unix-rule-of-silence-desktop.gmi (763B)
1 2 3 # Unix rule of silence 4 5 > Silence in itself is a virtue 6 7 * How to apply this virtue to the desktop environment 8 9 ## Act with purpose 10 11 There's a pattern emerging in the way I interact with computers, and I found it unique enough that I thought it might be interesting writing about. 12 13 * Mindless scrolling is a problem 14 15 * Scrolling page at a time fills your screen with only the content that is relevant at that point in time. This is how e-readers work and paper books work. 16 17 * Continuous scrolling forces you to keep track of where you last read. which takes some amount of mental energy which is distracting 18 19 * "How e-readers and roguelikes are more alike than you think" 20 21 * Roguelikes force you to stop and think, to move and act with purpose 22 23 * Link hints?