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codegen_c_sort.c (7351B)

      1 #include "codegen_c_sort.h"
      3 /*
      4  * We choose heapsort because it is about as fast as quicksort, avoids
      5  * recursion, the code is compact which makes it practical to specialize for
      6  * different vector types, it can sort the flatbuffer arrays in-place,
      7  * and it has only a few places with comparisons. Furthermore, heapsort
      8  * has worst case (n log n) upperbound where quicksort has O(n^2) which
      9  * is an attack vector, and could be a problem with large datasets
     10  * The sort is not stable.
     11  *
     12  * Some arguments are similar to those of the __%sfind_by_field macro.
     13  *
     14  * NS: The namespace
     15  * N: the name of the vector type
     16  * X: the name suffix when there are multiple sorts for same vector type.
     17  * E: Element accessor (elem = E(vector, index)).
     18  * L: Vector length.
     19  * A: Field accessor (or the identity function), result must match the diff function D.
     20  * TK: The scalar, enum or string key type, (either the element, or a field of the element).
     21  * TE: The raw element type - uoffset_t for tables and strings.
     22  * for swap.
     23  * D: The diff function, but unlike __find_by_field, the second
     24  *    argument is returned by A, not a search key, and there is no third argument.
     25  * S: Swap operation - must handle offset change when offset elements are moved.
     26  */
     28 int gen_sort(fb_output_t *out)
     29 {
     30     fprintf(out->fp,
     31         "#define __%sheap_sort(N, X, A, E, L, TK, TE, D, S)\\\n"
     32         "static inline void __ ## N ## X ## __heap_sift_down(\\\n"
     33         "        N ## _mutable_vec_t vec__tmp, size_t start__tmp, size_t end__tmp)\\\n"
     34         "{ size_t child__tmp, root__tmp; TK v1__tmp, v2__tmp, vroot__tmp;\\\n"
     35         "  root__tmp = start__tmp;\\\n"
     36         "  while ((root__tmp << 1) <= end__tmp) {\\\n"
     37         "    child__tmp = root__tmp << 1;\\\n"
     38         "    if (child__tmp < end__tmp) {\\\n"
     39         "      v1__tmp = A(E(vec__tmp, child__tmp));\\\n"
     40         "      v2__tmp = A(E(vec__tmp, child__tmp + 1));\\\n"
     41         "      if (D(v1__tmp, v2__tmp) < 0) {\\\n"
     42         "        child__tmp++;\\\n"
     43         "      }\\\n"
     44         "    }\\\n"
     45         "    vroot__tmp = A(E(vec__tmp, root__tmp));\\\n"
     46         "    v1__tmp = A(E(vec__tmp, child__tmp));\\\n"
     47         "    if (D(vroot__tmp, v1__tmp) < 0) {\\\n"
     48         "      S(vec__tmp, root__tmp, child__tmp, TE);\\\n"
     49         "      root__tmp = child__tmp;\\\n"
     50         "    } else {\\\n"
     51         "      return;\\\n"
     52         "    }\\\n"
     53         "  }\\\n"
     54         "}\\\n"
     55         "static inline void __ ## N ## X ## __heap_sort(N ## _mutable_vec_t vec__tmp)\\\n"
     56         "{ size_t start__tmp, end__tmp, size__tmp;\\\n"
     57         "  size__tmp = L(vec__tmp); if (size__tmp == 0) return; end__tmp = size__tmp - 1; start__tmp = size__tmp >> 1;\\\n"
     58         "  do { __ ## N ## X ## __heap_sift_down(vec__tmp, start__tmp, end__tmp); } while (start__tmp--);\\\n"
     59         "  while (end__tmp > 0) { \\\n"
     60         "    S(vec__tmp, 0, end__tmp, TE);\\\n"
     61         "    __ ## N ## X ## __heap_sift_down(vec__tmp, 0, --end__tmp); } }\n",
     62         out->nsc);
     63     fprintf(out->fp,
     64         "#define __%sdefine_sort_by_field(N, NK, TK, TE, D, S)\\\n"
     65         "  __%sheap_sort(N, _sort_by_ ## NK, N ## _ ## NK ## _get, N ## _vec_at, N ## _vec_len, TK, TE, D, S)\\\n"
     66         "static inline void N ## _vec_sort_by_ ## NK(N ## _mutable_vec_t vec__tmp)\\\n"
     67         "{ __ ## N ## _sort_by_ ## NK ## __heap_sort(vec__tmp); }\n",
     68         out->nsc, out->nsc);
     69     fprintf(out->fp,
     70         "#define __%sdefine_sort(N, TK, TE, D, S)\\\n"
     71         "__%sheap_sort(N, , __%sidentity, N ## _vec_at, N ## _vec_len, TK, TE, D, S)\\\n"
     72         "static inline void N ## _vec_sort(N ## _mutable_vec_t vec__tmp) { __ ## N ## __heap_sort(vec__tmp); }\n",
     73         out->nsc, out->nsc, out->nsc);
     74     fprintf(out->fp,
     75         /* Subtractions doesn't work for unsigned types. */
     76         "#define __%sscalar_diff(x, y) ((x) < (y) ? -1 : (x) > (y))\n"
     77         "#define __%sstring_diff(x, y) __%sstring_n_cmp((x), (const char *)(y), %sstring_len(y))\n",
     78         out->nsc, out->nsc, out->nsc, out->nsc);
     79     fprintf(out->fp,
     80         "#define __%svalue_swap(vec, a, b, TE) { TE x__tmp = vec[b]; vec[b] = vec[a]; vec[a] = x__tmp; }\n"
     81         "#define __%suoffset_swap(vec, a, b, TE)\\\n"
     82         "{ TE ta__tmp, tb__tmp, d__tmp;\\\n"
     83         "  d__tmp = (TE)((a - b) * sizeof(vec[0]));\\\n"
     84         "  ta__tmp =  __flatbuffers_uoffset_read_from_pe(vec + b) - d__tmp;\\\n"
     85         "  tb__tmp =  __flatbuffers_uoffset_read_from_pe(vec + a) + d__tmp;\\\n"
     86         "  __flatbuffers_uoffset_write_to_pe(vec + a, ta__tmp);\\\n"
     87         "  __flatbuffers_uoffset_write_to_pe(vec + b, tb__tmp); }\n",
     88         out->nsc, out->nsc);
     89     fprintf(out->fp,
     90             "#define __%sscalar_swap(vec, a, b, TE) __%svalue_swap(vec, a, b, TE)\n",
     91         out->nsc, out->nsc);
     92     fprintf(out->fp,
     93             "#define __%sstring_swap(vec, a, b, TE) __%suoffset_swap(vec, a, b, TE)\n",
     94         out->nsc, out->nsc);
     95     fprintf(out->fp,
     96             "#define __%sstruct_swap(vec, a, b, TE) __%svalue_swap(vec, a, b, TE)\n",
     97         out->nsc, out->nsc);
     98     fprintf(out->fp,
     99             "#define __%stable_swap(vec, a, b, TE) __%suoffset_swap(vec, a, b, TE)\n",
    100         out->nsc, out->nsc);
    101     fprintf(out->fp,
    102         "#define __%sdefine_struct_sort_by_scalar_field(N, NK, TK, TE)\\\n"
    103         "  __%sdefine_sort_by_field(N, NK, TK, TE, __%sscalar_diff, __%sstruct_swap)\n",
    104         out->nsc, out->nsc, out->nsc, out->nsc);
    105     fprintf(out->fp,
    106         "#define __%sdefine_table_sort_by_scalar_field(N, NK, TK)\\\n"
    107         "  __%sdefine_sort_by_field(N, NK, TK, %suoffset_t, __%sscalar_diff, __%stable_swap)\n",
    108         out->nsc, out->nsc, out->nsc, out->nsc, out->nsc);
    109     fprintf(out->fp,
    110         "#define __%sdefine_table_sort_by_string_field(N, NK)\\\n"
    111         "  __%sdefine_sort_by_field(N, NK, %sstring_t, %suoffset_t, __%sstring_diff, __%stable_swap)\n",
    112         out->nsc, out->nsc, out->nsc, out->nsc, out->nsc, out->nsc);
    113     fprintf(out->fp,
    114         "#define __%sdefine_scalar_sort(N, T) __%sdefine_sort(N, T, T, __%sscalar_diff, __%sscalar_swap)\n",
    115         out->nsc, out->nsc, out->nsc, out->nsc);
    116     fprintf(out->fp,
    117         "#define __%sdefine_string_sort() __%sdefine_sort(%sstring, %sstring_t, %suoffset_t, __%sstring_diff, __%sstring_swap)\n",
    118         out->nsc, out->nsc, out->nsc, out->nsc, out->nsc, out->nsc, out->nsc);
    119     return 0;
    120 }
    122 /* reference implementation */
    123 #if 0
    125 /* from github swenson/sort */
    126 /* heap sort: based on wikipedia */
    127 static __inline void HEAP_SIFT_DOWN(SORT_TYPE *dst, const int64_t start, const int64_t end) {
    128   int64_t root = start;
    130   while ((root << 1) <= end) {
    131     int64_t child = root << 1;
    133     if ((child < end) && (SORT_CMP(dst[child], dst[child + 1]) < 0)) {
    134       child++;
    135     }
    137     if (SORT_CMP(dst[root], dst[child]) < 0) {
    138       SORT_SWAP(dst[root], dst[child]);
    139       root = child;
    140     } else {
    141       return;
    142     }
    143   }
    144 }
    146 static __inline void HEAPIFY(SORT_TYPE *dst, const size_t size) {
    147   int64_t start = size >> 1;
    149   while (start >= 0) {
    150     HEAP_SIFT_DOWN(dst, start, size - 1);
    151     start--;
    152   }
    153 }
    155 void HEAP_SORT(SORT_TYPE *dst, const size_t size) {
    156   /* don't bother sorting an array of size 0 */
    157   if (size == 0) {
    158     return;
    159   }
    161   int64_t end = size - 1;
    162   HEAPIFY(dst, size);
    164   while (end > 0) {
    165     SORT_SWAP(dst[end], dst[0]);
    166     HEAP_SIFT_DOWN(dst, 0, end - 1);
    167     end--;
    168   }
    169 }
    171 #endif