Retry</source> + <target>Erneut versuchen</target> + + <note>Button to retry completing account creation after an error occurred.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="River" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>River</source> + <target>River</target> + + <note>Dropdown option label for Lightning wallet, River</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Satoshi Nakamoto" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Satoshi Nakamoto</source> + <target>Satoshi Nakamoto</target> + + <note>Name of Bitcoin creator(s).</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Save" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Save</source> + <target>Speichern</target> + + <note>Button for saving profile.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Save Image" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Save Image</source> + <target>Bild sichern</target> + + <note>Context menu option to save an image.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Search hashtag: #%@" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Search hashtag: #%@</source> + <target>Hashtag suchen: #%@</target> + + <note>Navigation link to search hashtag.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Search..." xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Search...</source> + <target>Suchen...</target> + + <note>Placeholder text to prompt entry of search query.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Secret Account Login Key" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Secret Account Login Key</source> + <target>Geheimer Konto Anmeldeschlüssel</target> + + <note>Section title for user's secret account login key.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Select a Lightning wallet" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Select a Lightning wallet</source> + <target>Wähle ein Lightning Wallet</target> + + <note>Title of section for selecting a Lightning wallet to pay a Lightning invoice.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Select default wallet" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Select default wallet</source> + <target>Wähle das voreingestellte Wallet</target> + + <note>Prompt selection of user's default wallet</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Send a message to start the conversation..." xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Send a message to start the conversation...</source> + <target>Sende eine Nachricht um eine Unterhaltung zu beginnen...</target> + + <note>Text prompt for user to send a message to the other user.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Settings" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Settings</source> + <target>Einstellungen</target> + + <note>Navigation title for Settings view. + Sidebar menu label for accessing the app settings</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Share" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Share</source> + <target>Teilen</target> + + <note>Button to share an image.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Show" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Show</source> + <target>Anzeigen</target> + + <note>Toggle to show or hide user's secret account login key.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Show wallet selector" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Show wallet selector</source> + <target>Wallet-Auswahl zeigen</target> + + <note>Toggle to show or hide selection of wallet.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Sign out" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Sign out</source> + <target>Abmelden</target> + + <note>Sidebar menu label to sign out of the account.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Strike" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Strike</source> + <target>Strike</target> + + <note>Dropdown option label for Lightning wallet, Strike.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="This is a public key, you will not be able to make posts or interact in any way. This is used for viewing accounts from their perspective." xml:space="preserve"> + <source>This is a public key, you will not be able to make posts or interact in any way. This is used for viewing accounts from their perspective.</source> + <target>Dies ist ein öffentlicher Schlüssel, mit dem Sie keine Beiträge verfassen oder in irgendeiner Weise interagieren können. Er wird verwendet, um Konten aus deren Perspektive zu betrachten.</target> + + <note>Warning that the inputted account key is a public key and the result of what happens because of it.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="This is an old-style nostr key. We're not sure if it's a pubkey or private key. Please toggle the button below if this a public key." xml:space="preserve"> + <source>This is an old-style nostr key. We're not sure if it's a pubkey or private key. Please toggle the button below if this a public key.</source> + <target>Dies ist ein Nostr-Schlüssel im alten Format. Es ist nicht eindeutig, ob es ein öffentlicher oder privater Schlüssel ist. Bitte aktiviere die Schaltfläche unten, wenn es ein öffentlicher Schlüssel ist.</target> + + <note>Warning that the inputted account key for login is an old-style and asking user to verify if it is a public key.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="This is your account ID, you can give this to your friends so that they can follow you. Click to copy." xml:space="preserve"> + <source>This is your account ID, you can give this to your friends so that they can follow you. Click to copy.</source> + <target>Dies ist deine Konto-ID, die du an deine Freunde weitergeben kannst, damit sie dir folgen können. Zum Kopieren anklicken.</target> + + <note>Label to describe that a public key is the user's account ID and what they can do with it.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="This is your secret account key. You need this to access your account. Don't share this with anyone! Save it in a password manager and keep it safe!" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>This is your secret account key. You need this to access your account. Don't share this with anyone! Save it in a password manager and keep it safe!</source> + <target>Dies ist dein geheimer, privater Schlüssel. Du benötigst ihn, um auf dein Konto zuzugreifen. Gib den privaten Schlüssel an niemanden weiter! Speichere ihn in einem Passwort-Manager und bewahre ihn sicher auf!</target> + + <note>Label to describe that a private key is the user's secret account key and what they should do with it.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Thread" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Thread</source> + <target>Thema</target> + + <note>Navigation bar title for note thread. + Navigation bar title for threaded event detail view.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Type your post here..." xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Type your post here...</source> + <target>Schreibe deinen Beitrag hier...</target> + + <note>Text box prompt to ask user to type their post.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Unfollow" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Unfollow</source> + <target>Entfolgen</target> + + <note>Button to unfollow a user.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Unfollowing" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Unfollowing</source> + <target>Entfolgen...</target> + + <note>Text to indicate that the button next to it is in a state that indicates that it is in the process of unfollowing a profile.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Unfollowing..." xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Unfollowing...</source> + <target>Entfolgen...</target> + + <note>Label to indicate that the user is in the process of unfollowing another user.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Unfollows" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Unfollows</source> + <target>Entfolgen</target> + + <note>Text to indicate that the button next to it is in a state that will unfollow a profile when tapped.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Username" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Username</source> + <target>Benutzername</target> + + <note>Label for Username section of user profile form. + Label to prompt username entry.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Wallet" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Wallet</source> + <target>Wallet</target> + + <note>Sidebar menu label for Wallet view.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Wallet Of Satoshi" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Wallet Of Satoshi</source> + <target>Wallet Of Satoshi</target> + + <note>Dropdown option label for Lightning wallet, Wallet Of Satoshi.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Wallet Selector" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Wallet Selector</source> + <target>Wallet-Auswahl</target> + + <note>Section title for selection of wallet.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Website" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Website</source> + <target>Website</target> + + <note>Label for Website section of user profile form.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Welcome to the social network %@ control." xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Welcome to the social network %@ control.</source> + <target>Willkommen bei dem soziaen Netzwerk, das %@ kontrollierst.</target> + + <note>Welcoming message to the reader. The variable is 'you', the reader.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Welcome, %@!" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Welcome, %@!</source> + <target>Willkommen, %@!</target> + + <note>Text to welcome user.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Your Name" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Your Name</source> + <target>Dein Name</target> + + <note>Label for Your Name section of user profile form.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Zebedee" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Zebedee</source> + <target>Zebedee</target> + + <note>Dropdown option label for Lightning wallet, Zebedee.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Zeus LN" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Zeus LN</source> + <target>Zeus LN</target> + + <note>Dropdown option label for Lightning wallet, Zeus LN.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="collapsed_event_view_other_notes" translate="no" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>collapsed_event_view_other_notes</source> + <target>collapsed_event_view_other_notes</target> + + <note>Text to indicate that the thread was collapsed and that there are other notes to view if tapped. (Key in .stringsdict)</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="followers_count" translate="no" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>followers_count</source> + <target>followers_count</target> + + <note>Part of a larger sentence to describe how many people are following a user. (Key in .stringsdict)</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="https://example.com/pic.jpg" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>https://example.com/pic.jpg</source> + <target>https://beispiel.at/bild.jpg</target> + + <note>Placeholder example text for profile picture URL.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="https://jb55.com" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>https://jb55.com</source> + <target>https://jb55.com</target> + + <note>Placeholder example text for website URL for user profile.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="jb55@jb55.com" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>jb55@jb55.com</source> + <target>jb55@jb55.com</target> + + <note>Placeholder example text for identifier used for NIP-05 verification.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="none" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>none</source> + <target>keine</target> + + <note>No search results.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="now" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>now</source> + <target>jetzt</target> + + <note>String indicating that a given timestamp just occurred</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="nsec1..." xml:space="preserve"> + <source>nsec1...</source> + <target>nsec1...</target> + + <note>Prompt for user to enter in an account key to login. This text shows the characters the key could start with if it was a private key.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="optional" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>optional</source> + <target>optional</target> + + <note>Label indicating that a form input is optional.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="reactions_count" translate="no" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>reactions_count</source> + <target>reactions_count</target> + + <note>Part of a larger sentence to describe how many reactions there are on a post. (Key in .stringsdict)</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="relays_count" translate="no" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>relays_count</source> + <target>relays_count</target> + + <note>Part of a larger sentence to describe how many relay servers a user is connected. (Key in .stringsdict)</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="replying_to_one_and_others" translate="no" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>replying_to_one_and_others</source> + <target>replying_to_one_and_others</target> + + <note>Label to indicate that the user is replying to 1 user and others. (Key in .stringsdict)</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="replying_to_two_and_others" translate="no" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>replying_to_two_and_others</source> + <target>replying_to_two_and_others</target> + + <note>Label to indicate that the user is replying to 2 users and others. (Key in .stringsdict)</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="reposts_count" translate="no" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>reposts_count</source> + <target>reposts_count</target> + + <note>Part of a larger sentence to describe how many reposts there are. (Key in .stringsdict)</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="satoshi" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>satoshi</source> + <target>satoshi</target> + + <note>Example username of Bitcoin creator(s), Satoshi Nakamoto.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="sats_count" translate="no" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>sats_count</source> + <target>sats_count</target> + + <note>Amount of sats. (Key in .stringsdict)</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="tips_count" translate="no" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>tips_count</source> + <target>tips_count</target> + + <note>Part of a larger sentence to describe how many tip payments there are on a post. (Key in .stringsdict)</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="u{00A0}" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>u{00A0}</source> + <target>u{00A0}</target> + + <note>Non-breaking space character to fill in blank space next to event action button icons.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="wss://some.relay.com" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>wss://some.relay.com</source> + <target>wss://irgendein.relay.at</target> + + <note>Placeholder example for relay server address.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="you" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>you</source> + <target>Du</target> + + <note>You, in this context, is the person who controls their own social network. You is used in the context of a larger sentence that welcomes the reader to the social network that they control themself.</note> + </trans-unit> + </body> + </file> + <file original="damus/en-US.lproj/Localizable.stringsdict" source-language="en-US" target-language="de-AT" datatype="plaintext"> + <header> + <tool tool-id="com.apple.dt.xcode" tool-name="Xcode" tool-version="14.2" build-num="14C18"/> + </header> + <body> + <trans-unit id="/collapsed_event_view_other_notes:dict/NOTES:dict/one:dict/:string" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>%d other note</source> + <target>1%d andere Notiz</target> + + <note>Text to indicate that the thread was collapsed and that there are other notes to view if tapped.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="/collapsed_event_view_other_notes:dict/NOTES:dict/other:dict/:string" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>%d other notes</source> + <target>1%d andere Notizen</target> + + <note>Text to indicate that the thread was collapsed and that there are other notes to view if tapped.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="/collapsed_event_view_other_notes:dict/NSStringLocalizedFormatKey:dict/:string" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>··· %#@NOTES@ ···</source> + <target>··· %#@NOTES@ ···</target> + + <note>Text to indicate that the thread was collapsed and that there are other notes to view if tapped.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="/followers_count:dict/FOLLOWERS:dict/one:dict/:string" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Follower</source> + <target>Follower</target> + + <note>Part of a larger sentence to describe how many people are following a user.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="/followers_count:dict/FOLLOWERS:dict/other:dict/:string" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Followers</source> + <target>Follower</target> + + <note>Part of a larger sentence to describe how many people are following a user.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="/followers_count:dict/NSStringLocalizedFormatKey:dict/:string" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>%#@FOLLOWERS@</source> + <target>%#@FOLLOWERS@</target> + + <note>Part of a larger sentence to describe how many people are following a user.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="/reactions_count:dict/NSStringLocalizedFormatKey:dict/:string" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>%#@REACTIONS@</source> + <target>%#@REACTIONS@</target> + + <note>Part of a larger sentence to describe how many reactions there are on a post.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="/reactions_count:dict/REACTIONS:dict/one:dict/:string" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Reaction</source> + <target>Reaktion</target> + + <note>Part of a larger sentence to describe how many reactions there are on a post.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="/reactions_count:dict/REACTIONS:dict/other:dict/:string" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Reactions</source> + <target>Reaktionen</target> + + <note>Part of a larger sentence to describe how many reactions there are on a post.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="/relays_count:dict/NSStringLocalizedFormatKey:dict/:string" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>%#@RELAYS@</source> + <target>%#@RELAYS@</target> + + <note>Part of a larger sentence to describe how many relay servers a user is connected.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="/relays_count:dict/RELAYS:dict/one:dict/:string" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Relay</source> + <target>Relay</target> + + <note>Part of a larger sentence to describe how many relay servers a user is connected.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="/relays_count:dict/RELAYS:dict/other:dict/:string" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Relays</source> + <target>Relays</target> + + <note>Part of a larger sentence to describe how many relay servers a user is connected.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="/replying_to_one_and_others:dict/NSStringLocalizedFormatKey:dict/:string" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Replying to %@%#@OTHERS@</source> + <target>Antwort an %@%#@OTHERS@</target> + + <note>Label to indicate that the user is replying to 1 user and others.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="/replying_to_one_and_others:dict/OTHERS:dict/one:dict/:string" xml:space="preserve"> + <source> &amp; %d other</source> + <target>&amp; 1%d andere</target> + + <note>Label to indicate that the user is replying to 1 user and others.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="/replying_to_one_and_others:dict/OTHERS:dict/other:dict/:string" xml:space="preserve"> + <source> &amp; %d others</source> + <target>&amp; %d andere</target> + + <note>Label to indicate that the user is replying to 1 user and others.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="/replying_to_one_and_others:dict/OTHERS:dict/zero:dict/:string" xml:space="preserve"> + <source/> + <note>Label to indicate that the user is replying to 1 user and others.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="/replying_to_two_and_others:dict/NSStringLocalizedFormatKey:dict/:string" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Replying to %@, %@%#@OTHERS@</source> + <target>Antwort an %@, %@%#@OTHERS@</target> + + <note>Label to indicate that the user is replying to 2 users and others.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="/replying_to_two_and_others:dict/OTHERS:dict/one:dict/:string" xml:space="preserve"> + <source> &amp; %d other</source> + <target>&amp; %d andere</target> + + <note>Label to indicate that the user is replying to 2 users and others.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="/replying_to_two_and_others:dict/OTHERS:dict/other:dict/:string" xml:space="preserve"> + <source> &amp; %d others</source> + <target>&amp; %d andere</target> + + <note>Label to indicate that the user is replying to 2 users and others.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="/replying_to_two_and_others:dict/OTHERS:dict/zero:dict/:string" xml:space="preserve"> + <source/> + <note>Label to indicate that the user is replying to 2 users and others.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="/reposts_count:dict/NSStringLocalizedFormatKey:dict/:string" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>%#@REPOSTS@</source> + <target>%#@REPOSTS@</target> + + <note>Part of a larger sentence to describe how many reposts there are.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="/reposts_count:dict/REPOSTS:dict/one:dict/:string" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Repost</source> + <target>Mal geteilt</target> + + <note>Part of a larger sentence to describe how many reposts there are.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="/reposts_count:dict/REPOSTS:dict/other:dict/:string" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Reposts</source> + <target>Mal geteilt</target> + + <note>Part of a larger sentence to describe how many reposts there are.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="/sats_count:dict/NSStringLocalizedFormatKey:dict/:string" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>%1$#@SATS@</source> + <target>%1$#@SATS@</target> + + <note>Amount of sats.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="/sats_count:dict/SATS:dict/one:dict/:string" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>%2$@ sat</source> + <target>%2$@ sat</target> + + <note>Amount of sats.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="/sats_count:dict/SATS:dict/other:dict/:string" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>%2$@ sats</source> + <target>%2$@ sats</target> + + <note>Amount of sats.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="/tips_count:dict/NSStringLocalizedFormatKey:dict/:string" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>%#@TIPS@</source> + <target>%#@TIPS@</target> + + <note>Part of a larger sentence to describe how many tip payments there are on a post.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="/tips_count:dict/TIPS:dict/one:dict/:string" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Tip</source> + <target>Trinkgeld</target> + + <note>Part of a larger sentence to describe how many tip payments there are on a post.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="/tips_count:dict/TIPS:dict/other:dict/:string" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Tips</source> + <target>Trinkgelder</target> + + <note>Part of a larger sentence to describe how many tip payments there are on a post.</note> + </trans-unit> + </body> + </file> +</xliff>+ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/damus Localizations/de_DE.xcloc/Localized Contents/de_DE.xliff b/damus Localizations/de_DE.xcloc/Localized Contents/de_DE.xliff @@ -0,0 +1,1234 @@ +<?xml version="1.0" ?><xliff xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" version="1.2" xsi:schemaLocation="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2 http://docs.oasis-open.org/xliff/v1.2/os/xliff-core-1.2-strict.xsd"> + <file original="damus/en-US.lproj/InfoPlist.strings" source-language="en-US" target-language="de-DE" datatype="plaintext"> + <header> + <tool tool-id="com.apple.dt.xcode" tool-name="Xcode" tool-version="14.2" build-num="14C18"/> + </header> + <body> + <trans-unit id="CFBundleDisplayName" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Damus</source> + <target>Damus</target> + + <note>Bundle display name</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="CFBundleName" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>damus</source> + <target>damus</target> + + <note>Bundle name</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="NSPhotoLibraryAddUsageDescription" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>&quot;Granting Damus access to your photo library allows you to save photos.</source> + <target>Damus Zugriff auf deine Fotomediathek zu gewähren erlaubt dir Fotos zu sichern.</target> + + <note>Privacy - Photo Library Additions Usage Description</note> + </trans-unit> + </body> + </file> + <file original="damus/en-US.lproj/Localizable.strings" source-language="en-US" target-language="de-DE" datatype="plaintext"> + <header> + <tool tool-id="com.apple.dt.xcode" tool-name="Xcode" tool-version="14.2" build-num="14C18"/> + </header> + <body> + <trans-unit id=" " xml:space="preserve"> + <source> </source> + <target>61b6edf1108e6f396680a33b02486a70_tr</target> + <note>Blank space to separate profile picture from profile editor form.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="%@" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>%@</source> + <target>%@</target> + + <note>Amount of time that has passed since reply quote event occurred. +Abbreviated version of a nostr public key.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="%@ %@" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>%@ %@</source> + <target>%@ %@</target> + + <note>Sentence composed of 2 variables to describe how many reposts. In source English, the first variable is the number of reposts, and the second variable is 'Repost' or 'Reposts'. +Sentence composed of 2 variables to describe how many profiles a user is following. In source English, the first variable is the number of profiles being followed, and the second variable is 'Following'.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="%@. Creating an account doesn't require a phone number, email or name. Get started right away with zero friction." xml:space="preserve"> + <source>%@. Creating an account doesn't require a phone number, email or name. Get started right away with zero friction.</source> + <target>Für das Erstellen eines Accounts ist keine Telefonnumer, E-Mail-Adresse und kein Name notwendig. Lege direkt los!</target> + + <note>Explanation of what is done to keep personally identifiable information private. There is a heading that precedes this explanation which is a variable to this string.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="%@. End-to-End encrypted private messaging. Keep Big Tech out of your DMs" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>%@. End-to-End encrypted private messaging. Keep Big Tech out of your DMs</source> + <target>%@. Ende-zu-Ende verschlüsselte private Nachrichten. Halte „Big Tech“ aus deinen Direktnachrichten heraus.</target> + + <note>Explanation of what is done to keep private data encrypted. There is a heading that precedes this explanation which is a variable to this string.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="%@. Tip your friend's posts and stack sats with Bitcoin⚡️, the native currency of the internet." xml:space="preserve"> + <source>%@. Tip your friend's posts and stack sats with Bitcoin⚡️, the native currency of the internet.</source> + <target>%@. Belohne Beiträge deiner Freunde und sammle Sats mit Bitcoin⚡️, der eigenen Währung des Internets.</target> + + <note>Explanation of what can be done by users to earn money. There is a heading that precedes this explanation which is a variable to this string.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="%lld" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>%lld</source> + <target>%lld</target> + + <note>Number of reposts. +Number of profiles a user is following.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="%lld/%lld" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>%lld/%lld</source> + <target>%lld/%lld</target> + + <note>Fraction of how many of the user's relay servers that are operational.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="'%@' at '%@' will be used for verification" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>'%@' at '%@' will be used for verification</source> + <target>'%@' bei '%@' wird zur Verifizierung benutzt werden.</target> + + <note>Description of how the nip05 identifier would be used for verification.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="'%@' is an invalid nip05 identifier. It should look like an email." xml:space="preserve"> + <source>'%@' is an invalid nip05 identifier. It should look like an email.</source> + <target>'%@' ist eine ungültige nip05 Kennzeichnung. Diese sollte wie eine Emailadresse aussehen. </target> + + <note>Description of why the nip05 identifier is invalid.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="(Profile.displayName(profile: profile, pubkey: whos))'s Followers" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>(Profile.displayName(profile: profile, pubkey: whos))'s Followers</source> + <target>(Profile.displayName(profile: profile, pubkey: whos)) Follower</target> + + <note>Navigation bar title for view that shows who is following a user.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="(who) following" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>(who) following</source> + <target>(who) folgt</target> + + <note>Navigation bar title for view that shows who a user is following.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="&lt; e &gt;" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>&lt; e &gt;</source> + <target>&lt; e &gt;</target> + + <note>Placeholder for event mention.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="@" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>@</source> + <target>@</target> + + <note>Prefix character to username.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="About" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>About</source> + <target>Über</target> + + <note>Label to prompt for about text entry for user to describe about themself.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="About Me" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>About Me</source> + <target>Über mich</target> + + <note>Label for About Me section of user profile form.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Absolute Boss" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Absolute Boss</source> + <target>Absoluter Macher</target> + + <note>Placeholder text for About Me description.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Account ID" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Account ID</source> + <target>Konto-ID</target> + + <note>Label to indicate the public ID of the account.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Add" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Add</source> + <target>Hinzufügen</target> + + <note>Button to add recommended relay server. + Button to confirm adding user inputted relay.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Add Relay" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Add Relay</source> + <target>Relay hinzufügen</target> + + <note>Label for section for adding a relay server.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Any" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Any</source> + <target>beliebig</target> + + <note>Any amount of sats</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Are you sure you want to repost this?" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Are you sure you want to repost this?</source> + <target>Bist du sicher dass Du den Beitrag auf deinem Profil teilen möchtest?</target> + + <note>Alert message to ask if user wants to repost a post.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Banner Image" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Banner Image</source> + <target>Banner Bild</target> + + <note>Label for Banner Image section of user profile form.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Before we get started, you'll need to save your account info, otherwise you won't be able to login in the future if you ever uninstall Damus." xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Before we get started, you'll need to save your account info, otherwise you won't be able to login in the future if you ever uninstall Damus.</source> + <target>Bevor wir anfangen, musst du deine Kontodaten sichern, sonst kannst du dich in Zukunft nicht mehr anmelden, wenn du Damus jemals deinstallierst.</target> + + <note>Reminder to user that they should save their account information.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Bitcoin Beach" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Bitcoin Beach</source> + <target>Bitcoin Beach</target> + + <note>Dropdown option label for Lightning wallet, Bitcoin Beach.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Bitcoin Lightning Tips" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Bitcoin Lightning Tips</source> + <target>Bitcoin Lightning Zahlungen</target> + + <note>Label for Bitcoin Lightning Tips section of user profile form.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Blixt Wallet" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Blixt Wallet</source> + <target>Blixt Wallet</target> + + <note>Dropdown option label for Lightning wallet, Blixt Wallet</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Blue Wallet" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Blue Wallet</source> + <target>Blue Wallet</target> + + <note>Dropdown option label for Lightning wallet, Blue Wallet.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Breez" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Breez</source> + <target>Breez</target> + + <note>Dropdown option label for Lightning wallet, Breez.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Broadcast" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Broadcast</source> + <target>Senden</target> + + <note>Context menu option for broadcasting the user's note to all of the user's connected relay servers.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Cancel" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Cancel</source> + <target>Abbrechen</target> + + <note>Button to cancel out of posting a note. + Button to cancel out of reposting a post. + Button to cancel out of view adding user inputted relay. + Cancel out of logging out the user.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Cash App" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Cash App</source> + <target>Cash App</target> + + <note>Dropdown option label for Lightning wallet, Cash App.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Chat" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Chat</source> + <target>Unterhaltung</target> + + <note>Navigation bar title for Chatroom view.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Clear" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Clear</source> + <target>Löschen</target> + + <note>Button for clearing cached data.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Clear Cache" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Clear Cache</source> + <target>Zwischenspeicher löschen</target> + + <note>Section title for clearing cached data.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Copied" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Copied</source> + <target>Kopiert</target> + + <note>Label indicating that a user's key was copied.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Copy" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Copy</source> + <target>Kopieren</target> + + <note>Button to copy a relay server address.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Copy Account ID" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Copy Account ID</source> + <target>Konto-ID kopieren</target> + + <note>Context menu option for copying the ID of the account that created the note.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Copy Image" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Copy Image</source> + <target>Bild kopieren</target> + + <note>Context menu option to copy an image into clipboard. + Context menu option to copy an image to clipboard.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Copy Image URL" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Copy Image URL</source> + <target>Bild-URL kopieren</target> + + <note>Context menu option to copy the URL of an image into clipboard.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Copy LNURL" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Copy LNURL</source> + <target>LNURL kopieren</target> + + <note>Context menu option for copying a user's Lightning URL.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Copy Note ID" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Copy Note ID</source> + <target>Notiz-ID kopieren</target> + + <note>Context menu option for copying the ID of the note.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Copy Note JSON" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Copy Note JSON</source> + <target>Notiz-JSON kopieren</target> + + <note>Context menu option for copying the JSON text from the note.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Copy Text" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Copy Text</source> + <target>Text kopieren</target> + + <note>Context menu option for copying the text from an note.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Copy User ID" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Copy User ID</source> + <target>Benutzer-ID kopieren</target> + + <note>Context menu option for copying the ID of the user who created the note.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Copy invoice" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Copy invoice</source> + <target>Rechnung kopieren</target> + + <note>Title of section for copying a Lightning invoice identifier.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Create" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Create</source> + <target>Erstellen</target> + + <note>Button to create account.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Create Account" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Create Account</source> + <target>Konto erstellen</target> + + <note>Button to create an account.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Creator(s) of Bitcoin. Absolute legend." xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Creator(s) of Bitcoin. Absolute legend.</source> + <target>Erfinder von Bitcoin. Absolute Legende(n).</target> + + <note>Example description about Bitcoin creator(s), Satoshi Nakamoto.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="DM" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>DM</source> + <target>PN</target> + + <note>Navigation title for DM view, which is the English abbreviation for Direct Message.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Damus" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Damus</source> + <target>Damus</target> + + <note>Name of the app, shown on the first screen when user is not logged in.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Default Wallet" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Default Wallet</source> + <target>Voreingestellte Wallet</target> + + <note>Button to pay a Lightning invoice with the user's default Lightning wallet.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Delete" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Delete</source> + <target>Löschen</target> + + <note>Button to delete a relay server that the user connects to.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Dismiss" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Dismiss</source> + <target>Schließen</target> + + <note>Button to dismiss a text field alert.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Display Name" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Display Name</source> + <target>Profilname</target> + + <note>Label to prompt display name entry.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Done" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Done</source> + <target>Fertig</target> + + <note>Button to dismiss wallet selection view for paying Lightning invoice.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Earn Money" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Earn Money</source> + <target>Verdiene Geld</target> + + <note>Heading indicating that this application allows users to earn money.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Edit" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Edit</source> + <target>Bearbeiten</target> + + <note>Button to edit user's profile.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Encrypted" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Encrypted</source> + <target>Verschlüsselt</target> + + <note>Heading indicating that this application keeps private messaging end-to-end encrypted.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Encrypted DMs" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Encrypted DMs</source> + <target>Verschlüsselte PNs</target> + + <note>Navigation title for view of encrypted DMs, where DM is an English abbreviation for Direct Message.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Enter your account key to login:" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Enter your account key to login:</source> + <target>Gib deinen Kontoschlüssel ein um dich anzumelden:</target> + + <note>Prompt for user to enter an account key to login.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Error: %@" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Error: %@</source> + <target>Fehler: %@</target> + + <note>Error message indicating why saving keys failed.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Filter State" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Filter State</source> + <target>Filter Einstellung</target> + + <note>Filter state for seeing either only posts, or posts &amp; replies.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Follow" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Follow</source> + <target>Folgen</target> + + <note>Button to follow a user.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Followers" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Followers</source> + <target>Follower</target> + + <note>Label describing followers of a user.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Following" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Following</source> + <target>Folgt</target> + + <note>Text to indicate that the button next to it is in a state that indicates that it is in the process of following a profile. +Part of a larger sentence to describe how many profiles a user is following.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Following..." xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Following...</source> + <target>Folge…</target> + + <note>Label to indicate that the user is in the process of following another user.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Follows" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Follows</source> + <target>Folgt</target> + + <note>Text to indicate that button next to it is in a state that will follow a profile when tapped.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Global" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Global</source> + <target>Weltweit</target> + + <note>Navigation bar title for Global view where posts from all connected relay servers appear.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Goto post %@" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Goto post %@</source> + <target>Gehe zum Beitrag %@</target> + + <note>Navigation link to go to post referenced by hex code.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Goto profile %@" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Goto profile %@</source> + <target>Gehe zum Profil %@</target> + + <note>Navigation link to go to profile.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Home" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Home</source> + <target>Heim</target> + + <note>Navigation bar title for Home view where posts and replies appear from those who the user is following.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Invalid key" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Invalid key</source> + <target>Ungültiger Schlüssel</target> + + <note>Error message indicating that an invalid account key was entered for login.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="LNLink" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>LNLink</source> + <target>LNLink</target> + + <note>Dropdown option label for Lightning wallet, LNLink.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Left Handed" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Left Handed</source> + <target>Linkshändig</target> + + <note>Moves the post button to the left side of the screen</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Let's go!" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Let's go!</source> + <target>Los gehts!</target> + + <note>Button to complete account creation and start using the app.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Lightning Address or LNURL" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Lightning Address or LNURL</source> + <target>Lightning-Adresse oder LNURL</target> + + <note>Placeholder text for entry of Lightning Address or LNURL.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Lightning Invoice" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Lightning Invoice</source> + <target>Lightning-Rechnung</target> + + <note>Indicates that the view is for paying a Lightning invoice.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Local default" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Local default</source> + <target>System-Standard</target> + + <note>Dropdown option label for system default for Lightning wallet.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Login" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Login</source> + <target>Anmelden</target> + + <note>Button to log into account. + Button to log into an account.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Logout" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Logout</source> + <target>Abmelden</target> + + <note>Alert for logging out the user. + Button for logging out the user. + Button to logout the user.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Make sure your nsec account key is saved before you logout or you will lose access to this account" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Make sure your nsec account key is saved before you logout or you will lose access to this account</source> + <target>Stelle sicher dass dein nsec Kontoschlüssel gesichert ist bevor du dich abmeldest oder du wirst den Zugang zu diesem Konto verlieren</target> + + <note>Reminder message in alert to get customer to verify that their private security account key is saved saved before logging out.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Muun" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Muun</source> + <target>Muun</target> + + <note>Dropdown option label for Lightning wallet, Muun.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="NIP-05 Verification" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>NIP-05 Verification</source> + <target>NIP-05-Verifizierung</target> + + <note>Label for NIP-05 Verification section of user profile form.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Nothing to see here. Check back later!" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Nothing to see here. Check back later!</source> + <target>Hier gibts nichts zu sehen. Schau später wieder vorbei!</target> + + <note>Indicates that there are no notes in the timeline to view.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Notifications" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Notifications</source> + <target>Benachrichtigungen</target> + + <note>Navigation title for notifications.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Pay" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Pay</source> + <target>Bezahlen</target> + + <note>Button to pay a Lightning invoice.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Pay the Lightning invoice" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Pay the Lightning invoice</source> + <target>Bezahle die Lightning-Rechnung</target> + + <note>Navigation bar title for view to pay Lightning invoice.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Phoenix" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Phoenix</source> + <target>Phoenix</target> + + <note>Dropdown option label for Lightning wallet, Phoenix.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Post" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Post</source> + <target>Teilen</target> + + <note>Button to post a note.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Posts" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Posts</source> + <target>Beiträge</target> + + <note>Label for filter for seeing only posts (instead of posts and replies).</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Posts &amp; Replies" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Posts &amp; Replies</source> + <target>Beiträge &amp; Antworten</target> + + <note>Label for filter for seeing posts and replies (instead of only posts).</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Private" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Private</source> + <target>Privatsphäre</target> + + <note>Heading indicating that this application keeps personally identifiable information private. A sentence describing what is done to keep data private comes after this heading.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Private Key" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Private Key</source> + <target>Privater Schlüssel</target> + + <note>Label to indicate that the text below is the user's private key used by only the user themself as a secret to login to access their account.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="PrivateKey" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>PrivateKey</source> + <target>Privater Schlüssel</target> + + <note>Title of the secure field that holds the user's private key.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Profile" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Profile</source> + <target>Profil</target> + + <note>Sidebar menu label for Profile view.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Profile Picture" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Profile Picture</source> + <target>Profilbild</target> + + <note>Label for Profile Picture section of user profile form.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Public Account ID" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Public Account ID</source> + <target>Öffentliche Konto ID</target> + + <note>Section title for the user's public account ID.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Public Key" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Public Key</source> + <target>Öffentlicher Schlüssel</target> + + <note>Label indicating that the text is a user's public account key.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Public Key?" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Public Key?</source> + <target>Öffentlicher Schlüssel?</target> + + <note>Prompt to ask user if the key they entered is a public key.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Public key" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Public key</source> + <target>Öffentlicher Schlüssel</target> + + <note>Label indicating that the text is a user's public account key.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Reactions" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Reactions</source> + <target>Reaktionen</target> + + <note>Navigation bar title for Reactions view.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Recommended Relays" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Recommended Relays</source> + <target>Empfohlene Relays</target> + + <note>Section title for recommend relay servers that could be added as part of configuration</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Relay" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Relay</source> + <target>Relay</target> + + <note>Text field for relay server. Used for testing purposes.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Relays" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Relays</source> + <target>Relays</target> + + <note>Sidebar menu label for Relay servers view</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Reply to self" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Reply to self</source> + <target>Antwort an dich selbst</target> + + <note>Label to indicate that the user is replying to themself.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Replying to %@ &amp; %@" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Replying to %1$@ &amp; %2$@</source> + <target>%1$@ &amp; %2$@ antworten</target> + + <note>Label to indicate that the user is replying to 2 users.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Replying to:" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Replying to:</source> + <target>Du antwortest:</target> + + <note>Indicating that the user is replying to the following listed people.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Repost" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Repost</source> + <target>Teilen</target> + + <note>Button to confirm reposting a post. + Title of alert for confirming to repost a post.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Reposted" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Reposted</source> + <target>Geteilt</target> + + <note>Text indicating that the post was reposted (i.e. re-shared).</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Reset" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Reset</source> + <target>Zurücksetzen</target> + + <note>Section title for resetting the user</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Retry" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Retry</source> + <target>Wiederholung</target> + + <note>Button to retry completing account creation after an error occurred.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="River" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>River</source> + <target>River</target> + + <note>Dropdown option label for Lightning wallet, River</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Satoshi Nakamoto" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Satoshi Nakamoto</source> + <target>Satoshi Nakamoto</target> + + <note>Name of Bitcoin creator(s).</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Save" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Save</source> + <target>Speichern</target> + + <note>Button for saving profile.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Save Image" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Save Image</source> + <target>Bild speichern</target> + + <note>Context menu option to save an image.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Search hashtag: #%@" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Search hashtag: #%@</source> + <target>Hashtag suchen: #%@</target> + + <note>Navigation link to search hashtag.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Search..." xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Search...</source> + <target>Suchen...</target> + + <note>Placeholder text to prompt entry of search query.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Secret Account Login Key" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Secret Account Login Key</source> + <target>Geheimer Konto-Anmeldeschlüssel</target> + + <note>Section title for user's secret account login key.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Select a Lightning wallet" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Select a Lightning wallet</source> + <target>Wähle eine Lightning-Wallet</target> + + <note>Title of section for selecting a Lightning wallet to pay a Lightning invoice.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Select default wallet" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Select default wallet</source> + <target>Wähle ein voreingestelltes Wallet</target> + + <note>Prompt selection of user's default wallet</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Send a message to start the conversation..." xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Send a message to start the conversation...</source> + <target>Sende eine Nachricht um die Unterhaltung zu beginnen...</target> + + <note>Text prompt for user to send a message to the other user.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Settings" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Settings</source> + <target>Einstellungen</target> + + <note>Navigation title for Settings view. + Sidebar menu label for accessing the app settings</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Share" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Share</source> + <target>Teilen</target> + + <note>Button to share an image.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Show" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Show</source> + <target>Anzeigen</target> + + <note>Toggle to show or hide user's secret account login key.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Show wallet selector" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Show wallet selector</source> + <target>Wallet-Auswahl anzeigen</target> + + <note>Toggle to show or hide selection of wallet.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Sign out" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Sign out</source> + <target>Abmelden</target> + + <note>Sidebar menu label to sign out of the account.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Strike" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Strike</source> + <target>Strike</target> + + <note>Dropdown option label for Lightning wallet, Strike.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="This is a public key, you will not be able to make posts or interact in any way. This is used for viewing accounts from their perspective." xml:space="preserve"> + <source>This is a public key, you will not be able to make posts or interact in any way. This is used for viewing accounts from their perspective.</source> + <target>Dies ist ein öffentlicher Schlüssel, Du wirst keine Beiträge teilen oder oder auf irgendeine Weise interagieren können. Dies wird genutzt um Kontos aus deren Perspektive zu sehen.</target> + + <note>Warning that the inputted account key is a public key and the result of what happens because of it.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="This is an old-style nostr key. We're not sure if it's a pubkey or private key. Please toggle the button below if this a public key." xml:space="preserve"> + <source>This is an old-style nostr key. We're not sure if it's a pubkey or private key. Please toggle the button below if this a public key.</source> + <target>Dies ist ein veralteter nostr-Schlüssel. Wir sind und unsicher ob es ein öffentlicher Schlüssel oder ein privater Schlüssel ist. Bitte betätige die untenstehende Schaltfläche wenn es ein öffentlicher Schlüssel ist.</target> + + <note>Warning that the inputted account key for login is an old-style and asking user to verify if it is a public key.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="This is your account ID, you can give this to your friends so that they can follow you. Click to copy." xml:space="preserve"> + <source>This is your account ID, you can give this to your friends so that they can follow you. Click to copy.</source> + <target>Dies ist deine Konto-ID, die du an deine Freunde weitergeben kannst, damit sie dir folgen können. Zum Kopieren anklicken.</target> + + <note>Label to describe that a public key is the user's account ID and what they can do with it.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="This is your secret account key. You need this to access your account. Don't share this with anyone! Save it in a password manager and keep it safe!" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>This is your secret account key. You need this to access your account. Don't share this with anyone! Save it in a password manager and keep it safe!</source> + <target>Dies ist dein geheimer, privater Schlüssel. Du benötigst ihn, um auf dein Konto zuzugreifen. Gib den privaten Schlüssel an niemanden weiter! Speichere ihn in einem Passwort-Manager und bewahre ihn sicher auf!</target> + + <note>Label to describe that a private key is the user's secret account key and what they should do with it.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Thread" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Thread</source> + <target>Thema</target> + + <note>Navigation bar title for note thread. + Navigation bar title for threaded event detail view.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Type your post here..." xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Type your post here...</source> + <target>Schreibe deinen Beitrag hier...</target> + + <note>Text box prompt to ask user to type their post.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Unfollow" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Unfollow</source> + <target>Entfolgen</target> + + <note>Button to unfollow a user.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Unfollowing" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Unfollowing</source> + <target>Entfolgen...</target> + + <note>Text to indicate that the button next to it is in a state that indicates that it is in the process of unfollowing a profile.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Unfollowing..." xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Unfollowing...</source> + <target>Entfolgen...</target> + + <note>Label to indicate that the user is in the process of unfollowing another user.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Unfollows" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Unfollows</source> + <target>Entfolgen</target> + + <note>Text to indicate that the button next to it is in a state that will unfollow a profile when tapped.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Username" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Username</source> + <target>Benutzername</target> + + <note>Label for Username section of user profile form. + Label to prompt username entry.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Wallet" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Wallet</source> + <target>Wallet</target> + + <note>Sidebar menu label for Wallet view.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Wallet Of Satoshi" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Wallet Of Satoshi</source> + <target>Wallet Of Satoshi</target> + + <note>Dropdown option label for Lightning wallet, Wallet Of Satoshi.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Wallet Selector" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Wallet Selector</source> + <target>Wallet-Auswahl</target> + + <note>Section title for selection of wallet.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Website" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Website</source> + <target>Website</target> + + <note>Label for Website section of user profile form.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Welcome to the social network %@ control." xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Welcome to the social network %@ control.</source> + <target>Willkommen bei dem sozialen Netzwerk, das %@ kontrollierst.</target> + + <note>Welcoming message to the reader. The variable is 'you', the reader.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Welcome, %@!" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Welcome, %@!</source> + <target>Willkommen, %@!</target> + + <note>Text to welcome user.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Your Name" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Your Name</source> + <target>Dein Name</target> + + <note>Label for Your Name section of user profile form.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Zebedee" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Zebedee</source> + <target>Zebedee</target> + + <note>Dropdown option label for Lightning wallet, Zebedee.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Zeus LN" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Zeus LN</source> + <target>Zeus LN</target> + + <note>Dropdown option label for Lightning wallet, Zeus LN.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="collapsed_event_view_other_notes" translate="no" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>collapsed_event_view_other_notes</source> + <target>collapsed_event_view_other_notes</target> + + <note>Text to indicate that the thread was collapsed and that there are other notes to view if tapped. (Key in .stringsdict)</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="followers_count" translate="no" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>followers_count</source> + <target>followers_count</target> + + <note>Part of a larger sentence to describe how many people are following a user. (Key in .stringsdict)</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="https://example.com/pic.jpg" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>https://example.com/pic.jpg</source> + <target>https://beispiel.de/bild.jpg</target> + + <note>Placeholder example text for profile picture URL.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="https://jb55.com" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>https://jb55.com</source> + <target>https://jb55.com</target> + + <note>Placeholder example text for website URL for user profile.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="jb55@jb55.com" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>jb55@jb55.com</source> + <target>jb55@jb55.com</target> + + <note>Placeholder example text for identifier used for NIP-05 verification.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="none" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>none</source> + <target>keine</target> + + <note>No search results.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="now" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>now</source> + <target>jetzt</target> + + <note>String indicating that a given timestamp just occurred</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="nsec1..." xml:space="preserve"> + <source>nsec1...</source> + <target>nsec1...</target> + + <note>Prompt for user to enter in an account key to login. This text shows the characters the key could start with if it was a private key.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="optional" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>optional</source> + <target>optional</target> + + <note>Label indicating that a form input is optional.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="reactions_count" translate="no" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>reactions_count</source> + <target>reactions_count</target> + + <note>Part of a larger sentence to describe how many reactions there are on a post. (Key in .stringsdict)</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="relays_count" translate="no" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>relays_count</source> + <target>relays_count</target> + + <note>Part of a larger sentence to describe how many relay servers a user is connected. (Key in .stringsdict)</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="replying_to_one_and_others" translate="no" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>replying_to_one_and_others</source> + <target>replying_to_one_and_others</target> + + <note>Label to indicate that the user is replying to 1 user and others. (Key in .stringsdict)</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="replying_to_two_and_others" translate="no" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>replying_to_two_and_others</source> + <target>replying_to_two_and_others</target> + + <note>Label to indicate that the user is replying to 2 users and others. (Key in .stringsdict)</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="reposts_count" translate="no" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>reposts_count</source> + <target>reposts_count</target> + + <note>Part of a larger sentence to describe how many reposts there are. (Key in .stringsdict)</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="satoshi" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>satoshi</source> + <target>satoshi</target> + + <note>Example username of Bitcoin creator(s), Satoshi Nakamoto.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="sats_count" translate="no" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>sats_count</source> + <target>sats_count</target> + + <note>Amount of sats. (Key in .stringsdict)</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="tips_count" translate="no" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>tips_count</source> + <target>tips_count</target> + + <note>Part of a larger sentence to describe how many tip payments there are on a post. (Key in .stringsdict)</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="u{00A0}" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>u{00A0}</source> + <target>u{00A0}</target> + + <note>Non-breaking space character to fill in blank space next to event action button icons.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="wss://some.relay.com" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>wss://some.relay.com</source> + <target>wss://irgendein.relay.de</target> + + <note>Placeholder example for relay server address.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="you" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>you</source> + <target>Du</target> + + <note>You, in this context, is the person who controls their own social network. You is used in the context of a larger sentence that welcomes the reader to the social network that they control themself.</note> + </trans-unit> + </body> + </file> + <file original="damus/en-US.lproj/Localizable.stringsdict" source-language="en-US" target-language="de-DE" datatype="plaintext"> + <header> + <tool tool-id="com.apple.dt.xcode" tool-name="Xcode" tool-version="14.2" build-num="14C18"/> + </header> + <body> + <trans-unit id="/collapsed_event_view_other_notes:dict/NOTES:dict/one:dict/:string" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>%d other note</source> + <target>%d andere Notiz</target> + + <note>Text to indicate that the thread was collapsed and that there are other notes to view if tapped.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="/collapsed_event_view_other_notes:dict/NOTES:dict/other:dict/:string" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>%d other notes</source> + <target>%d andere Notizen</target> + + <note>Text to indicate that the thread was collapsed and that there are other notes to view if tapped.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="/collapsed_event_view_other_notes:dict/NSStringLocalizedFormatKey:dict/:string" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>··· %#@NOTES@ ···</source> + <target>··· %#@NOTES@ ···</target> + + <note>Text to indicate that the thread was collapsed and that there are other notes to view if tapped.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="/followers_count:dict/FOLLOWERS:dict/one:dict/:string" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Follower</source> + <target>Follower</target> + + <note>Part of a larger sentence to describe how many people are following a user.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="/followers_count:dict/FOLLOWERS:dict/other:dict/:string" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Followers</source> + <target>Follower</target> + + <note>Part of a larger sentence to describe how many people are following a user.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="/followers_count:dict/NSStringLocalizedFormatKey:dict/:string" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>%#@FOLLOWERS@</source> + <target>%#@FOLLOWERS@</target> + + <note>Part of a larger sentence to describe how many people are following a user.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="/reactions_count:dict/NSStringLocalizedFormatKey:dict/:string" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>%#@REACTIONS@</source> + <target>%#@REACTIONS@</target> + + <note>Part of a larger sentence to describe how many reactions there are on a post.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="/reactions_count:dict/REACTIONS:dict/one:dict/:string" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Reaction</source> + <target>Reaktion</target> + + <note>Part of a larger sentence to describe how many reactions there are on a post.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="/reactions_count:dict/REACTIONS:dict/other:dict/:string" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Reactions</source> + <target>Reaktionen</target> + + <note>Part of a larger sentence to describe how many reactions there are on a post.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="/relays_count:dict/NSStringLocalizedFormatKey:dict/:string" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>%#@RELAYS@</source> + <target>%#@RELAYS@</target> + + <note>Part of a larger sentence to describe how many relay servers a user is connected.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="/relays_count:dict/RELAYS:dict/one:dict/:string" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Relay</source> + <target>Relay</target> + + <note>Part of a larger sentence to describe how many relay servers a user is connected.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="/relays_count:dict/RELAYS:dict/other:dict/:string" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Relays</source> + <target>Relays</target> + + <note>Part of a larger sentence to describe how many relay servers a user is connected.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="/replying_to_one_and_others:dict/NSStringLocalizedFormatKey:dict/:string" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Replying to %@%#@OTHERS@</source> + <target>Antwort an %@%#@OTHERS@</target> + + <note>Label to indicate that the user is replying to 1 user and others.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="/replying_to_one_and_others:dict/OTHERS:dict/one:dict/:string" xml:space="preserve"> + <source> &amp; %d other</source> + <target>&amp; %d andere</target> + + <note>Label to indicate that the user is replying to 1 user and others.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="/replying_to_one_and_others:dict/OTHERS:dict/other:dict/:string" xml:space="preserve"> + <source> &amp; %d others</source> + <target>&amp; %d andere</target> + + <note>Label to indicate that the user is replying to 1 user and others.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="/replying_to_one_and_others:dict/OTHERS:dict/zero:dict/:string" xml:space="preserve"> + <source/> + <note>Label to indicate that the user is replying to 1 user and others.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="/replying_to_two_and_others:dict/NSStringLocalizedFormatKey:dict/:string" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Replying to %@, %@%#@OTHERS@</source> + <target>Antwort an %@, %@%#@OTHERS@</target> + + <note>Label to indicate that the user is replying to 2 users and others.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="/replying_to_two_and_others:dict/OTHERS:dict/one:dict/:string" xml:space="preserve"> + <source> &amp; %d other</source> + <target>&amp; %d andere</target> + + <note>Label to indicate that the user is replying to 2 users and others.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="/replying_to_two_and_others:dict/OTHERS:dict/other:dict/:string" xml:space="preserve"> + <source> &amp; %d others</source> + <target>&amp; %d andere</target> + + <note>Label to indicate that the user is replying to 2 users and others.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="/replying_to_two_and_others:dict/OTHERS:dict/zero:dict/:string" xml:space="preserve"> + <source/> + <note>Label to indicate that the user is replying to 2 users and others.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="/reposts_count:dict/NSStringLocalizedFormatKey:dict/:string" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>%#@REPOSTS@</source> + <target>%#@REPOSTS@</target> + + <note>Part of a larger sentence to describe how many reposts there are.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="/reposts_count:dict/REPOSTS:dict/one:dict/:string" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Repost</source> + <target>Mal geteilt</target> + + <note>Part of a larger sentence to describe how many reposts there are.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="/reposts_count:dict/REPOSTS:dict/other:dict/:string" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Reposts</source> + <target>Mal geteilt</target> + + <note>Part of a larger sentence to describe how many reposts there are.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="/sats_count:dict/NSStringLocalizedFormatKey:dict/:string" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>%1$#@SATS@</source> + <target>%1$#@SATS@</target> + + <note>Amount of sats.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="/sats_count:dict/SATS:dict/one:dict/:string" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>%2$@ sat</source> + <target>%2$@ sat</target> + + <note>Amount of sats.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="/sats_count:dict/SATS:dict/other:dict/:string" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>%2$@ sats</source> + <target>%2$@ sats</target> + + <note>Amount of sats.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="/tips_count:dict/NSStringLocalizedFormatKey:dict/:string" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>%#@TIPS@</source> + <target>%#@TIPS@</target> + + <note>Part of a larger sentence to describe how many tip payments there are on a post.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="/tips_count:dict/TIPS:dict/one:dict/:string" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Tip</source> + <target>Trinkgeld</target> + + <note>Part of a larger sentence to describe how many tip payments there are on a post.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="/tips_count:dict/TIPS:dict/other:dict/:string" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Tips</source> + <target>Trinkgelder</target> + + <note>Part of a larger sentence to describe how many tip payments there are on a post.</note> + </trans-unit> + </body> + </file> +</xliff>+ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/damus Localizations/fr_FR.xcloc/Localized Contents/fr_FR.xliff b/damus Localizations/fr_FR.xcloc/Localized Contents/fr_FR.xliff @@ -0,0 +1,1234 @@ +<?xml version="1.0" ?><xliff xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" version="1.2" xsi:schemaLocation="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2 http://docs.oasis-open.org/xliff/v1.2/os/xliff-core-1.2-strict.xsd"> + <file original="damus/en-US.lproj/InfoPlist.strings" source-language="en-US" target-language="fr-FR" datatype="plaintext"> + <header> + <tool tool-id="com.apple.dt.xcode" tool-name="Xcode" tool-version="14.2" build-num="14C18"/> + </header> + <body> + <trans-unit id="CFBundleDisplayName" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Damus</source> + <target>Damus</target> + + <note>Bundle display name</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="CFBundleName" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>damus</source> + <target>damus</target> + + <note>Bundle name</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="NSPhotoLibraryAddUsageDescription" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>&quot;Granting Damus access to your photo library allows you to save photos.</source> + <target>&quot;Accorder à Damus l'accès à votre galerie photos vous permet d'enregistrer des photos.</target> + + <note>Privacy - Photo Library Additions Usage Description</note> + </trans-unit> + </body> + </file> + <file original="damus/en-US.lproj/Localizable.strings" source-language="en-US" target-language="fr-FR" datatype="plaintext"> + <header> + <tool tool-id="com.apple.dt.xcode" tool-name="Xcode" tool-version="14.2" build-num="14C18"/> + </header> + <body> + <trans-unit id=" " xml:space="preserve"> + <source> </source> + <target>61b6edf1108e6f396680a33b02486a70_tr</target> + <note>Blank space to separate profile picture from profile editor form.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="%@" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>%@</source> + <target>%@</target> + + <note>Amount of time that has passed since reply quote event occurred. +Abbreviated version of a nostr public key.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="%@ %@" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>%@ %@</source> + <target>%@ %@</target> + + <note>Sentence composed of 2 variables to describe how many reposts. In source English, the first variable is the number of reposts, and the second variable is 'Repost' or 'Reposts'. +Sentence composed of 2 variables to describe how many profiles a user is following. In source English, the first variable is the number of profiles being followed, and the second variable is 'Following'.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="%@. Creating an account doesn't require a phone number, email or name. Get started right away with zero friction." xml:space="preserve"> + <source>%@. Creating an account doesn't require a phone number, email or name. Get started right away with zero friction.</source> + <target>%@. La création d'un compte ne nécessite pas de numéro de téléphone, d'e-mail ou de nom. Commencez tout de suite sans aucune friction.</target> + + <note>Explanation of what is done to keep personally identifiable information private. There is a heading that precedes this explanation which is a variable to this string.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="%@. End-to-End encrypted private messaging. Keep Big Tech out of your DMs" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>%@. End-to-End encrypted private messaging. Keep Big Tech out of your DMs</source> + <target>%@. Messagerie privée cryptée de bout en bout. Gardez Big Tech hors de vos DMs</target> + + <note>Explanation of what is done to keep private data encrypted. There is a heading that precedes this explanation which is a variable to this string.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="%@. Tip your friend's posts and stack sats with Bitcoin⚡️, the native currency of the internet." xml:space="preserve"> + <source>%@. Tip your friend's posts and stack sats with Bitcoin⚡️, the native currency of the internet.</source> + <target>%@. Donnez un pourboire aux publications de vos amis et empilez les sats avec Bitcoin⚡️, la monnaie native d'Internet.</target> + + <note>Explanation of what can be done by users to earn money. There is a heading that precedes this explanation which is a variable to this string.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="%lld" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>%lld</source> + <target>%lld</target> + + <note>Number of reposts. +Number of profiles a user is following.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="%lld/%lld" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>%lld/%lld</source> + <target>%lld/%lld&lt;br data-mce-bogus=&quot;1&quot;&gt;</target> + + <note>Fraction of how many of the user's relay servers that are operational.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="'%@' at '%@' will be used for verification" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>'%@' at '%@' will be used for verification</source> + <target>'%@' à '@' sera utilisé pour la vérification</target> + + <note>Description of how the nip05 identifier would be used for verification.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="'%@' is an invalid nip05 identifier. It should look like an email." xml:space="preserve"> + <source>'%@' is an invalid nip05 identifier. It should look like an email.</source> + <target>'@' est un identifiant nip05 invalide. Cela devrait ressembler à une adresse e-mail.</target> + + <note>Description of why the nip05 identifier is invalid.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="(Profile.displayName(profile: profile, pubkey: whos))'s Followers" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>(Profile.displayName(profile: profile, pubkey: whos))'s Followers</source> + <target>(Profile.displayName(profile: profile, pubkey: whos))'s Followers</target> + + <note>Navigation bar title for view that shows who is following a user.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="(who) following" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>(who) following</source> + <target>(who) following</target> + + <note>Navigation bar title for view that shows who a user is following.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="&lt; e &gt;" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>&lt; e &gt;</source> + <target>&lt; e &gt;</target> + + <note>Placeholder for event mention.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="@" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>@</source> + <target>@</target> + + <note>Prefix character to username.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="About" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>About</source> + <target>À propos de</target> + + <note>Label to prompt for about text entry for user to describe about themself.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="About Me" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>About Me</source> + <target>À Propos de Moi</target> + + <note>Label for About Me section of user profile form.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Absolute Boss" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Absolute Boss</source> + <target>Patron Absolu</target> + + <note>Placeholder text for About Me description.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Account ID" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Account ID</source> + <target>Identifiant de Compte</target> + + <note>Label to indicate the public ID of the account.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Add" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Add</source> + <target>Ajouter</target> + + <note>Button to add recommended relay server. + Button to confirm adding user inputted relay.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Add Relay" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Add Relay</source> + <target>Ajouter un Relais</target> + + <note>Label for section for adding a relay server.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Any" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Any</source> + <target>N'importe Lequel</target> + + <note>Any amount of sats</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Are you sure you want to repost this?" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Are you sure you want to repost this?</source> + <target>Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir republier ceci ?</target> + + <note>Alert message to ask if user wants to repost a post.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Banner Image" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Banner Image</source> + <target>Image Bannière</target> + + <note>Label for Banner Image section of user profile form.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Before we get started, you'll need to save your account info, otherwise you won't be able to login in the future if you ever uninstall Damus." xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Before we get started, you'll need to save your account info, otherwise you won't be able to login in the future if you ever uninstall Damus.</source> + <target>Avant de commencer, vous devrez enregistrer les informations de votre compte, sinon vous ne pourrez plus vous connecter à l'avenir si vous désinstallez Damus.</target> + + <note>Reminder to user that they should save their account information.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Bitcoin Beach" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Bitcoin Beach</source> + <target>Bitcoin Beach</target> + + <note>Dropdown option label for Lightning wallet, Bitcoin Beach.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Bitcoin Lightning Tips" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Bitcoin Lightning Tips</source> + <target>Pourboires de Bitcoin Lightning</target> + + <note>Label for Bitcoin Lightning Tips section of user profile form.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Blixt Wallet" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Blixt Wallet</source> + <target>Portefeuille Blixt</target> + + <note>Dropdown option label for Lightning wallet, Blixt Wallet</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Blue Wallet" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Blue Wallet</source> + <target>Portefeuille Blue</target> + + <note>Dropdown option label for Lightning wallet, Blue Wallet.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Breez" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Breez</source> + <target>Breez</target> + + <note>Dropdown option label for Lightning wallet, Breez.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Broadcast" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Broadcast</source> + <target>Diffuser</target> + + <note>Context menu option for broadcasting the user's note to all of the user's connected relay servers.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Cancel" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Cancel</source> + <target>Annuler</target> + + <note>Button to cancel out of posting a note. + Button to cancel out of reposting a post. + Button to cancel out of view adding user inputted relay. + Cancel out of logging out the user.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Cash App" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Cash App</source> + <target>Cash App</target> + + <note>Dropdown option label for Lightning wallet, Cash App.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Chat" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Chat</source> + <target>Chatter</target> + + <note>Navigation bar title for Chatroom view.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Clear" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Clear</source> + <target>&lt;br&gt;Vider</target> + + <note>Button for clearing cached data.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Clear Cache" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Clear Cache</source> + <target>Vider le Cache</target> + + <note>Section title for clearing cached data.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Copied" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Copied</source> + <target>Copié</target> + + <note>Label indicating that a user's key was copied.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Copy" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Copy</source> + <target>Copier</target> + + <note>Button to copy a relay server address.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Copy Account ID" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Copy Account ID</source> + <target>Copier l'Identifiant de Compte</target> + + <note>Context menu option for copying the ID of the account that created the note.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Copy Image" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Copy Image</source> + <target>Copier l'Image</target> + + <note>Context menu option to copy an image into clipboard. + Context menu option to copy an image to clipboard.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Copy Image URL" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Copy Image URL</source> + <target>Copier l'URL de l'Image</target> + + <note>Context menu option to copy the URL of an image into clipboard.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Copy LNURL" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Copy LNURL</source> + <target>Copier le LNURL</target> + + <note>Context menu option for copying a user's Lightning URL.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Copy Note ID" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Copy Note ID</source> + <target>Copier l'Identifiant de la Note</target> + + <note>Context menu option for copying the ID of the note.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Copy Note JSON" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Copy Note JSON</source> + <target>Copier le JSON de la Note</target> + + <note>Context menu option for copying the JSON text from the note.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Copy Text" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Copy Text</source> + <target>Copier le Texte</target> + + <note>Context menu option for copying the text from an note.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Copy User ID" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Copy User ID</source> + <target>Copier l'Identifiant de l'Utilisateur</target> + + <note>Context menu option for copying the ID of the user who created the note.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Copy invoice" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Copy invoice</source> + <target>Copier la Facture</target> + + <note>Title of section for copying a Lightning invoice identifier.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Create" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Create</source> + <target>Créer</target> + + <note>Button to create account.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Create Account" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Create Account</source> + <target>Créer un Compte</target> + + <note>Button to create an account.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Creator(s) of Bitcoin. Absolute legend." xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Creator(s) of Bitcoin. Absolute legend.</source> + <target>Créateur(s) de Bitcoin. Légende absolue.</target> + + <note>Example description about Bitcoin creator(s), Satoshi Nakamoto.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="DM" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>DM</source> + <target>DM</target> + + <note>Navigation title for DM view, which is the English abbreviation for Direct Message.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Damus" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Damus</source> + <target>Damus</target> + + <note>Name of the app, shown on the first screen when user is not logged in.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Default Wallet" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Default Wallet</source> + <target>Portefeuille par défaut</target> + + <note>Button to pay a Lightning invoice with the user's default Lightning wallet.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Delete" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Delete</source> + <target>&lt;br&gt;Effacer</target> + + <note>Button to delete a relay server that the user connects to.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Dismiss" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Dismiss</source> + <target>Rejeter</target> + + <note>Button to dismiss a text field alert.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Display Name" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Display Name</source> + <target>Afficher Nom</target> + + <note>Label to prompt display name entry.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Done" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Done</source> + <target>Fini</target> + + <note>Button to dismiss wallet selection view for paying Lightning invoice.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Earn Money" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Earn Money</source> + <target>Gagnes de l'argent</target> + + <note>Heading indicating that this application allows users to earn money.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Edit" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Edit</source> + <target>Modifier</target> + + <note>Button to edit user's profile.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Encrypted" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Encrypted</source> + <target>Crypté</target> + + <note>Heading indicating that this application keeps private messaging end-to-end encrypted.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Encrypted DMs" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Encrypted DMs</source> + <target>DMs cryptés</target> + + <note>Navigation title for view of encrypted DMs, where DM is an English abbreviation for Direct Message.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Enter your account key to login:" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Enter your account key to login:</source> + <target>Entrez votre clé de compte pour vous connecter:</target> + + <note>Prompt for user to enter an account key to login.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Error: %@" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Error: %@</source> + <target>Error: %@</target> + + <note>Error message indicating why saving keys failed.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Filter State" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Filter State</source> + <target>État du filtre</target> + + <note>Filter state for seeing either only posts, or posts &amp; replies.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Follow" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Follow</source> + <target>S'abonner&lt;br&gt;</target> + + <note>Button to follow a user.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Followers" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Followers</source> + <target>Abonnés</target> + + <note>Label describing followers of a user.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Following" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Following</source> + <target>Abonnements</target> + + <note>Text to indicate that the button next to it is in a state that indicates that it is in the process of following a profile. +Part of a larger sentence to describe how many profiles a user is following.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Following..." xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Following...</source> + <target>Abonnements...</target> + + <note>Label to indicate that the user is in the process of following another user.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Follows" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Follows</source> + <target>Follow&lt;br&gt;</target> + + <note>Text to indicate that button next to it is in a state that will follow a profile when tapped.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Global" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Global</source> + <target>Global</target> + + <note>Navigation bar title for Global view where posts from all connected relay servers appear.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Goto post %@" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Goto post %@</source> + <target>Goto post %@</target> + + <note>Navigation link to go to post referenced by hex code.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Goto profile %@" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Goto profile %@</source> + <target>Goto profile %@</target> + + <note>Navigation link to go to profile.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Home" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Home</source> + <target>Accueil</target> + + <note>Navigation bar title for Home view where posts and replies appear from those who the user is following.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Invalid key" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Invalid key</source> + <target>Clé non valide</target> + + <note>Error message indicating that an invalid account key was entered for login.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="LNLink" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>LNLink</source> + <target>Lien LN</target> + + <note>Dropdown option label for Lightning wallet, LNLink.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Left Handed" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Left Handed</source> + <target>Gaucher</target> + + <note>Moves the post button to the left side of the screen</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Let's go!" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Let's go!</source> + <target>Allons-y!</target> + + <note>Button to complete account creation and start using the app.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Lightning Address or LNURL" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Lightning Address or LNURL</source> + <target>Adresse Lightning ou LNURL</target> + + <note>Placeholder text for entry of Lightning Address or LNURL.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Lightning Invoice" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Lightning Invoice</source> + <target>Facture Lightning</target> + + <note>Indicates that the view is for paying a Lightning invoice.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Local default" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Local default</source> + <target>Valeur locale par défaut</target> + + <note>Dropdown option label for system default for Lightning wallet.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Login" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Login</source> + <target>Se connecter</target> + + <note>Button to log into account. + Button to log into an account.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Logout" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Logout</source> + <target>Se déconnecter</target> + + <note>Alert for logging out the user. + Button for logging out the user. + Button to logout the user.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Make sure your nsec account key is saved before you logout or you will lose access to this account" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Make sure your nsec account key is saved before you logout or you will lose access to this account</source> + <target>Assurez-vous que votre clé de compte nsec est enregistrée avant de vous déconnecter ou vous perdrez l'accès à ce compte</target> + + <note>Reminder message in alert to get customer to verify that their private security account key is saved saved before logging out.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Muun" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Muun</source> + <target>Muun</target> + + <note>Dropdown option label for Lightning wallet, Muun.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="NIP-05 Verification" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>NIP-05 Verification</source> + <target>Vérification NIP-05</target> + + <note>Label for NIP-05 Verification section of user profile form.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Nothing to see here. Check back later!" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Nothing to see here. Check back later!</source> + <target>Rien à voir ici. Revenez plus tard!</target> + + <note>Indicates that there are no notes in the timeline to view.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Notifications" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Notifications</source> + <target>Notifications</target> + + <note>Navigation title for notifications.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Pay" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Pay</source> + <target>Payer</target> + + <note>Button to pay a Lightning invoice.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Pay the Lightning invoice" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Pay the Lightning invoice</source> + <target>Payer la facture Lightning</target> + + <note>Navigation bar title for view to pay Lightning invoice.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Phoenix" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Phoenix</source> + <target>Phoenix</target> + + <note>Dropdown option label for Lightning wallet, Phoenix.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Post" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Post</source> + <target>Publication</target> + + <note>Button to post a note.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Posts" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Posts</source> + <target>Publications</target> + + <note>Label for filter for seeing only posts (instead of posts and replies).</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Posts &amp; Replies" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Posts &amp; Replies</source> + <target>Publications &amp; Réponses</target> + + <note>Label for filter for seeing posts and replies (instead of only posts).</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Private" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Private</source> + <target>Privé</target> + + <note>Heading indicating that this application keeps personally identifiable information private. A sentence describing what is done to keep data private comes after this heading.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Private Key" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Private Key</source> + <target>Clé Privée</target> + + <note>Label to indicate that the text below is the user's private key used by only the user themself as a secret to login to access their account.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="PrivateKey" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>PrivateKey</source> + <target>PrivateKey</target> + + <note>Title of the secure field that holds the user's private key.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Profile" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Profile</source> + <target>Profil</target> + + <note>Sidebar menu label for Profile view.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Profile Picture" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Profile Picture</source> + <target>Image de profil</target> + + <note>Label for Profile Picture section of user profile form.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Public Account ID" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Public Account ID</source> + <target>Identifiant publique de compte</target> + + <note>Section title for the user's public account ID.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Public Key" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Public Key</source> + <target>Clé Publique</target> + + <note>Label indicating that the text is a user's public account key.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Public Key?" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Public Key?</source> + <target>Clé Publique?</target> + + <note>Prompt to ask user if the key they entered is a public key.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Public key" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Public key</source> + <target>Clé Publique</target> + + <note>Label indicating that the text is a user's public account key.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Reactions" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Reactions</source> + <target>Réactions</target> + + <note>Navigation bar title for Reactions view.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Recommended Relays" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Recommended Relays</source> + <target>Relais Recommandés</target> + + <note>Section title for recommend relay servers that could be added as part of configuration</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Relay" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Relay</source> + <target>Relais</target> + + <note>Text field for relay server. Used for testing purposes.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Relays" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Relays</source> + <target>Relais</target> + + <note>Sidebar menu label for Relay servers view</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Reply to self" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Reply to self</source> + <target>Répondre à soi-même</target> + + <note>Label to indicate that the user is replying to themself.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Replying to %@ &amp; %@" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Replying to %1$@ &amp; %2$@</source> + <target>Répondre à %1$@ &amp; %2$@</target> + + <note>Label to indicate that the user is replying to 2 users.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Replying to:" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Replying to:</source> + <target>Répondre à:</target> + + <note>Indicating that the user is replying to the following listed people.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Repost" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Repost</source> + <target>Republier</target> + + <note>Button to confirm reposting a post. + Title of alert for confirming to repost a post.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Reposted" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Reposted</source> + <target>A republié</target> + + <note>Text indicating that the post was reposted (i.e. re-shared).</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Reset" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Reset</source> + <target>Réinitialiser</target> + + <note>Section title for resetting the user</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Retry" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Retry</source> + <target>Retenter</target> + + <note>Button to retry completing account creation after an error occurred.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="River" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>River</source> + <target>River</target> + + <note>Dropdown option label for Lightning wallet, River</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Satoshi Nakamoto" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Satoshi Nakamoto</source> + <target>Satoshi Nakamoto</target> + + <note>Name of Bitcoin creator(s).</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Save" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Save</source> + <target>Enregistrer</target> + + <note>Button for saving profile.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Save Image" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Save Image</source> + <target>Enregistrer Image</target> + + <note>Context menu option to save an image.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Search hashtag: #%@" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Search hashtag: #%@</source> + <target>Rechercher hashtag: #%@</target> + + <note>Navigation link to search hashtag.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Search..." xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Search...</source> + <target>Rechercher...</target> + + <note>Placeholder text to prompt entry of search query.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Secret Account Login Key" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Secret Account Login Key</source> + <target>Clé secrète de connexion au compte</target> + + <note>Section title for user's secret account login key.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Select a Lightning wallet" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Select a Lightning wallet</source> + <target>Sélectionnez un portefeuille Lightning</target> + + <note>Title of section for selecting a Lightning wallet to pay a Lightning invoice.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Select default wallet" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Select default wallet</source> + <target>Sélectionnez le portefeuille par défaut</target> + + <note>Prompt selection of user's default wallet</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Send a message to start the conversation..." xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Send a message to start the conversation...</source> + <target>Envoyez un message pour démarrer la conversation...</target> + + <note>Text prompt for user to send a message to the other user.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Settings" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Settings</source> + <target>Paramètres</target> + + <note>Navigation title for Settings view. + Sidebar menu label for accessing the app settings</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Share" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Share</source> + <target>Partager</target> + + <note>Button to share an image.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Show" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Show</source> + <target>Afficher&lt;br&gt;</target> + + <note>Toggle to show or hide user's secret account login key.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Show wallet selector" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Show wallet selector</source> + <target>Afficher le sélecteur de portefeuille</target> + + <note>Toggle to show or hide selection of wallet.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Sign out" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Sign out</source> + <target>Se déconnecter</target> + + <note>Sidebar menu label to sign out of the account.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Strike" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Strike</source> + <target>Strike</target> + + <note>Dropdown option label for Lightning wallet, Strike.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="This is a public key, you will not be able to make posts or interact in any way. This is used for viewing accounts from their perspective." xml:space="preserve"> + <source>This is a public key, you will not be able to make posts or interact in any way. This is used for viewing accounts from their perspective.</source> + <target>Il s'agit d'une clé publique, vous ne pourrez pas publier de messages ou interagir de quelque manière que ce soit. Ceci est utilisé pour visualiser les comptes de leur point de vue.</target> + + <note>Warning that the inputted account key is a public key and the result of what happens because of it.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="This is an old-style nostr key. We're not sure if it's a pubkey or private key. Please toggle the button below if this a public key." xml:space="preserve"> + <source>This is an old-style nostr key. We're not sure if it's a pubkey or private key. Please toggle the button below if this a public key.</source> + <target>Il s'agit d'une clé Nostr à l'ancienne. Nous ne savons pas s'il s'agit d'une clé publique ou d'une clé privée. Veuillez basculer le bouton ci-dessous s'il s'agit d'une clé publique.</target> + + <note>Warning that the inputted account key for login is an old-style and asking user to verify if it is a public key.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="This is your account ID, you can give this to your friends so that they can follow you. Click to copy." xml:space="preserve"> + <source>This is your account ID, you can give this to your friends so that they can follow you. Click to copy.</source> + <target>Ceci est votre identifiant de compte, vous pouvez le donner à vos amis afin qu'ils puissent vous suivre. Cliquez pour copier.</target> + + <note>Label to describe that a public key is the user's account ID and what they can do with it.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="This is your secret account key. You need this to access your account. Don't share this with anyone! Save it in a password manager and keep it safe!" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>This is your secret account key. You need this to access your account. Don't share this with anyone! Save it in a password manager and keep it safe!</source> + <target>Il s'agit de votre clé de compte secrète. Vous en aurez besoin pour accéder à votre compte. Ne le partagez avec personne ! Enregistrez-le dans un gestionnaire de mots de passe et gardez-le en sécurité!</target> + + <note>Label to describe that a private key is the user's secret account key and what they should do with it.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Thread" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Thread</source> + <target>Fil de discussion</target> + + <note>Navigation bar title for note thread. + Navigation bar title for threaded event detail view.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Type your post here..." xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Type your post here...</source> + <target>Tapez votre message ici...</target> + + <note>Text box prompt to ask user to type their post.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Unfollow" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Unfollow</source> + <target>Se désabonner</target> + + <note>Button to unfollow a user.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Unfollowing" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Unfollowing</source> + <target>Ne plus suivre</target> + + <note>Text to indicate that the button next to it is in a state that indicates that it is in the process of unfollowing a profile.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Unfollowing..." xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Unfollowing...</source> + <target>Ne plus suivre...&lt;br&gt;</target> + + <note>Label to indicate that the user is in the process of unfollowing another user.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Unfollows" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Unfollows</source> + <target>Se désabonne de</target> + + <note>Text to indicate that the button next to it is in a state that will unfollow a profile when tapped.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Username" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Username</source> + <target>Nom d'utilisateur</target> + + <note>Label for Username section of user profile form. + Label to prompt username entry.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Wallet" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Wallet</source> + <target>Portefeuille</target> + + <note>Sidebar menu label for Wallet view.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Wallet Of Satoshi" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Wallet Of Satoshi</source> + <target>Portefeuille de Satoshi</target> + + <note>Dropdown option label for Lightning wallet, Wallet Of Satoshi.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Wallet Selector" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Wallet Selector</source> + <target>Sélecteur de portefeuille</target> + + <note>Section title for selection of wallet.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Website" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Website</source> + <target>Site Internet</target> + + <note>Label for Website section of user profile form.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Welcome to the social network %@ control." xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Welcome to the social network %@ control.</source> + <target>Bienvenue sur le réseau social %@ contrôle.</target> + + <note>Welcoming message to the reader. The variable is 'you', the reader.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Welcome, %@!" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Welcome, %@!</source> + <target>Bienvenue, %@!</target> + + <note>Text to welcome user.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Your Name" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Your Name</source> + <target>Votre Nom</target> + + <note>Label for Your Name section of user profile form.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Zebedee" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Zebedee</source> + <target>Zebedee</target> + + <note>Dropdown option label for Lightning wallet, Zebedee.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Zeus LN" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Zeus LN</source> + <target>LN de Zeus</target> + + <note>Dropdown option label for Lightning wallet, Zeus LN.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="collapsed_event_view_other_notes" translate="no" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>collapsed_event_view_other_notes</source> + <target>collapsed_event_view_other_notes</target> + + <note>Text to indicate that the thread was collapsed and that there are other notes to view if tapped. (Key in .stringsdict)</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="followers_count" translate="no" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>followers_count</source> + <target>followers_count</target> + + <note>Part of a larger sentence to describe how many people are following a user. (Key in .stringsdict)</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="https://example.com/pic.jpg" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>https://example.com/pic.jpg</source> + <target>https://example.com/pic.jpg</target> + + <note>Placeholder example text for profile picture URL.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="https://jb55.com" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>https://jb55.com</source> + <target>https://jb55.com</target> + + <note>Placeholder example text for website URL for user profile.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="jb55@jb55.com" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>jb55@jb55.com</source> + <target>jb55@jb55.com</target> + + <note>Placeholder example text for identifier used for NIP-05 verification.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="none" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>none</source> + <target>none</target> + + <note>No search results.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="now" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>now</source> + <target>now</target> + + <note>String indicating that a given timestamp just occurred</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="nsec1..." xml:space="preserve"> + <source>nsec1...</source> + <target>nsec1...</target> + + <note>Prompt for user to enter in an account key to login. This text shows the characters the key could start with if it was a private key.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="optional" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>optional</source> + <target>optional</target> + + <note>Label indicating that a form input is optional.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="reactions_count" translate="no" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>reactions_count</source> + <target>reactions_count</target> + + <note>Part of a larger sentence to describe how many reactions there are on a post. (Key in .stringsdict)</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="relays_count" translate="no" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>relays_count</source> + <target>relays_count</target> + + <note>Part of a larger sentence to describe how many relay servers a user is connected. (Key in .stringsdict)</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="replying_to_one_and_others" translate="no" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>replying_to_one_and_others</source> + <target>replying_to_one_and_others</target> + + <note>Label to indicate that the user is replying to 1 user and others. (Key in .stringsdict)</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="replying_to_two_and_others" translate="no" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>replying_to_two_and_others</source> + <target>replying_to_two_and_others</target> + + <note>Label to indicate that the user is replying to 2 users and others. (Key in .stringsdict)</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="reposts_count" translate="no" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>reposts_count</source> + <target>reposts_count</target> + + <note>Part of a larger sentence to describe how many reposts there are. (Key in .stringsdict)</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="satoshi" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>satoshi</source> + <target>satoshi</target> + + <note>Example username of Bitcoin creator(s), Satoshi Nakamoto.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="sats_count" translate="no" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>sats_count</source> + <target>sats_count</target> + + <note>Amount of sats. (Key in .stringsdict)</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="tips_count" translate="no" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>tips_count</source> + <target>tips_count</target> + + <note>Part of a larger sentence to describe how many tip payments there are on a post. (Key in .stringsdict)</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="u{00A0}" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>u{00A0}</source> + <target>u{00A0}</target> + + <note>Non-breaking space character to fill in blank space next to event action button icons.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="wss://some.relay.com" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>wss://some.relay.com</source> + <target>wss://some.relay.com</target> + + <note>Placeholder example for relay server address.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="you" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>you</source> + <target>you</target> + + <note>You, in this context, is the person who controls their own social network. You is used in the context of a larger sentence that welcomes the reader to the social network that they control themself.</note> + </trans-unit> + </body> + </file> + <file original="damus/en-US.lproj/Localizable.stringsdict" source-language="en-US" target-language="fr-FR" datatype="plaintext"> + <header> + <tool tool-id="com.apple.dt.xcode" tool-name="Xcode" tool-version="14.2" build-num="14C18"/> + </header> + <body> + <trans-unit id="/collapsed_event_view_other_notes:dict/NOTES:dict/one:dict/:string" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>%d other note</source> + <target>%d other note</target> + + <note>Text to indicate that the thread was collapsed and that there are other notes to view if tapped.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="/collapsed_event_view_other_notes:dict/NOTES:dict/other:dict/:string" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>%d other notes</source> + <target>%d other notes</target> + + <note>Text to indicate that the thread was collapsed and that there are other notes to view if tapped.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="/collapsed_event_view_other_notes:dict/NSStringLocalizedFormatKey:dict/:string" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>··· %#@NOTES@ ···</source> + <target>··· %#@NOTES@ ···</target> + + <note>Text to indicate that the thread was collapsed and that there are other notes to view if tapped.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="/followers_count:dict/FOLLOWERS:dict/one:dict/:string" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Follower</source> + <target>Abonné</target> + + <note>Part of a larger sentence to describe how many people are following a user.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="/followers_count:dict/FOLLOWERS:dict/other:dict/:string" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Followers</source> + <target>Abonnés</target> + + <note>Part of a larger sentence to describe how many people are following a user.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="/followers_count:dict/NSStringLocalizedFormatKey:dict/:string" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>%#@FOLLOWERS@</source> + <target>%#@FOLLOWERS@</target> + + <note>Part of a larger sentence to describe how many people are following a user.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="/reactions_count:dict/NSStringLocalizedFormatKey:dict/:string" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>%#@REACTIONS@</source> + <target>%#@REACTIONS@</target> + + <note>Part of a larger sentence to describe how many reactions there are on a post.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="/reactions_count:dict/REACTIONS:dict/one:dict/:string" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Reaction</source> + <target>Réaction</target> + + <note>Part of a larger sentence to describe how many reactions there are on a post.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="/reactions_count:dict/REACTIONS:dict/other:dict/:string" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Reactions</source> + <target>Réactions</target> + + <note>Part of a larger sentence to describe how many reactions there are on a post.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="/relays_count:dict/NSStringLocalizedFormatKey:dict/:string" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>%#@RELAYS@</source> + <target>%#@RELAYS@</target> + + <note>Part of a larger sentence to describe how many relay servers a user is connected.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="/relays_count:dict/RELAYS:dict/one:dict/:string" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Relay</source> + <target>Relais</target> + + <note>Part of a larger sentence to describe how many relay servers a user is connected.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="/relays_count:dict/RELAYS:dict/other:dict/:string" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Relays</source> + <target>Relais</target> + + <note>Part of a larger sentence to describe how many relay servers a user is connected.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="/replying_to_one_and_others:dict/NSStringLocalizedFormatKey:dict/:string" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Replying to %@%#@OTHERS@</source> + <target>Répondre à %@%#@OTHERS@</target> + + <note>Label to indicate that the user is replying to 1 user and others.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="/replying_to_one_and_others:dict/OTHERS:dict/one:dict/:string" xml:space="preserve"> + <source> &amp; %d other</source> + <target>&amp; %d other</target> + + <note>Label to indicate that the user is replying to 1 user and others.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="/replying_to_one_and_others:dict/OTHERS:dict/other:dict/:string" xml:space="preserve"> + <source> &amp; %d others</source> + <target>&amp; %d others</target> + + <note>Label to indicate that the user is replying to 1 user and others.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="/replying_to_one_and_others:dict/OTHERS:dict/zero:dict/:string" xml:space="preserve"> + <source/> + <note>Label to indicate that the user is replying to 1 user and others.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="/replying_to_two_and_others:dict/NSStringLocalizedFormatKey:dict/:string" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Replying to %@, %@%#@OTHERS@</source> + <target>Répondre à %@, %@%#@OTHERS@</target> + + <note>Label to indicate that the user is replying to 2 users and others.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="/replying_to_two_and_others:dict/OTHERS:dict/one:dict/:string" xml:space="preserve"> + <source> &amp; %d other</source> + <target>&amp; %d other</target> + + <note>Label to indicate that the user is replying to 2 users and others.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="/replying_to_two_and_others:dict/OTHERS:dict/other:dict/:string" xml:space="preserve"> + <source> &amp; %d others</source> + <target>&amp; %d others</target> + + <note>Label to indicate that the user is replying to 2 users and others.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="/replying_to_two_and_others:dict/OTHERS:dict/zero:dict/:string" xml:space="preserve"> + <source/> + <note>Label to indicate that the user is replying to 2 users and others.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="/reposts_count:dict/NSStringLocalizedFormatKey:dict/:string" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>%#@REPOSTS@</source> + <target>%#@REPOSTS@</target> + + <note>Part of a larger sentence to describe how many reposts there are.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="/reposts_count:dict/REPOSTS:dict/one:dict/:string" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Repost</source> + <target>Republication</target> + + <note>Part of a larger sentence to describe how many reposts there are.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="/reposts_count:dict/REPOSTS:dict/other:dict/:string" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Reposts</source> + <target>Republications</target> + + <note>Part of a larger sentence to describe how many reposts there are.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="/sats_count:dict/NSStringLocalizedFormatKey:dict/:string" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>%1$#@SATS@</source> + <target>%1$#@SATS@</target> + + <note>Amount of sats.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="/sats_count:dict/SATS:dict/one:dict/:string" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>%2$@ sat</source> + <target>%2$@ sat</target> + + <note>Amount of sats.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="/sats_count:dict/SATS:dict/other:dict/:string" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>%2$@ sats</source> + <target>%2$@ sats</target> + + <note>Amount of sats.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="/tips_count:dict/NSStringLocalizedFormatKey:dict/:string" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>%#@TIPS@</source> + <target>%#@TIPS@</target> + + <note>Part of a larger sentence to describe how many tip payments there are on a post.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="/tips_count:dict/TIPS:dict/one:dict/:string" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Tip</source> + <target>Pourboire</target> + + <note>Part of a larger sentence to describe how many tip payments there are on a post.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="/tips_count:dict/TIPS:dict/other:dict/:string" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Tips</source> + <target>Pourboires</target> + + <note>Part of a larger sentence to describe how many tip payments there are on a post.</note> + </trans-unit> + </body> + </file> +</xliff>+ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/damus Localizations/tr_TR.xcloc/Localized Contents/tr_TR.xliff b/damus Localizations/tr_TR.xcloc/Localized Contents/tr_TR.xliff @@ -0,0 +1,1234 @@ +<?xml version="1.0" ?><xliff xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" version="1.2" xsi:schemaLocation="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2 http://docs.oasis-open.org/xliff/v1.2/os/xliff-core-1.2-strict.xsd"> + <file original="damus/en-US.lproj/InfoPlist.strings" source-language="en-US" target-language="tr-TR" datatype="plaintext"> + <header> + <tool tool-id="com.apple.dt.xcode" tool-name="Xcode" tool-version="14.2" build-num="14C18"/> + </header> + <body> + <trans-unit id="CFBundleDisplayName" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Damus</source> + <target>Damus</target> + + <note>Bundle display name</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="CFBundleName" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>damus</source> + <target>damus</target> + + <note>Bundle name</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="NSPhotoLibraryAddUsageDescription" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>&quot;Granting Damus access to your photo library allows you to save photos.</source> + <target>Damus'a fotoğraf kitaplığınıza erişim izni vermek, fotoğrafları kaydetmenize olanak tanır.</target> + + <note>Privacy - Photo Library Additions Usage Description</note> + </trans-unit> + </body> + </file> + <file original="damus/en-US.lproj/Localizable.strings" source-language="en-US" target-language="tr-TR" datatype="plaintext"> + <header> + <tool tool-id="com.apple.dt.xcode" tool-name="Xcode" tool-version="14.2" build-num="14C18"/> + </header> + <body> + <trans-unit id=" " xml:space="preserve"> + <source> </source> + <target>61b6edf1108e6f396680a33b02486a70_tr</target> + <note>Blank space to separate profile picture from profile editor form.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="%@" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>%@</source> + <target>%@</target> + + <note>Amount of time that has passed since reply quote event occurred. +Abbreviated version of a nostr public key.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="%@ %@" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>%@ %@</source> + <target>%@ %@</target> + + <note>Sentence composed of 2 variables to describe how many reposts. In source English, the first variable is the number of reposts, and the second variable is 'Repost' or 'Reposts'. +Sentence composed of 2 variables to describe how many profiles a user is following. In source English, the first variable is the number of profiles being followed, and the second variable is 'Following'.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="%@. Creating an account doesn't require a phone number, email or name. Get started right away with zero friction." xml:space="preserve"> + <source>%@. Creating an account doesn't require a phone number, email or name. Get started right away with zero friction.</source> + <target>%@. Hesap oluşturmak için telefon numarası, e-posta veya isim gerekmez. Vakit kaybetmeden hemen hemen başlayın.</target> + + <note>Explanation of what is done to keep personally identifiable information private. There is a heading that precedes this explanation which is a variable to this string.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="%@. End-to-End encrypted private messaging. Keep Big Tech out of your DMs" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>%@. End-to-End encrypted private messaging. Keep Big Tech out of your DMs</source> + <target>%@. Uçtan uca şifreli özel mesajlaşma. Teknoloji baronlarını DM'lerinden uzak tut</target> + + <note>Explanation of what is done to keep private data encrypted. There is a heading that precedes this explanation which is a variable to this string.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="%@. Tip your friend's posts and stack sats with Bitcoin⚡️, the native currency of the internet." xml:space="preserve"> + <source>%@. Tip your friend's posts and stack sats with Bitcoin⚡️, the native currency of the internet.</source> + <target>%@. Arkadaşlarınızın gönderilerine bahşiş verin ve internetin yerel para birimi olan Bitcoin⚡️ ile sats biriktirin.</target> + + <note>Explanation of what can be done by users to earn money. There is a heading that precedes this explanation which is a variable to this string.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="%lld" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>%lld</source> + <target>%lld</target> + + <note>Number of reposts. +Number of profiles a user is following.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="%lld/%lld" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>%lld/%lld</source> + <target>%lld/%lld</target> + + <note>Fraction of how many of the user's relay servers that are operational.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="'%@' at '%@' will be used for verification" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>'%@' at '%@' will be used for verification</source> + <target>'%@' adresindeki '%@' doğrulama için kullanılacaktır</target> + + <note>Description of how the nip05 identifier would be used for verification.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="'%@' is an invalid nip05 identifier. It should look like an email." xml:space="preserve"> + <source>'%@' is an invalid nip05 identifier. It should look like an email.</source> + <target>'%@' geçersiz bir nip05 tanımlayıcısı. Tanımlayıcı, e-posta gibi gözükmeli. </target> + + <note>Description of why the nip05 identifier is invalid.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="(Profile.displayName(profile: profile, pubkey: whos))'s Followers" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>(Profile.displayName(profile: profile, pubkey: whos))'s Followers</source> + <target>(Profile.displayName(profile: profile, pubkey: whos))'nin Takipçileri</target> + + <note>Navigation bar title for view that shows who is following a user.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="(who) following" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>(who) following</source> + <target>(who)'nin Takip Ettikleri</target> + + <note>Navigation bar title for view that shows who a user is following.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="&lt; e &gt;" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>&lt; e &gt;</source> + <target>&lt; e &gt;</target> + + <note>Placeholder for event mention.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="@" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>@</source> + <target>@</target> + + <note>Prefix character to username.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="About" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>About</source> + <target>Hakkında</target> + + <note>Label to prompt for about text entry for user to describe about themself.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="About Me" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>About Me</source> + <target>Hakkında</target> + + <note>Label for About Me section of user profile form.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Absolute Boss" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Absolute Boss</source> + <target>Kral Adam</target> + + <note>Placeholder text for About Me description.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Account ID" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Account ID</source> + <target>Hesap Kimliği</target> + + <note>Label to indicate the public ID of the account.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Add" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Add</source> + <target>Ekle</target> + + <note>Button to add recommended relay server. + Button to confirm adding user inputted relay.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Add Relay" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Add Relay</source> + <target>Röle Ekle</target> + + <note>Label for section for adding a relay server.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Any" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Any</source> + <target>Herhangi</target> + + <note>Any amount of sats</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Are you sure you want to repost this?" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Are you sure you want to repost this?</source> + <target>Bu gönderiyi yinelemek istediğinden emin misin?</target> + + <note>Alert message to ask if user wants to repost a post.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Banner Image" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Banner Image</source> + <target>Pankart Resmi</target> + + <note>Label for Banner Image section of user profile form.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Before we get started, you'll need to save your account info, otherwise you won't be able to login in the future if you ever uninstall Damus." xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Before we get started, you'll need to save your account info, otherwise you won't be able to login in the future if you ever uninstall Damus.</source> + <target>Başlamadan önce, hesap bilgilierini kaydetmen gerekiyor. Aksi takdirde, Damus'u silme durumunda hesabına giriş yapamayacaksın.</target> + + <note>Reminder to user that they should save their account information.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Bitcoin Beach" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Bitcoin Beach</source> + <target>Bitcoin Beach</target> + + <note>Dropdown option label for Lightning wallet, Bitcoin Beach.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Bitcoin Lightning Tips" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Bitcoin Lightning Tips</source> + <target>Bitcoin Lightning Bahşişleri</target> + + <note>Label for Bitcoin Lightning Tips section of user profile form.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Blixt Wallet" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Blixt Wallet</source> + <target>Blixt Wallet</target> + + <note>Dropdown option label for Lightning wallet, Blixt Wallet</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Blue Wallet" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Blue Wallet</source> + <target>Blue Wallet</target> + + <note>Dropdown option label for Lightning wallet, Blue Wallet.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Breez" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Breez</source> + <target>Breez</target> + + <note>Dropdown option label for Lightning wallet, Breez.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Broadcast" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Broadcast</source> + <target>Yayınla</target> + + <note>Context menu option for broadcasting the user's note to all of the user's connected relay servers.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Cancel" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Cancel</source> + <target>İptal Et</target> + + <note>Button to cancel out of posting a note. + Button to cancel out of reposting a post. + Button to cancel out of view adding user inputted relay. + Cancel out of logging out the user.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Cash App" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Cash App</source> + <target>Cash App</target> + + <note>Dropdown option label for Lightning wallet, Cash App.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Chat" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Chat</source> + <target>Sohbet</target> + + <note>Navigation bar title for Chatroom view.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Clear" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Clear</source> + <target>Temizle</target> + + <note>Button for clearing cached data.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Clear Cache" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Clear Cache</source> + <target>Önbelleği Temizle</target> + + <note>Section title for clearing cached data.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Copied" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Copied</source> + <target>Kopyalandı</target> + + <note>Label indicating that a user's key was copied.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Copy" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Copy</source> + <target>Kopyala</target> + + <note>Button to copy a relay server address.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Copy Account ID" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Copy Account ID</source> + <target>Hesap Kimliğini Kopyala</target> + + <note>Context menu option for copying the ID of the account that created the note.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Copy Image" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Copy Image</source> + <target>Resmi Kopyala</target> + + <note>Context menu option to copy an image into clipboard. + Context menu option to copy an image to clipboard.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Copy Image URL" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Copy Image URL</source> + <target>Resim URL'sini Kopyala</target> + + <note>Context menu option to copy the URL of an image into clipboard.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Copy LNURL" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Copy LNURL</source> + <target>LNURL'i Kopyala</target> + + <note>Context menu option for copying a user's Lightning URL.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Copy Note ID" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Copy Note ID</source> + <target>Gönderi Kimliğini Kopyala </target> + + <note>Context menu option for copying the ID of the note.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Copy Note JSON" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Copy Note JSON</source> + <target>Gönderinin JSON Metnini Kopyala</target> + + <note>Context menu option for copying the JSON text from the note.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Copy Text" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Copy Text</source> + <target>Metni Kopyala</target> + + <note>Context menu option for copying the text from an note.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Copy User ID" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Copy User ID</source> + <target>Hesap Kimliğini Kopyala</target> + + <note>Context menu option for copying the ID of the user who created the note.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Copy invoice" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Copy invoice</source> + <target>Faturayı Kopyala</target> + + <note>Title of section for copying a Lightning invoice identifier.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Create" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Create</source> + <target>Yarat</target> + + <note>Button to create account.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Create Account" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Create Account</source> + <target>Hesap Yarat</target> + + <note>Button to create an account.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Creator(s) of Bitcoin. Absolute legend." xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Creator(s) of Bitcoin. Absolute legend.</source> + <target>Bitcoin'in Yaratıcısı. Kral Adam.</target> + + <note>Example description about Bitcoin creator(s), Satoshi Nakamoto.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="DM" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>DM</source> + <target>DM</target> + + <note>Navigation title for DM view, which is the English abbreviation for Direct Message.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Damus" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Damus</source> + <target>Damus</target> + + <note>Name of the app, shown on the first screen when user is not logged in.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Default Wallet" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Default Wallet</source> + <target>Varsayılan Cüzdan</target> + + <note>Button to pay a Lightning invoice with the user's default Lightning wallet.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Delete" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Delete</source> + <target>Sil</target> + + <note>Button to delete a relay server that the user connects to.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Dismiss" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Dismiss</source> + <target>Yok Say</target> + + <note>Button to dismiss a text field alert.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Display Name" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Display Name</source> + <target>Görünür İsim</target> + + <note>Label to prompt display name entry.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Done" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Done</source> + <target>Tamam</target> + + <note>Button to dismiss wallet selection view for paying Lightning invoice.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Earn Money" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Earn Money</source> + <target>Para Kazan</target> + + <note>Heading indicating that this application allows users to earn money.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Edit" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Edit</source> + <target>Düzenle</target> + + <note>Button to edit user's profile.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Encrypted" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Encrypted</source> + <target>Şifreli</target> + + <note>Heading indicating that this application keeps private messaging end-to-end encrypted.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Encrypted DMs" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Encrypted DMs</source> + <target>Şifreli DM'ler</target> + + <note>Navigation title for view of encrypted DMs, where DM is an English abbreviation for Direct Message.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Enter your account key to login:" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Enter your account key to login:</source> + <target>Giriş yapmak için hesap anahtarını gir:</target> + + <note>Prompt for user to enter an account key to login.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Error: %@" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Error: %@</source> + <target>Hata: %@</target> + + <note>Error message indicating why saving keys failed.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Filter State" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Filter State</source> + <target>Filtre Durumu</target> + + <note>Filter state for seeing either only posts, or posts &amp; replies.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Follow" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Follow</source> + <target>Takip Et</target> + + <note>Button to follow a user.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Followers" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Followers</source> + <target>Takipçiler</target> + + <note>Label describing followers of a user.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Following" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Following</source> + <target>Takip Ediliyor</target> + + <note>Text to indicate that the button next to it is in a state that indicates that it is in the process of following a profile. +Part of a larger sentence to describe how many profiles a user is following.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Following..." xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Following...</source> + <target>Takip Ediliyor...</target> + + <note>Label to indicate that the user is in the process of following another user.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Follows" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Follows</source> + <target>Takipler</target> + + <note>Text to indicate that button next to it is in a state that will follow a profile when tapped.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Global" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Global</source> + <target>Küresel</target> + + <note>Navigation bar title for Global view where posts from all connected relay servers appear.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Goto post %@" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Goto post %@</source> + <target>%@'a git</target> + + <note>Navigation link to go to post referenced by hex code.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Goto profile %@" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Goto profile %@</source> + <target>%@'a git</target> + + <note>Navigation link to go to profile.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Home" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Home</source> + <target>Ev</target> + + <note>Navigation bar title for Home view where posts and replies appear from those who the user is following.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Invalid key" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Invalid key</source> + <target>Hatalı anahtar</target> + + <note>Error message indicating that an invalid account key was entered for login.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="LNLink" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>LNLink</source> + <target>LNLink</target> + + <note>Dropdown option label for Lightning wallet, LNLink.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Left Handed" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Left Handed</source> + <target>Solak Modu</target> + + <note>Moves the post button to the left side of the screen</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Let's go!" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Let's go!</source> + <target>Haydi Başla!</target> + + <note>Button to complete account creation and start using the app.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Lightning Address or LNURL" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Lightning Address or LNURL</source> + <target>Lightning Adresi ya da LNURL</target> + + <note>Placeholder text for entry of Lightning Address or LNURL.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Lightning Invoice" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Lightning Invoice</source> + <target>Lightning Faturası</target> + + <note>Indicates that the view is for paying a Lightning invoice.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Local default" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Local default</source> + <target>Cihaz varsayılanı</target> + + <note>Dropdown option label for system default for Lightning wallet.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Login" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Login</source> + <target>Giriş yap</target> + + <note>Button to log into account. + Button to log into an account.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Logout" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Logout</source> + <target>Çıkış yap</target> + + <note>Alert for logging out the user. + Button for logging out the user. + Button to logout the user.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Make sure your nsec account key is saved before you logout or you will lose access to this account" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Make sure your nsec account key is saved before you logout or you will lose access to this account</source> + <target>Çıkış yapmadan önce, nsec hesap anahtarını kaydetmeyi unutma. Aksi takdirde bu hesaba giremeyeceksin.</target> + + <note>Reminder message in alert to get customer to verify that their private security account key is saved saved before logging out.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Muun" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Muun</source> + <target>Muun</target> + + <note>Dropdown option label for Lightning wallet, Muun.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="NIP-05 Verification" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>NIP-05 Verification</source> + <target>NIP-05 Doğrulaması</target> + + <note>Label for NIP-05 Verification section of user profile form.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Nothing to see here. Check back later!" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Nothing to see here. Check back later!</source> + <target>Görülecek bir şey yok. Daha sonra tekrar kontrol et!</target> + + <note>Indicates that there are no notes in the timeline to view.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Notifications" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Notifications</source> + <target>Bildirimler</target> + + <note>Navigation title for notifications.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Pay" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Pay</source> + <target>Öde</target> + + <note>Button to pay a Lightning invoice.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Pay the Lightning invoice" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Pay the Lightning invoice</source> + <target>Lightning faturasını öde</target> + + <note>Navigation bar title for view to pay Lightning invoice.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Phoenix" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Phoenix</source> + <target>Phoenix</target> + + <note>Dropdown option label for Lightning wallet, Phoenix.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Post" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Post</source> + <target>Gönder</target> + + <note>Button to post a note.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Posts" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Posts</source> + <target>Gönderiler</target> + + <note>Label for filter for seeing only posts (instead of posts and replies).</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Posts &amp; Replies" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Posts &amp; Replies</source> + <target>Gönderiler &amp; Yorumlar</target> + + <note>Label for filter for seeing posts and replies (instead of only posts).</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Private" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Private</source> + <target>Özel</target> + + <note>Heading indicating that this application keeps personally identifiable information private. A sentence describing what is done to keep data private comes after this heading.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Private Key" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Private Key</source> + <target>Özel Anahtar</target> + + <note>Label to indicate that the text below is the user's private key used by only the user themself as a secret to login to access their account.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="PrivateKey" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>PrivateKey</source> + <target>Özel Anahtar</target> + + <note>Title of the secure field that holds the user's private key.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Profile" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Profile</source> + <target>Profil</target> + + <note>Sidebar menu label for Profile view.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Profile Picture" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Profile Picture</source> + <target>Profil Fotoğrafı</target> + + <note>Label for Profile Picture section of user profile form.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Public Account ID" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Public Account ID</source> + <target>Herkese Açık Hesap Kimliği</target> + + <note>Section title for the user's public account ID.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Public Key" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Public Key</source> + <target>Herkese Açık Anahtar</target> + + <note>Label indicating that the text is a user's public account key.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Public Key?" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Public Key?</source> + <target>Herkese Açık Anahtar?</target> + + <note>Prompt to ask user if the key they entered is a public key.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Public key" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Public key</source> + <target>Umumi anahtar</target> + + <note>Label indicating that the text is a user's public account key.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Reactions" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Reactions</source> + <target>Tepkiler</target> + + <note>Navigation bar title for Reactions view.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Recommended Relays" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Recommended Relays</source> + <target>Önerilen Röleler</target> + + <note>Section title for recommend relay servers that could be added as part of configuration</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Relay" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Relay</source> + <target>Röle</target> + + <note>Text field for relay server. Used for testing purposes.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Relays" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Relays</source> + <target>Röleler</target> + + <note>Sidebar menu label for Relay servers view</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Reply to self" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Reply to self</source> + <target>Kendine yanıt ver</target> + + <note>Label to indicate that the user is replying to themself.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Replying to %@ &amp; %@" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Replying to %1$@ &amp; %2$@</source> + <target>%1$@ &amp; %2$@'ya yanıt ver</target> + + <note>Label to indicate that the user is replying to 2 users.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Replying to:" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Replying to:</source> + <target>Şunlara yanıt ver:</target> + + <note>Indicating that the user is replying to the following listed people.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Repost" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Repost</source> + <target>Yinele</target> + + <note>Button to confirm reposting a post. + Title of alert for confirming to repost a post.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Reposted" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Reposted</source> + <target>Yinelendi</target> + + <note>Text indicating that the post was reposted (i.e. re-shared).</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Reset" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Reset</source> + <target>Sıfırla</target> + + <note>Section title for resetting the user</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Retry" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Retry</source> + <target>Yeniden Dene</target> + + <note>Button to retry completing account creation after an error occurred.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="River" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>River</source> + <target>River</target> + + <note>Dropdown option label for Lightning wallet, River</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Satoshi Nakamoto" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Satoshi Nakamoto</source> + <target>Satoshi Nakamoto</target> + + <note>Name of Bitcoin creator(s).</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Save" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Save</source> + <target>Kaydet</target> + + <note>Button for saving profile.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Save Image" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Save Image</source> + <target>Resmi Kaydet</target> + + <note>Context menu option to save an image.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Search hashtag: #%@" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Search hashtag: #%@</source> + <target>Etiketi ara: #%@</target> + + <note>Navigation link to search hashtag.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Search..." xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Search...</source> + <target>Ara...</target> + + <note>Placeholder text to prompt entry of search query.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Secret Account Login Key" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Secret Account Login Key</source> + <target>Gizli Hesap Giriş Anahtarı</target> + + <note>Section title for user's secret account login key.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Select a Lightning wallet" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Select a Lightning wallet</source> + <target>Bir Lightning cüzdanı seç</target> + + <note>Title of section for selecting a Lightning wallet to pay a Lightning invoice.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Select default wallet" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Select default wallet</source> + <target>Varsayılan cüzdanı seç</target> + + <note>Prompt selection of user's default wallet</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Send a message to start the conversation..." xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Send a message to start the conversation...</source> + <target>Sohbeti başlatmak için bir mesaj gönder</target> + + <note>Text prompt for user to send a message to the other user.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Settings" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Settings</source> + <target>Ayarlar</target> + + <note>Navigation title for Settings view. + Sidebar menu label for accessing the app settings</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Share" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Share</source> + <target>Paylaş</target> + + <note>Button to share an image.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Show" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Show</source> + <target>Göster</target> + + <note>Toggle to show or hide user's secret account login key.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Show wallet selector" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Show wallet selector</source> + <target>Cüzdan seçiciyi göster</target> + + <note>Toggle to show or hide selection of wallet.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Sign out" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Sign out</source> + <target>Çıkış yap</target> + + <note>Sidebar menu label to sign out of the account.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Strike" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Strike</source> + <target>Strike</target> + + <note>Dropdown option label for Lightning wallet, Strike.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="This is a public key, you will not be able to make posts or interact in any way. This is used for viewing accounts from their perspective." xml:space="preserve"> + <source>This is a public key, you will not be able to make posts or interact in any way. This is used for viewing accounts from their perspective.</source> + <target>Bu herkese açık bir anahtardır, herhangi bir şekilde gönderi yapamaz veya etkileşimde bulunamazsınız. Bu, hesapları kendi bakış açılarından görüntülemek için kullanılır.</target> + + <note>Warning that the inputted account key is a public key and the result of what happens because of it.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="This is an old-style nostr key. We're not sure if it's a pubkey or private key. Please toggle the button below if this a public key." xml:space="preserve"> + <source>This is an old-style nostr key. We're not sure if it's a pubkey or private key. Please toggle the button below if this a public key.</source> + <target>Bu eski tip bir nostr anahtarı. Bunun bir pubkey mi yoksa private key mi olduğundan emin değiliz. Bu bir genel anahtarsa lütfen aşağıdaki düğmeyi değiştirin.</target> + + <note>Warning that the inputted account key for login is an old-style and asking user to verify if it is a public key.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="This is your account ID, you can give this to your friends so that they can follow you. Click to copy." xml:space="preserve"> + <source>This is your account ID, you can give this to your friends so that they can follow you. Click to copy.</source> + <target>Bu sizin hesap kimliğinizdir, sizi takip edebilmeleri için bunu arkadaşlarınıza verebilirsiniz. Kopyalamak için tıklayın.</target> + + <note>Label to describe that a public key is the user's account ID and what they can do with it.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="This is your secret account key. You need this to access your account. Don't share this with anyone! Save it in a password manager and keep it safe!" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>This is your secret account key. You need this to access your account. Don't share this with anyone! Save it in a password manager and keep it safe!</source> + <target>Bu sizin gizli hesap anahtarınızdır. Hesabınıza erişmek için buna ihtiyacınız var. Bunu kimseyle paylaşmayın! Bir şifre yöneticisine kaydedin ve güvende tutun!</target> + + <note>Label to describe that a private key is the user's secret account key and what they should do with it.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Thread" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Thread</source> + <target>Konu</target> + + <note>Navigation bar title for note thread. + Navigation bar title for threaded event detail view.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Type your post here..." xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Type your post here...</source> + <target>Gönderinizi buraya yazın...</target> + + <note>Text box prompt to ask user to type their post.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Unfollow" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Unfollow</source> + <target>Takipten Çık</target> + + <note>Button to unfollow a user.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Unfollowing" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Unfollowing</source> + <target>Takipten Çıkılıyor</target> + + <note>Text to indicate that the button next to it is in a state that indicates that it is in the process of unfollowing a profile.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Unfollowing..." xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Unfollowing...</source> + <target>Takipten Çıkılıyor...</target> + + <note>Label to indicate that the user is in the process of unfollowing another user.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Unfollows" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Unfollows</source> + <target>Takipten Çık</target> + + <note>Text to indicate that the button next to it is in a state that will unfollow a profile when tapped.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Username" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Username</source> + <target>Kullanıcı Adı</target> + + <note>Label for Username section of user profile form. + Label to prompt username entry.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Wallet" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Wallet</source> + <target>Cüzdan</target> + + <note>Sidebar menu label for Wallet view.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Wallet Of Satoshi" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Wallet Of Satoshi</source> + <target>Wallet Of Satoshi</target> + + <note>Dropdown option label for Lightning wallet, Wallet Of Satoshi.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Wallet Selector" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Wallet Selector</source> + <target>Cüzdan Seçici</target> + + <note>Section title for selection of wallet.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Website" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Website</source> + <target>Websitesi</target> + + <note>Label for Website section of user profile form.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Welcome to the social network %@ control." xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Welcome to the social network %@ control.</source> + <target>Kontrolün %@'da olduğu sosyal ağa hoş geldiniz.</target> + + <note>Welcoming message to the reader. The variable is 'you', the reader.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Welcome, %@!" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Welcome, %@!</source> + <target>Hoş geldin, %@</target> + + <note>Text to welcome user.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Your Name" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Your Name</source> + <target>İsminiz</target> + + <note>Label for Your Name section of user profile form.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Zebedee" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Zebedee</source> + <target>Zebedee</target> + + <note>Dropdown option label for Lightning wallet, Zebedee.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="Zeus LN" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Zeus LN</source> + <target>Zeus LN</target> + + <note>Dropdown option label for Lightning wallet, Zeus LN.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="collapsed_event_view_other_notes" translate="no" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>collapsed_event_view_other_notes</source> + <target>collapsed_event_view_other_notes</target> + + <note>Text to indicate that the thread was collapsed and that there are other notes to view if tapped. (Key in .stringsdict)</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="followers_count" translate="no" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>followers_count</source> + <target>followers_count</target> + + <note>Part of a larger sentence to describe how many people are following a user. (Key in .stringsdict)</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="https://example.com/pic.jpg" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>https://example.com/pic.jpg</source> + <target>https://example.com/pic.jpg</target> + + <note>Placeholder example text for profile picture URL.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="https://jb55.com" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>https://jb55.com</source> + <target>https://jb55.com</target> + + <note>Placeholder example text for website URL for user profile.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="jb55@jb55.com" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>jb55@jb55.com</source> + <target>jb55@jb55.com</target> + + <note>Placeholder example text for identifier used for NIP-05 verification.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="none" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>none</source> + <target>sonuç yok</target> + + <note>No search results.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="now" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>now</source> + <target>şimdi</target> + + <note>String indicating that a given timestamp just occurred</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="nsec1..." xml:space="preserve"> + <source>nsec1...</source> + <target>nsec1...</target> + + <note>Prompt for user to enter in an account key to login. This text shows the characters the key could start with if it was a private key.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="optional" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>optional</source> + <target>opsiyonel</target> + + <note>Label indicating that a form input is optional.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="reactions_count" translate="no" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>reactions_count</source> + <target>reactions_count</target> + + <note>Part of a larger sentence to describe how many reactions there are on a post. (Key in .stringsdict)</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="relays_count" translate="no" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>relays_count</source> + <target>relays_count</target> + + <note>Part of a larger sentence to describe how many relay servers a user is connected. (Key in .stringsdict)</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="replying_to_one_and_others" translate="no" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>replying_to_one_and_others</source> + <target>replying_to_one_and_others</target> + + <note>Label to indicate that the user is replying to 1 user and others. (Key in .stringsdict)</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="replying_to_two_and_others" translate="no" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>replying_to_two_and_others</source> + <target>replying_to_two_and_others</target> + + <note>Label to indicate that the user is replying to 2 users and others. (Key in .stringsdict)</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="reposts_count" translate="no" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>reposts_count</source> + <target>reposts_count</target> + + <note>Part of a larger sentence to describe how many reposts there are. (Key in .stringsdict)</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="satoshi" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>satoshi</source> + <target>satoshi</target> + + <note>Example username of Bitcoin creator(s), Satoshi Nakamoto.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="sats_count" translate="no" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>sats_count</source> + <target>sats_count</target> + + <note>Amount of sats. (Key in .stringsdict)</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="tips_count" translate="no" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>tips_count</source> + <target>tips_count</target> + + <note>Part of a larger sentence to describe how many tip payments there are on a post. (Key in .stringsdict)</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="u{00A0}" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>u{00A0}</source> + <target>u{00A0}</target> + + <note>Non-breaking space character to fill in blank space next to event action button icons.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="wss://some.relay.com" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>wss://some.relay.com</source> + <target>wss://some.relay.com</target> + + <note>Placeholder example for relay server address.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="you" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>you</source> + <target>sen</target> + + <note>You, in this context, is the person who controls their own social network. You is used in the context of a larger sentence that welcomes the reader to the social network that they control themself.</note> + </trans-unit> + </body> + </file> + <file original="damus/en-US.lproj/Localizable.stringsdict" source-language="en-US" target-language="tr-TR" datatype="plaintext"> + <header> + <tool tool-id="com.apple.dt.xcode" tool-name="Xcode" tool-version="14.2" build-num="14C18"/> + </header> + <body> + <trans-unit id="/collapsed_event_view_other_notes:dict/NOTES:dict/one:dict/:string" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>%d other note</source> + <target>1%d diğer not</target> + + <note>Text to indicate that the thread was collapsed and that there are other notes to view if tapped.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="/collapsed_event_view_other_notes:dict/NOTES:dict/other:dict/:string" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>%d other notes</source> + <target>%d diğer notlar</target> + + <note>Text to indicate that the thread was collapsed and that there are other notes to view if tapped.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="/collapsed_event_view_other_notes:dict/NSStringLocalizedFormatKey:dict/:string" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>··· %#@NOTES@ ···</source> + <target>··· %#@NOTES@ ···</target> + + <note>Text to indicate that the thread was collapsed and that there are other notes to view if tapped.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="/followers_count:dict/FOLLOWERS:dict/one:dict/:string" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Follower</source> + <target>Takipçi</target> + + <note>Part of a larger sentence to describe how many people are following a user.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="/followers_count:dict/FOLLOWERS:dict/other:dict/:string" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Followers</source> + <target>Takipçiler</target> + + <note>Part of a larger sentence to describe how many people are following a user.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="/followers_count:dict/NSStringLocalizedFormatKey:dict/:string" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>%#@FOLLOWERS@</source> + <target>%#@FOLLOWERS@</target> + + <note>Part of a larger sentence to describe how many people are following a user.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="/reactions_count:dict/NSStringLocalizedFormatKey:dict/:string" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>%#@REACTIONS@</source> + <target>%#@REACTIONS@</target> + + <note>Part of a larger sentence to describe how many reactions there are on a post.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="/reactions_count:dict/REACTIONS:dict/one:dict/:string" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Reaction</source> + <target>Tepki</target> + + <note>Part of a larger sentence to describe how many reactions there are on a post.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="/reactions_count:dict/REACTIONS:dict/other:dict/:string" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Reactions</source> + <target>Tepkiler</target> + + <note>Part of a larger sentence to describe how many reactions there are on a post.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="/relays_count:dict/NSStringLocalizedFormatKey:dict/:string" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>%#@RELAYS@</source> + <target>%#@RELAYS@</target> + + <note>Part of a larger sentence to describe how many relay servers a user is connected.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="/relays_count:dict/RELAYS:dict/one:dict/:string" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Relay</source> + <target>Röle</target> + + <note>Part of a larger sentence to describe how many relay servers a user is connected.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="/relays_count:dict/RELAYS:dict/other:dict/:string" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Relays</source> + <target>Röleler</target> + + <note>Part of a larger sentence to describe how many relay servers a user is connected.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="/replying_to_one_and_others:dict/NSStringLocalizedFormatKey:dict/:string" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Replying to %@%#@OTHERS@</source> + <target>%@%#@OTHERS@'lara yanıt </target> + + <note>Label to indicate that the user is replying to 1 user and others.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="/replying_to_one_and_others:dict/OTHERS:dict/one:dict/:string" xml:space="preserve"> + <source> &amp; %d other</source> + <target>&amp; %d diğer</target> + + <note>Label to indicate that the user is replying to 1 user and others.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="/replying_to_one_and_others:dict/OTHERS:dict/other:dict/:string" xml:space="preserve"> + <source> &amp; %d others</source> + <target>&amp; %d diğerleri</target> + + <note>Label to indicate that the user is replying to 1 user and others.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="/replying_to_one_and_others:dict/OTHERS:dict/zero:dict/:string" xml:space="preserve"> + <source/> + <note>Label to indicate that the user is replying to 1 user and others.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="/replying_to_two_and_others:dict/NSStringLocalizedFormatKey:dict/:string" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Replying to %@, %@%#@OTHERS@</source> + <target>%@, %@%#@OTHERS@'a yanıt</target> + + <note>Label to indicate that the user is replying to 2 users and others.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="/replying_to_two_and_others:dict/OTHERS:dict/one:dict/:string" xml:space="preserve"> + <source> &amp; %d other</source> + <target>&amp; %d diğer</target> + + <note>Label to indicate that the user is replying to 2 users and others.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="/replying_to_two_and_others:dict/OTHERS:dict/other:dict/:string" xml:space="preserve"> + <source> &amp; %d others</source> + <target>&amp; %d diğerleri</target> + + <note>Label to indicate that the user is replying to 2 users and others.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="/replying_to_two_and_others:dict/OTHERS:dict/zero:dict/:string" xml:space="preserve"> + <source/> + <note>Label to indicate that the user is replying to 2 users and others.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="/reposts_count:dict/NSStringLocalizedFormatKey:dict/:string" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>%#@REPOSTS@</source> + <target>%#@REPOSTS@</target> + + <note>Part of a larger sentence to describe how many reposts there are.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="/reposts_count:dict/REPOSTS:dict/one:dict/:string" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Repost</source> + <target>Yineleme</target> + + <note>Part of a larger sentence to describe how many reposts there are.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="/reposts_count:dict/REPOSTS:dict/other:dict/:string" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Reposts</source> + <target>Yinelemeler</target> + + <note>Part of a larger sentence to describe how many reposts there are.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="/sats_count:dict/NSStringLocalizedFormatKey:dict/:string" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>%1$#@SATS@</source> + <target>%1$#@SATS@</target> + + <note>Amount of sats.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="/sats_count:dict/SATS:dict/one:dict/:string" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>%2$@ sat</source> + <target>%2$@ sat</target> + + <note>Amount of sats.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="/sats_count:dict/SATS:dict/other:dict/:string" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>%2$@ sats</source> + <target>%2$@ sat</target> + + <note>Amount of sats.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="/tips_count:dict/NSStringLocalizedFormatKey:dict/:string" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>%#@TIPS@</source> + <target>%#@TIPS@</target> + + <note>Part of a larger sentence to describe how many tip payments there are on a post.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="/tips_count:dict/TIPS:dict/one:dict/:string" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Tip</source> + <target>Bahşiş</target> + + <note>Part of a larger sentence to describe how many tip payments there are on a post.</note> + </trans-unit> + <trans-unit id="/tips_count:dict/TIPS:dict/other:dict/:string" xml:space="preserve"> + <source>Tips</source> + <target>Bahşişler</target> + + <note>Part of a larger sentence to describe how many tip payments there are on a post.</note> + </trans-unit> + </body> + </file> +</xliff>+ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/damus.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj b/damus.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj @@ -186,10 +186,22 @@ 3169CAEC294FCCFC00EE4006 /* Constants.swift */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.swift; name = Constants.swift; path = damus/Util/Constants.swift; sourceTree = SOURCE_ROOT; }; 31D2E846295218AF006D67F8 /* Shimmer.swift */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.swift; path = Shimmer.swift; sourceTree = "<group>"; }; 3A2B8B0A296A8982009CC16D /* en-US */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = text.plist.stringsdict; name = "en-US"; path = "en-US.lproj/Localizable.stringsdict"; sourceTree = "<group>"; }; + 3A4F3320297CCFEE004B5F72 /* fr-FR */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = text.plist.strings; name = "fr-FR"; path = "fr-FR.lproj/InfoPlist.strings"; sourceTree = "<group>"; }; + 3A4F3321297CCFEE004B5F72 /* fr-FR */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = text.plist.strings; name = "fr-FR"; path = "fr-FR.lproj/Localizable.strings"; sourceTree = "<group>"; }; + 3A4F3322297CCFEE004B5F72 /* fr-FR */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = text.plist.stringsdict; name = "fr-FR"; path = "fr-FR.lproj/Localizable.stringsdict"; sourceTree = "<group>"; }; 3A5C4575296A879E0032D398 /* es-419 */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = text.plist.stringsdict; name = "es-419"; path = "es-419.lproj/Localizable.stringsdict"; sourceTree = "<group>"; }; + 3A5EA10F297CCF6C00569477 /* de-AT */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = text.plist.strings; name = "de-AT"; path = "de-AT.lproj/InfoPlist.strings"; sourceTree = "<group>"; }; + 3A5EA110297CCF6C00569477 /* de-AT */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = text.plist.strings; name = "de-AT"; path = "de-AT.lproj/Localizable.strings"; sourceTree = "<group>"; }; + 3A5EA111297CCF6C00569477 /* de-AT */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = text.plist.stringsdict; name = "de-AT"; path = "de-AT.lproj/Localizable.stringsdict"; sourceTree = "<group>"; }; 3ACB685B297633BC00C46468 /* es-419 */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = text.plist.strings; name = "es-419"; path = "es-419.lproj/InfoPlist.strings"; sourceTree = "<group>"; }; 3ACB685E297633BC00C46468 /* es-419 */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = text.plist.strings; name = "es-419"; path = "es-419.lproj/Localizable.strings"; sourceTree = "<group>"; }; 3ACBCB77295FE5C70037388A /* TimeAgoTests.swift */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.swift; path = TimeAgoTests.swift; sourceTree = "<group>"; }; + 3AEABD20297CCFA8003F2975 /* de-DE */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = text.plist.strings; name = "de-DE"; path = "de-DE.lproj/InfoPlist.strings"; sourceTree = "<group>"; }; + 3AEABD21297CCFA8003F2975 /* de-DE */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = text.plist.strings; name = "de-DE"; path = "de-DE.lproj/Localizable.strings"; sourceTree = "<group>"; }; + 3AEABD22297CCFA8003F2975 /* de-DE */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = text.plist.stringsdict; name = "de-DE"; path = "de-DE.lproj/Localizable.stringsdict"; sourceTree = "<group>"; }; + 3AEB8003297CCEA800713A25 /* tr-TR */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = text.plist.strings; name = "tr-TR"; path = "tr-TR.lproj/InfoPlist.strings"; sourceTree = "<group>"; }; + 3AEB8004297CCEA800713A25 /* tr-TR */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = text.plist.strings; name = "tr-TR"; path = "tr-TR.lproj/Localizable.strings"; sourceTree = "<group>"; }; + 3AEB8005297CCEA900713A25 /* tr-TR */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = text.plist.stringsdict; name = "tr-TR"; path = "tr-TR.lproj/Localizable.stringsdict"; sourceTree = "<group>"; }; 4C06670028FC7C5900038D2A /* RelayView.swift */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.swift; path = RelayView.swift; sourceTree = "<group>"; }; 4C06670528FCB08600038D2A /* ImageCarousel.swift */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.swift; path = ImageCarousel.swift; sourceTree = "<group>"; }; 4C06670828FDE64700038D2A /* damus-Bridging-Header.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = "damus-Bridging-Header.h"; sourceTree = "<group>"; }; @@ -817,6 +829,10 @@ Base, "es-419", "en-US", + "de-AT", + "de-DE", + "tr-TR", + "fr-FR", ); mainGroup = 4CE6DEDA27F7A08100C66700; packageReferences = ( @@ -1052,6 +1068,10 @@ children = ( 3A5C4575296A879E0032D398 /* es-419 */, 3A2B8B0A296A8982009CC16D /* en-US */, + 3A5EA111297CCF6C00569477 /* de-AT */, + 3AEABD22297CCFA8003F2975 /* de-DE */, + 3AEB8005297CCEA900713A25 /* tr-TR */, + 3A4F3322297CCFEE004B5F72 /* fr-FR */, ); name = Localizable.stringsdict; sourceTree = "<group>"; @@ -1060,6 +1080,10 @@ isa = PBXVariantGroup; children = ( 3ACB685B297633BC00C46468 /* es-419 */, + 3A5EA10F297CCF6C00569477 /* de-AT */, + 3AEABD20297CCFA8003F2975 /* de-DE */, + 3AEB8003297CCEA800713A25 /* tr-TR */, + 3A4F3320297CCFEE004B5F72 /* fr-FR */, ); name = InfoPlist.strings; sourceTree = "<group>"; @@ -1068,6 +1092,10 @@ isa = PBXVariantGroup; children = ( 3ACB685E297633BC00C46468 /* es-419 */, + 3A5EA110297CCF6C00569477 /* de-AT */, + 3AEABD21297CCFA8003F2975 /* de-DE */, + 3AEB8004297CCEA800713A25 /* tr-TR */, + 3A4F3321297CCFEE004B5F72 /* fr-FR */, ); name = Localizable.strings; sourceTree = "<group>"; diff --git a/damus/de-AT.lproj/InfoPlist.strings b/damus/de-AT.lproj/InfoPlist.strings @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +/* Bundle display name */ +"CFBundleDisplayName" = "Damus"; + +/* Bundle name */ +"CFBundleName" = "damus"; + +/* Privacy - Photo Library Additions Usage Description */ +"NSPhotoLibraryAddUsageDescription" = "“Damus Zugriff auf deine Fotomediathek zu gewähren, erlaubt dir Fotos zu sichern."; + diff --git a/damus/de-AT.lproj/Localizable.strings b/damus/de-AT.lproj/Localizable.strings @@ -0,0 +1,493 @@ +/* Blank space to separate profile picture from profile editor form. */ +" " = "61b6edf1108e6f396680a33b02486a70_tr"; + +/* Description of how the nip05 identifier would be used for verification. */ +"'%@' at '%@' will be used for verification" = "'%@' bei '%@' wird zur Verifizierung benutzt werden."; + +/* Description of why the nip05 identifier is invalid. */ +"'%@' is an invalid nip05 identifier. It should look like an email." = "'%@' ist eine ungültige nip05 Kennzeichnung. Diese sollte wie eine Emailadresse aussehen. "; + +/* Navigation bar title for view that shows who is following a user. */ +"(Profile.displayName(profile: profile, pubkey: whos))'s Followers" = "(Profile.displayName(profile: profile, pubkey: whos)) Follower"; + +/* Navigation bar title for view that shows who a user is following. */ +"(who) following" = "(who) folgt"; + +/* Prefix character to username. */ +"@" = "@"; + +/* Amount of time that has passed since reply quote event occurred. +Abbreviated version of a nostr public key. */ +"%@" = "%@"; + +/* Sentence composed of 2 variables to describe how many reposts. In source English, the first variable is the number of reposts, and the second variable is 'Repost' or 'Reposts'. +Sentence composed of 2 variables to describe how many profiles a user is following. In source English, the first variable is the number of profiles being followed, and the second variable is 'Following'. */ +"%@ %@" = "%@ %@"; + +/* Explanation of what is done to keep personally identifiable information private. There is a heading that precedes this explanation which is a variable to this string. */ +"%@. Creating an account doesn't require a phone number, email or name. Get started right away with zero friction." = "%@. Ein Konto zu erstellen benötigt keine Telefonnummer, Emailadresse oder Name. Fang jetzt sofort ganz reibungslos an."; + +/* Explanation of what is done to keep private data encrypted. There is a heading that precedes this explanation which is a variable to this string. */ +"%@. End-to-End encrypted private messaging. Keep Big Tech out of your DMs" = "%@. End-zu-End verschlüsselter privater Nachrichtenaustausch. Halte Tech-Riesen aus deinen PNs heraus"; + +/* Explanation of what can be done by users to earn money. There is a heading that precedes this explanation which is a variable to this string. */ +"%@. Tip your friend's posts and stack sats with Bitcoin⚡️, the native currency of the internet." = "%@. Belohne Beiträge deiner Freunde und sammle Sats mit Bitcoin⚡️, der eigenen Währung des Internets."; + +/* Number of reposts. +Number of profiles a user is following. */ +"%lld" = "%lld"; + +/* Fraction of how many of the user's relay servers that are operational. */ +"%lld/%lld" = "%lld/%lld"; + +/* Placeholder for event mention. */ +"< e >" = "< e >"; + +/* Label to prompt for about text entry for user to describe about themself. */ +"About" = "Über"; + +/* Label for About Me section of user profile form. */ +"About Me" = "Über mich"; + +/* Placeholder text for About Me description. */ +"Absolute Boss" = "Absoluter Macher"; + +/* Label to indicate the public ID of the account. */ +"Account ID" = "Konto ID"; + +/* Button to add recommended relay server. + Button to confirm adding user inputted relay. */ +"Add" = "Hinzufügen"; + +/* Label for section for adding a relay server. */ +"Add Relay" = "Relay hinzufügen"; + +/* Any amount of sats */ +"Any" = "beliebig"; + +/* Alert message to ask if user wants to repost a post. */ +"Are you sure you want to repost this?" = "Bist du sicher dass Du den Beitrag auf deinem Profil teilen möchtest?"; + +/* Label for Banner Image section of user profile form. */ +"Banner Image" = "Bannerbild"; + +/* Reminder to user that they should save their account information. */ +"Before we get started, you'll need to save your account info, otherwise you won't be able to login in the future if you ever uninstall Damus." = "Bevor wir anfangen, Du wirst deine Kontodaten sichern müssen, sonst wirst du dich in der Zukunft nicht mehr anmelden können wenn du Damus jemals deinstallierst."; + +/* Dropdown option label for Lightning wallet, Bitcoin Beach. */ +"Bitcoin Beach" = "Bitcoin Beach"; + +/* Label for Bitcoin Lightning Tips section of user profile form. */ +"Bitcoin Lightning Tips" = "Bitcoin Lightning Zahlungen"; + +/* Dropdown option label for Lightning wallet, Blixt Wallet */ +"Blixt Wallet" = "Blixt Wallet"; + +/* Dropdown option label for Lightning wallet, Blue Wallet. */ +"Blue Wallet" = "Blue Wallet"; + +/* Dropdown option label for Lightning wallet, Breez. */ +"Breez" = "Breez"; + +/* Context menu option for broadcasting the user's note to all of the user's connected relay servers. */ +"Broadcast" = "Senden"; + +/* Button to cancel out of posting a note. + Button to cancel out of reposting a post. + Button to cancel out of view adding user inputted relay. + Cancel out of logging out the user. */ +"Cancel" = "Abbrechen"; + +/* Dropdown option label for Lightning wallet, Cash App. */ +"Cash App" = "Cash App"; + +/* Navigation bar title for Chatroom view. */ +"Chat" = "Unterhaltungen"; + +/* Button for clearing cached data. */ +"Clear" = "Löschen"; + +/* Section title for clearing cached data. */ +"Clear Cache" = "Zwischenspeicher löschen"; + +/* Label indicating that a user's key was copied. */ +"Copied" = "Kopiert"; + +/* Button to copy a relay server address. */ +"Copy" = "Kopieren"; + +/* Context menu option for copying the ID of the account that created the note. */ +"Copy Account ID" = "Konto ID kopieren"; + +/* Context menu option to copy an image into clipboard. + Context menu option to copy an image to clipboard. */ +"Copy Image" = "Bild kopieren"; + +/* Context menu option to copy the URL of an image into clipboard. */ +"Copy Image URL" = "Bild URL kopieren"; + +/* Title of section for copying a Lightning invoice identifier. */ +"Copy invoice" = "Zahlungsdaten kopieren"; + +/* Context menu option for copying a user's Lightning URL. */ +"Copy LNURL" = "LNURL kopieren"; + +/* Context menu option for copying the ID of the note. */ +"Copy Note ID" = "Notiz ID kopieren"; + +/* Context menu option for copying the JSON text from the note. */ +"Copy Note JSON" = "Notiz JSON kopieren"; + +/* Context menu option for copying the text from an note. */ +"Copy Text" = "Text kopieren"; + +/* Context menu option for copying the ID of the user who created the note. */ +"Copy User ID" = "Benutzer ID kopieren"; + +/* Button to create account. */ +"Create" = "Erstellen"; + +/* Button to create an account. */ +"Create Account" = "Konto erstellen"; + +/* Example description about Bitcoin creator(s), Satoshi Nakamoto. */ +"Creator(s) of Bitcoin. Absolute legend." = "Erfinder von Bitcoin. Absolute Legende(n)."; + +/* Name of the app, shown on the first screen when user is not logged in. */ +"Damus" = "Damus"; + +/* Button to pay a Lightning invoice with the user's default Lightning wallet. */ +"Default Wallet" = "Voreingestelltes Wallet"; + +/* Button to delete a relay server that the user connects to. */ +"Delete" = "Löschen"; + +/* Button to dismiss a text field alert. */ +"Dismiss" = "Schließen"; + +/* Label to prompt display name entry. */ +"Display Name" = "Profilname"; + +/* Navigation title for DM view, which is the English abbreviation for Direct Message. */ +"DM" = "PN"; + +/* Button to dismiss wallet selection view for paying Lightning invoice. */ +"Done" = "Fertig"; + +/* Heading indicating that this application allows users to earn money. */ +"Earn Money" = "Verdiene Geld"; + +/* Button to edit user's profile. */ +"Edit" = "Bearbeiten"; + +/* Heading indicating that this application keeps private messaging end-to-end encrypted. */ +"Encrypted" = "Verschlüsselt"; + +/* Navigation title for view of encrypted DMs, where DM is an English abbreviation for Direct Message. */ +"Encrypted DMs" = "Verschlüsselte PNs"; + +/* Prompt for user to enter an account key to login. */ +"Enter your account key to login:" = "Gib deinen Kontoschlüssel ein um dich anzumelden:"; + +/* Error message indicating why saving keys failed. */ +"Error: %@" = "Fehler: %@"; + +/* Filter state for seeing either only posts, or posts & replies. */ +"Filter State" = "Filter Einstellung"; + +/* Button to follow a user. */ +"Follow" = "Folgen"; + +/* Label describing followers of a user. */ +"Followers" = "Follower"; + +/* Text to indicate that the button next to it is in a state that indicates that it is in the process of following a profile. +Part of a larger sentence to describe how many profiles a user is following. */ +"Following" = "Folgt"; + +/* Label to indicate that the user is in the process of following another user. */ +"Following..." = "Folge…"; + +/* Text to indicate that button next to it is in a state that will follow a profile when tapped. */ +"Follows" = "Folgt"; + +/* Navigation bar title for Global view where posts from all connected relay servers appear. */ +"Global" = "Weltweit"; + +/* Navigation link to go to post referenced by hex code. */ +"Goto post %@" = "Gehe zum Beitrag %@"; + +/* Navigation link to go to profile. */ +"Goto profile %@" = "Gehe zum Profil %@"; + +/* Navigation bar title for Home view where posts and replies appear from those who the user is following. */ +"Home" = "Heim"; + +/* Placeholder example text for profile picture URL. */ +"https://example.com/pic.jpg" = "https://beispiel.at/bild.jpg"; + +/* Placeholder example text for website URL for user profile. */ +"https://jb55.com" = "https://jb55.com"; + +/* Error message indicating that an invalid account key was entered for login. */ +"Invalid key" = "Ungültiger Schlüssel"; + +/* Placeholder example text for identifier used for NIP-05 verification. */ +"jb55@jb55.com" = "jb55@jb55.com"; + +/* Moves the post button to the left side of the screen */ +"Left Handed" = "Linkshändig"; + +/* Button to complete account creation and start using the app. */ +"Let's go!" = "Lass uns loslegen!"; + +/* Placeholder text for entry of Lightning Address or LNURL. */ +"Lightning Address or LNURL" = "Lightning-Adresse oder LNURL"; + +/* Indicates that the view is for paying a Lightning invoice. */ +"Lightning Invoice" = "Lightning-Rechnung"; + +/* Dropdown option label for Lightning wallet, LNLink. */ +"LNLink" = "LNLink"; + +/* Dropdown option label for system default for Lightning wallet. */ +"Local default" = "System-Standard"; + +/* Button to log into account. + Button to log into an account. */ +"Login" = "Einloggen"; + +/* Alert for logging out the user. + Button for logging out the user. + Button to logout the user. */ +"Logout" = "Ausloggen"; + +/* Reminder message in alert to get customer to verify that their private security account key is saved saved before logging out. */ +"Make sure your nsec account key is saved before you logout or you will lose access to this account" = "Stelle sicher, dass du deinen nsec-Schlüssel gespeichert hast, sonst wirst du den Zugang zu deinem Konto verlieren."; + +/* Dropdown option label for Lightning wallet, Muun. */ +"Muun" = "Muun"; + +/* Label for NIP-05 Verification section of user profile form. */ +"NIP-05 Verification" = "NIP-05-Verifizierung"; + +/* No search results. */ +"none" = "keine"; + +/* Indicates that there are no notes in the timeline to view. */ +"Nothing to see here. Check back later!" = "Hier gibt es nichts zu sehen. Komm später wieder vorbei!"; + +/* Navigation title for notifications. */ +"Notifications" = "Benachrichtigungen"; + +/* String indicating that a given timestamp just occurred */ +"now" = "jetzt"; + +/* Prompt for user to enter in an account key to login. This text shows the characters the key could start with if it was a private key. */ +"nsec1..." = "nsec1..."; + +/* Label indicating that a form input is optional. */ +"optional" = "optional"; + +/* Button to pay a Lightning invoice. */ +"Pay" = "Bezahlen"; + +/* Navigation bar title for view to pay Lightning invoice. */ +"Pay the Lightning invoice" = "Bezahle die Lightning-Rechnung"; + +/* Dropdown option label for Lightning wallet, Phoenix. */ +"Phoenix" = "Phoenix"; + +/* Button to post a note. */ +"Post" = "Veröffentlichen"; + +/* Label for filter for seeing only posts (instead of posts and replies). */ +"Posts" = "Beiträge"; + +/* Label for filter for seeing posts and replies (instead of only posts). */ +"Posts & Replies" = "Beiträge & Antworten"; + +/* Heading indicating that this application keeps personally identifiable information private. A sentence describing what is done to keep data private comes after this heading. */ +"Private" = "Privat"; + +/* Label to indicate that the text below is the user's private key used by only the user themself as a secret to login to access their account. */ +"Private Key" = "Privater Schlüssel"; + +/* Title of the secure field that holds the user's private key. */ +"PrivateKey" = "Privater Schlüssel"; + +/* Sidebar menu label for Profile view. */ +"Profile" = "Profil"; + +/* Label for Profile Picture section of user profile form. */ +"Profile Picture" = "Profilbild"; + +/* Section title for the user's public account ID. */ +"Public Account ID" = "Öffentliche Konto ID"; + +/* Label indicating that the text is a user's public account key. */ +"Public key" = "Öffentlicher Schlüssel"; + +/* Label indicating that the text is a user's public account key. */ +"Public Key" = "Öffentlicher Schlüssel"; + +/* Prompt to ask user if the key they entered is a public key. */ +"Public Key?" = "Öffentlicher Schlüssel?"; + +/* Navigation bar title for Reactions view. */ +"Reactions" = "Reaktionen"; + +/* Section title for recommend relay servers that could be added as part of configuration */ +"Recommended Relays" = "Empfohlene Relays"; + +/* Text field for relay server. Used for testing purposes. */ +"Relay" = "Relay"; + +/* Sidebar menu label for Relay servers view */ +"Relays" = "Relays"; + +/* Label to indicate that the user is replying to themself. */ +"Reply to self" = "Antwort an sich selbst"; + +/* Label to indicate that the user is replying to 2 users. */ +"Replying to %@ & %@" = "Antwort an %1$@ & %2$@"; + +/* Indicating that the user is replying to the following listed people. */ +"Replying to:" = "Antwort an:"; + +/* Button to confirm reposting a post. + Title of alert for confirming to repost a post. */ +"Repost" = "Teilen"; + +/* Text indicating that the post was reposted (i.e. re-shared). */ +"Reposted" = "Geteilt"; + +/* Section title for resetting the user */ +"Reset" = "Zurücksetzen"; + +/* Button to retry completing account creation after an error occurred. */ +"Retry" = "Erneut versuchen"; + +/* Dropdown option label for Lightning wallet, River */ +"River" = "River"; + +/* Example username of Bitcoin creator(s), Satoshi Nakamoto. */ +"satoshi" = "satoshi"; + +/* Name of Bitcoin creator(s). */ +"Satoshi Nakamoto" = "Satoshi Nakamoto"; + +/* Button for saving profile. */ +"Save" = "Speichern"; + +/* Context menu option to save an image. */ +"Save Image" = "Bild sichern"; + +/* Navigation link to search hashtag. */ +"Search hashtag: #%@" = "Hashtag suchen: #%@"; + +/* Placeholder text to prompt entry of search query. */ +"Search..." = "Suchen..."; + +/* Section title for user's secret account login key. */ +"Secret Account Login Key" = "Geheimer Konto Anmeldeschlüssel"; + +/* Title of section for selecting a Lightning wallet to pay a Lightning invoice. */ +"Select a Lightning wallet" = "Wähle ein Lightning Wallet"; + +/* Prompt selection of user's default wallet */ +"Select default wallet" = "Wähle das voreingestellte Wallet"; + +/* Text prompt for user to send a message to the other user. */ +"Send a message to start the conversation..." = "Sende eine Nachricht um eine Unterhaltung zu beginnen..."; + +/* Navigation title for Settings view. + Sidebar menu label for accessing the app settings */ +"Settings" = "Einstellungen"; + +/* Button to share an image. */ +"Share" = "Teilen"; + +/* Toggle to show or hide user's secret account login key. */ +"Show" = "Anzeigen"; + +/* Toggle to show or hide selection of wallet. */ +"Show wallet selector" = "Wallet-Auswahl zeigen"; + +/* Sidebar menu label to sign out of the account. */ +"Sign out" = "Abmelden"; + +/* Dropdown option label for Lightning wallet, Strike. */ +"Strike" = "Strike"; + +/* Warning that the inputted account key is a public key and the result of what happens because of it. */ +"This is a public key, you will not be able to make posts or interact in any way. This is used for viewing accounts from their perspective." = "Dies ist ein öffentlicher Schlüssel, mit dem Sie keine Beiträge verfassen oder in irgendeiner Weise interagieren können. Er wird verwendet, um Konten aus deren Perspektive zu betrachten."; + +/* Warning that the inputted account key for login is an old-style and asking user to verify if it is a public key. */ +"This is an old-style nostr key. We're not sure if it's a pubkey or private key. Please toggle the button below if this a public key." = "Dies ist ein Nostr-Schlüssel im alten Format. Es ist nicht eindeutig, ob es ein öffentlicher oder privater Schlüssel ist. Bitte aktiviere die Schaltfläche unten, wenn es ein öffentlicher Schlüssel ist."; + +/* Label to describe that a public key is the user's account ID and what they can do with it. */ +"This is your account ID, you can give this to your friends so that they can follow you. Click to copy." = "Dies ist deine Konto-ID, die du an deine Freunde weitergeben kannst, damit sie dir folgen können. Zum Kopieren anklicken."; + +/* Label to describe that a private key is the user's secret account key and what they should do with it. */ +"This is your secret account key. You need this to access your account. Don't share this with anyone! Save it in a password manager and keep it safe!" = "Dies ist dein geheimer, privater Schlüssel. Du benötigst ihn, um auf dein Konto zuzugreifen. Gib den privaten Schlüssel an niemanden weiter! Speichere ihn in einem Passwort-Manager und bewahre ihn sicher auf!"; + +/* Navigation bar title for note thread. + Navigation bar title for threaded event detail view. */ +"Thread" = "Thema"; + +/* Text box prompt to ask user to type their post. */ +"Type your post here..." = "Schreibe deinen Beitrag hier..."; + +/* Non-breaking space character to fill in blank space next to event action button icons. */ +"u{00A0}" = "u{00A0}"; + +/* Button to unfollow a user. */ +"Unfollow" = "Entfolgen"; + +/* Text to indicate that the button next to it is in a state that indicates that it is in the process of unfollowing a profile. */ +"Unfollowing" = "Entfolgen..."; + +/* Label to indicate that the user is in the process of unfollowing another user. */ +"Unfollowing..." = "Entfolgen..."; + +/* Text to indicate that the button next to it is in a state that will unfollow a profile when tapped. */ +"Unfollows" = "Entfolgen"; + +/* Label for Username section of user profile form. + Label to prompt username entry. */ +"Username" = "Benutzername"; + +/* Sidebar menu label for Wallet view. */ +"Wallet" = "Wallet"; + +/* Dropdown option label for Lightning wallet, Wallet Of Satoshi. */ +"Wallet Of Satoshi" = "Wallet Of Satoshi"; + +/* Section title for selection of wallet. */ +"Wallet Selector" = "Wallet-Auswahl"; + +/* Label for Website section of user profile form. */ +"Website" = "Website"; + +/* Welcoming message to the reader. The variable is 'you', the reader. */ +"Welcome to the social network %@ control." = "Willkommen bei dem soziaen Netzwerk, das %@ kontrollierst."; + +/* Text to welcome user. */ +"Welcome, %@!" = "Willkommen, %@!"; + +/* Placeholder example for relay server address. */ +"wss://some.relay.com" = "wss://irgendein.relay.at"; + +/* You, in this context, is the person who controls their own social network. You is used in the context of a larger sentence that welcomes the reader to the social network that they control themself. */ +"you" = "Du"; + +/* Label for Your Name section of user profile form. */ +"Your Name" = "Dein Name"; + +/* Dropdown option label for Lightning wallet, Zebedee. */ +"Zebedee" = "Zebedee"; + +/* Dropdown option label for Lightning wallet, Zeus LN. */ +"Zeus LN" = "Zeus LN"; + diff --git a/damus/de-AT.lproj/Localizable.stringsdict b/damus/de-AT.lproj/Localizable.stringsdict @@ -0,0 +1,154 @@ +<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> +<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd"> +<plist version="1.0"> +<dict> + <key>collapsed_event_view_other_notes</key> + <dict> + <key>NOTES</key> + <dict> + <key>NSStringFormatSpecTypeKey</key> + <string>NSStringPluralRuleType</string> + <key>NSStringFormatValueTypeKey</key> + <string>d</string> + <key>one</key> + <string>1%d andere Notiz</string> + <key>other</key> + <string>1%d andere Notizen</string> + </dict> + <key>NSStringLocalizedFormatKey</key> + <string>··· %#@NOTES@ ···</string> + </dict> + <key>followers_count</key> + <dict> + <key>FOLLOWERS</key> + <dict> + <key>NSStringFormatSpecTypeKey</key> + <string>NSStringPluralRuleType</string> + <key>NSStringFormatValueTypeKey</key> + <string>d</string> + <key>one</key> + <string>Follower</string> + <key>other</key> + <string>Follower</string> + </dict> + <key>NSStringLocalizedFormatKey</key> + <string>%#@FOLLOWERS@</string> + </dict> + <key>reactions_count</key> + <dict> + <key>NSStringLocalizedFormatKey</key> + <string>%#@REACTIONS@</string> + <key>REACTIONS</key> + <dict> + <key>NSStringFormatSpecTypeKey</key> + <string>NSStringPluralRuleType</string> + <key>NSStringFormatValueTypeKey</key> + <string>d</string> + <key>one</key> + <string>Reaktion</string> + <key>other</key> + <string>Reaktionen</string> + </dict> + </dict> + <key>relays_count</key> + <dict> + <key>NSStringLocalizedFormatKey</key> + <string>%#@RELAYS@</string> + <key>RELAYS</key> + <dict> + <key>NSStringFormatSpecTypeKey</key> + <string>NSStringPluralRuleType</string> + <key>NSStringFormatValueTypeKey</key> + <string>d</string> + <key>one</key> + <string>Relay</string> + <key>other</key> + <string>Relays</string> + </dict> + </dict> + <key>replying_to_one_and_others</key> + <dict> + <key>NSStringLocalizedFormatKey</key> + <string>Antwort an %@%#@OTHERS@</string> + <key>OTHERS</key> + <dict> + <key>NSStringFormatSpecTypeKey</key> + <string>NSStringPluralRuleType</string> + <key>NSStringFormatValueTypeKey</key> + <string>d</string> + <key>one</key> + <string>&amp; 1%d andere</string> + <key>other</key> + <string>&amp; %d andere</string> + <key>zero</key> + <string></string> + </dict> + </dict> + <key>replying_to_two_and_others</key> + <dict> + <key>NSStringLocalizedFormatKey</key> + <string>Antwort an %@, %@%#@OTHERS@</string> + <key>OTHERS</key> + <dict> + <key>NSStringFormatSpecTypeKey</key> + <string>NSStringPluralRuleType</string> + <key>NSStringFormatValueTypeKey</key> + <string>d</string> + <key>one</key> + <string>&amp; %d andere</string> + <key>other</key> + <string>&amp; %d andere</string> + <key>zero</key> + <string></string> + </dict> + </dict> + <key>reposts_count</key> + <dict> + <key>NSStringLocalizedFormatKey</key> + <string>%#@REPOSTS@</string> + <key>REPOSTS</key> + <dict> + <key>NSStringFormatSpecTypeKey</key> + <string>NSStringPluralRuleType</string> + <key>NSStringFormatValueTypeKey</key> + <string>d</string> + <key>one</key> + <string>Mal geteilt</string> + <key>other</key> + <string>Mal geteilt</string> + </dict> + </dict> + <key>sats_count</key> + <dict> + <key>NSStringLocalizedFormatKey</key> + <string>%1$#@SATS@</string> + <key>SATS</key> + <dict> + <key>NSStringFormatSpecTypeKey</key> + <string>NSStringPluralRuleType</string> + <key>NSStringFormatValueTypeKey</key> + <string>@</string> + <key>one</key> + <string>%2$@ sat</string> + <key>other</key> + <string>%2$@ sats</string> + </dict> + </dict> + <key>tips_count</key> + <dict> + <key>NSStringLocalizedFormatKey</key> + <string>%#@TIPS@</string> + <key>TIPS</key> + <dict> + <key>NSStringFormatSpecTypeKey</key> + <string>NSStringPluralRuleType</string> + <key>NSStringFormatValueTypeKey</key> + <string>d</string> + <key>one</key> + <string>Trinkgeld</string> + <key>other</key> + <string>Trinkgelder</string> + </dict> + </dict> +</dict> +</plist> diff --git a/damus/de-DE.lproj/InfoPlist.strings b/damus/de-DE.lproj/InfoPlist.strings @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +/* Bundle display name */ +"CFBundleDisplayName" = "Damus"; + +/* Bundle name */ +"CFBundleName" = "damus"; + +/* Privacy - Photo Library Additions Usage Description */ +"NSPhotoLibraryAddUsageDescription" = "Damus Zugriff auf deine Fotomediathek zu gewähren erlaubt dir Fotos zu sichern."; + diff --git a/damus/de-DE.lproj/Localizable.strings b/damus/de-DE.lproj/Localizable.strings @@ -0,0 +1,493 @@ +/* Blank space to separate profile picture from profile editor form. */ +" " = "61b6edf1108e6f396680a33b02486a70_tr"; + +/* Description of how the nip05 identifier would be used for verification. */ +"'%@' at '%@' will be used for verification" = "'%@' bei '%@' wird zur Verifizierung benutzt werden."; + +/* Description of why the nip05 identifier is invalid. */ +"'%@' is an invalid nip05 identifier. It should look like an email." = "'%@' ist eine ungültige nip05 Kennzeichnung. Diese sollte wie eine Emailadresse aussehen. "; + +/* Navigation bar title for view that shows who is following a user. */ +"(Profile.displayName(profile: profile, pubkey: whos))'s Followers" = "(Profile.displayName(profile: profile, pubkey: whos)) Follower"; + +/* Navigation bar title for view that shows who a user is following. */ +"(who) following" = "(who) folgt"; + +/* Prefix character to username. */ +"@" = "@"; + +/* Amount of time that has passed since reply quote event occurred. +Abbreviated version of a nostr public key. */ +"%@" = "%@"; + +/* Sentence composed of 2 variables to describe how many reposts. In source English, the first variable is the number of reposts, and the second variable is 'Repost' or 'Reposts'. +Sentence composed of 2 variables to describe how many profiles a user is following. In source English, the first variable is the number of profiles being followed, and the second variable is 'Following'. */ +"%@ %@" = "%@ %@"; + +/* Explanation of what is done to keep personally identifiable information private. There is a heading that precedes this explanation which is a variable to this string. */ +"%@. Creating an account doesn't require a phone number, email or name. Get started right away with zero friction." = "Für das Erstellen eines Accounts ist keine Telefonnumer, E-Mail-Adresse und kein Name notwendig. Lege direkt los!"; + +/* Explanation of what is done to keep private data encrypted. There is a heading that precedes this explanation which is a variable to this string. */ +"%@. End-to-End encrypted private messaging. Keep Big Tech out of your DMs" = "%@. Ende-zu-Ende verschlüsselte private Nachrichten. Halte „Big Tech“ aus deinen Direktnachrichten heraus."; + +/* Explanation of what can be done by users to earn money. There is a heading that precedes this explanation which is a variable to this string. */ +"%@. Tip your friend's posts and stack sats with Bitcoin⚡️, the native currency of the internet." = "%@. Belohne Beiträge deiner Freunde und sammle Sats mit Bitcoin⚡️, der eigenen Währung des Internets."; + +/* Number of reposts. +Number of profiles a user is following. */ +"%lld" = "%lld"; + +/* Fraction of how many of the user's relay servers that are operational. */ +"%lld/%lld" = "%lld/%lld"; + +/* Placeholder for event mention. */ +"< e >" = "< e >"; + +/* Label to prompt for about text entry for user to describe about themself. */ +"About" = "Über"; + +/* Label for About Me section of user profile form. */ +"About Me" = "Über mich"; + +/* Placeholder text for About Me description. */ +"Absolute Boss" = "Absoluter Macher"; + +/* Label to indicate the public ID of the account. */ +"Account ID" = "Konto-ID"; + +/* Button to add recommended relay server. + Button to confirm adding user inputted relay. */ +"Add" = "Hinzufügen"; + +/* Label for section for adding a relay server. */ +"Add Relay" = "Relay hinzufügen"; + +/* Any amount of sats */ +"Any" = "beliebig"; + +/* Alert message to ask if user wants to repost a post. */ +"Are you sure you want to repost this?" = "Bist du sicher dass Du den Beitrag auf deinem Profil teilen möchtest?"; + +/* Label for Banner Image section of user profile form. */ +"Banner Image" = "Banner Bild"; + +/* Reminder to user that they should save their account information. */ +"Before we get started, you'll need to save your account info, otherwise you won't be able to login in the future if you ever uninstall Damus." = "Bevor wir anfangen, musst du deine Kontodaten sichern, sonst kannst du dich in Zukunft nicht mehr anmelden, wenn du Damus jemals deinstallierst."; + +/* Dropdown option label for Lightning wallet, Bitcoin Beach. */ +"Bitcoin Beach" = "Bitcoin Beach"; + +/* Label for Bitcoin Lightning Tips section of user profile form. */ +"Bitcoin Lightning Tips" = "Bitcoin Lightning Zahlungen"; + +/* Dropdown option label for Lightning wallet, Blixt Wallet */ +"Blixt Wallet" = "Blixt Wallet"; + +/* Dropdown option label for Lightning wallet, Blue Wallet. */ +"Blue Wallet" = "Blue Wallet"; + +/* Dropdown option label for Lightning wallet, Breez. */ +"Breez" = "Breez"; + +/* Context menu option for broadcasting the user's note to all of the user's connected relay servers. */ +"Broadcast" = "Senden"; + +/* Button to cancel out of posting a note. + Button to cancel out of reposting a post. + Button to cancel out of view adding user inputted relay. + Cancel out of logging out the user. */ +"Cancel" = "Abbrechen"; + +/* Dropdown option label for Lightning wallet, Cash App. */ +"Cash App" = "Cash App"; + +/* Navigation bar title for Chatroom view. */ +"Chat" = "Unterhaltung"; + +/* Button for clearing cached data. */ +"Clear" = "Löschen"; + +/* Section title for clearing cached data. */ +"Clear Cache" = "Zwischenspeicher löschen"; + +/* Label indicating that a user's key was copied. */ +"Copied" = "Kopiert"; + +/* Button to copy a relay server address. */ +"Copy" = "Kopieren"; + +/* Context menu option for copying the ID of the account that created the note. */ +"Copy Account ID" = "Konto-ID kopieren"; + +/* Context menu option to copy an image into clipboard. + Context menu option to copy an image to clipboard. */ +"Copy Image" = "Bild kopieren"; + +/* Context menu option to copy the URL of an image into clipboard. */ +"Copy Image URL" = "Bild-URL kopieren"; + +/* Title of section for copying a Lightning invoice identifier. */ +"Copy invoice" = "Rechnung kopieren"; + +/* Context menu option for copying a user's Lightning URL. */ +"Copy LNURL" = "LNURL kopieren"; + +/* Context menu option for copying the ID of the note. */ +"Copy Note ID" = "Notiz-ID kopieren"; + +/* Context menu option for copying the JSON text from the note. */ +"Copy Note JSON" = "Notiz-JSON kopieren"; + +/* Context menu option for copying the text from an note. */ +"Copy Text" = "Text kopieren"; + +/* Context menu option for copying the ID of the user who created the note. */ +"Copy User ID" = "Benutzer-ID kopieren"; + +/* Button to create account. */ +"Create" = "Erstellen"; + +/* Button to create an account. */ +"Create Account" = "Konto erstellen"; + +/* Example description about Bitcoin creator(s), Satoshi Nakamoto. */ +"Creator(s) of Bitcoin. Absolute legend." = "Erfinder von Bitcoin. Absolute Legende(n)."; + +/* Name of the app, shown on the first screen when user is not logged in. */ +"Damus" = "Damus"; + +/* Button to pay a Lightning invoice with the user's default Lightning wallet. */ +"Default Wallet" = "Voreingestellte Wallet"; + +/* Button to delete a relay server that the user connects to. */ +"Delete" = "Löschen"; + +/* Button to dismiss a text field alert. */ +"Dismiss" = "Schließen"; + +/* Label to prompt display name entry. */ +"Display Name" = "Profilname"; + +/* Navigation title for DM view, which is the English abbreviation for Direct Message. */ +"DM" = "PN"; + +/* Button to dismiss wallet selection view for paying Lightning invoice. */ +"Done" = "Fertig"; + +/* Heading indicating that this application allows users to earn money. */ +"Earn Money" = "Verdiene Geld"; + +/* Button to edit user's profile. */ +"Edit" = "Bearbeiten"; + +/* Heading indicating that this application keeps private messaging end-to-end encrypted. */ +"Encrypted" = "Verschlüsselt"; + +/* Navigation title for view of encrypted DMs, where DM is an English abbreviation for Direct Message. */ +"Encrypted DMs" = "Verschlüsselte PNs"; + +/* Prompt for user to enter an account key to login. */ +"Enter your account key to login:" = "Gib deinen Kontoschlüssel ein um dich anzumelden:"; + +/* Error message indicating why saving keys failed. */ +"Error: %@" = "Fehler: %@"; + +/* Filter state for seeing either only posts, or posts & replies. */ +"Filter State" = "Filter Einstellung"; + +/* Button to follow a user. */ +"Follow" = "Folgen"; + +/* Label describing followers of a user. */ +"Followers" = "Follower"; + +/* Text to indicate that the button next to it is in a state that indicates that it is in the process of following a profile. +Part of a larger sentence to describe how many profiles a user is following. */ +"Following" = "Folgt"; + +/* Label to indicate that the user is in the process of following another user. */ +"Following..." = "Folge…"; + +/* Text to indicate that button next to it is in a state that will follow a profile when tapped. */ +"Follows" = "Folgt"; + +/* Navigation bar title for Global view where posts from all connected relay servers appear. */ +"Global" = "Weltweit"; + +/* Navigation link to go to post referenced by hex code. */ +"Goto post %@" = "Gehe zum Beitrag %@"; + +/* Navigation link to go to profile. */ +"Goto profile %@" = "Gehe zum Profil %@"; + +/* Navigation bar title for Home view where posts and replies appear from those who the user is following. */ +"Home" = "Heim"; + +/* Placeholder example text for profile picture URL. */ +"https://example.com/pic.jpg" = "https://beispiel.de/bild.jpg"; + +/* Placeholder example text for website URL for user profile. */ +"https://jb55.com" = "https://jb55.com"; + +/* Error message indicating that an invalid account key was entered for login. */ +"Invalid key" = "Ungültiger Schlüssel"; + +/* Placeholder example text for identifier used for NIP-05 verification. */ +"jb55@jb55.com" = "jb55@jb55.com"; + +/* Moves the post button to the left side of the screen */ +"Left Handed" = "Linkshändig"; + +/* Button to complete account creation and start using the app. */ +"Let's go!" = "Los gehts!"; + +/* Placeholder text for entry of Lightning Address or LNURL. */ +"Lightning Address or LNURL" = "Lightning-Adresse oder LNURL"; + +/* Indicates that the view is for paying a Lightning invoice. */ +"Lightning Invoice" = "Lightning-Rechnung"; + +/* Dropdown option label for Lightning wallet, LNLink. */ +"LNLink" = "LNLink"; + +/* Dropdown option label for system default for Lightning wallet. */ +"Local default" = "System-Standard"; + +/* Button to log into account. + Button to log into an account. */ +"Login" = "Anmelden"; + +/* Alert for logging out the user. + Button for logging out the user. + Button to logout the user. */ +"Logout" = "Abmelden"; + +/* Reminder message in alert to get customer to verify that their private security account key is saved saved before logging out. */ +"Make sure your nsec account key is saved before you logout or you will lose access to this account" = "Stelle sicher dass dein nsec Kontoschlüssel gesichert ist bevor du dich abmeldest oder du wirst den Zugang zu diesem Konto verlieren"; + +/* Dropdown option label for Lightning wallet, Muun. */ +"Muun" = "Muun"; + +/* Label for NIP-05 Verification section of user profile form. */ +"NIP-05 Verification" = "NIP-05-Verifizierung"; + +/* No search results. */ +"none" = "keine"; + +/* Indicates that there are no notes in the timeline to view. */ +"Nothing to see here. Check back later!" = "Hier gibts nichts zu sehen. Schau später wieder vorbei!"; + +/* Navigation title for notifications. */ +"Notifications" = "Benachrichtigungen"; + +/* String indicating that a given timestamp just occurred */ +"now" = "jetzt"; + +/* Prompt for user to enter in an account key to login. This text shows the characters the key could start with if it was a private key. */ +"nsec1..." = "nsec1..."; + +/* Label indicating that a form input is optional. */ +"optional" = "optional"; + +/* Button to pay a Lightning invoice. */ +"Pay" = "Bezahlen"; + +/* Navigation bar title for view to pay Lightning invoice. */ +"Pay the Lightning invoice" = "Bezahle die Lightning-Rechnung"; + +/* Dropdown option label for Lightning wallet, Phoenix. */ +"Phoenix" = "Phoenix"; + +/* Button to post a note. */ +"Post" = "Teilen"; + +/* Label for filter for seeing only posts (instead of posts and replies). */ +"Posts" = "Beiträge"; + +/* Label for filter for seeing posts and replies (instead of only posts). */ +"Posts & Replies" = "Beiträge & Antworten"; + +/* Heading indicating that this application keeps personally identifiable information private. A sentence describing what is done to keep data private comes after this heading. */ +"Private" = "Privatsphäre"; + +/* Label to indicate that the text below is the user's private key used by only the user themself as a secret to login to access their account. */ +"Private Key" = "Privater Schlüssel"; + +/* Title of the secure field that holds the user's private key. */ +"PrivateKey" = "Privater Schlüssel"; + +/* Sidebar menu label for Profile view. */ +"Profile" = "Profil"; + +/* Label for Profile Picture section of user profile form. */ +"Profile Picture" = "Profilbild"; + +/* Section title for the user's public account ID. */ +"Public Account ID" = "Öffentliche Konto ID"; + +/* Label indicating that the text is a user's public account key. */ +"Public key" = "Öffentlicher Schlüssel"; + +/* Label indicating that the text is a user's public account key. */ +"Public Key" = "Öffentlicher Schlüssel"; + +/* Prompt to ask user if the key they entered is a public key. */ +"Public Key?" = "Öffentlicher Schlüssel?"; + +/* Navigation bar title for Reactions view. */ +"Reactions" = "Reaktionen"; + +/* Section title for recommend relay servers that could be added as part of configuration */ +"Recommended Relays" = "Empfohlene Relays"; + +/* Text field for relay server. Used for testing purposes. */ +"Relay" = "Relay"; + +/* Sidebar menu label for Relay servers view */ +"Relays" = "Relays"; + +/* Label to indicate that the user is replying to themself. */ +"Reply to self" = "Antwort an dich selbst"; + +/* Label to indicate that the user is replying to 2 users. */ +"Replying to %@ & %@" = "%1$@ & %2$@ antworten"; + +/* Indicating that the user is replying to the following listed people. */ +"Replying to:" = "Du antwortest:"; + +/* Button to confirm reposting a post. + Title of alert for confirming to repost a post. */ +"Repost" = "Teilen"; + +/* Text indicating that the post was reposted (i.e. re-shared). */ +"Reposted" = "Geteilt"; + +/* Section title for resetting the user */ +"Reset" = "Zurücksetzen"; + +/* Button to retry completing account creation after an error occurred. */ +"Retry" = "Wiederholung"; + +/* Dropdown option label for Lightning wallet, River */ +"River" = "River"; + +/* Example username of Bitcoin creator(s), Satoshi Nakamoto. */ +"satoshi" = "satoshi"; + +/* Name of Bitcoin creator(s). */ +"Satoshi Nakamoto" = "Satoshi Nakamoto"; + +/* Button for saving profile. */ +"Save" = "Speichern"; + +/* Context menu option to save an image. */ +"Save Image" = "Bild speichern"; + +/* Navigation link to search hashtag. */ +"Search hashtag: #%@" = "Hashtag suchen: #%@"; + +/* Placeholder text to prompt entry of search query. */ +"Search..." = "Suchen..."; + +/* Section title for user's secret account login key. */ +"Secret Account Login Key" = "Geheimer Konto-Anmeldeschlüssel"; + +/* Title of section for selecting a Lightning wallet to pay a Lightning invoice. */ +"Select a Lightning wallet" = "Wähle eine Lightning-Wallet"; + +/* Prompt selection of user's default wallet */ +"Select default wallet" = "Wähle ein voreingestelltes Wallet"; + +/* Text prompt for user to send a message to the other user. */ +"Send a message to start the conversation..." = "Sende eine Nachricht um die Unterhaltung zu beginnen..."; + +/* Navigation title for Settings view. + Sidebar menu label for accessing the app settings */ +"Settings" = "Einstellungen"; + +/* Button to share an image. */ +"Share" = "Teilen"; + +/* Toggle to show or hide user's secret account login key. */ +"Show" = "Anzeigen"; + +/* Toggle to show or hide selection of wallet. */ +"Show wallet selector" = "Wallet-Auswahl anzeigen"; + +/* Sidebar menu label to sign out of the account. */ +"Sign out" = "Abmelden"; + +/* Dropdown option label for Lightning wallet, Strike. */ +"Strike" = "Strike"; + +/* Warning that the inputted account key is a public key and the result of what happens because of it. */ +"This is a public key, you will not be able to make posts or interact in any way. This is used for viewing accounts from their perspective." = "Dies ist ein öffentlicher Schlüssel, Du wirst keine Beiträge teilen oder oder auf irgendeine Weise interagieren können. Dies wird genutzt um Kontos aus deren Perspektive zu sehen."; + +/* Warning that the inputted account key for login is an old-style and asking user to verify if it is a public key. */ +"This is an old-style nostr key. We're not sure if it's a pubkey or private key. Please toggle the button below if this a public key." = "Dies ist ein veralteter nostr-Schlüssel. Wir sind und unsicher ob es ein öffentlicher Schlüssel oder ein privater Schlüssel ist. Bitte betätige die untenstehende Schaltfläche wenn es ein öffentlicher Schlüssel ist."; + +/* Label to describe that a public key is the user's account ID and what they can do with it. */ +"This is your account ID, you can give this to your friends so that they can follow you. Click to copy." = "Dies ist deine Konto-ID, die du an deine Freunde weitergeben kannst, damit sie dir folgen können. Zum Kopieren anklicken."; + +/* Label to describe that a private key is the user's secret account key and what they should do with it. */ +"This is your secret account key. You need this to access your account. Don't share this with anyone! Save it in a password manager and keep it safe!" = "Dies ist dein geheimer, privater Schlüssel. Du benötigst ihn, um auf dein Konto zuzugreifen. Gib den privaten Schlüssel an niemanden weiter! Speichere ihn in einem Passwort-Manager und bewahre ihn sicher auf!"; + +/* Navigation bar title for note thread. + Navigation bar title for threaded event detail view. */ +"Thread" = "Thema"; + +/* Text box prompt to ask user to type their post. */ +"Type your post here..." = "Schreibe deinen Beitrag hier..."; + +/* Non-breaking space character to fill in blank space next to event action button icons. */ +"u{00A0}" = "u{00A0}"; + +/* Button to unfollow a user. */ +"Unfollow" = "Entfolgen"; + +/* Text to indicate that the button next to it is in a state that indicates that it is in the process of unfollowing a profile. */ +"Unfollowing" = "Entfolgen..."; + +/* Label to indicate that the user is in the process of unfollowing another user. */ +"Unfollowing..." = "Entfolgen..."; + +/* Text to indicate that the button next to it is in a state that will unfollow a profile when tapped. */ +"Unfollows" = "Entfolgen"; + +/* Label for Username section of user profile form. + Label to prompt username entry. */ +"Username" = "Benutzername"; + +/* Sidebar menu label for Wallet view. */ +"Wallet" = "Wallet"; + +/* Dropdown option label for Lightning wallet, Wallet Of Satoshi. */ +"Wallet Of Satoshi" = "Wallet Of Satoshi"; + +/* Section title for selection of wallet. */ +"Wallet Selector" = "Wallet-Auswahl"; + +/* Label for Website section of user profile form. */ +"Website" = "Website"; + +/* Welcoming message to the reader. The variable is 'you', the reader. */ +"Welcome to the social network %@ control." = "Willkommen bei dem sozialen Netzwerk, das %@ kontrollierst."; + +/* Text to welcome user. */ +"Welcome, %@!" = "Willkommen, %@!"; + +/* Placeholder example for relay server address. */ +"wss://some.relay.com" = "wss://irgendein.relay.de"; + +/* You, in this context, is the person who controls their own social network. You is used in the context of a larger sentence that welcomes the reader to the social network that they control themself. */ +"you" = "Du"; + +/* Label for Your Name section of user profile form. */ +"Your Name" = "Dein Name"; + +/* Dropdown option label for Lightning wallet, Zebedee. */ +"Zebedee" = "Zebedee"; + +/* Dropdown option label for Lightning wallet, Zeus LN. */ +"Zeus LN" = "Zeus LN"; + diff --git a/damus/de-DE.lproj/Localizable.stringsdict b/damus/de-DE.lproj/Localizable.stringsdict @@ -0,0 +1,154 @@ +<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> +<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd"> +<plist version="1.0"> +<dict> + <key>collapsed_event_view_other_notes</key> + <dict> + <key>NOTES</key> + <dict> + <key>NSStringFormatSpecTypeKey</key> + <string>NSStringPluralRuleType</string> + <key>NSStringFormatValueTypeKey</key> + <string>d</string> + <key>one</key> + <string>%d andere Notiz</string> + <key>other</key> + <string>%d andere Notizen</string> + </dict> + <key>NSStringLocalizedFormatKey</key> + <string>··· %#@NOTES@ ···</string> + </dict> + <key>followers_count</key> + <dict> + <key>FOLLOWERS</key> + <dict> + <key>NSStringFormatSpecTypeKey</key> + <string>NSStringPluralRuleType</string> + <key>NSStringFormatValueTypeKey</key> + <string>d</string> + <key>one</key> + <string>Follower</string> + <key>other</key> + <string>Follower</string> + </dict> + <key>NSStringLocalizedFormatKey</key> + <string>%#@FOLLOWERS@</string> + </dict> + <key>reactions_count</key> + <dict> + <key>NSStringLocalizedFormatKey</key> + <string>%#@REACTIONS@</string> + <key>REACTIONS</key> + <dict> + <key>NSStringFormatSpecTypeKey</key> + <string>NSStringPluralRuleType</string> + <key>NSStringFormatValueTypeKey</key> + <string>d</string> + <key>one</key> + <string>Reaktion</string> + <key>other</key> + <string>Reaktionen</string> + </dict> + </dict> + <key>relays_count</key> + <dict> + <key>NSStringLocalizedFormatKey</key> + <string>%#@RELAYS@</string> + <key>RELAYS</key> + <dict> + <key>NSStringFormatSpecTypeKey</key> + <string>NSStringPluralRuleType</string> + <key>NSStringFormatValueTypeKey</key> + <string>d</string> + <key>one</key> + <string>Relay</string> + <key>other</key> + <string>Relays</string> + </dict> + </dict> + <key>replying_to_one_and_others</key> + <dict> + <key>NSStringLocalizedFormatKey</key> + <string>Antwort an %@%#@OTHERS@</string> + <key>OTHERS</key> + <dict> + <key>NSStringFormatSpecTypeKey</key> + <string>NSStringPluralRuleType</string> + <key>NSStringFormatValueTypeKey</key> + <string>d</string> + <key>one</key> + <string>&amp; %d andere</string> + <key>other</key> + <string>&amp; %d andere</string> + <key>zero</key> + <string></string> + </dict> + </dict> + <key>replying_to_two_and_others</key> + <dict> + <key>NSStringLocalizedFormatKey</key> + <string>Antwort an %@, %@%#@OTHERS@</string> + <key>OTHERS</key> + <dict> + <key>NSStringFormatSpecTypeKey</key> + <string>NSStringPluralRuleType</string> + <key>NSStringFormatValueTypeKey</key> + <string>d</string> + <key>one</key> + <string>&amp; %d andere</string> + <key>other</key> + <string>&amp; %d andere</string> + <key>zero</key> + <string></string> + </dict> + </dict> + <key>reposts_count</key> + <dict> + <key>NSStringLocalizedFormatKey</key> + <string>%#@REPOSTS@</string> + <key>REPOSTS</key> + <dict> + <key>NSStringFormatSpecTypeKey</key> + <string>NSStringPluralRuleType</string> + <key>NSStringFormatValueTypeKey</key> + <string>d</string> + <key>one</key> + <string>Mal geteilt</string> + <key>other</key> + <string>Mal geteilt</string> + </dict> + </dict> + <key>sats_count</key> + <dict> + <key>NSStringLocalizedFormatKey</key> + <string>%1$#@SATS@</string> + <key>SATS</key> + <dict> + <key>NSStringFormatSpecTypeKey</key> + <string>NSStringPluralRuleType</string> + <key>NSStringFormatValueTypeKey</key> + <string>@</string> + <key>one</key> + <string>%2$@ sat</string> + <key>other</key> + <string>%2$@ sats</string> + </dict> + </dict> + <key>tips_count</key> + <dict> + <key>NSStringLocalizedFormatKey</key> + <string>%#@TIPS@</string> + <key>TIPS</key> + <dict> + <key>NSStringFormatSpecTypeKey</key> + <string>NSStringPluralRuleType</string> + <key>NSStringFormatValueTypeKey</key> + <string>d</string> + <key>one</key> + <string>Trinkgeld</string> + <key>other</key> + <string>Trinkgelder</string> + </dict> + </dict> +</dict> +</plist> diff --git a/damus/fr-FR.lproj/InfoPlist.strings b/damus/fr-FR.lproj/InfoPlist.strings @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +/* Bundle display name */ +"CFBundleDisplayName" = "Damus"; + +/* Bundle name */ +"CFBundleName" = "damus"; + +/* Privacy - Photo Library Additions Usage Description */ +"NSPhotoLibraryAddUsageDescription" = "\"Accorder à Damus l'accès à votre galerie photos vous permet d'enregistrer des photos."; + diff --git a/damus/fr-FR.lproj/Localizable.strings b/damus/fr-FR.lproj/Localizable.strings @@ -0,0 +1,493 @@ +/* Blank space to separate profile picture from profile editor form. */ +" " = "61b6edf1108e6f396680a33b02486a70_tr"; + +/* Description of how the nip05 identifier would be used for verification. */ +"'%@' at '%@' will be used for verification" = "'%@' à '@' sera utilisé pour la vérification"; + +/* Description of why the nip05 identifier is invalid. */ +"'%@' is an invalid nip05 identifier. It should look like an email." = "'@' est un identifiant nip05 invalide. Cela devrait ressembler à une adresse e-mail."; + +/* Navigation bar title for view that shows who is following a user. */ +"(Profile.displayName(profile: profile, pubkey: whos))'s Followers" = "(Profile.displayName(profile: profile, pubkey: whos))'s Followers"; + +/* Navigation bar title for view that shows who a user is following. */ +"(who) following" = "(who) following"; + +/* Prefix character to username. */ +"@" = "@"; + +/* Amount of time that has passed since reply quote event occurred. +Abbreviated version of a nostr public key. */ +"%@" = "%@"; + +/* Sentence composed of 2 variables to describe how many reposts. In source English, the first variable is the number of reposts, and the second variable is 'Repost' or 'Reposts'. +Sentence composed of 2 variables to describe how many profiles a user is following. In source English, the first variable is the number of profiles being followed, and the second variable is 'Following'. */ +"%@ %@" = "%@ %@"; + +/* Explanation of what is done to keep personally identifiable information private. There is a heading that precedes this explanation which is a variable to this string. */ +"%@. Creating an account doesn't require a phone number, email or name. Get started right away with zero friction." = "%@. La création d'un compte ne nécessite pas de numéro de téléphone, d'e-mail ou de nom. Commencez tout de suite sans aucune friction."; + +/* Explanation of what is done to keep private data encrypted. There is a heading that precedes this explanation which is a variable to this string. */ +"%@. End-to-End encrypted private messaging. Keep Big Tech out of your DMs" = "%@. Messagerie privée cryptée de bout en bout. Gardez Big Tech hors de vos DMs"; + +/* Explanation of what can be done by users to earn money. There is a heading that precedes this explanation which is a variable to this string. */ +"%@. Tip your friend's posts and stack sats with Bitcoin⚡️, the native currency of the internet." = "%@. Donnez un pourboire aux publications de vos amis et empilez les sats avec Bitcoin⚡️, la monnaie native d'Internet."; + +/* Number of reposts. +Number of profiles a user is following. */ +"%lld" = "%lld"; + +/* Fraction of how many of the user's relay servers that are operational. */ +"%lld/%lld" = "%lld/%lld<br data-mce-bogus=\"1\">"; + +/* Placeholder for event mention. */ +"< e >" = "< e >"; + +/* Label to prompt for about text entry for user to describe about themself. */ +"About" = "À propos de"; + +/* Label for About Me section of user profile form. */ +"About Me" = "À Propos de Moi"; + +/* Placeholder text for About Me description. */ +"Absolute Boss" = "Patron Absolu"; + +/* Label to indicate the public ID of the account. */ +"Account ID" = "Identifiant de Compte"; + +/* Button to add recommended relay server. + Button to confirm adding user inputted relay. */ +"Add" = "Ajouter"; + +/* Label for section for adding a relay server. */ +"Add Relay" = "Ajouter un Relais"; + +/* Any amount of sats */ +"Any" = "N'importe Lequel"; + +/* Alert message to ask if user wants to repost a post. */ +"Are you sure you want to repost this?" = "Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir republier ceci ?"; + +/* Label for Banner Image section of user profile form. */ +"Banner Image" = "Image Bannière"; + +/* Reminder to user that they should save their account information. */ +"Before we get started, you'll need to save your account info, otherwise you won't be able to login in the future if you ever uninstall Damus." = "Avant de commencer, vous devrez enregistrer les informations de votre compte, sinon vous ne pourrez plus vous connecter à l'avenir si vous désinstallez Damus."; + +/* Dropdown option label for Lightning wallet, Bitcoin Beach. */ +"Bitcoin Beach" = "Bitcoin Beach"; + +/* Label for Bitcoin Lightning Tips section of user profile form. */ +"Bitcoin Lightning Tips" = "Pourboires de Bitcoin Lightning"; + +/* Dropdown option label for Lightning wallet, Blixt Wallet */ +"Blixt Wallet" = "Portefeuille Blixt"; + +/* Dropdown option label for Lightning wallet, Blue Wallet. */ +"Blue Wallet" = "Portefeuille Blue"; + +/* Dropdown option label for Lightning wallet, Breez. */ +"Breez" = "Breez"; + +/* Context menu option for broadcasting the user's note to all of the user's connected relay servers. */ +"Broadcast" = "Diffuser"; + +/* Button to cancel out of posting a note. + Button to cancel out of reposting a post. + Button to cancel out of view adding user inputted relay. + Cancel out of logging out the user. */ +"Cancel" = "Annuler"; + +/* Dropdown option label for Lightning wallet, Cash App. */ +"Cash App" = "Cash App"; + +/* Navigation bar title for Chatroom view. */ +"Chat" = "Chatter"; + +/* Button for clearing cached data. */ +"Clear" = "<br>Vider"; + +/* Section title for clearing cached data. */ +"Clear Cache" = "Vider le Cache"; + +/* Label indicating that a user's key was copied. */ +"Copied" = "Copié"; + +/* Button to copy a relay server address. */ +"Copy" = "Copier"; + +/* Context menu option for copying the ID of the account that created the note. */ +"Copy Account ID" = "Copier l'Identifiant de Compte"; + +/* Context menu option to copy an image into clipboard. + Context menu option to copy an image to clipboard. */ +"Copy Image" = "Copier l'Image"; + +/* Context menu option to copy the URL of an image into clipboard. */ +"Copy Image URL" = "Copier l'URL de l'Image"; + +/* Title of section for copying a Lightning invoice identifier. */ +"Copy invoice" = "Copier la Facture"; + +/* Context menu option for copying a user's Lightning URL. */ +"Copy LNURL" = "Copier le LNURL"; + +/* Context menu option for copying the ID of the note. */ +"Copy Note ID" = "Copier l'Identifiant de la Note"; + +/* Context menu option for copying the JSON text from the note. */ +"Copy Note JSON" = "Copier le JSON de la Note"; + +/* Context menu option for copying the text from an note. */ +"Copy Text" = "Copier le Texte"; + +/* Context menu option for copying the ID of the user who created the note. */ +"Copy User ID" = "Copier l'Identifiant de l'Utilisateur"; + +/* Button to create account. */ +"Create" = "Créer"; + +/* Button to create an account. */ +"Create Account" = "Créer un Compte"; + +/* Example description about Bitcoin creator(s), Satoshi Nakamoto. */ +"Creator(s) of Bitcoin. Absolute legend." = "Créateur(s) de Bitcoin. Légende absolue."; + +/* Name of the app, shown on the first screen when user is not logged in. */ +"Damus" = "Damus"; + +/* Button to pay a Lightning invoice with the user's default Lightning wallet. */ +"Default Wallet" = "Portefeuille par défaut"; + +/* Button to delete a relay server that the user connects to. */ +"Delete" = "<br>Effacer"; + +/* Button to dismiss a text field alert. */ +"Dismiss" = "Rejeter"; + +/* Label to prompt display name entry. */ +"Display Name" = "Afficher Nom"; + +/* Navigation title for DM view, which is the English abbreviation for Direct Message. */ +"DM" = "DM"; + +/* Button to dismiss wallet selection view for paying Lightning invoice. */ +"Done" = "Fini"; + +/* Heading indicating that this application allows users to earn money. */ +"Earn Money" = "Gagnes de l'argent"; + +/* Button to edit user's profile. */ +"Edit" = "Modifier"; + +/* Heading indicating that this application keeps private messaging end-to-end encrypted. */ +"Encrypted" = "Crypté"; + +/* Navigation title for view of encrypted DMs, where DM is an English abbreviation for Direct Message. */ +"Encrypted DMs" = "DMs cryptés"; + +/* Prompt for user to enter an account key to login. */ +"Enter your account key to login:" = "Entrez votre clé de compte pour vous connecter:"; + +/* Error message indicating why saving keys failed. */ +"Error: %@" = "Error: %@"; + +/* Filter state for seeing either only posts, or posts & replies. */ +"Filter State" = "État du filtre"; + +/* Button to follow a user. */ +"Follow" = "S'abonner<br>"; + +/* Label describing followers of a user. */ +"Followers" = "Abonnés"; + +/* Text to indicate that the button next to it is in a state that indicates that it is in the process of following a profile. +Part of a larger sentence to describe how many profiles a user is following. */ +"Following" = "Abonnements"; + +/* Label to indicate that the user is in the process of following another user. */ +"Following..." = "Abonnements..."; + +/* Text to indicate that button next to it is in a state that will follow a profile when tapped. */ +"Follows" = "Follow<br>"; + +/* Navigation bar title for Global view where posts from all connected relay servers appear. */ +"Global" = "Global"; + +/* Navigation link to go to post referenced by hex code. */ +"Goto post %@" = "Goto post %@"; + +/* Navigation link to go to profile. */ +"Goto profile %@" = "Goto profile %@"; + +/* Navigation bar title for Home view where posts and replies appear from those who the user is following. */ +"Home" = "Accueil"; + +/* Placeholder example text for profile picture URL. */ +"https://example.com/pic.jpg" = "https://example.com/pic.jpg"; + +/* Placeholder example text for website URL for user profile. */ +"https://jb55.com" = "https://jb55.com"; + +/* Error message indicating that an invalid account key was entered for login. */ +"Invalid key" = "Clé non valide"; + +/* Placeholder example text for identifier used for NIP-05 verification. */ +"jb55@jb55.com" = "jb55@jb55.com"; + +/* Moves the post button to the left side of the screen */ +"Left Handed" = "Gaucher"; + +/* Button to complete account creation and start using the app. */ +"Let's go!" = "Allons-y!"; + +/* Placeholder text for entry of Lightning Address or LNURL. */ +"Lightning Address or LNURL" = "Adresse Lightning ou LNURL"; + +/* Indicates that the view is for paying a Lightning invoice. */ +"Lightning Invoice" = "Facture Lightning"; + +/* Dropdown option label for Lightning wallet, LNLink. */ +"LNLink" = "Lien LN"; + +/* Dropdown option label for system default for Lightning wallet. */ +"Local default" = "Valeur locale par défaut"; + +/* Button to log into account. + Button to log into an account. */ +"Login" = "Se connecter"; + +/* Alert for logging out the user. + Button for logging out the user. + Button to logout the user. */ +"Logout" = "Se déconnecter"; + +/* Reminder message in alert to get customer to verify that their private security account key is saved saved before logging out. */ +"Make sure your nsec account key is saved before you logout or you will lose access to this account" = "Assurez-vous que votre clé de compte nsec est enregistrée avant de vous déconnecter ou vous perdrez l'accès à ce compte"; + +/* Dropdown option label for Lightning wallet, Muun. */ +"Muun" = "Muun"; + +/* Label for NIP-05 Verification section of user profile form. */ +"NIP-05 Verification" = "Vérification NIP-05"; + +/* No search results. */ +"none" = "none"; + +/* Indicates that there are no notes in the timeline to view. */ +"Nothing to see here. Check back later!" = "Rien à voir ici. Revenez plus tard!"; + +/* Navigation title for notifications. */ +"Notifications" = "Notifications"; + +/* String indicating that a given timestamp just occurred */ +"now" = "now"; + +/* Prompt for user to enter in an account key to login. This text shows the characters the key could start with if it was a private key. */ +"nsec1..." = "nsec1..."; + +/* Label indicating that a form input is optional. */ +"optional" = "optional"; + +/* Button to pay a Lightning invoice. */ +"Pay" = "Payer"; + +/* Navigation bar title for view to pay Lightning invoice. */ +"Pay the Lightning invoice" = "Payer la facture Lightning"; + +/* Dropdown option label for Lightning wallet, Phoenix. */ +"Phoenix" = "Phoenix"; + +/* Button to post a note. */ +"Post" = "Publication"; + +/* Label for filter for seeing only posts (instead of posts and replies). */ +"Posts" = "Publications"; + +/* Label for filter for seeing posts and replies (instead of only posts). */ +"Posts & Replies" = "Publications & Réponses"; + +/* Heading indicating that this application keeps personally identifiable information private. A sentence describing what is done to keep data private comes after this heading. */ +"Private" = "Privé"; + +/* Label to indicate that the text below is the user's private key used by only the user themself as a secret to login to access their account. */ +"Private Key" = "Clé Privée"; + +/* Title of the secure field that holds the user's private key. */ +"PrivateKey" = "PrivateKey"; + +/* Sidebar menu label for Profile view. */ +"Profile" = "Profil"; + +/* Label for Profile Picture section of user profile form. */ +"Profile Picture" = "Image de profil"; + +/* Section title for the user's public account ID. */ +"Public Account ID" = "Identifiant publique de compte"; + +/* Label indicating that the text is a user's public account key. */ +"Public key" = "Clé Publique"; + +/* Label indicating that the text is a user's public account key. */ +"Public Key" = "Clé Publique"; + +/* Prompt to ask user if the key they entered is a public key. */ +"Public Key?" = "Clé Publique?"; + +/* Navigation bar title for Reactions view. */ +"Reactions" = "Réactions"; + +/* Section title for recommend relay servers that could be added as part of configuration */ +"Recommended Relays" = "Relais Recommandés"; + +/* Text field for relay server. Used for testing purposes. */ +"Relay" = "Relais"; + +/* Sidebar menu label for Relay servers view */ +"Relays" = "Relais"; + +/* Label to indicate that the user is replying to themself. */ +"Reply to self" = "Répondre à soi-même"; + +/* Label to indicate that the user is replying to 2 users. */ +"Replying to %@ & %@" = "Répondre à %1$@ & %2$@"; + +/* Indicating that the user is replying to the following listed people. */ +"Replying to:" = "Répondre à:"; + +/* Button to confirm reposting a post. + Title of alert for confirming to repost a post. */ +"Repost" = "Republier"; + +/* Text indicating that the post was reposted (i.e. re-shared). */ +"Reposted" = "A republié"; + +/* Section title for resetting the user */ +"Reset" = "Réinitialiser"; + +/* Button to retry completing account creation after an error occurred. */ +"Retry" = "Retenter"; + +/* Dropdown option label for Lightning wallet, River */ +"River" = "River"; + +/* Example username of Bitcoin creator(s), Satoshi Nakamoto. */ +"satoshi" = "satoshi"; + +/* Name of Bitcoin creator(s). */ +"Satoshi Nakamoto" = "Satoshi Nakamoto"; + +/* Button for saving profile. */ +"Save" = "Enregistrer"; + +/* Context menu option to save an image. */ +"Save Image" = "Enregistrer Image"; + +/* Navigation link to search hashtag. */ +"Search hashtag: #%@" = "Rechercher hashtag: #%@"; + +/* Placeholder text to prompt entry of search query. */ +"Search..." = "Rechercher..."; + +/* Section title for user's secret account login key. */ +"Secret Account Login Key" = "Clé secrète de connexion au compte"; + +/* Title of section for selecting a Lightning wallet to pay a Lightning invoice. */ +"Select a Lightning wallet" = "Sélectionnez un portefeuille Lightning"; + +/* Prompt selection of user's default wallet */ +"Select default wallet" = "Sélectionnez le portefeuille par défaut"; + +/* Text prompt for user to send a message to the other user. */ +"Send a message to start the conversation..." = "Envoyez un message pour démarrer la conversation..."; + +/* Navigation title for Settings view. + Sidebar menu label for accessing the app settings */ +"Settings" = "Paramètres"; + +/* Button to share an image. */ +"Share" = "Partager"; + +/* Toggle to show or hide user's secret account login key. */ +"Show" = "Afficher<br>"; + +/* Toggle to show or hide selection of wallet. */ +"Show wallet selector" = "Afficher le sélecteur de portefeuille"; + +/* Sidebar menu label to sign out of the account. */ +"Sign out" = "Se déconnecter"; + +/* Dropdown option label for Lightning wallet, Strike. */ +"Strike" = "Strike"; + +/* Warning that the inputted account key is a public key and the result of what happens because of it. */ +"This is a public key, you will not be able to make posts or interact in any way. This is used for viewing accounts from their perspective." = "Il s'agit d'une clé publique, vous ne pourrez pas publier de messages ou interagir de quelque manière que ce soit. Ceci est utilisé pour visualiser les comptes de leur point de vue."; + +/* Warning that the inputted account key for login is an old-style and asking user to verify if it is a public key. */ +"This is an old-style nostr key. We're not sure if it's a pubkey or private key. Please toggle the button below if this a public key." = "Il s'agit d'une clé Nostr à l'ancienne. Nous ne savons pas s'il s'agit d'une clé publique ou d'une clé privée. Veuillez basculer le bouton ci-dessous s'il s'agit d'une clé publique."; + +/* Label to describe that a public key is the user's account ID and what they can do with it. */ +"This is your account ID, you can give this to your friends so that they can follow you. Click to copy." = "Ceci est votre identifiant de compte, vous pouvez le donner à vos amis afin qu'ils puissent vous suivre. Cliquez pour copier."; + +/* Label to describe that a private key is the user's secret account key and what they should do with it. */ +"This is your secret account key. You need this to access your account. Don't share this with anyone! Save it in a password manager and keep it safe!" = "Il s'agit de votre clé de compte secrète. Vous en aurez besoin pour accéder à votre compte. Ne le partagez avec personne ! Enregistrez-le dans un gestionnaire de mots de passe et gardez-le en sécurité!"; + +/* Navigation bar title for note thread. + Navigation bar title for threaded event detail view. */ +"Thread" = "Fil de discussion"; + +/* Text box prompt to ask user to type their post. */ +"Type your post here..." = "Tapez votre message ici..."; + +/* Non-breaking space character to fill in blank space next to event action button icons. */ +"u{00A0}" = "u{00A0}"; + +/* Button to unfollow a user. */ +"Unfollow" = "Se désabonner"; + +/* Text to indicate that the button next to it is in a state that indicates that it is in the process of unfollowing a profile. */ +"Unfollowing" = "Ne plus suivre"; + +/* Label to indicate that the user is in the process of unfollowing another user. */ +"Unfollowing..." = "Ne plus suivre...<br>"; + +/* Text to indicate that the button next to it is in a state that will unfollow a profile when tapped. */ +"Unfollows" = "Se désabonne de"; + +/* Label for Username section of user profile form. + Label to prompt username entry. */ +"Username" = "Nom d'utilisateur"; + +/* Sidebar menu label for Wallet view. */ +"Wallet" = "Portefeuille"; + +/* Dropdown option label for Lightning wallet, Wallet Of Satoshi. */ +"Wallet Of Satoshi" = "Portefeuille de Satoshi"; + +/* Section title for selection of wallet. */ +"Wallet Selector" = "Sélecteur de portefeuille"; + +/* Label for Website section of user profile form. */ +"Website" = "Site Internet"; + +/* Welcoming message to the reader. The variable is 'you', the reader. */ +"Welcome to the social network %@ control." = "Bienvenue sur le réseau social %@ contrôle."; + +/* Text to welcome user. */ +"Welcome, %@!" = "Bienvenue, %@!"; + +/* Placeholder example for relay server address. */ +"wss://some.relay.com" = "wss://some.relay.com"; + +/* You, in this context, is the person who controls their own social network. You is used in the context of a larger sentence that welcomes the reader to the social network that they control themself. */ +"you" = "you"; + +/* Label for Your Name section of user profile form. */ +"Your Name" = "Votre Nom"; + +/* Dropdown option label for Lightning wallet, Zebedee. */ +"Zebedee" = "Zebedee"; + +/* Dropdown option label for Lightning wallet, Zeus LN. */ +"Zeus LN" = "LN de Zeus"; + diff --git a/damus/fr-FR.lproj/Localizable.stringsdict b/damus/fr-FR.lproj/Localizable.stringsdict @@ -0,0 +1,154 @@ +<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> +<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd"> +<plist version="1.0"> +<dict> + <key>collapsed_event_view_other_notes</key> + <dict> + <key>NOTES</key> + <dict> + <key>NSStringFormatSpecTypeKey</key> + <string>NSStringPluralRuleType</string> + <key>NSStringFormatValueTypeKey</key> + <string>d</string> + <key>one</key> + <string>%d other note</string> + <key>other</key> + <string>%d other notes</string> + </dict> + <key>NSStringLocalizedFormatKey</key> + <string>··· %#@NOTES@ ···</string> + </dict> + <key>followers_count</key> + <dict> + <key>FOLLOWERS</key> + <dict> + <key>NSStringFormatSpecTypeKey</key> + <string>NSStringPluralRuleType</string> + <key>NSStringFormatValueTypeKey</key> + <string>d</string> + <key>one</key> + <string>Abonné</string> + <key>other</key> + <string>Abonnés</string> + </dict> + <key>NSStringLocalizedFormatKey</key> + <string>%#@FOLLOWERS@</string> + </dict> + <key>reactions_count</key> + <dict> + <key>NSStringLocalizedFormatKey</key> + <string>%#@REACTIONS@</string> + <key>REACTIONS</key> + <dict> + <key>NSStringFormatSpecTypeKey</key> + <string>NSStringPluralRuleType</string> + <key>NSStringFormatValueTypeKey</key> + <string>d</string> + <key>one</key> + <string>Réaction</string> + <key>other</key> + <string>Réactions</string> + </dict> + </dict> + <key>relays_count</key> + <dict> + <key>NSStringLocalizedFormatKey</key> + <string>%#@RELAYS@</string> + <key>RELAYS</key> + <dict> + <key>NSStringFormatSpecTypeKey</key> + <string>NSStringPluralRuleType</string> + <key>NSStringFormatValueTypeKey</key> + <string>d</string> + <key>one</key> + <string>Relais</string> + <key>other</key> + <string>Relais</string> + </dict> + </dict> + <key>replying_to_one_and_others</key> + <dict> + <key>NSStringLocalizedFormatKey</key> + <string>Répondre à %@%#@OTHERS@</string> + <key>OTHERS</key> + <dict> + <key>NSStringFormatSpecTypeKey</key> + <string>NSStringPluralRuleType</string> + <key>NSStringFormatValueTypeKey</key> + <string>d</string> + <key>one</key> + <string>&amp; %d other</string> + <key>other</key> + <string>&amp; %d others</string> + <key>zero</key> + <string></string> + </dict> + </dict> + <key>replying_to_two_and_others</key> + <dict> + <key>NSStringLocalizedFormatKey</key> + <string>Répondre à %@, %@%#@OTHERS@</string> + <key>OTHERS</key> + <dict> + <key>NSStringFormatSpecTypeKey</key> + <string>NSStringPluralRuleType</string> + <key>NSStringFormatValueTypeKey</key> + <string>d</string> + <key>one</key> + <string>&amp; %d other</string> + <key>other</key> + <string>&amp; %d others</string> + <key>zero</key> + <string></string> + </dict> + </dict> + <key>reposts_count</key> + <dict> + <key>NSStringLocalizedFormatKey</key> + <string>%#@REPOSTS@</string> + <key>REPOSTS</key> + <dict> + <key>NSStringFormatSpecTypeKey</key> + <string>NSStringPluralRuleType</string> + <key>NSStringFormatValueTypeKey</key> + <string>d</string> + <key>one</key> + <string>Republication</string> + <key>other</key> + <string>Republications</string> + </dict> + </dict> + <key>sats_count</key> + <dict> + <key>NSStringLocalizedFormatKey</key> + <string>%1$#@SATS@</string> + <key>SATS</key> + <dict> + <key>NSStringFormatSpecTypeKey</key> + <string>NSStringPluralRuleType</string> + <key>NSStringFormatValueTypeKey</key> + <string>@</string> + <key>one</key> + <string>%2$@ sat</string> + <key>other</key> + <string>%2$@ sats</string> + </dict> + </dict> + <key>tips_count</key> + <dict> + <key>NSStringLocalizedFormatKey</key> + <string>%#@TIPS@</string> + <key>TIPS</key> + <dict> + <key>NSStringFormatSpecTypeKey</key> + <string>NSStringPluralRuleType</string> + <key>NSStringFormatValueTypeKey</key> + <string>d</string> + <key>one</key> + <string>Pourboire</string> + <key>other</key> + <string>Pourboires</string> + </dict> + </dict> +</dict> +</plist> diff --git a/damus/tr-TR.lproj/InfoPlist.strings b/damus/tr-TR.lproj/InfoPlist.strings @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +/* Bundle display name */ +"CFBundleDisplayName" = "Damus"; + +/* Bundle name */ +"CFBundleName" = "damus"; + +/* Privacy - Photo Library Additions Usage Description */ +"NSPhotoLibraryAddUsageDescription" = "Damus'a fotoğraf kitaplığınıza erişim izni vermek, fotoğrafları kaydetmenize olanak tanır."; + diff --git a/damus/tr-TR.lproj/Localizable.strings b/damus/tr-TR.lproj/Localizable.strings @@ -0,0 +1,493 @@ +/* Blank space to separate profile picture from profile editor form. */ +" " = "61b6edf1108e6f396680a33b02486a70_tr"; + +/* Description of how the nip05 identifier would be used for verification. */ +"'%@' at '%@' will be used for verification" = "'%@' adresindeki '%@' doğrulama için kullanılacaktır"; + +/* Description of why the nip05 identifier is invalid. */ +"'%@' is an invalid nip05 identifier. It should look like an email." = "'%@' geçersiz bir nip05 tanımlayıcısı. Tanımlayıcı, e-posta gibi gözükmeli. "; + +/* Navigation bar title for view that shows who is following a user. */ +"(Profile.displayName(profile: profile, pubkey: whos))'s Followers" = "(Profile.displayName(profile: profile, pubkey: whos))'nin Takipçileri"; + +/* Navigation bar title for view that shows who a user is following. */ +"(who) following" = "(who)'nin Takip Ettikleri"; + +/* Prefix character to username. */ +"@" = "@"; + +/* Amount of time that has passed since reply quote event occurred. +Abbreviated version of a nostr public key. */ +"%@" = "%@"; + +/* Sentence composed of 2 variables to describe how many reposts. In source English, the first variable is the number of reposts, and the second variable is 'Repost' or 'Reposts'. +Sentence composed of 2 variables to describe how many profiles a user is following. In source English, the first variable is the number of profiles being followed, and the second variable is 'Following'. */ +"%@ %@" = "%@ %@"; + +/* Explanation of what is done to keep personally identifiable information private. There is a heading that precedes this explanation which is a variable to this string. */ +"%@. Creating an account doesn't require a phone number, email or name. Get started right away with zero friction." = "%@. Hesap oluşturmak için telefon numarası, e-posta veya isim gerekmez. Vakit kaybetmeden hemen hemen başlayın."; + +/* Explanation of what is done to keep private data encrypted. There is a heading that precedes this explanation which is a variable to this string. */ +"%@. End-to-End encrypted private messaging. Keep Big Tech out of your DMs" = "%@. Uçtan uca şifreli özel mesajlaşma. Teknoloji baronlarını DM'lerinden uzak tut"; + +/* Explanation of what can be done by users to earn money. There is a heading that precedes this explanation which is a variable to this string. */ +"%@. Tip your friend's posts and stack sats with Bitcoin⚡️, the native currency of the internet." = "%@. Arkadaşlarınızın gönderilerine bahşiş verin ve internetin yerel para birimi olan Bitcoin⚡️ ile sats biriktirin."; + +/* Number of reposts. +Number of profiles a user is following. */ +"%lld" = "%lld"; + +/* Fraction of how many of the user's relay servers that are operational. */ +"%lld/%lld" = "%lld/%lld"; + +/* Placeholder for event mention. */ +"< e >" = "< e >"; + +/* Label to prompt for about text entry for user to describe about themself. */ +"About" = "Hakkında"; + +/* Label for About Me section of user profile form. */ +"About Me" = "Hakkında"; + +/* Placeholder text for About Me description. */ +"Absolute Boss" = "Kral Adam"; + +/* Label to indicate the public ID of the account. */ +"Account ID" = "Hesap Kimliği"; + +/* Button to add recommended relay server. + Button to confirm adding user inputted relay. */ +"Add" = "Ekle"; + +/* Label for section for adding a relay server. */ +"Add Relay" = "Röle Ekle"; + +/* Any amount of sats */ +"Any" = "Herhangi"; + +/* Alert message to ask if user wants to repost a post. */ +"Are you sure you want to repost this?" = "Bu gönderiyi yinelemek istediğinden emin misin?"; + +/* Label for Banner Image section of user profile form. */ +"Banner Image" = "Pankart Resmi"; + +/* Reminder to user that they should save their account information. */ +"Before we get started, you'll need to save your account info, otherwise you won't be able to login in the future if you ever uninstall Damus." = "Başlamadan önce, hesap bilgilierini kaydetmen gerekiyor. Aksi takdirde, Damus'u silme durumunda hesabına giriş yapamayacaksın."; + +/* Dropdown option label for Lightning wallet, Bitcoin Beach. */ +"Bitcoin Beach" = "Bitcoin Beach"; + +/* Label for Bitcoin Lightning Tips section of user profile form. */ +"Bitcoin Lightning Tips" = "Bitcoin Lightning Bahşişleri"; + +/* Dropdown option label for Lightning wallet, Blixt Wallet */ +"Blixt Wallet" = "Blixt Wallet"; + +/* Dropdown option label for Lightning wallet, Blue Wallet. */ +"Blue Wallet" = "Blue Wallet"; + +/* Dropdown option label for Lightning wallet, Breez. */ +"Breez" = "Breez"; + +/* Context menu option for broadcasting the user's note to all of the user's connected relay servers. */ +"Broadcast" = "Yayınla"; + +/* Button to cancel out of posting a note. + Button to cancel out of reposting a post. + Button to cancel out of view adding user inputted relay. + Cancel out of logging out the user. */ +"Cancel" = "İptal Et"; + +/* Dropdown option label for Lightning wallet, Cash App. */ +"Cash App" = "Cash App"; + +/* Navigation bar title for Chatroom view. */ +"Chat" = "Sohbet"; + +/* Button for clearing cached data. */ +"Clear" = "Temizle"; + +/* Section title for clearing cached data. */ +"Clear Cache" = "Önbelleği Temizle"; + +/* Label indicating that a user's key was copied. */ +"Copied" = "Kopyalandı"; + +/* Button to copy a relay server address. */ +"Copy" = "Kopyala"; + +/* Context menu option for copying the ID of the account that created the note. */ +"Copy Account ID" = "Hesap Kimliğini Kopyala"; + +/* Context menu option to copy an image into clipboard. + Context menu option to copy an image to clipboard. */ +"Copy Image" = "Resmi Kopyala"; + +/* Context menu option to copy the URL of an image into clipboard. */ +"Copy Image URL" = "Resim URL'sini Kopyala"; + +/* Title of section for copying a Lightning invoice identifier. */ +"Copy invoice" = "Faturayı Kopyala"; + +/* Context menu option for copying a user's Lightning URL. */ +"Copy LNURL" = "LNURL'i Kopyala"; + +/* Context menu option for copying the ID of the note. */ +"Copy Note ID" = "Gönderi Kimliğini Kopyala "; + +/* Context menu option for copying the JSON text from the note. */ +"Copy Note JSON" = "Gönderinin JSON Metnini Kopyala"; + +/* Context menu option for copying the text from an note. */ +"Copy Text" = "Metni Kopyala"; + +/* Context menu option for copying the ID of the user who created the note. */ +"Copy User ID" = "Hesap Kimliğini Kopyala"; + +/* Button to create account. */ +"Create" = "Yarat"; + +/* Button to create an account. */ +"Create Account" = "Hesap Yarat"; + +/* Example description about Bitcoin creator(s), Satoshi Nakamoto. */ +"Creator(s) of Bitcoin. Absolute legend." = "Bitcoin'in Yaratıcısı. Kral Adam."; + +/* Name of the app, shown on the first screen when user is not logged in. */ +"Damus" = "Damus"; + +/* Button to pay a Lightning invoice with the user's default Lightning wallet. */ +"Default Wallet" = "Varsayılan Cüzdan"; + +/* Button to delete a relay server that the user connects to. */ +"Delete" = "Sil"; + +/* Button to dismiss a text field alert. */ +"Dismiss" = "Yok Say"; + +/* Label to prompt display name entry. */ +"Display Name" = "Görünür İsim"; + +/* Navigation title for DM view, which is the English abbreviation for Direct Message. */ +"DM" = "DM"; + +/* Button to dismiss wallet selection view for paying Lightning invoice. */ +"Done" = "Tamam"; + +/* Heading indicating that this application allows users to earn money. */ +"Earn Money" = "Para Kazan"; + +/* Button to edit user's profile. */ +"Edit" = "Düzenle"; + +/* Heading indicating that this application keeps private messaging end-to-end encrypted. */ +"Encrypted" = "Şifreli"; + +/* Navigation title for view of encrypted DMs, where DM is an English abbreviation for Direct Message. */ +"Encrypted DMs" = "Şifreli DM'ler"; + +/* Prompt for user to enter an account key to login. */ +"Enter your account key to login:" = "Giriş yapmak için hesap anahtarını gir:"; + +/* Error message indicating why saving keys failed. */ +"Error: %@" = "Hata: %@"; + +/* Filter state for seeing either only posts, or posts & replies. */ +"Filter State" = "Filtre Durumu"; + +/* Button to follow a user. */ +"Follow" = "Takip Et"; + +/* Label describing followers of a user. */ +"Followers" = "Takipçiler"; + +/* Text to indicate that the button next to it is in a state that indicates that it is in the process of following a profile. +Part of a larger sentence to describe how many profiles a user is following. */ +"Following" = "Takip Ediliyor"; + +/* Label to indicate that the user is in the process of following another user. */ +"Following..." = "Takip Ediliyor..."; + +/* Text to indicate that button next to it is in a state that will follow a profile when tapped. */ +"Follows" = "Takipler"; + +/* Navigation bar title for Global view where posts from all connected relay servers appear. */ +"Global" = "Küresel"; + +/* Navigation link to go to post referenced by hex code. */ +"Goto post %@" = "%@'a git"; + +/* Navigation link to go to profile. */ +"Goto profile %@" = "%@'a git"; + +/* Navigation bar title for Home view where posts and replies appear from those who the user is following. */ +"Home" = "Ev"; + +/* Placeholder example text for profile picture URL. */ +"https://example.com/pic.jpg" = "https://example.com/pic.jpg"; + +/* Placeholder example text for website URL for user profile. */ +"https://jb55.com" = "https://jb55.com"; + +/* Error message indicating that an invalid account key was entered for login. */ +"Invalid key" = "Hatalı anahtar"; + +/* Placeholder example text for identifier used for NIP-05 verification. */ +"jb55@jb55.com" = "jb55@jb55.com"; + +/* Moves the post button to the left side of the screen */ +"Left Handed" = "Solak Modu"; + +/* Button to complete account creation and start using the app. */ +"Let's go!" = "Haydi Başla!"; + +/* Placeholder text for entry of Lightning Address or LNURL. */ +"Lightning Address or LNURL" = "Lightning Adresi ya da LNURL"; + +/* Indicates that the view is for paying a Lightning invoice. */ +"Lightning Invoice" = "Lightning Faturası"; + +/* Dropdown option label for Lightning wallet, LNLink. */ +"LNLink" = "LNLink"; + +/* Dropdown option label for system default for Lightning wallet. */ +"Local default" = "Cihaz varsayılanı"; + +/* Button to log into account. + Button to log into an account. */ +"Login" = "Giriş yap"; + +/* Alert for logging out the user. + Button for logging out the user. + Button to logout the user. */ +"Logout" = "Çıkış yap"; + +/* Reminder message in alert to get customer to verify that their private security account key is saved saved before logging out. */ +"Make sure your nsec account key is saved before you logout or you will lose access to this account" = "Çıkış yapmadan önce, nsec hesap anahtarını kaydetmeyi unutma. Aksi takdirde bu hesaba giremeyeceksin."; + +/* Dropdown option label for Lightning wallet, Muun. */ +"Muun" = "Muun"; + +/* Label for NIP-05 Verification section of user profile form. */ +"NIP-05 Verification" = "NIP-05 Doğrulaması"; + +/* No search results. */ +"none" = "sonuç yok"; + +/* Indicates that there are no notes in the timeline to view. */ +"Nothing to see here. Check back later!" = "Görülecek bir şey yok. Daha sonra tekrar kontrol et!"; + +/* Navigation title for notifications. */ +"Notifications" = "Bildirimler"; + +/* String indicating that a given timestamp just occurred */ +"now" = "şimdi"; + +/* Prompt for user to enter in an account key to login. This text shows the characters the key could start with if it was a private key. */ +"nsec1..." = "nsec1..."; + +/* Label indicating that a form input is optional. */ +"optional" = "opsiyonel"; + +/* Button to pay a Lightning invoice. */ +"Pay" = "Öde"; + +/* Navigation bar title for view to pay Lightning invoice. */ +"Pay the Lightning invoice" = "Lightning faturasını öde"; + +/* Dropdown option label for Lightning wallet, Phoenix. */ +"Phoenix" = "Phoenix"; + +/* Button to post a note. */ +"Post" = "Gönder"; + +/* Label for filter for seeing only posts (instead of posts and replies). */ +"Posts" = "Gönderiler"; + +/* Label for filter for seeing posts and replies (instead of only posts). */ +"Posts & Replies" = "Gönderiler & Yorumlar"; + +/* Heading indicating that this application keeps personally identifiable information private. A sentence describing what is done to keep data private comes after this heading. */ +"Private" = "Özel"; + +/* Label to indicate that the text below is the user's private key used by only the user themself as a secret to login to access their account. */ +"Private Key" = "Özel Anahtar"; + +/* Title of the secure field that holds the user's private key. */ +"PrivateKey" = "Özel Anahtar"; + +/* Sidebar menu label for Profile view. */ +"Profile" = "Profil"; + +/* Label for Profile Picture section of user profile form. */ +"Profile Picture" = "Profil Fotoğrafı"; + +/* Section title for the user's public account ID. */ +"Public Account ID" = "Herkese Açık Hesap Kimliği"; + +/* Label indicating that the text is a user's public account key. */ +"Public key" = "Umumi anahtar"; + +/* Label indicating that the text is a user's public account key. */ +"Public Key" = "Herkese Açık Anahtar"; + +/* Prompt to ask user if the key they entered is a public key. */ +"Public Key?" = "Herkese Açık Anahtar?"; + +/* Navigation bar title for Reactions view. */ +"Reactions" = "Tepkiler"; + +/* Section title for recommend relay servers that could be added as part of configuration */ +"Recommended Relays" = "Önerilen Röleler"; + +/* Text field for relay server. Used for testing purposes. */ +"Relay" = "Röle"; + +/* Sidebar menu label for Relay servers view */ +"Relays" = "Röleler"; + +/* Label to indicate that the user is replying to themself. */ +"Reply to self" = "Kendine yanıt ver"; + +/* Label to indicate that the user is replying to 2 users. */ +"Replying to %@ & %@" = "%1$@ & %2$@'ya yanıt ver"; + +/* Indicating that the user is replying to the following listed people. */ +"Replying to:" = "Şunlara yanıt ver:"; + +/* Button to confirm reposting a post. + Title of alert for confirming to repost a post. */ +"Repost" = "Yinele"; + +/* Text indicating that the post was reposted (i.e. re-shared). */ +"Reposted" = "Yinelendi"; + +/* Section title for resetting the user */ +"Reset" = "Sıfırla"; + +/* Button to retry completing account creation after an error occurred. */ +"Retry" = "Yeniden Dene"; + +/* Dropdown option label for Lightning wallet, River */ +"River" = "River"; + +/* Example username of Bitcoin creator(s), Satoshi Nakamoto. */ +"satoshi" = "satoshi"; + +/* Name of Bitcoin creator(s). */ +"Satoshi Nakamoto" = "Satoshi Nakamoto"; + +/* Button for saving profile. */ +"Save" = "Kaydet"; + +/* Context menu option to save an image. */ +"Save Image" = "Resmi Kaydet"; + +/* Navigation link to search hashtag. */ +"Search hashtag: #%@" = "Etiketi ara: #%@"; + +/* Placeholder text to prompt entry of search query. */ +"Search..." = "Ara..."; + +/* Section title for user's secret account login key. */ +"Secret Account Login Key" = "Gizli Hesap Giriş Anahtarı"; + +/* Title of section for selecting a Lightning wallet to pay a Lightning invoice. */ +"Select a Lightning wallet" = "Bir Lightning cüzdanı seç"; + +/* Prompt selection of user's default wallet */ +"Select default wallet" = "Varsayılan cüzdanı seç"; + +/* Text prompt for user to send a message to the other user. */ +"Send a message to start the conversation..." = "Sohbeti başlatmak için bir mesaj gönder"; + +/* Navigation title for Settings view. + Sidebar menu label for accessing the app settings */ +"Settings" = "Ayarlar"; + +/* Button to share an image. */ +"Share" = "Paylaş"; + +/* Toggle to show or hide user's secret account login key. */ +"Show" = "Göster"; + +/* Toggle to show or hide selection of wallet. */ +"Show wallet selector" = "Cüzdan seçiciyi göster"; + +/* Sidebar menu label to sign out of the account. */ +"Sign out" = "Çıkış yap"; + +/* Dropdown option label for Lightning wallet, Strike. */ +"Strike" = "Strike"; + +/* Warning that the inputted account key is a public key and the result of what happens because of it. */ +"This is a public key, you will not be able to make posts or interact in any way. This is used for viewing accounts from their perspective." = "Bu herkese açık bir anahtardır, herhangi bir şekilde gönderi yapamaz veya etkileşimde bulunamazsınız. Bu, hesapları kendi bakış açılarından görüntülemek için kullanılır."; + +/* Warning that the inputted account key for login is an old-style and asking user to verify if it is a public key. */ +"This is an old-style nostr key. We're not sure if it's a pubkey or private key. Please toggle the button below if this a public key." = "Bu eski tip bir nostr anahtarı. Bunun bir pubkey mi yoksa private key mi olduğundan emin değiliz. Bu bir genel anahtarsa lütfen aşağıdaki düğmeyi değiştirin."; + +/* Label to describe that a public key is the user's account ID and what they can do with it. */ +"This is your account ID, you can give this to your friends so that they can follow you. Click to copy." = "Bu sizin hesap kimliğinizdir, sizi takip edebilmeleri için bunu arkadaşlarınıza verebilirsiniz. Kopyalamak için tıklayın."; + +/* Label to describe that a private key is the user's secret account key and what they should do with it. */ +"This is your secret account key. You need this to access your account. Don't share this with anyone! Save it in a password manager and keep it safe!" = "Bu sizin gizli hesap anahtarınızdır. Hesabınıza erişmek için buna ihtiyacınız var. Bunu kimseyle paylaşmayın! Bir şifre yöneticisine kaydedin ve güvende tutun!"; + +/* Navigation bar title for note thread. + Navigation bar title for threaded event detail view. */ +"Thread" = "Konu"; + +/* Text box prompt to ask user to type their post. */ +"Type your post here..." = "Gönderinizi buraya yazın..."; + +/* Non-breaking space character to fill in blank space next to event action button icons. */ +"u{00A0}" = "u{00A0}"; + +/* Button to unfollow a user. */ +"Unfollow" = "Takipten Çık"; + +/* Text to indicate that the button next to it is in a state that indicates that it is in the process of unfollowing a profile. */ +"Unfollowing" = "Takipten Çıkılıyor"; + +/* Label to indicate that the user is in the process of unfollowing another user. */ +"Unfollowing..." = "Takipten Çıkılıyor..."; + +/* Text to indicate that the button next to it is in a state that will unfollow a profile when tapped. */ +"Unfollows" = "Takipten Çık"; + +/* Label for Username section of user profile form. + Label to prompt username entry. */ +"Username" = "Kullanıcı Adı"; + +/* Sidebar menu label for Wallet view. */ +"Wallet" = "Cüzdan"; + +/* Dropdown option label for Lightning wallet, Wallet Of Satoshi. */ +"Wallet Of Satoshi" = "Wallet Of Satoshi"; + +/* Section title for selection of wallet. */ +"Wallet Selector" = "Cüzdan Seçici"; + +/* Label for Website section of user profile form. */ +"Website" = "Websitesi"; + +/* Welcoming message to the reader. The variable is 'you', the reader. */ +"Welcome to the social network %@ control." = "Kontrolün %@'da olduğu sosyal ağa hoş geldiniz."; + +/* Text to welcome user. */ +"Welcome, %@!" = "Hoş geldin, %@"; + +/* Placeholder example for relay server address. */ +"wss://some.relay.com" = "wss://some.relay.com"; + +/* You, in this context, is the person who controls their own social network. You is used in the context of a larger sentence that welcomes the reader to the social network that they control themself. */ +"you" = "sen"; + +/* Label for Your Name section of user profile form. */ +"Your Name" = "İsminiz"; + +/* Dropdown option label for Lightning wallet, Zebedee. */ +"Zebedee" = "Zebedee"; + +/* Dropdown option label for Lightning wallet, Zeus LN. */ +"Zeus LN" = "Zeus LN"; + diff --git a/damus/tr-TR.lproj/Localizable.stringsdict b/damus/tr-TR.lproj/Localizable.stringsdict @@ -0,0 +1,154 @@ +<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> +<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd"> +<plist version="1.0"> +<dict> + <key>collapsed_event_view_other_notes</key> + <dict> + <key>NOTES</key> + <dict> + <key>NSStringFormatSpecTypeKey</key> + <string>NSStringPluralRuleType</string> + <key>NSStringFormatValueTypeKey</key> + <string>d</string> + <key>one</key> + <string>1%d diğer not</string> + <key>other</key> + <string>%d diğer notlar</string> + </dict> + <key>NSStringLocalizedFormatKey</key> + <string>··· %#@NOTES@ ···</string> + </dict> + <key>followers_count</key> + <dict> + <key>FOLLOWERS</key> + <dict> + <key>NSStringFormatSpecTypeKey</key> + <string>NSStringPluralRuleType</string> + <key>NSStringFormatValueTypeKey</key> + <string>d</string> + <key>one</key> + <string>Takipçi</string> + <key>other</key> + <string>Takipçiler</string> + </dict> + <key>NSStringLocalizedFormatKey</key> + <string>%#@FOLLOWERS@</string> + </dict> + <key>reactions_count</key> + <dict> + <key>NSStringLocalizedFormatKey</key> + <string>%#@REACTIONS@</string> + <key>REACTIONS</key> + <dict> + <key>NSStringFormatSpecTypeKey</key> + <string>NSStringPluralRuleType</string> + <key>NSStringFormatValueTypeKey</key> + <string>d</string> + <key>one</key> + <string>Tepki</string> + <key>other</key> + <string>Tepkiler</string> + </dict> + </dict> + <key>relays_count</key> + <dict> + <key>NSStringLocalizedFormatKey</key> + <string>%#@RELAYS@</string> + <key>RELAYS</key> + <dict> + <key>NSStringFormatSpecTypeKey</key> + <string>NSStringPluralRuleType</string> + <key>NSStringFormatValueTypeKey</key> + <string>d</string> + <key>one</key> + <string>Röle</string> + <key>other</key> + <string>Röleler</string> + </dict> + </dict> + <key>replying_to_one_and_others</key> + <dict> + <key>NSStringLocalizedFormatKey</key> + <string>%@%#@OTHERS@'lara yanıt </string> + <key>OTHERS</key> + <dict> + <key>NSStringFormatSpecTypeKey</key> + <string>NSStringPluralRuleType</string> + <key>NSStringFormatValueTypeKey</key> + <string>d</string> + <key>one</key> + <string>&amp; %d diğer</string> + <key>other</key> + <string>&amp; %d diğerleri</string> + <key>zero</key> + <string></string> + </dict> + </dict> + <key>replying_to_two_and_others</key> + <dict> + <key>NSStringLocalizedFormatKey</key> + <string>%@, %@%#@OTHERS@'a yanıt</string> + <key>OTHERS</key> + <dict> + <key>NSStringFormatSpecTypeKey</key> + <string>NSStringPluralRuleType</string> + <key>NSStringFormatValueTypeKey</key> + <string>d</string> + <key>one</key> + <string>&amp; %d diğer</string> + <key>other</key> + <string>&amp; %d diğerleri</string> + <key>zero</key> + <string></string> + </dict> + </dict> + <key>reposts_count</key> + <dict> + <key>NSStringLocalizedFormatKey</key> + <string>%#@REPOSTS@</string> + <key>REPOSTS</key> + <dict> + <key>NSStringFormatSpecTypeKey</key> + <string>NSStringPluralRuleType</string> + <key>NSStringFormatValueTypeKey</key> + <string>d</string> + <key>one</key> + <string>Yineleme</string> + <key>other</key> + <string>Yinelemeler</string> + </dict> + </dict> + <key>sats_count</key> + <dict> + <key>NSStringLocalizedFormatKey</key> + <string>%1$#@SATS@</string> + <key>SATS</key> + <dict> + <key>NSStringFormatSpecTypeKey</key> + <string>NSStringPluralRuleType</string> + <key>NSStringFormatValueTypeKey</key> + <string>@</string> + <key>one</key> + <string>%2$@ sat</string> + <key>other</key> + <string>%2$@ sat</string> + </dict> + </dict> + <key>tips_count</key> + <dict> + <key>NSStringLocalizedFormatKey</key> + <string>%#@TIPS@</string> + <key>TIPS</key> + <dict> + <key>NSStringFormatSpecTypeKey</key> + <string>NSStringPluralRuleType</string> + <key>NSStringFormatValueTypeKey</key> + <string>d</string> + <key>one</key> + <string>Bahşiş</string> + <key>other</key> + <string>Bahşişler</string> + </dict> + </dict> +</dict> +</plist>