
an unfairly fast embedded nostr database backed by lmdb
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      1 #!/usr/bin/env bash
      3 # This is intended for quickly developming with flatcc tools
      4 # in a standalone directory
      6 set -e
      8 DIR=`pwd`
      9 HERE=`dirname $0`
     10 cd $HERE/..
     11 ROOT=`pwd`
     13 function usage() {
     14     echo "Usage: <flatcc-dir>/scripts/`basename $0` [options] <path>"
     15     echo ""
     16     echo "Options:"
     17     echo "      -g | --gitignore    : create/update .gitignore file"
     18     echo "      -b | --build        : build flatcc (otherwise is must have been)"
     19     echo "      -x | --example      : copy example source and schema"
     20     echo "      -s | --script       : copy generic build script"
     21     echo "      -a | --all          : all of the above"
     22     echo "      -h | --help"
     23     echo ""
     24     echo "Sets up a client project for use with flatcc."
     25     echo ""
     26     echo "Links flatcc into bin, lib, and include directories and optionally"
     27     echo "starts a build first. Optionally creates or updates a .gitignore file"
     28     echo "and a generic build script, and a sample project."
     29     echo "Also adds an empty generated directory for 'flatcc -o generated',"
     30     echo "'cc -I generated', and for git to ignore. 'build' directory"
     31     echo "will be ignored if '-b' is selected."
     32     echo ""
     33     echo "When using the build script (-s), place source and schema files in 'src'."
     34     echo "It is only meant for sharing small examples."
     35     echo ""
     36     echo "The flatcc project must be the parent of the path to this script."
     37     exit 1
     38 }
     40 while [  $# -gt 0 ]; do
     41   case "$1" in
     43   # Standard help option.
     44   -h|-\?|-help|--help|--doc*) usage ;;
     45   -g|--gitignore) G=1 ;;
     46   -b|--build) B=1 ;;
     47   -s|--script) S=1 ;;
     48   -x|--example) X=1 ;;
     49   -a|--all) G=1; B=1; S=1; X=1 ;;
     51   -*) echo "Unknown option \"$1\""; usage ;;
     52   *)  break ;;           # unforced  end of user options
     53   esac
     54   shift   # next option
     55 done
     57 if [[ -z "$1" ]]; then
     58    echo "Please specify a path"
     59    usage
     60 fi
     62 echo "Building flatcc libraries and tool"
     64 if [[ ! -d "$ROOT/include/flatcc" ]]; then
     65     echo "script not located in flatcc project"
     66 fi
     68 if [[ -n "$B" ]]; then
     69     $ROOT/scripts/
     70 fi
     72 echo "Linking flatcc tool and library into $1"
     74 mkdir -p $DIR/$1
     75 cd $DIR/$1
     77 if [[ -n "$S" ]]; then
     78     echo "Copying build script"
     79     mkdir -p scripts
     80     mkdir -p src
     81     cp $ROOT/scripts/ scripts/
     82     chmod +x scripts/
     83 fi
     85 if [[ -n "$X" ]]; then
     86     echo "Copying monster sample project"
     87     mkdir -p src
     88     cp $ROOT/samples/monster/monster.{c,fbs} src
     89 fi
     91 mkdir -p lib
     92 mkdir -p bin
     93 mkdir -p include
     95 ln -sf $ROOT/bin/flatcc bin/
     96 ln -sf $ROOT/lib/libflatcc.a lib/
     97 ln -sf $ROOT/lib/libflatccrt.a lib/
     98 ln -sf $ROOT/lib/libflatcc_d.a lib/
     99 ln -sf $ROOT/lib/libflatccrt_d.a lib/
    100 ln -sf $ROOT/include/flatcc include/
    102 if [[ -n "$G" ]]; then
    103     echo "Updating .gitignore"
    104     touch .gitignore
    105     grep -q '^bin/flatcc*' .gitignore || echo 'bin/flatcc*' >> .gitignore
    106     grep -q '^lib/libflatcc*.a' .gitignore || echo 'lib/libflatcc*.a' >> .gitignore
    107     grep -q '^include/flatcc' .gitignore || echo 'include/flatcc' >> .gitignore
    108     grep -q '^generated/' .gitignore || echo 'generated/' >> .gitignore
    109     if [[ -n "$S" ]]; then
    110         grep -q '^build/' .gitignore || echo 'build/' >> .gitignore
    111     fi
    112 fi