home.tsx (1795B)
1 import Image from 'next/image' 2 import { Inter } from 'next/font/google' 3 import { Hero } from '@/components/sections/Hero' 4 import Head from "next/head"; 5 import { useIntl } from 'react-intl' 6 import { BannedInChina } from '@/components/sections/BannedInChina' 7 import { DamusOnMedia } from '@/components/sections/DamusOnMedia'; 8 import { MeetTheTeam } from '@/components/sections/MeetTheTeam'; 9 import { DamusAroundTheWorld } from '@/components/sections/DamusAroundTheWorld'; 10 import { Footer } from '@/components/sections/Footer'; 11 import { DamusLiveEvents } from '@/components/sections/DamusLiveEvents'; 12 import { Contribute } from '@/components/sections/Contribute'; 13 import { FinalCTA } from '@/components/sections/FinalCTA'; 14 import { Benefits } from '@/components/sections/Benefits'; 15 import { PurpleBanner } from '../sections/PurpleBanner'; 16 import { NotedeckHero } from '../sections/Notedeck/NotedeckHero'; 17 18 const inter = Inter({ subsets: ['latin'] }) 19 20 export function Home() { 21 const intl = useIntl() 22 23 return (<> 24 <Head> 25 <title>Damus</title> 26 <meta name="description" content={ intl.formatMessage({ id: "home.meta_description", defaultMessage: "Damus is a new social network that you control. Available now on iOS, iPad and macOS (M1/M2)" }) }/> 27 <meta name="apple-itunes-app" content="app-id=1628663131"/> 28 </Head> 29 <main style={{ scrollBehavior: "smooth" }}> 30 <Hero/> 31 <Benefits/> 32 <NotedeckHero introducing={true} /> 33 <PurpleBanner/> 34 <BannedInChina/> 35 <div id="events"> 36 <DamusLiveEvents/> 37 </div> 38 <DamusOnMedia/> 39 <div id="team"> 40 <MeetTheTeam/> 41 </div> 42 <div id="contribute"> 43 <Contribute/> 44 </div> 45 <DamusAroundTheWorld/> 46 <FinalCTA/> 47 <Footer/> 48 </main> 49 </>) 50 }