de_AT.xliff (69524B)
1 <?xml version="1.0" ?><xliff xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2" xmlns:xsi="" version="1.2" xsi:schemaLocation="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2"> 2 <file original="damus/en-US.lproj/InfoPlist.strings" source-language="en-US" target-language="de-AT" datatype="plaintext"> 3 <header> 4 <tool tool-id="" tool-name="Xcode" tool-version="14.2" build-num="14C18"/> 5 </header> 6 <body> 7 <trans-unit id="CFBundleDisplayName" xml:space="preserve"> 8 <source>Damus</source> 9 <target>Damus</target> 10 11 <note>Bundle display name</note> 12 </trans-unit> 13 <trans-unit id="CFBundleName" xml:space="preserve"> 14 <source>damus</source> 15 <target>damus</target> 16 17 <note>Bundle name</note> 18 </trans-unit> 19 <trans-unit id="NSPhotoLibraryAddUsageDescription" xml:space="preserve"> 20 <source>Granting Damus access to your photos allows you to save images.</source> 21 <target>Damus Zugriff auf deine Fotos zu gewähren erlaubt dir Bilder zu sichern.</target> 22 23 <note>Privacy - Photo Library Additions Usage Description</note> 24 </trans-unit> 25 </body> 26 </file> 27 <file original="damus/en-US.lproj/Localizable.strings" source-language="en-US" target-language="de-AT" datatype="plaintext"> 28 <header> 29 <tool tool-id="" tool-name="Xcode" tool-version="14.2" build-num="14C18"/> 30 </header> 31 <body> 32 <trans-unit id=" " xml:space="preserve"> 33 <source> </source> 34 <target>61b6edf1108e6f396680a33b02486a70_tr</target> 35 <note>Blank space to separate profile picture from profile editor form.</note> 36 </trans-unit> 37 <trans-unit id="%@" xml:space="preserve"> 38 <source>%@</source> 39 <target>%@</target> 40 41 <note>Amount of time that has passed since reply quote event occurred. 42 Abbreviated version of a nostr public key.</note> 43 </trans-unit> 44 <trans-unit id="%@ %@" xml:space="preserve"> 45 <source>%@ %@</source> 46 <target>%@ %@</target> 47 48 <note>Sentence composed of 2 variables to describe how many tip payments there are on a post. In source English, the first variable is the number of tip payments, and the second variable is 'Tip' or 'Tips'. 49 Sentence composed of 2 variables to describe how many profiles a user is following. In source English, the first variable is the number of profiles being followed, and the second variable is 'Following'.</note> 50 </trans-unit> 51 <trans-unit id="%@ has been blocked" xml:space="preserve"> 52 <source>%@ has been blocked</source> 53 <target>%@ wurde blockiert</target> 54 55 <note>Alert message that informs a user was blocked.</note> 56 </trans-unit> 57 <trans-unit id="%@. Creating an account doesn't require a phone number, email or name. Get started right away with zero friction." xml:space="preserve"> 58 <source>%@. Creating an account doesn't require a phone number, email or name. Get started right away with zero friction.</source> 59 <target>%@. Ein Konto zu erstellen benötigt keine Telefonnummer, Emailadresse oder Namen. Fang jetzt gleich ganz reibungslos an.</target> 60 61 <note>Explanation of what is done to keep personally identifiable information private. There is a heading that precedes this explanation which is a variable to this string.</note> 62 </trans-unit> 63 <trans-unit id="%@. End-to-End encrypted private messaging. Keep Big Tech out of your DMs" xml:space="preserve"> 64 <source>%@. End-to-End encrypted private messaging. Keep Big Tech out of your DMs</source> 65 <target>%@. End-zu-End verschlüsselter privater Nachrichtenaustausch. Halte Tech-Riesen aus deinen PNs heraus</target> 66 67 <note>Explanation of what is done to keep private data encrypted. There is a heading that precedes this explanation which is a variable to this string.</note> 68 </trans-unit> 69 <trans-unit id="%@. Tip your friend's posts and stack sats with Bitcoin⚡️, the native currency of the internet." xml:space="preserve"> 70 <source>%@. Tip your friend's posts and stack sats with Bitcoin⚡️, the native currency of the internet.</source> 71 <target>%@. Belohne Beiträge deiner Freunde und sammle Sats mit Bitcoin⚡️, der eigenen Währung des Internets.</target> 72 73 <note>Explanation of what can be done by users to earn money. There is a heading that precedes this explanation which is a variable to this string.</note> 74 </trans-unit> 75 <trans-unit id="%lld" xml:space="preserve"> 76 <source>%lld</source> 77 <target>%lld</target> 78 79 <note>Number of tip payments on a post. 80 Number of profiles a user is following.</note> 81 </trans-unit> 82 <trans-unit id="%lld/%lld" xml:space="preserve"> 83 <source>%lld/%lld</source> 84 <target>%lld/%lld</target> 85 86 <note>Fraction of how many of the user's relay servers that are operational.</note> 87 </trans-unit> 88 <trans-unit id="'%@' at '%@' will be used for verification" xml:space="preserve"> 89 <source>'%@' at '%@' will be used for verification</source> 90 <target>'%@' bei '%@' wird zur Verifizierung benutzt werden.</target> 91 92 <note>Description of how the nip05 identifier would be used for verification.</note> 93 </trans-unit> 94 <trans-unit id="'%@' is an invalid NIP-05 identifier. It should look like an email." xml:space="preserve"> 95 <source>'%@' is an invalid NIP-05 identifier. It should look like an email.</source> 96 <target>%@' ist kein gülter NIP-05 identifier. Dieser sollte wie eine email aussehen. </target> 97 98 <note>Description of why the nip05 identifier is invalid.</note> 99 </trans-unit> 100 <trans-unit id="(Profile.displayName(profile: profile, pubkey: whos))'s Followers" xml:space="preserve"> 101 <source>(Profile.displayName(profile: profile, pubkey: whos))'s Followers</source> 102 <target>(Profile.displayName(profile: profile, pubkey: whos)) Gefolgte</target> 103 104 <note>Navigation bar title for view that shows who is following a user.</note> 105 </trans-unit> 106 <trans-unit id="(who) following" xml:space="preserve"> 107 <source>(who) following</source> 108 <target>(who) folgt</target> 109 110 <note>Navigation bar title for view that shows who a user is following.</note> 111 </trans-unit> 112 <trans-unit id="< e >" xml:space="preserve"> 113 <source>< e ></source> 114 <target>< e ></target> 115 116 <note>Placeholder for event mention.</note> 117 </trans-unit> 118 <trans-unit id="@" xml:space="preserve"> 119 <source>@</source> 120 <target>@</target> 121 122 <note>Prefix character to username.</note> 123 </trans-unit> 124 <trans-unit id="API Key (optional)" xml:space="preserve"> 125 <source>API Key (optional)</source> 126 <target>API Schlüssel (optional)</target> 127 128 <note>Example URL to LibreTranslate server</note> 129 </trans-unit> 130 <trans-unit id="About" xml:space="preserve"> 131 <source>About</source> 132 <target>Über</target> 133 134 <note>Label to prompt for about text entry for user to describe about themself.</note> 135 </trans-unit> 136 <trans-unit id="About Me" xml:space="preserve"> 137 <source>About Me</source> 138 <target>Über mich</target> 139 140 <note>Label for About Me section of user profile form.</note> 141 </trans-unit> 142 <trans-unit id="Absolute Boss" xml:space="preserve"> 143 <source>Absolute Boss</source> 144 <target>Absoluter Macher</target> 145 146 <note>Placeholder text for About Me description.</note> 147 </trans-unit> 148 <trans-unit id="Accept" xml:space="preserve"> 149 <source>Accept</source> 150 <target>Zustimmen</target> 151 152 <note>Button to accept the end user license agreement before being allowed into the app.</note> 153 </trans-unit> 154 <trans-unit id="Account ID" xml:space="preserve"> 155 <source>Account ID</source> 156 <target>Konto ID</target> 157 158 <note>Label to indicate the public ID of the account.</note> 159 </trans-unit> 160 <trans-unit id="Actions" xml:space="preserve"> 161 <source>Actions</source> 162 <target>Handlungen</target> 163 164 <note>Title for confirmation dialog to either share, report, or block a profile.</note> 165 </trans-unit> 166 <trans-unit id="Add" xml:space="preserve"> 167 <source>Add</source> 168 <target>Hinzufügen</target> 169 170 <note>Button to add recommended relay server. 171 Button to confirm adding user inputted relay.</note> 172 </trans-unit> 173 <trans-unit id="Add Relay" xml:space="preserve"> 174 <source>Add Relay</source> 175 <target>Relay hinzufügen</target> 176 177 <note>Label for section for adding a relay server.</note> 178 </trans-unit> 179 <trans-unit id="Add all" xml:space="preserve"> 180 <source>Add all</source> 181 <target>Alle hinzufügen</target> 182 183 <note>Button label to re-add all original participants as profiles to reply to in a note</note> 184 </trans-unit> 185 <trans-unit id="Any" xml:space="preserve"> 186 <source>Any</source> 187 <target>beliebig</target> 188 189 <note>Any amount of sats</note> 190 </trans-unit> 191 <trans-unit id="Are you sure you want to repost this?" xml:space="preserve"> 192 <source>Are you sure you want to repost this?</source> 193 <target>Bist du sicher dass Du den Beitrag auf deinem Profil teilen möchtest?</target> 194 195 <note>Alert message to ask if user wants to repost a post.</note> 196 </trans-unit> 197 <trans-unit id="Banner Image" xml:space="preserve"> 198 <source>Banner Image</source> 199 <target>Bannerbild</target> 200 201 <note>Label for Banner Image section of user profile form.</note> 202 </trans-unit> 203 <trans-unit id="Before we get started, you'll need to save your account info, otherwise you won't be able to login in the future if you ever uninstall Damus." xml:space="preserve"> 204 <source>Before we get started, you'll need to save your account info, otherwise you won't be able to login in the future if you ever uninstall Damus.</source> 205 <target>Bevor wir anfangen, Du wirst deine Kontodaten sichern müssen, sonst wirst du dich in der Zukunft nicht mehr anmelden können wenn du Damus jemals deinstallierst.</target> 206 207 <note>Reminder to user that they should save their account information.</note> 208 </trans-unit> 209 <trans-unit id="Bitcoin Beach" xml:space="preserve"> 210 <source>Bitcoin Beach</source> 211 <target>Bitcoin Beach</target> 212 213 <note>Dropdown option label for Lightning wallet, Bitcoin Beach.</note> 214 </trans-unit> 215 <trans-unit id="Bitcoin Lightning Tips" xml:space="preserve"> 216 <source>Bitcoin Lightning Tips</source> 217 <target>Bitcoin Lightning Zahlungen</target> 218 219 <note>Label for Bitcoin Lightning Tips section of user profile form.</note> 220 </trans-unit> 221 <trans-unit id="Blixt Wallet" xml:space="preserve"> 222 <source>Blixt Wallet</source> 223 <target>Blixt Wallet</target> 224 225 <note>Dropdown option label for Lightning wallet, Blixt Wallet</note> 226 </trans-unit> 227 <trans-unit id="Block" xml:space="preserve"> 228 <source>Block</source> 229 <target>Blockieren</target> 230 231 <note>Alert button to block a user. 232 Button to block a profile. 233 Context menu option for blocking users.</note> 234 </trans-unit> 235 <trans-unit id="Block %@?" xml:space="preserve"> 236 <source>Block %@?</source> 237 <target>%@ blockieren?</target> 238 239 <note>Alert message prompt to ask if a user should be blocked.</note> 240 </trans-unit> 241 <trans-unit id="Block User" xml:space="preserve"> 242 <source>Block User</source> 243 <target>Benutzer blockieren</target> 244 245 <note>Title of alert for blocking a user.</note> 246 </trans-unit> 247 <trans-unit id="Blocked" xml:space="preserve"> 248 <source>Blocked</source> 249 <target>Blockiert</target> 250 251 <note>Sidebar menu label for Profile view.</note> 252 </trans-unit> 253 <trans-unit id="Blocked Users" xml:space="preserve"> 254 <source>Blocked Users</source> 255 <target>Blockierte Benutzer</target> 256 257 <note>Navigation title of view to see list of blocked users.</note> 258 </trans-unit> 259 <trans-unit id="Blue Wallet" xml:space="preserve"> 260 <source>Blue Wallet</source> 261 <target>Blue Wallet</target> 262 263 <note>Dropdown option label for Lightning wallet, Blue Wallet.</note> 264 </trans-unit> 265 <trans-unit id="Breez" xml:space="preserve"> 266 <source>Breez</source> 267 <target>Breez</target> 268 269 <note>Dropdown option label for Lightning wallet, Breez.</note> 270 </trans-unit> 271 <trans-unit id="Broadcast" xml:space="preserve"> 272 <source>Broadcast</source> 273 <target>Senden</target> 274 275 <note>Context menu option for broadcasting the user's note to all of the user's connected relay servers.</note> 276 </trans-unit> 277 <trans-unit id="Cancel" xml:space="preserve"> 278 <source>Cancel</source> 279 <target>Abbrechen</target> 280 281 <note>Alert button to cancel out of alert for blocking a user. 282 Button to cancel out of alert that creates a new mutelist. 283 Button to cancel out of posting a note. 284 Button to cancel out of reposting a post. 285 Button to cancel out of view adding user inputted relay. 286 Cancel out of logging out the user.</note> 287 </trans-unit> 288 <trans-unit id="Cash App" xml:space="preserve"> 289 <source>Cash App</source> 290 <target>Cash App</target> 291 292 <note>Dropdown option label for Lightning wallet, Cash App.</note> 293 </trans-unit> 294 <trans-unit id="Chat" xml:space="preserve"> 295 <source>Chat</source> 296 <target>Unterhaltungen</target> 297 298 <note>Navigation bar title for Chatroom view.</note> 299 </trans-unit> 300 <trans-unit id="Clear" xml:space="preserve"> 301 <source>Clear</source> 302 <target>Löschen</target> 303 304 <note>Button for clearing cached data.</note> 305 </trans-unit> 306 <trans-unit id="Clear Cache" xml:space="preserve"> 307 <source>Clear Cache</source> 308 <target>Zwischenspeicher löschen</target> 309 310 <note>Section title for clearing cached data.</note> 311 </trans-unit> 312 <trans-unit id="Copied" xml:space="preserve"> 313 <source>Copied</source> 314 <target>Kopiert</target> 315 316 <note>Label indicating that a user's key was copied.</note> 317 </trans-unit> 318 <trans-unit id="Copy" xml:space="preserve"> 319 <source>Copy</source> 320 <target>Kopieren</target> 321 322 <note>Button to copy a relay server address.</note> 323 </trans-unit> 324 <trans-unit id="Copy Account ID" xml:space="preserve"> 325 <source>Copy Account ID</source> 326 <target>Konto ID kopieren</target> 327 328 <note>Context menu option for copying the ID of the account that created the note.</note> 329 </trans-unit> 330 <trans-unit id="Copy Image" xml:space="preserve"> 331 <source>Copy Image</source> 332 <target>Bild kopieren</target> 333 334 <note>Context menu option to copy an image into clipboard. 335 Context menu option to copy an image to clipboard.</note> 336 </trans-unit> 337 <trans-unit id="Copy Image URL" xml:space="preserve"> 338 <source>Copy Image URL</source> 339 <target>Bild URL kopieren</target> 340 341 <note>Context menu option to copy the URL of an image into clipboard.</note> 342 </trans-unit> 343 <trans-unit id="Copy LNURL" xml:space="preserve"> 344 <source>Copy LNURL</source> 345 <target>LNURL kopieren</target> 346 347 <note>Context menu option for copying a user's Lightning URL.</note> 348 </trans-unit> 349 <trans-unit id="Copy Note ID" xml:space="preserve"> 350 <source>Copy Note ID</source> 351 <target>Notiz ID kopieren</target> 352 353 <note>Context menu option for copying the ID of the note.</note> 354 </trans-unit> 355 <trans-unit id="Copy Note JSON" xml:space="preserve"> 356 <source>Copy Note JSON</source> 357 <target>Notiz JSON kopieren</target> 358 359 <note>Context menu option for copying the JSON text from the note.</note> 360 </trans-unit> 361 <trans-unit id="Copy Report ID" xml:space="preserve"> 362 <source>Copy Report ID</source> 363 <target>Meldungs-ID kopieren</target> 364 365 <note>Button to copy report ID.</note> 366 </trans-unit> 367 <trans-unit id="Copy Text" xml:space="preserve"> 368 <source>Copy Text</source> 369 <target>Text kopieren</target> 370 371 <note>Context menu option for copying the text from an note.</note> 372 </trans-unit> 373 <trans-unit id="Copy User Pubkey" xml:space="preserve"> 374 <source>Copy User Pubkey</source> 375 <target>Öffentlichen Schlüssel des Benutzers kopieren</target> 376 377 <note>Context menu option for copying the ID of the user who created the note.</note> 378 </trans-unit> 379 <trans-unit id="Copy invoice" xml:space="preserve"> 380 <source>Copy invoice</source> 381 <target>Zahlungsdaten kopieren</target> 382 383 <note>Title of section for copying a Lightning invoice identifier.</note> 384 </trans-unit> 385 <trans-unit id="Could not find user to block..." xml:space="preserve"> 386 <source>Could not find user to block...</source> 387 <target>Der zu blockierende Benutzer konnte nicht gefunden werden...</target> 388 389 <note>Alert message to indicate that the blocked user could not be found.</note> 390 </trans-unit> 391 <trans-unit id="Create" xml:space="preserve"> 392 <source>Create</source> 393 <target>Erstellen</target> 394 395 <note>Button to create account.</note> 396 </trans-unit> 397 <trans-unit id="Create Account" xml:space="preserve"> 398 <source>Create Account</source> 399 <target>Konto erstellen</target> 400 401 <note>Button to create an account.</note> 402 </trans-unit> 403 <trans-unit id="Create new mutelist" xml:space="preserve"> 404 <source>Create new mutelist</source> 405 <target>Neue Stummschaltungsliste</target> 406 407 <note>Title of alert prompting the user to create a new mutelist.</note> 408 </trans-unit> 409 <trans-unit id="Creator(s) of Bitcoin. Absolute legend." xml:space="preserve"> 410 <source>Creator(s) of Bitcoin. Absolute legend.</source> 411 <target>Erfinder von Bitcoin. Absolute Legende(n).</target> 412 413 <note>Example description about Bitcoin creator(s), Satoshi Nakamoto.</note> 414 </trans-unit> 415 <trans-unit id="Custom" xml:space="preserve"> 416 <source>Custom</source> 417 <target>Auswahl</target> 418 419 <note>Dropdown option for selecting a custom translation server.</note> 420 </trans-unit> 421 <trans-unit id="DM Type" xml:space="preserve"> 422 <source>DM Type</source> 423 <target>PN Typ</target> 424 425 <note>DM selector for seeing either DMs or message requests, which are messages that have not been responded to yet. DM is the English abbreviation for Direct Message.</note> 426 </trans-unit> 427 <trans-unit id="DMs" xml:space="preserve"> 428 <source>DMs</source> 429 <target>PNs</target> 430 431 <note>Navigation title for DMs view, where DM is the English abbreviation for Direct Message. 432 Navigation title for view of DMs, where DM is an English abbreviation for Direct Message.</note> 433 </trans-unit> 434 <trans-unit id="Damus" xml:space="preserve"> 435 <source>Damus</source> 436 <target>Damus</target> 437 438 <note>Name of the app, shown on the first screen when user is not logged in.</note> 439 </trans-unit> 440 <trans-unit id="Default Wallet" xml:space="preserve"> 441 <source>Default Wallet</source> 442 <target>Voreingestelltes Wallet</target> 443 444 <note>Button to pay a Lightning invoice with the user's default Lightning wallet.</note> 445 </trans-unit> 446 <trans-unit id="Delete" xml:space="preserve"> 447 <source>Delete</source> 448 <target>Löschen</target> 449 450 <note>Button to delete a relay server that the user connects to. 451 Button to remove a user from their blocklist.</note> 452 </trans-unit> 453 <trans-unit id="Dismiss" xml:space="preserve"> 454 <source>Dismiss</source> 455 <target>Schließen</target> 456 457 <note>Button to dismiss a text field alert.</note> 458 </trans-unit> 459 <trans-unit id="Display Name" xml:space="preserve"> 460 <source>Display Name</source> 461 <target>Profilname</target> 462 463 <note>Label to prompt display name entry.</note> 464 </trans-unit> 465 <trans-unit id="Done" xml:space="preserve"> 466 <source>Done</source> 467 <target>Fertig</target> 468 469 <note>Button to dismiss wallet selection view for paying Lightning invoice.</note> 470 </trans-unit> 471 <trans-unit id="EULA" xml:space="preserve"> 472 <source>EULA</source> 473 <target>Endbenutzer-Lizenzvereinbarung</target> 474 475 <note>Label indicating that the below text is the EULA, an acronym for End User License Agreement.</note> 476 </trans-unit> 477 <trans-unit id="Earn Money" xml:space="preserve"> 478 <source>Earn Money</source> 479 <target>Verdiene Geld</target> 480 481 <note>Heading indicating that this application allows users to earn money.</note> 482 </trans-unit> 483 <trans-unit id="Edit" xml:space="preserve"> 484 <source>Edit</source> 485 <target>Bearbeiten</target> 486 487 <note>Button to edit user's profile.</note> 488 </trans-unit> 489 <trans-unit id="Edit participants" xml:space="preserve"> 490 <source>Edit participants</source> 491 <target>Teilnehmer editieren</target> 492 493 <note>Text indicating that the view is used for editing which participants are replied to in a note.</note> 494 </trans-unit> 495 <trans-unit id="Encrypted" xml:space="preserve"> 496 <source>Encrypted</source> 497 <target>Verschlüsselt</target> 498 499 <note>Heading indicating that this application keeps private messaging end-to-end encrypted.</note> 500 </trans-unit> 501 <trans-unit id="Enter your account key to login:" xml:space="preserve"> 502 <source>Enter your account key to login:</source> 503 <target>Gib deinen Kontoschlüssel ein um dich anzumelden:</target> 504 505 <note>Prompt for user to enter an account key to login.</note> 506 </trans-unit> 507 <trans-unit id="Error: %@" xml:space="preserve"> 508 <source>Error: %@</source> 509 <target>Fehler: %@</target> 510 511 <note>Error message indicating why saving keys failed.</note> 512 </trans-unit> 513 <trans-unit id="Filter State" xml:space="preserve"> 514 <source>Filter State</source> 515 <target>Filter Einstellung</target> 516 517 <note>Filter state for seeing either only posts, or posts & replies.</note> 518 </trans-unit> 519 <trans-unit id="Follow" xml:space="preserve"> 520 <source>Follow</source> 521 <target>Folgen</target> 522 523 <note>Button to follow a user.</note> 524 </trans-unit> 525 <trans-unit id="Followers" xml:space="preserve"> 526 <source>Followers</source> 527 <target>Gefolgte:r</target> 528 529 <note>Label describing followers of a user.</note> 530 </trans-unit> 531 <trans-unit id="Following" xml:space="preserve"> 532 <source>Following</source> 533 <target>Gefolgt</target> 534 535 <note>Text to indicate that the button next to it is in a state that indicates that it is in the process of following a profile. 536 Part of a larger sentence to describe how many profiles a user is following.</note> 537 </trans-unit> 538 <trans-unit id="Following..." xml:space="preserve"> 539 <source>Following...</source> 540 <target>Folge…</target> 541 542 <note>Label to indicate that the user is in the process of following another user.</note> 543 </trans-unit> 544 <trans-unit id="Follows" xml:space="preserve"> 545 <source>Follows</source> 546 <target>Folgt</target> 547 548 <note>Text to indicate that button next to it is in a state that will follow a profile when tapped.</note> 549 </trans-unit> 550 <trans-unit id="Global" xml:space="preserve"> 551 <source>Global</source> 552 <target>Allgemein</target> 553 554 <note>Navigation bar title for Global view where posts from all connected relay servers appear.</note> 555 </trans-unit> 556 <trans-unit id="Goto post %@" xml:space="preserve"> 557 <source>Goto post %@</source> 558 <target>Gehe zum Beitrag %@</target> 559 560 <note>Navigation link to go to post referenced by hex code.</note> 561 </trans-unit> 562 <trans-unit id="Goto profile %@" xml:space="preserve"> 563 <source>Goto profile %@</source> 564 <target>Gehe zum Profil %@</target> 565 566 <note>Navigation link to go to profile.</note> 567 </trans-unit> 568 <trans-unit id="Hide" xml:space="preserve"> 569 <source>Hide</source> 570 <target>Verstecken</target> 571 572 <note>Button to hide a post from a user who has been blocked.</note> 573 </trans-unit> 574 <trans-unit id="Hide API Key" xml:space="preserve"> 575 <source>Hide API Key</source> 576 <target>API Schlüssel verstecken</target> 577 578 <note>Button to hide the LibreTranslate server API key.</note> 579 </trans-unit> 580 <trans-unit id="Home" xml:space="preserve"> 581 <source>Home</source> 582 <target>Heim</target> 583 584 <note>Navigation bar title for Home view where posts and replies appear from those who the user is following.</note> 585 </trans-unit> 586 <trans-unit id="Illegal content" xml:space="preserve"> 587 <source>Illegal content</source> 588 <target>Illegaler Inhalt</target> 589 590 <note>Button for user to report that the account or content has illegal content.</note> 591 </trans-unit> 592 <trans-unit id="Invalid key" xml:space="preserve"> 593 <source>Invalid key</source> 594 <target>Ungültiger Schlüssel</target> 595 596 <note>Error message indicating that an invalid account key was entered for login.</note> 597 </trans-unit> 598 <trans-unit id="It's spam" xml:space="preserve"> 599 <source>It's spam</source> 600 <target>Es ist Spam</target> 601 602 <note>Button for user to report that the account or content has spam.</note> 603 </trans-unit> 604 <trans-unit id="LNLink" xml:space="preserve"> 605 <source>LNLink</source> 606 <target>LNLink</target> 607 608 <note>Dropdown option label for Lightning wallet, LNLink.</note> 609 </trans-unit> 610 <trans-unit id="Left Handed" xml:space="preserve"> 611 <source>Left Handed</source> 612 <target>Linkshändig</target> 613 614 <note>Moves the post button to the left side of the screen</note> 615 </trans-unit> 616 <trans-unit id="Let's go!" xml:space="preserve"> 617 <source>Let's go!</source> 618 <target>Lass uns loslegen!</target> 619 620 <note>Button to complete account creation and start using the app.</note> 621 </trans-unit> 622 <trans-unit id="LibreTranslate Translations" xml:space="preserve"> 623 <source>LibreTranslate Translations</source> 624 <target>LibreTranslate Übersetzungen</target> 625 626 <note>Section title for selecting the server that hosts the LibreTranslate machine translation API.</note> 627 </trans-unit> 628 <trans-unit id="Lightning Address or LNURL" xml:space="preserve"> 629 <source>Lightning Address or LNURL</source> 630 <target>Lightning-Adresse oder LNURL</target> 631 632 <note>Placeholder text for entry of Lightning Address or LNURL.</note> 633 </trans-unit> 634 <trans-unit id="Lightning Invoice" xml:space="preserve"> 635 <source>Lightning Invoice</source> 636 <target>Lightning-Rechnung</target> 637 638 <note>Indicates that the view is for paying a Lightning invoice.</note> 639 </trans-unit> 640 <trans-unit id="Local default" xml:space="preserve"> 641 <source>Local default</source> 642 <target>System-Standard</target> 643 644 <note>Dropdown option label for system default for Lightning wallet.</note> 645 </trans-unit> 646 <trans-unit id="Login" xml:space="preserve"> 647 <source>Login</source> 648 <target>Einloggen</target> 649 650 <note>Button to log into account. 651 Button to log into an account.</note> 652 </trans-unit> 653 <trans-unit id="Logout" xml:space="preserve"> 654 <source>Logout</source> 655 <target>Ausloggen</target> 656 657 <note>Alert for logging out the user. 658 Button for logging out the user. 659 Button to logout the user.</note> 660 </trans-unit> 661 <trans-unit id="Make sure your nsec account key is saved before you logout or you will lose access to this account" xml:space="preserve"> 662 <source>Make sure your nsec account key is saved before you logout or you will lose access to this account</source> 663 <target>Stelle sicher, dass du deinen nsec-Schlüssel gespeichert hast, sonst wirst du den Zugang zu deinem Konto verlieren.</target> 664 665 <note>Reminder message in alert to get customer to verify that their private security account key is saved saved before logging out.</note> 666 </trans-unit> 667 <trans-unit id="Muun" xml:space="preserve"> 668 <source>Muun</source> 669 <target>Muun</target> 670 671 <note>Dropdown option label for Lightning wallet, Muun.</note> 672 </trans-unit> 673 <trans-unit id="NIP-05 Verification" xml:space="preserve"> 674 <source>NIP-05 Verification</source> 675 <target>NIP-05-Verifizierung</target> 676 677 <note>Label for NIP-05 Verification section of user profile form.</note> 678 </trans-unit> 679 <trans-unit id="No block list found, create a new one? This will overwrite any previous block lists." xml:space="preserve"> 680 <source>No block list found, create a new one? This will overwrite any previous block lists.</source> 681 <target>Es wurde keine Blockier-Liste gefunden, soll eine neue erzeugt werden? Dies wird eine frühere Blockier-Liste überschreiben.</target> 682 683 <note>Alert message prompt that asks if the user wants to create a new block list, overwriting previous block lists.</note> 684 </trans-unit> 685 <trans-unit id="None" xml:space="preserve"> 686 <source>None</source> 687 <target>Keine</target> 688 689 <note>Dropdown option for selecting no translation server.</note> 690 </trans-unit> 691 <trans-unit id="Nothing to see here. Check back later!" xml:space="preserve"> 692 <source>Nothing to see here. Check back later!</source> 693 <target>Hier gibt es nichts zu sehen. Komm später wieder vorbei!</target> 694 695 <note>Indicates that there are no notes in the timeline to view.</note> 696 </trans-unit> 697 <trans-unit id="Notifications" xml:space="preserve"> 698 <source>Notifications</source> 699 <target>Benachrichtigungen</target> 700 701 <note>Navigation title for notifications.</note> 702 </trans-unit> 703 <trans-unit id="Nudity or explicit content" xml:space="preserve"> 704 <source>Nudity or explicit content</source> 705 <target>Nacktheit oder anstößige Inhalte</target> 706 707 <note>Button for user to report that the account or content has nudity or explicit content.</note> 708 </trans-unit> 709 <trans-unit id="Pay" xml:space="preserve"> 710 <source>Pay</source> 711 <target>Bezahlen</target> 712 713 <note>Button to pay a Lightning invoice.</note> 714 </trans-unit> 715 <trans-unit id="Pay the Lightning invoice" xml:space="preserve"> 716 <source>Pay the Lightning invoice</source> 717 <target>Bezahle die Lightning-Rechnung</target> 718 719 <note>Navigation bar title for view to pay Lightning invoice.</note> 720 </trans-unit> 721 <trans-unit id="Phoenix" xml:space="preserve"> 722 <source>Phoenix</source> 723 <target>Phoenix</target> 724 725 <note>Dropdown option label for Lightning wallet, Phoenix.</note> 726 </trans-unit> 727 <trans-unit id="Post" xml:space="preserve"> 728 <source>Post</source> 729 <target>Veröffentlichen</target> 730 731 <note>Button to post a note.</note> 732 </trans-unit> 733 <trans-unit id="Post from a user you've blocked" xml:space="preserve"> 734 <source>Post from a user you've blocked</source> 735 <target>Nachricht von einem/e User/in den/die Du geblockt hast</target> 736 737 <note>Text to indicate that what is being shown is a post from a user who has been blocked.</note> 738 </trans-unit> 739 <trans-unit id="Posts" xml:space="preserve"> 740 <source>Posts</source> 741 <target>Beiträge</target> 742 743 <note>Label for filter for seeing only posts (instead of posts and replies).</note> 744 </trans-unit> 745 <trans-unit id="Posts & Replies" xml:space="preserve"> 746 <source>Posts & Replies</source> 747 <target>Beiträge & Antworten</target> 748 749 <note>Label for filter for seeing posts and replies (instead of only posts).</note> 750 </trans-unit> 751 <trans-unit id="Private" xml:space="preserve"> 752 <source>Private</source> 753 <target>Privat</target> 754 755 <note>Heading indicating that this application keeps personally identifiable information private. A sentence describing what is done to keep data private comes after this heading.</note> 756 </trans-unit> 757 <trans-unit id="Private Key" xml:space="preserve"> 758 <source>Private Key</source> 759 <target>Privater Schlüssel</target> 760 761 <note>Title of the secure field that holds the user's private key.</note> 762 </trans-unit> 763 <trans-unit id="Profile" xml:space="preserve"> 764 <source>Profile</source> 765 <target>Profil</target> 766 767 <note>Sidebar menu label for Profile view.</note> 768 </trans-unit> 769 <trans-unit id="Profile Picture" xml:space="preserve"> 770 <source>Profile Picture</source> 771 <target>Profilbild</target> 772 773 <note>Label for Profile Picture section of user profile form.</note> 774 </trans-unit> 775 <trans-unit id="Public Account ID" xml:space="preserve"> 776 <source>Public Account ID</source> 777 <target>Öffentliche Konto ID</target> 778 779 <note>Section title for the user's public account ID.</note> 780 </trans-unit> 781 <trans-unit id="Public Key" xml:space="preserve"> 782 <source>Public Key</source> 783 <target>Öffentlicher Schlüssel</target> 784 785 <note>Label indicating that the text is a user's public account key.</note> 786 </trans-unit> 787 <trans-unit id="Public Key?" xml:space="preserve"> 788 <source>Public Key?</source> 789 <target>Öffentlicher Schlüssel?</target> 790 791 <note>Prompt to ask user if the key they entered is a public key.</note> 792 </trans-unit> 793 <trans-unit id="Public key" xml:space="preserve"> 794 <source>Public key</source> 795 <target>Öffentlicher Schlüssel</target> 796 797 <note>Label indicating that the text is a user's public account key.</note> 798 </trans-unit> 799 <trans-unit id="Reactions" xml:space="preserve"> 800 <source>Reactions</source> 801 <target>Reaktionen</target> 802 803 <note>Navigation bar title for Reactions view.</note> 804 </trans-unit> 805 <trans-unit id="Recommended Relays" xml:space="preserve"> 806 <source>Recommended Relays</source> 807 <target>Empfohlene Relays</target> 808 809 <note>Section title for recommend relay servers that could be added as part of configuration</note> 810 </trans-unit> 811 <trans-unit id="Reject" xml:space="preserve"> 812 <source>Reject</source> 813 <target>Ablehnen</target> 814 815 <note>Button to reject the end user license agreement, which disallows the user from being let into the app.</note> 816 </trans-unit> 817 <trans-unit id="Relay" xml:space="preserve"> 818 <source>Relay</source> 819 <target>Relay</target> 820 821 <note>Text field for relay server. Used for testing purposes.</note> 822 </trans-unit> 823 <trans-unit id="Relays" xml:space="preserve"> 824 <source>Relays</source> 825 <target>Relays</target> 826 827 <note>Sidebar menu label for Relay servers view</note> 828 </trans-unit> 829 <trans-unit id="Relays have been notified and clients will be able to use this information to filter content. Thank you!" xml:space="preserve"> 830 <source>Relays have been notified and clients will be able to use this information to filter content. Thank you!</source> 831 <target>Relays wurden benachrichtigt und Anwendungen können diese Information nutzen, um Inhalte zu filtern. Vielen Dank!</target> 832 833 <note>Description of what was done as a result of sending a report to relay servers.</note> 834 </trans-unit> 835 <trans-unit id="Remove all" xml:space="preserve"> 836 <source>Remove all</source> 837 <target>Alle entfernen</target> 838 839 <note>Button label to remove all participants from a note reply.</note> 840 </trans-unit> 841 <trans-unit id="Reply to self" xml:space="preserve"> 842 <source>Reply to self</source> 843 <target>Antwort an sich selbst</target> 844 845 <note>Label to indicate that the user is replying to themself.</note> 846 </trans-unit> 847 <trans-unit id="Replying to %@ & %@" xml:space="preserve"> 848 <source>Replying to %1$@ & %2$@</source> 849 <target>Antwort an %1$@ & %2$@</target> 850 851 <note>Label to indicate that the user is replying to 2 users.</note> 852 </trans-unit> 853 <trans-unit id="Replying to:" xml:space="preserve"> 854 <source>Replying to:</source> 855 <target>Antwort an:</target> 856 857 <note>Indicating that the user is replying to the following listed people.</note> 858 </trans-unit> 859 <trans-unit id="Report" xml:space="preserve"> 860 <source>Report</source> 861 <target>Melden</target> 862 863 <note>Button to report a profile. 864 Context menu option for reporting content.</note> 865 </trans-unit> 866 <trans-unit id="Report ID:" xml:space="preserve"> 867 <source>Report ID:</source> 868 <target>Meldungs-ID</target> 869 870 <note>Label indicating that the text underneath is the identifier of the report that was sent to relay servers.</note> 871 </trans-unit> 872 <trans-unit id="Report sent!" xml:space="preserve"> 873 <source>Report sent!</source> 874 <target>Meldung versandt!</target> 875 876 <note>Message indicating that a report was successfully sent to relay servers.</note> 877 </trans-unit> 878 <trans-unit id="Repost" xml:space="preserve"> 879 <source>Repost</source> 880 <target>Selbst teilen</target> 881 882 <note>Button to confirm reposting a post. 883 Title of alert for confirming to repost a post.</note> 884 </trans-unit> 885 <trans-unit id="Reposted" xml:space="preserve"> 886 <source>Reposted</source> 887 <target>Selbst geteilt</target> 888 889 <note>Text indicating that the post was reposted (i.e. re-shared).</note> 890 </trans-unit> 891 <trans-unit id="Reposts" xml:space="preserve"> 892 <source>Reposts</source> 893 <target>Geteilte Beiträge</target> 894 895 <note>Navigation bar title for Reposts view.</note> 896 </trans-unit> 897 <trans-unit id="Requests" xml:space="preserve"> 898 <source>Requests</source> 899 <target>Anfragen</target> 900 901 <note>Picker option for DM selector for seeing only message requests (DMs that someone else sent the user which has not been responded to yet). DM is the English abbreviation for Direct Message.</note> 902 </trans-unit> 903 <trans-unit id="Reset" xml:space="preserve"> 904 <source>Reset</source> 905 <target>Zurücksetzen</target> 906 907 <note>Section title for resetting the user</note> 908 </trans-unit> 909 <trans-unit id="Retry" xml:space="preserve"> 910 <source>Retry</source> 911 <target>Erneut versuchen</target> 912 913 <note>Button to retry completing account creation after an error occurred.</note> 914 </trans-unit> 915 <trans-unit id="River" xml:space="preserve"> 916 <source>River</source> 917 <target>River</target> 918 919 <note>Dropdown option label for Lightning wallet, River</note> 920 </trans-unit> 921 <trans-unit id="Satoshi Nakamoto" xml:space="preserve"> 922 <source>Satoshi Nakamoto</source> 923 <target>Satoshi Nakamoto</target> 924 925 <note>Name of Bitcoin creator(s).</note> 926 </trans-unit> 927 <trans-unit id="Save" xml:space="preserve"> 928 <source>Save</source> 929 <target>Speichern</target> 930 931 <note>Button for saving profile.</note> 932 </trans-unit> 933 <trans-unit id="Save Image" xml:space="preserve"> 934 <source>Save Image</source> 935 <target>Bild sichern</target> 936 937 <note>Context menu option to save an image.</note> 938 </trans-unit> 939 <trans-unit id="Search hashtag: #%@" xml:space="preserve"> 940 <source>Search hashtag: #%@</source> 941 <target>Hashtag suchen: #%@</target> 942 943 <note>Navigation link to search hashtag.</note> 944 </trans-unit> 945 <trans-unit id="Search..." xml:space="preserve"> 946 <source>Search...</source> 947 <target>Suchen...</target> 948 949 <note>Placeholder text to prompt entry of search query.</note> 950 </trans-unit> 951 <trans-unit id="Secret Account Login Key" xml:space="preserve"> 952 <source>Secret Account Login Key</source> 953 <target>Geheimer Konto Anmeldeschlüssel</target> 954 955 <note>Section title for user's secret account login key.</note> 956 </trans-unit> 957 <trans-unit id="Select a Lightning wallet" xml:space="preserve"> 958 <source>Select a Lightning wallet</source> 959 <target>Wähle ein Lightning Wallet</target> 960 961 <note>Title of section for selecting a Lightning wallet to pay a Lightning invoice.</note> 962 </trans-unit> 963 <trans-unit id="Select default wallet" xml:space="preserve"> 964 <source>Select default wallet</source> 965 <target>Wähle das voreingestellte Wallet</target> 966 967 <note>Prompt selection of user's default wallet</note> 968 </trans-unit> 969 <trans-unit id="Send a message to start the conversation..." xml:space="preserve"> 970 <source>Send a message to start the conversation...</source> 971 <target>Sende eine Nachricht um eine Unterhaltung zu beginnen...</target> 972 973 <note>Text prompt for user to send a message to the other user.</note> 974 </trans-unit> 975 <trans-unit id="Server" xml:space="preserve"> 976 <source>Server</source> 977 <target>Server</target> 978 979 <note>Prompt selection of LibreTranslate server to perform machine translations on notes</note> 980 </trans-unit> 981 <trans-unit id="Settings" xml:space="preserve"> 982 <source>Settings</source> 983 <target>Einstellungen</target> 984 985 <note>Navigation title for Settings view. 986 Sidebar menu label for accessing the app settings</note> 987 </trans-unit> 988 <trans-unit id="Share" xml:space="preserve"> 989 <source>Share</source> 990 <target>Teilen</target> 991 992 <note>Button to share an image. 993 Button to share the link to a profile.</note> 994 </trans-unit> 995 <trans-unit id="Show" xml:space="preserve"> 996 <source>Show</source> 997 <target>Anzeigen</target> 998 999 <note>Button to show a post from a user who has been blocked. 1000 Toggle to show or hide user's secret account login key.</note> 1001 </trans-unit> 1002 <trans-unit id="Show API Key" xml:space="preserve"> 1003 <source>Show API Key</source> 1004 <target>API Schlüssel anzeigen</target> 1005 1006 <note>Button to hide the LibreTranslate server API key.</note> 1007 </trans-unit> 1008 <trans-unit id="Show wallet selector" xml:space="preserve"> 1009 <source>Show wallet selector</source> 1010 <target>Wallet-Auswahl zeigen</target> 1011 1012 <note>Toggle to show or hide selection of wallet.</note> 1013 </trans-unit> 1014 <trans-unit id="Sign out" xml:space="preserve"> 1015 <source>Sign out</source> 1016 <target>Abmelden</target> 1017 1018 <note>Sidebar menu label to sign out of the account.</note> 1019 </trans-unit> 1020 <trans-unit id="Strike" xml:space="preserve"> 1021 <source>Strike</source> 1022 <target>Strike</target> 1023 1024 <note>Dropdown option label for Lightning wallet, Strike.</note> 1025 </trans-unit> 1026 <trans-unit id="Thanks!" xml:space="preserve"> 1027 <source>Thanks!</source> 1028 <target>Danke!</target> 1029 1030 <note>Button to close out of alert that informs that the action to block a user was successful.</note> 1031 </trans-unit> 1032 <trans-unit id="They are impersonating someone" xml:space="preserve"> 1033 <source>They are impersonating someone</source> 1034 <target>Sie gibt sich für jemand anderen aus</target> 1035 1036 <note>Button for user to report that the account is impersonating someone.</note> 1037 </trans-unit> 1038 <trans-unit id="This is a public key, you will not be able to make posts or interact in any way. This is used for viewing accounts from their perspective." xml:space="preserve"> 1039 <source>This is a public key, you will not be able to make posts or interact in any way. This is used for viewing accounts from their perspective.</source> 1040 <target>Dies ist ein öffentlicher Schlüssel, mit dem Sie keine Beiträge verfassen oder in irgendeiner Weise interagieren können. Er wird verwendet, um Konten aus deren Perspektive zu betrachten.</target> 1041 1042 <note>Warning that the inputted account key is a public key and the result of what happens because of it.</note> 1043 </trans-unit> 1044 <trans-unit id="This is an old-style nostr key. We're not sure if it's a pubkey or private key. Please toggle the button below if this a public key." xml:space="preserve"> 1045 <source>This is an old-style nostr key. We're not sure if it's a pubkey or private key. Please toggle the button below if this a public key.</source> 1046 <target>Dies ist ein Nostr-Schlüssel im alten Format. Es ist nicht eindeutig, ob es ein öffentlicher oder privater Schlüssel ist. Bitte aktiviere die Schaltfläche unten, wenn es ein öffentlicher Schlüssel ist.</target> 1047 1048 <note>Warning that the inputted account key for login is an old-style and asking user to verify if it is a public key.</note> 1049 </trans-unit> 1050 <trans-unit id="This is your account ID, you can give this to your friends so that they can follow you. Click to copy." xml:space="preserve"> 1051 <source>This is your account ID, you can give this to your friends so that they can follow you. Click to copy.</source> 1052 <target>Dies ist deine Konto-ID, die du an deine Freunde weitergeben kannst, damit sie dir folgen können. Zum Kopieren anklicken.</target> 1053 1054 <note>Label to describe that a public key is the user's account ID and what they can do with it.</note> 1055 </trans-unit> 1056 <trans-unit id="This is your secret account key. You need this to access your account. Don't share this with anyone! Save it in a password manager and keep it safe!" xml:space="preserve"> 1057 <source>This is your secret account key. You need this to access your account. Don't share this with anyone! Save it in a password manager and keep it safe!</source> 1058 <target>Dies ist dein geheimer, privater Schlüssel. Du benötigst ihn, um auf dein Konto zuzugreifen. Gib den privaten Schlüssel an niemanden weiter! Speichere ihn in einem Passwort-Manager und bewahre ihn sicher auf!</target> 1059 1060 <note>Label to describe that a private key is the user's secret account key and what they should do with it.</note> 1061 </trans-unit> 1062 <trans-unit id="Thread" xml:space="preserve"> 1063 <source>Thread</source> 1064 <target>Thema</target> 1065 1066 <note>Navigation bar title for note thread. 1067 Navigation bar title for threaded event detail view.</note> 1068 </trans-unit> 1069 <trans-unit id="Translate Note" xml:space="preserve"> 1070 <source>Translate Note</source> 1071 <target>Note übersetzen</target> 1072 1073 <note>Button to translate note from different language.</note> 1074 </trans-unit> 1075 <trans-unit id="Translated from (languageName!)" xml:space="preserve"> 1076 <source>Translated from (languageName!)</source> 1077 <target>Übersetzt aus (languageName!)</target> 1078 1079 <note>Button to indicate that the note has been translated from a different language.</note> 1080 </trans-unit> 1081 <trans-unit id="Type your post here..." xml:space="preserve"> 1082 <source>Type your post here...</source> 1083 <target>Schreibe deinen Beitrag hier...</target> 1084 1085 <note>Text box prompt to ask user to type their post.</note> 1086 </trans-unit> 1087 <trans-unit id="URL" xml:space="preserve"> 1088 <source>URL</source> 1089 <target>URL</target> 1090 1091 <note>Example URL to LibreTranslate server</note> 1092 </trans-unit> 1093 <trans-unit id="Unfollow" xml:space="preserve"> 1094 <source>Unfollow</source> 1095 <target>Entfolgen</target> 1096 1097 <note>Button to unfollow a user.</note> 1098 </trans-unit> 1099 <trans-unit id="Unfollowing" xml:space="preserve"> 1100 <source>Unfollowing</source> 1101 <target>Entfolgen...</target> 1102 1103 <note>Text to indicate that the button next to it is in a state that indicates that it is in the process of unfollowing a profile.</note> 1104 </trans-unit> 1105 <trans-unit id="Unfollowing..." xml:space="preserve"> 1106 <source>Unfollowing...</source> 1107 <target>Entfolgen...</target> 1108 1109 <note>Label to indicate that the user is in the process of unfollowing another user.</note> 1110 </trans-unit> 1111 <trans-unit id="Unfollows" xml:space="preserve"> 1112 <source>Unfollows</source> 1113 <target>Entfolgen</target> 1114 1115 <note>Text to indicate that the button next to it is in a state that will unfollow a profile when tapped.</note> 1116 </trans-unit> 1117 <trans-unit id="User blocked" xml:space="preserve"> 1118 <source>User blocked</source> 1119 <target>Benutzer blockiert</target> 1120 1121 <note>Alert message to indicate</note> 1122 </trans-unit> 1123 <trans-unit id="User has been blocked" xml:space="preserve"> 1124 <source>User has been blocked</source> 1125 <target>Der Benutzer wurde blockiert</target> 1126 1127 <note>Alert message that informs a user was blocked.</note> 1128 </trans-unit> 1129 <trans-unit id="Username" xml:space="preserve"> 1130 <source>Username</source> 1131 <target>Benutzername</target> 1132 1133 <note>Label for Username section of user profile form. 1134 Label to prompt username entry.</note> 1135 </trans-unit> 1136 <trans-unit id="Wallet" xml:space="preserve"> 1137 <source>Wallet</source> 1138 <target>Wallet</target> 1139 1140 <note>Sidebar menu label for Wallet view.</note> 1141 </trans-unit> 1142 <trans-unit id="Wallet Selector" xml:space="preserve"> 1143 <source>Wallet Selector</source> 1144 <target>Wallet-Auswahl</target> 1145 1146 <note>Section title for selection of wallet.</note> 1147 </trans-unit> 1148 <trans-unit id="Wallet of Satoshi" xml:space="preserve"> 1149 <source>Wallet of Satoshi</source> 1150 <target>Wallet of Satoshi</target> 1151 1152 <note>Dropdown option label for Lightning wallet, Wallet of Satoshi.</note> 1153 </trans-unit> 1154 <trans-unit id="Website" xml:space="preserve"> 1155 <source>Website</source> 1156 <target>Website</target> 1157 1158 <note>Label for Website section of user profile form.</note> 1159 </trans-unit> 1160 <trans-unit id="Welcome to the social network %@ control." xml:space="preserve"> 1161 <source>Welcome to the social network %@ control.</source> 1162 <target>Willkommen in dem sozialen Netzwerk das %@ kontrollierst.</target> 1163 1164 <note>Welcoming message to the reader. The variable is 'you', the reader.</note> 1165 </trans-unit> 1166 <trans-unit id="Welcome, %@!" xml:space="preserve"> 1167 <source>Welcome, %@!</source> 1168 <target>Willkommen, %@!</target> 1169 1170 <note>Text to welcome user.</note> 1171 </trans-unit> 1172 <trans-unit id="What do you want to report?" xml:space="preserve"> 1173 <source>What do you want to report?</source> 1174 <target>Was möchtest du melden?</target> 1175 1176 <note>Header text to prompt user what issue they want to report.</note> 1177 </trans-unit> 1178 <trans-unit id="Yes, Overwrite" xml:space="preserve"> 1179 <source>Yes, Overwrite</source> 1180 <target>Ja, überschreiben</target> 1181 1182 <note>Text of button that confirms to overwrite the existing mutelist.</note> 1183 </trans-unit> 1184 <trans-unit id="Your Name" xml:space="preserve"> 1185 <source>Your Name</source> 1186 <target>Dein Name</target> 1187 1188 <note>Label for Your Name section of user profile form.</note> 1189 </trans-unit> 1190 <trans-unit id="Your report will be sent to the relays you are connected to" xml:space="preserve"> 1191 <source>Your report will be sent to the relays you are connected to</source> 1192 <target>Die Meldung wird an Relays versendet, mit denen du verbunden bist</target> 1193 1194 <note>Footer text to inform user what will happen when the report is submitted.</note> 1195 </trans-unit> 1196 <trans-unit id="Zebedee" xml:space="preserve"> 1197 <source>Zebedee</source> 1198 <target>Zebedee</target> 1199 1200 <note>Dropdown option label for Lightning wallet, Zebedee.</note> 1201 </trans-unit> 1202 <trans-unit id="Zeus LN" xml:space="preserve"> 1203 <source>Zeus LN</source> 1204 <target>Zeus LN</target> 1205 1206 <note>Dropdown option label for Lightning wallet, Zeus LN.</note> 1207 </trans-unit> 1208 <trans-unit id="collapsed_event_view_other_notes" translate="no" xml:space="preserve"> 1209 <source>collapsed_event_view_other_notes</source> 1210 <target>collapsed_event_view_other_notes</target> 1211 1212 <note>Text to indicate that the thread was collapsed and that there are other notes to view if tapped. (Key in .stringsdict)</note> 1213 </trans-unit> 1214 <trans-unit id="followers_count" translate="no" xml:space="preserve"> 1215 <source>followers_count</source> 1216 <target>followers_count</target> 1217 1218 <note>Part of a larger sentence to describe how many people are following a user. (Key in .stringsdict)</note> 1219 </trans-unit> 1220 <trans-unit id="" xml:space="preserve"> 1221 <source></source> 1222 <target></target> 1223 1224 <note>Placeholder example text for profile picture URL.</note> 1225 </trans-unit> 1226 <trans-unit id="" xml:space="preserve"> 1227 <source></source> 1228 <target></target> 1229 1230 <note>Placeholder example text for website URL for user profile.</note> 1231 </trans-unit> 1232 <trans-unit id="" xml:space="preserve"> 1233 <source></source> 1234 <target></target> 1235 1236 <note>Placeholder example text for identifier used for NIP-05 verification.</note> 1237 </trans-unit> 1238 <trans-unit id="none" xml:space="preserve"> 1239 <source>none</source> 1240 <target>keine</target> 1241 1242 <note>No search results.</note> 1243 </trans-unit> 1244 <trans-unit id="now" xml:space="preserve"> 1245 <source>now</source> 1246 <target>jetzt</target> 1247 1248 <note>String indicating that a given timestamp just occurred</note> 1249 </trans-unit> 1250 <trans-unit id="nsec1..." xml:space="preserve"> 1251 <source>nsec1...</source> 1252 <target>nsec1...</target> 1253 1254 <note>Prompt for user to enter in an account key to login. This text shows the characters the key could start with if it was a private key.</note> 1255 </trans-unit> 1256 <trans-unit id="optional" xml:space="preserve"> 1257 <source>optional</source> 1258 <target>optional</target> 1259 1260 <note>Label indicating that a form input is optional.</note> 1261 </trans-unit> 1262 <trans-unit id="reactions_count" translate="no" xml:space="preserve"> 1263 <source>reactions_count</source> 1264 <target>reactions_count</target> 1265 1266 <note>Part of a larger sentence to describe how many reactions there are on a post. (Key in .stringsdict)</note> 1267 </trans-unit> 1268 <trans-unit id="relays_count" translate="no" xml:space="preserve"> 1269 <source>relays_count</source> 1270 <target>relays_count</target> 1271 1272 <note>Part of a larger sentence to describe how many relay servers a user is connected. (Key in .stringsdict)</note> 1273 </trans-unit> 1274 <trans-unit id="replying_to_one_and_others" translate="no" xml:space="preserve"> 1275 <source>replying_to_one_and_others</source> 1276 <target>replying_to_one_and_others</target> 1277 1278 <note>Label to indicate that the user is replying to 1 user and others. (Key in .stringsdict)</note> 1279 </trans-unit> 1280 <trans-unit id="replying_to_two_and_others" translate="no" xml:space="preserve"> 1281 <source>replying_to_two_and_others</source> 1282 <target>replying_to_two_and_others</target> 1283 1284 <note>Label to indicate that the user is replying to 2 users and others. (Key in .stringsdict)</note> 1285 </trans-unit> 1286 <trans-unit id="reposts_count" translate="no" xml:space="preserve"> 1287 <source>reposts_count</source> 1288 <target>reposts_count</target> 1289 1290 <note>Part of a larger sentence to describe how many reposts there are. (Key in .stringsdict)</note> 1291 </trans-unit> 1292 <trans-unit id="satoshi" xml:space="preserve"> 1293 <source>satoshi</source> 1294 <target>satoshi</target> 1295 1296 <note>Example username of Bitcoin creator(s), Satoshi Nakamoto.</note> 1297 </trans-unit> 1298 <trans-unit id="sats_count" translate="no" xml:space="preserve"> 1299 <source>sats_count</source> 1300 <target>sats_count</target> 1301 1302 <note>Amount of sats. (Key in .stringsdict)</note> 1303 </trans-unit> 1304 <trans-unit id="tips_count" translate="no" xml:space="preserve"> 1305 <source>tips_count</source> 1306 <target>tips_count</target> 1307 1308 <note>Part of a larger sentence to describe how many tip payments there are on a post. (Key in .stringsdict)</note> 1309 </trans-unit> 1310 <trans-unit id="u{00A0}" xml:space="preserve"> 1311 <source>u{00A0}</source> 1312 <target>u{00A0}</target> 1313 1314 <note>Non-breaking space character to fill in blank space next to event action button icons.</note> 1315 </trans-unit> 1316 <trans-unit id="wss://" xml:space="preserve"> 1317 <source>wss://</source> 1318 <target>wss://</target> 1319 1320 <note>Placeholder example for relay server address.</note> 1321 </trans-unit> 1322 <trans-unit id="you" xml:space="preserve"> 1323 <source>you</source> 1324 <target>Du</target> 1325 1326 <note>You, in this context, is the person who controls their own social network. You is used in the context of a larger sentence that welcomes the reader to the social network that they control themself.</note> 1327 </trans-unit> 1328 </body> 1329 </file> 1330 <file original="damus/en-US.lproj/Localizable.stringsdict" source-language="en-US" target-language="de-AT" datatype="plaintext"> 1331 <header> 1332 <tool tool-id="" tool-name="Xcode" tool-version="14.2" build-num="14C18"/> 1333 </header> 1334 <body> 1335 <trans-unit id="/collapsed_event_view_other_notes:dict/NOTES:dict/one:dict/:string" xml:space="preserve"> 1336 <source>%d other note</source> 1337 <target>1%d andere Notiz</target> 1338 1339 <note>Text to indicate that the thread was collapsed and that there are other notes to view if tapped.</note> 1340 </trans-unit> 1341 <trans-unit id="/collapsed_event_view_other_notes:dict/NOTES:dict/other:dict/:string" xml:space="preserve"> 1342 <source>%d other notes</source> 1343 <target>1%d andere Notizen</target> 1344 1345 <note>Text to indicate that the thread was collapsed and that there are other notes to view if tapped.</note> 1346 </trans-unit> 1347 <trans-unit id="/collapsed_event_view_other_notes:dict/NSStringLocalizedFormatKey:dict/:string" xml:space="preserve"> 1348 <source>··· %#@NOTES@ ···</source> 1349 <target>··· %#@NOTES@ ···</target> 1350 1351 <note>Text to indicate that the thread was collapsed and that there are other notes to view if tapped.</note> 1352 </trans-unit> 1353 <trans-unit id="/followers_count:dict/FOLLOWERS:dict/one:dict/:string" xml:space="preserve"> 1354 <source>Follower</source> 1355 <target>Gefolgte:r</target> 1356 1357 <note>Part of a larger sentence to describe how many people are following a user.</note> 1358 </trans-unit> 1359 <trans-unit id="/followers_count:dict/FOLLOWERS:dict/other:dict/:string" xml:space="preserve"> 1360 <source>Followers</source> 1361 <target>Gefolgte</target> 1362 1363 <note>Part of a larger sentence to describe how many people are following a user.</note> 1364 </trans-unit> 1365 <trans-unit id="/followers_count:dict/NSStringLocalizedFormatKey:dict/:string" xml:space="preserve"> 1366 <source>%#@FOLLOWERS@</source> 1367 <target>%#@FOLLOWERS@</target> 1368 1369 <note>Part of a larger sentence to describe how many people are following a user.</note> 1370 </trans-unit> 1371 <trans-unit id="/reactions_count:dict/NSStringLocalizedFormatKey:dict/:string" xml:space="preserve"> 1372 <source>%#@REACTIONS@</source> 1373 <target>%#@REACTIONS@</target> 1374 1375 <note>Part of a larger sentence to describe how many reactions there are on a post.</note> 1376 </trans-unit> 1377 <trans-unit id="/reactions_count:dict/REACTIONS:dict/one:dict/:string" xml:space="preserve"> 1378 <source>Reaction</source> 1379 <target>Reaktion</target> 1380 1381 <note>Part of a larger sentence to describe how many reactions there are on a post.</note> 1382 </trans-unit> 1383 <trans-unit id="/reactions_count:dict/REACTIONS:dict/other:dict/:string" xml:space="preserve"> 1384 <source>Reactions</source> 1385 <target>Reaktionen</target> 1386 1387 <note>Part of a larger sentence to describe how many reactions there are on a post.</note> 1388 </trans-unit> 1389 <trans-unit id="/relays_count:dict/NSStringLocalizedFormatKey:dict/:string" xml:space="preserve"> 1390 <source>%#@RELAYS@</source> 1391 <target>%#@RELAYS@</target> 1392 1393 <note>Part of a larger sentence to describe how many relay servers a user is connected.</note> 1394 </trans-unit> 1395 <trans-unit id="/relays_count:dict/RELAYS:dict/one:dict/:string" xml:space="preserve"> 1396 <source>Relay</source> 1397 <target>Relay</target> 1398 1399 <note>Part of a larger sentence to describe how many relay servers a user is connected.</note> 1400 </trans-unit> 1401 <trans-unit id="/relays_count:dict/RELAYS:dict/other:dict/:string" xml:space="preserve"> 1402 <source>Relays</source> 1403 <target>Relays</target> 1404 1405 <note>Part of a larger sentence to describe how many relay servers a user is connected.</note> 1406 </trans-unit> 1407 <trans-unit id="/replying_to_one_and_others:dict/NSStringLocalizedFormatKey:dict/:string" xml:space="preserve"> 1408 <source>Replying to %@%#@OTHERS@</source> 1409 <target>Antwort an %@%#@OTHERS@</target> 1410 1411 <note>Label to indicate that the user is replying to 1 user and others.</note> 1412 </trans-unit> 1413 <trans-unit id="/replying_to_one_and_others:dict/OTHERS:dict/one:dict/:string" xml:space="preserve"> 1414 <source> & %d other</source> 1415 <target>& 1%d andere</target> 1416 1417 <note>Label to indicate that the user is replying to 1 user and others.</note> 1418 </trans-unit> 1419 <trans-unit id="/replying_to_one_and_others:dict/OTHERS:dict/other:dict/:string" xml:space="preserve"> 1420 <source> & %d others</source> 1421 <target>& %d andere</target> 1422 1423 <note>Label to indicate that the user is replying to 1 user and others.</note> 1424 </trans-unit> 1425 <trans-unit id="/replying_to_one_and_others:dict/OTHERS:dict/zero:dict/:string" xml:space="preserve"> 1426 <source/> 1427 <note>Label to indicate that the user is replying to 1 user and others.</note> 1428 </trans-unit> 1429 <trans-unit id="/replying_to_two_and_others:dict/NSStringLocalizedFormatKey:dict/:string" xml:space="preserve"> 1430 <source>Replying to %@, %@%#@OTHERS@</source> 1431 <target>Antwort an %@, %@%#@OTHERS@</target> 1432 1433 <note>Label to indicate that the user is replying to 2 users and others.</note> 1434 </trans-unit> 1435 <trans-unit id="/replying_to_two_and_others:dict/OTHERS:dict/one:dict/:string" xml:space="preserve"> 1436 <source> & %d other</source> 1437 <target>& %d andere</target> 1438 1439 <note>Label to indicate that the user is replying to 2 users and others.</note> 1440 </trans-unit> 1441 <trans-unit id="/replying_to_two_and_others:dict/OTHERS:dict/other:dict/:string" xml:space="preserve"> 1442 <source> & %d others</source> 1443 <target>& %d andere</target> 1444 1445 <note>Label to indicate that the user is replying to 2 users and others.</note> 1446 </trans-unit> 1447 <trans-unit id="/replying_to_two_and_others:dict/OTHERS:dict/zero:dict/:string" xml:space="preserve"> 1448 <source/> 1449 <note>Label to indicate that the user is replying to 2 users and others.</note> 1450 </trans-unit> 1451 <trans-unit id="/reposts_count:dict/NSStringLocalizedFormatKey:dict/:string" xml:space="preserve"> 1452 <source>%#@REPOSTS@</source> 1453 <target>%#@REPOSTS@</target> 1454 1455 <note>Part of a larger sentence to describe how many reposts there are.</note> 1456 </trans-unit> 1457 <trans-unit id="/reposts_count:dict/REPOSTS:dict/one:dict/:string" xml:space="preserve"> 1458 <source>Repost</source> 1459 <target>geteilter Beitrag</target> 1460 1461 <note>Part of a larger sentence to describe how many reposts there are.</note> 1462 </trans-unit> 1463 <trans-unit id="/reposts_count:dict/REPOSTS:dict/other:dict/:string" xml:space="preserve"> 1464 <source>Reposts</source> 1465 <target>geteilte Beiträge</target> 1466 1467 <note>Part of a larger sentence to describe how many reposts there are.</note> 1468 </trans-unit> 1469 <trans-unit id="/sats_count:dict/NSStringLocalizedFormatKey:dict/:string" xml:space="preserve"> 1470 <source>%1$#@SATS@</source> 1471 <target>%1$#@SATS@</target> 1472 1473 <note>Amount of sats.</note> 1474 </trans-unit> 1475 <trans-unit id="/sats_count:dict/SATS:dict/one:dict/:string" xml:space="preserve"> 1476 <source>%2$@ sat</source> 1477 <target>%2$@ sat</target> 1478 1479 <note>Amount of sats.</note> 1480 </trans-unit> 1481 <trans-unit id="/sats_count:dict/SATS:dict/other:dict/:string" xml:space="preserve"> 1482 <source>%2$@ sats</source> 1483 <target>%2$@ sats</target> 1484 1485 <note>Amount of sats.</note> 1486 </trans-unit> 1487 <trans-unit id="/tips_count:dict/NSStringLocalizedFormatKey:dict/:string" xml:space="preserve"> 1488 <source>%#@TIPS@</source> 1489 <target>%#@TIPS@</target> 1490 1491 <note>Part of a larger sentence to describe how many tip payments there are on a post.</note> 1492 </trans-unit> 1493 <trans-unit id="/tips_count:dict/TIPS:dict/one:dict/:string" xml:space="preserve"> 1494 <source>Tip</source> 1495 <target>Trinkgeld</target> 1496 1497 <note>Part of a larger sentence to describe how many tip payments there are on a post.</note> 1498 </trans-unit> 1499 <trans-unit id="/tips_count:dict/TIPS:dict/other:dict/:string" xml:space="preserve"> 1500 <source>Tips</source> 1501 <target>Trinkgelder</target> 1502 1503 <note>Part of a larger sentence to describe how many tip payments there are on a post.</note> 1504 </trans-unit> 1505 </body> 1506 </file> 1507 </xliff>