commit 6e117ac39c65751d7239449eee9c4fa8bd5f339d
parent 79407f17e85cfb35e756964eec939a78367700fd
Author: Daniel D’Aquino <>
Date: Mon, 3 Feb 2025 18:04:47 -0800
Improve Microphone usage description
This makes the microphone access request contain a message that is more
clear to the user
Changelog-Changed: Made the microphone access request message more clear to users
Signed-off-by: Daniel D’Aquino <>
2 files changed, 3 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
diff --git a/damus.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj b/damus.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj
@@ -6284,7 +6284,7 @@
INFOPLIST_KEY_LSApplicationCategoryType = "";
INFOPLIST_KEY_NSCameraUsageDescription = "Damus needs access to your camera if you want to scan QR codes and upload photos from it";
INFOPLIST_KEY_NSFaceIDUsageDescription = "Local authentication to access private key";
- INFOPLIST_KEY_NSMicrophoneUsageDescription = "Damus needs access to your microphone if you want to upload recorded videos from it";
+ INFOPLIST_KEY_NSMicrophoneUsageDescription = "Damus needs access to your microphone to allow you to create video recordings that you can choose to post publicly on the network";
INFOPLIST_KEY_NSPhotoLibraryAddUsageDescription = "Granting Damus access to your photos allows you to save images.";
INFOPLIST_KEY_UIApplicationSceneManifest_Generation = YES;
INFOPLIST_KEY_UIApplicationSupportsIndirectInputEvents = YES;
@@ -6336,7 +6336,7 @@
INFOPLIST_KEY_LSApplicationCategoryType = "";
INFOPLIST_KEY_NSCameraUsageDescription = "Damus needs access to your camera if you want to scan QR codes and upload photos from it";
INFOPLIST_KEY_NSFaceIDUsageDescription = "Local authentication to access private key";
- INFOPLIST_KEY_NSMicrophoneUsageDescription = "Damus needs access to your microphone if you want to upload recorded videos from it";
+ INFOPLIST_KEY_NSMicrophoneUsageDescription = "Damus needs access to your microphone to allow you to create video recordings that you can choose to post publicly on the network";
INFOPLIST_KEY_NSPhotoLibraryAddUsageDescription = "Granting Damus access to your photos allows you to save images.";
INFOPLIST_KEY_UIApplicationSceneManifest_Generation = YES;
INFOPLIST_KEY_UIApplicationSupportsIndirectInputEvents = YES;
diff --git a/damus/Info.plist b/damus/Info.plist
@@ -73,6 +73,6 @@
<string>Damus needs access to your media library for playback statuses</string>
- <string>Damus needs access to your microphone for creating video recording posts</string>
+ <string>Damus needs access to your microphone to allow you to create video recordings that you can choose to post publicly on the network</string>