
damus.io website
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Hero.tsx (7245B)

      1 import { ArrowUpRight, ChevronRight, Globe2 } from "lucide-react";
      2 import { MeshGradient1 } from "../effects/MeshGradient.1";
      3 import { TopMenu } from "./TopMenu";
      4 import { Button } from "../ui/Button";
      5 import Image from "next/image"
      6 import { FormattedMessage, useIntl } from "react-intl";
      7 import Link from "next/link";
      8 import { DAMUS_APP_STORE_URL } from "@/lib/constants";
      9 import { motion } from "framer-motion";
     10 import { NostrIcon } from "../icons/NostrIcon";
     12 export function Hero() {
     13     const intl = useIntl()
     15     return (<>
     16         <div className="bg-black overflow-hidden relative min-h-screen">
     17             <div className="absolute z-10 pointer-events-none">
     18                 <MeshGradient1 className="-translate-x-1/3"/>
     19             </div>
     20             <TopMenu className="w-full"/>
     21             <div className="container mx-auto px-6 pb-32 pt-12">
     22                 <div className="flex flex-col lg:flex-row items-center justify-center mt-32 lg:mt-16">
     23                     <div className="w-full z-20 mb-12">
     24                         <Link href="/purple">
     25                             <motion.div
     26                                 className="inline-flex items-center text-normal rounded-full bg-gradient-to-r from-damuspink-500/10 to-damuspink-600/10 backdrop-blur-sm shadow-lg shadow-damuspink-500/10  p-2 px-6 text-white border border-damuspink-500/30 active:scale-95 transition cursor-pointer"
     27                                 style={{ opacity: 0 }}
     28                                 animate={{ opacity: 1, transition: { delay: 1.5, duration: 1 } }}
     29                             >
     30                                 <NostrIcon className="h-6 mr-2 text-damuspink-600" aria-hidden="true"/>
     31                                 {/* TODO: Add proper internationalized string */}
     32                                 Get more from Damus with Purple
     33                                 <ChevronRight className="ml-2"/>
     34                             </motion.div>
     35                         </Link>
     36                         <motion.h1
     37                             className="my-6 text-5xl sm:text-5xl md:text-7xl text-transparent bg-clip-text pb-6 font-semibold whitespace-pre-line max-w-2xl"
     38                             style={{
     39                                 backgroundImage: "linear-gradient(to right, #ffffff -100%, #ffffff -40%, #2D175B 100%)",
     40                                 opacity: 0
     41                             }}
     42                             animate={{
     43                                 backgroundImage: "linear-gradient(to right, #ffffff 0%, #ffffff 40%, #2D175B 100%)",
     44                                 transition: { duration: 3 },
     45                                 opacity: 1
     46                             }}
     47                         >
     48                             <FormattedMessage defaultMessage="The social network you control" id="home.hero.headline"/>
     49                         </motion.h1>
     50                         <motion.h2
     51                             className="text-white/80 text-normal md:text-xl whitespace-pre-line"
     52                             style={{ opacity: 0 }}
     53                             animate={{ opacity: 1, transition: { delay: 1, duration: 1 } }}
     54                         >
     55                             { intl.formatMessage({ id: "home.hero.subheadline", defaultMessage: "Your very own social network for your friends or business.\n Available Now on iOS, iPad and macOS (M1/M2)" }) }
     56                         </motion.h2>
     57                         <motion.div
     58                             className="mt-10 md:mt-6 flex flex-col md:flex-row items-center md:items-center gap-y-4 gap-x-6"
     59                             style={{ opacity: 0 }}
     60                             animate={{ opacity: 1, transition: { delay: 1.5, duration: 1 } }}
     61                         >
     62                             <Link href={DAMUS_APP_STORE_URL} target="_blank">
     63                                 <Button variant="default" className="w-full md:w-auto">
     64                                     { intl.formatMessage({ id: "home.hero.download_now", defaultMessage: "Download now" }) }
     65                                     <ArrowUpRight className="ml-2" />
     66                                 </Button>
     67                             </Link>
     68                             <Link href={"/notedeck"} target="_blank">
     69                                 <Button variant="link" className="w-full md:w-auto">
     70                                     { intl.formatMessage({ id: "home.hero.check-out-notedeck", defaultMessage: "Check Notedeck, our cross-platform client" }) }
     71                                     <ArrowUpRight className="text-damuspink-600 ml-2"/>
     72                                 </Button>
     73                             </Link>
     74                         </motion.div>
     75                         <motion.div
     76                             className="text-white/80 text-sm flex flex-col md:flex-row justify-center md:justify-start items-center mt-12 md:mt-8 gap-x-2 gap-y-4"
     77                             style={{ opacity: 0 }}
     78                             animate={{ opacity: 1, transition: { delay: 2, duration: 1 } }}
     79                         >
     80                             <div className="flex items-center flex-wrap">
     81                                 <Globe2 className="text-green-500 h-4"/>
     82                                 <div>{ intl.formatMessage({ id: "home.hero.available_in", defaultMessage: "Available in" }) }</div>
     83                             </div>
     84                             <div className="flex items-center flex-wrap justify-center gap-x-2 gap-y-4">
     85                                 <div className="text-white">English</div>
     86                                 <div className="text-white">Español</div>
     87                                 <div className="text-white">Italiano</div>
     88                                 <div className="text-white">Português</div>
     89                                 <div className="text-white">Deutsch</div>
     90                                 <div className="text-white">日本語</div>
     91                                 <div className="text-white">中文</div>
     92                             </div>
     93                         </motion.div>
     94                     </div>
     95                     <motion.div
     96                         className="relative w-full lg:w-3/4 h-[400px] md:h-[800px]"
     97                         style={{ opacity: 0 }}
     98                         animate={{ opacity: 1, transition: { delay: 1, duration: 1 } }}
     99                     >
    100                         <Image
    101                             src="/Hero.webp"
    102                             className="object-contain"
    103                             sizes="(max-width: 800px) 100vw, 800px"
    104                             fill
    105                             alt={"Damus social network running on an iPhone"}
    106                         />
    107                         <div className="absolute z-0">
    108                             {/* Put a big circle with gradient in the very middle of the section */}
    109                             <div className="hidden lg:block w-[600px] h-[600px] xl:w-[800px] xl:h-[800px] rounded-full bg-black lg:-translate-x-3/4 shadow-[0px_15px_30px_-15px_#5B1442] lg:shadow-[15px_0px_30px_-15px_#5B1442]" />
    110                         </div>
    111                     </motion.div>
    112                 </div>
    113             </div>
    114         </div>
    115     </>)
    116 }