
My dev fork of nostr-rs-relay
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      1 //! Client connection state
      2 use crate::close::Close;
      3 use crate::error::Error;
      4 use crate::error::Result;
      6 use crate::subscription::Subscription;
      7 use std::collections::HashMap;
      8 use tracing::{debug, info};
      9 use uuid::Uuid;
     11 /// A subscription identifier has a maximum length
     12 const MAX_SUBSCRIPTION_ID_LEN: usize = 256;
     14 /// State for a client connection
     15 pub struct ClientConn {
     16     /// Client IP (either from socket, or configured proxy header
     17     client_ip: String,
     18     /// Unique client identifier generated at connection time
     19     client_id: Uuid,
     20     /// The current set of active client subscriptions
     21     subscriptions: HashMap<String, Subscription>,
     22     /// Per-connection maximum concurrent subscriptions
     23     max_subs: usize,
     24 }
     26 impl Default for ClientConn {
     27     fn default() -> Self {
     28         Self::new("unknown".to_owned())
     29     }
     30 }
     32 impl ClientConn {
     33     /// Create a new, empty connection state.
     34     #[must_use]
     35     pub fn new(client_ip: String) -> Self {
     36         let client_id = Uuid::new_v4();
     37         ClientConn {
     38             client_ip,
     39             client_id,
     40             subscriptions: HashMap::new(),
     41             max_subs: 32,
     42         }
     43     }
     45     pub fn subscriptions(&self) -> &HashMap<String, Subscription> {
     46         &self.subscriptions
     47     }
     49     /// Get a short prefix of the client's unique identifier, suitable
     50     /// for logging.
     51     #[must_use]
     52     pub fn get_client_prefix(&self) -> String {
     53         self.client_id.to_string().chars().take(8).collect()
     54     }
     56     #[must_use]
     57     pub fn ip(&self) -> &str {
     58         &self.client_ip
     59     }
     61     /// Add a new subscription for this connection.
     62     /// # Errors
     63     ///
     64     /// Will return `Err` if the client has too many subscriptions, or
     65     /// if the provided name is excessively long.
     66     pub fn subscribe(&mut self, s: Subscription) -> Result<()> {
     67         let k = s.get_id();
     68         let sub_id_len = k.len();
     69         // prevent arbitrarily long subscription identifiers from
     70         // being used.
     71         if sub_id_len > MAX_SUBSCRIPTION_ID_LEN {
     72             info!(
     73                 "ignoring sub request with excessive length: ({})",
     74                 sub_id_len
     75             );
     76             return Err(Error::SubIdMaxLengthError);
     77         }
     78         // check if an existing subscription exists, and replace if so
     79         if self.subscriptions.contains_key(&k) {
     80             self.subscriptions.remove(&k);
     81             self.subscriptions.insert(k, s);
     82             debug!("replaced existing subscription");
     83             return Ok(());
     84         }
     86         // check if there is room for another subscription.
     87         if self.subscriptions.len() >= self.max_subs {
     88             return Err(Error::SubMaxExceededError);
     89         }
     90         // add subscription
     91         self.subscriptions.insert(k, s);
     92         debug!(
     93             "registered new subscription, currently have {} active subs",
     94             self.subscriptions.len()
     95         );
     96         Ok(())
     97     }
     99     /// Remove the subscription for this connection.
    100     pub fn unsubscribe(&mut self, c: &Close) {
    101         // TODO: return notice if subscription did not exist.
    102         self.subscriptions.remove(&;
    103         debug!(
    104             "removed subscription, currently have {} active subs (cid={})",
    105             self.subscriptions.len(),
    106             self.get_client_prefix(),
    107         );
    108     }
    109 }