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     10 <h2 id="v1.4.3---2023-05-08">v1.4.3 - 2023-05-08</h2>
     11 <h3 id="added">Added</h3>
     12 <ul>
     13 <li>Add #zaps and #onlyzaps to custom hashtags (William Casarin)</li>
     14 <li>Add OnlyZaps mode: disable reactions, only zaps! (William Casarin)</li>
     15 <li>Add QR Code in profiles (ericholguin)</li>
     16 <li>Add confirmation alert when clearing all bookmarks (Swift)</li>
     17 <li>Add deep links for local notifications (Swift)</li>
     18 <li>Add friends filter to DMs (William Casarin)</li>
     19 <li>Add image metadata to image uploads (William Casarin)</li>
     20 <li>Add nokyctranslate translation option (symbsrcool)</li>
     21 <li>Add partial support for different repost variants (William Casarin)</li>
     22 <li>Add paste button to login (Suhail Saqan)</li>
     23 <li>Add q tag to quoted renotes (William Casarin)</li>
     24 <li>Add setting to hide reactions (Terry Yiu)</li>
     25 <li>Add thread muting (Terry Yiu)</li>
     26 <li>Add unmute option in profile view (Joshua Jiang)</li>
     27 <li>Add webp image support (William Casarin)</li>
     28 <li>Added event preloading when scrolling (William Casarin)</li>
     29 <li>Colorize friend icons (William Casarin)</li>
     30 <li>Friends filter for notifications (William Casarin)</li>
     31 <li>Preload images so they don’t pop in (William Casarin)</li>
     32 <li>Preload profile pictures while scrolling (William Casarin)</li>
     33 <li>Preview media uploads when posting (Swift)</li>
     34 <li>Save keys when logging in and when creating new keypair (Bryan Montz)</li>
     35 <li>Show blurhash placeholders from image metadata (William Casarin)</li>
     36 <li>Top-level tab state restoration (Bryan Montz)</li>
     37 <li>You can now change the default zap type (William Casarin)</li>
     38 <li>new iconography (Roberto Agreda)</li>
     39 </ul>
     40 <h3 id="changed">Changed</h3>
     41 <ul>
     42 <li>Add number formatting for sats entry and use selected zaps amount from picker as placeholder (Terry Yiu)</li>
     43 <li>Adjust attachment images placement when posting (Swift)</li>
     44 <li>Always check signatures of profile events (William Casarin)</li>
     45 <li>Ask permission before uploading media (Swift)</li>
     46 <li>Cached various UI elements so its not as laggy (William Casarin)</li>
     47 <li>Change 500 custom zap to 420 (William Casarin)</li>
     48 <li>Changed look of Repost and Quote buttons (ericholguin)</li>
     49 <li>Enable like button on OnlyZaps profiles for people who don’t have OnlyZaps mode on (William Casarin)</li>
     50 <li>Load zaps instantly on events (William Casarin)</li>
     51 <li>New looks to the custom zaps view (ericholguin)</li>
     52 <li>Only show friends, not friend-of-friend in friend filter (William Casarin)</li>
     53 <li>Preload events when they are queued (William Casarin)</li>
     54 <li>Search hashtags automatically (William Casarin)</li>
     55 <li>Show DM message in local notification (William Casarin)</li>
     56 <li>replace Vault dependency with <span class="citation" data-cites="KeychainStorage">@KeychainStorage</span> property wrapper (Bryan Montz)</li>
     57 </ul>
     58 <h3 id="fixed">Fixed</h3>
     59 <ul>
     60 <li>Dismiss bookmarks view when switching tabs (William Casarin)</li>
     61 <li>Do not allow non-numeric characters for sats amount and fix numeric entry for other number systems for all locales (Terry Yiu)</li>
     62 <li>Do not translate own notes if logged in with private key (Terry Yiu)</li>
     63 <li>Don’t process blurhash if we already have image cached (William Casarin)</li>
     64 <li>Fix “translated from english” bugs (William Casarin)</li>
     65 <li>Fix Copy Link action does not dismiss ShareAction view (Bryan Montz)</li>
     66 <li>Fix auto-translations bug where languages in preferred language still gets translated (Terry Yiu)</li>
     67 <li>Fix bug where you could only mention users at the end of a post (Swift)</li>
     68 <li>Fix bug with reaction notifications referencing the wrong event (Terry Yiu)</li>
     69 <li>Fix buggy zap amounts and wallet selector settings (William Casarin)</li>
     70 <li>Fix camera not dismissing (Swift)</li>
     71 <li>Fix crash when loading DMs in the background (William Casarin)</li>
     72 <li>Fix crash when you have invalid relays in your relay list (William Casarin)</li>
     73 <li>Fix crash with LibreTranslate server setting selection and remove delisted vern server (Terry Yiu)</li>
     74 <li>Fix having to set onlyzaps mode every time on restart (William Casarin)</li>
     75 <li>Fix invalid DM author notifications (William Casarin)</li>
     76 <li>Fix issue where uploaded images were from someone else (Swift)</li>
     77 <li>Fix npub search fails on the first try (Bryan Montz)</li>
     78 <li>Fix parse mention without space in content (Joshua Jiang)</li>
     79 <li>Fix posts with no uploadedURLs always get two blank spaces at the end (Bryan Montz)</li>
     80 <li>Fix relay signal indicator, properly show how many relays you are connected to (William Casarin)</li>
     81 <li>Fix shuffling when choosing users to reply to (Joshua Jiang)</li>
     82 <li>Fix slow reconnection issues (Bryan Montz)</li>
     83 <li>Fix tap area when mentioning users (OlegAba)</li>
     84 <li>Fix thread incompatibility for clients that add more than one reply tag (William Casarin)</li>
     85 <li>Fix user notifications from old events immediately shown on install and login (Bryan Montz)</li>
     86 <li>Fix weird #[0] artifacts appearing in posts (William Casarin)</li>
     87 <li>Fix wrong relative times on events (William Casarin)</li>
     88 <li>Fixed blurhash appearing behind loaded images when swiping on carousel (William Casarin)</li>
     89 <li>Fixed glitchy preview (William Casarin)</li>
     90 <li>Fixed preview elements popping in (William Casarin)</li>
     91 <li>Fixed repost turning green too early and not reposting sometimes (Swift)</li>
     92 <li>Home now dismisses reactions view (William Casarin)</li>
     93 <li>Load missing profiles from boosts on home view (Gísli Kristjánsson)</li>
     94 <li>Load missing profiles from boosts on profile view (Gísli Kristjánsson)</li>
     95 <li>Load profiles in hashtag searched (William Casarin)</li>
     96 <li>Made DMs less poppy (William Casarin)</li>
     97 <li>Preserve order of bookmarks when saving (William Casarin)</li>
     98 <li>Properly scroll DM view when keyboard is open (William Casarin)</li>
     99 <li>Saved Jack’s soul. (Ben Weeks)</li>
    100 <li>Zap type selection on smaller phones (ericholguin)</li>
    101 </ul>
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