
an unfairly fast embedded nostr database backed by lmdb
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      1 #!/usr/bin/env bash
      3 set -e
      4 cd `dirname $0`/../..
      5 ROOT=`pwd`
      6 TMP=${ROOT}/build/tmp/samples/reflection
      8 CC=${CC:-cc}
      9 ${ROOT}/scripts/
     10 mkdir -p ${TMP}
     11 rm -rf ${TMP}/*
     12 #bin/flatcc --schema --schema-length=yes -o ${TMP} test/monster_test/monster_test.fbs
     13 bin/flatcc --schema -o ${TMP} test/monster_test/monster_test.fbs
     15 cp samples/reflection/*.c ${TMP}
     16 cd ${TMP}
     17 # We don't need debug version, but it is always useful to have if we get
     18 # assertions in the interface code.
     19 $CC -g -I ${ROOT}/include bfbs2json.c -o bfbs2jsond
     20 $CC -O3 -DNDEBUG -I ${ROOT}/include bfbs2json.c -o bfbs2json
     21 cp bfbs2json ${ROOT}/bin/bfbs2json
     22 echo "generating example json output from monster_test.fbs schema ..."
     23 ${ROOT}/bin/bfbs2json ${TMP}/monster_test.bfbs > monster_test_schema.json
     24 cat monster_test_schema.json | python -m json.tool > pretty_monster_test_schema.json
     25 echo "test json file located in ${TMP}/monster_test_schema.json"
     26 echo "pretty printed file located in ${TMP}/pretty_monster_test_schema.json"
     27 echo "bfbs2json tool placed in ${ROOT}/bin/bfbs2json"