
damus.io website
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PurpleFAQ.tsx (4808B)

      1 import { FormattedMessage, useIntl } from "react-intl";
      2 import { motion } from "framer-motion";
      3 import { RoundedContainerWithGradientBorder } from "../ui/RoundedContainerWithGradientBorder";
      4 import { cn } from "@/lib/utils";
      5 import { Award, Badge, Heart, Joystick, KeyRound, Scale, Stars, Wallet } from "lucide-react";
      6 import { MeshGradient3 } from "../effects/MeshGradient.3";
      7 import {
      8   Accordion,
      9   AccordionContent,
     10   AccordionItem,
     11   AccordionTrigger,
     12 } from "@/components/ui/Accordion"
     14 export function PurpleFAQ({ className }: { className?: string }) {
     15   const intl = useIntl()
     17   const faq = [
     18     {
     19       question: intl.formatMessage({ id: "purple.faq.3.q", defaultMessage: "What is Damus Purple?" }),
     20       answer: intl.formatMessage({ id: "purple.faq.3.a", defaultMessage: "Damus Purple is a paid membership to Damus that gives you access to exclusive features, and helps us fund the project" }),
     21     },
     22     {
     23       question: intl.formatMessage({ id: "purple.faq.4.q", defaultMessage: "What are the exclusive features?" }),
     24       answer: intl.formatMessage({ id: "purple.faq.4.a", defaultMessage: "Currently we offer automatic translations of posts. We are working to add more features as soon as possible." }),
     25     },
     26     {
     27       question: intl.formatMessage({ id: "purple.faq.9.q", defaultMessage: "What languages are supported by the translator?" }),
     28       answer: intl.formatMessage({ id: "purple.faq.9.a", defaultMessage: "Currently we support Arabic*, Bulgarian, Chinese*, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English*, Estonian, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Latvian, Lithuanian, Norwegian*, Polish, Portuguese*, Romanian, Russian, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish, and Ukrainian.\n\n * Limitations apply" }),
     29     },
     30     {
     31       question: intl.formatMessage({ id: "purple.faq.5.q", defaultMessage: "How much does it cost?" }),
     32       answer: intl.formatMessage({ id: "purple.faq.5.a", defaultMessage: "Please see the section below for pricing." }),
     33     },
     34     {
     35       question: intl.formatMessage({ id: "purple.faq.1.q", defaultMessage: "Can I pay with Lightning?" }),
     36       answer: intl.formatMessage({ id: "purple.faq.1.a", defaultMessage: "Yes! You can pay with Lightning if you register on the website. For the iOS app, you can pay with Apple Pay." }),
     37     },
     38     {
     39       question: intl.formatMessage({ id: "purple.faq.6.q", defaultMessage: "Can I pay with fiat?" }),
     40       answer: intl.formatMessage({ id: "purple.faq.6.a", defaultMessage: "Yes! You can pay with fiat if you register on the iOS app, via Apple Pay." }),
     41     },
     42     {
     43       question: intl.formatMessage({ id: "purple.faq.7.q", defaultMessage: "Can I pay with crypto?" }),
     44       answer: intl.formatMessage({ id: "purple.faq.7.a", defaultMessage: "Sorry, we do not accept any cryptographic currencies other than Bitcoin via Lightning network." }),
     45     },
     46     {
     47       question: intl.formatMessage({ id: "purple.faq.2.q", defaultMessage: "Can I pay with lightning via the app?" }),
     48       answer: intl.formatMessage({ id: "purple.faq.2.a", defaultMessage: "Unfortunately not. Apple doesn’t allow apps to accept Lightning payments. but you can register on the website and pay with Lightning there." }),
     49     },
     50     {
     51       question: intl.formatMessage({ id: "purple.faq.8.q", defaultMessage: "Can I simply donate to Damus?" }),
     52       answer: intl.formatMessage({ id: "purple.faq.8.a", defaultMessage: "Yes! You can donate to Damus via the Lightning network. Please click on \'Zap us\' on the top menu." }),
     53     }
     54   ]
     56   return (<>
     57     <div className={cn("bg-black overflow-hidden relative", className)}>
     58       <MeshGradient3 className="absolute top-0 left-0 pointer-events-none translate-y-3/4 overflow-visible scale-150" />
     59       <div className="container mx-auto px-6 pb-32 pt-20">
     60         <div className="flex flex-col items-center justify-center mt-16">
     61           <div className="relative mb-12 flex flex-col items-center">
     62             <motion.h2 className="text-5xl md:text-8xl text-center text-transparent bg-clip-text bg-gradient-to-r from-damuspink-500 from-30% to-damuspink-600 to-100% font-semibold pb-8 break-keep">
     63               {intl.formatMessage({ id: "purple.faq.headline", defaultMessage: "Frequent Questions" })}
     64             </motion.h2>
     65           </div>
     66         </div>
     67         <Accordion type="single" collapsible className="w-full text-white max-w-2xl mx-auto">
     68           {faq.map((item, index) => (
     69             <AccordionItem value={`item-${index}`} key={index}>
     70               <AccordionTrigger>{item.question}</AccordionTrigger>
     71               <AccordionContent className="whitespace-pre-line">
     72                 {item.answer}
     73               </AccordionContent>
     74             </AccordionItem>
     75           ))}
     76         </Accordion>
     77       </div>
     78     </div>
     79   </>)
     80 }