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flatcc_json_parser.h (36496B)

      1 #ifndef FLATCC_JSON_PARSE_H
      2 #define FLATCC_JSON_PARSE_H
      4 #ifdef __cplusplus
      5 extern "C" {
      6 #endif
      8 /*
      9  * JSON RFC:
     10  * http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc4627.txt?number=4627
     11  *
     12  * With several flatbuffers specific extensions.
     13  */
     15 #include <stdlib.h>
     16 #include <string.h>
     18 #include "flatcc_rtconfig.h"
     19 #include "flatcc_builder.h"
     20 #include "flatcc_unaligned.h"
     23 #include "portable/pdiagnostic_push.h"
     25 typedef uint32_t flatcc_json_parser_flags_t;
     26 static const flatcc_json_parser_flags_t flatcc_json_parser_f_skip_unknown = 1;
     27 static const flatcc_json_parser_flags_t flatcc_json_parser_f_force_add = 2;
     28 static const flatcc_json_parser_flags_t flatcc_json_parser_f_with_size = 4;
     29 static const flatcc_json_parser_flags_t flatcc_json_parser_f_skip_array_overflow = 8;
     30 static const flatcc_json_parser_flags_t flatcc_json_parser_f_reject_array_underflow = 16;
     32 #define FLATCC_JSON_PARSE_ERROR_MAP(XX)                                     \
     33     XX(ok,                      "ok")                                       \
     34     XX(eof,                     "eof")                                      \
     35     XX(deep_nesting,            "deep nesting")                             \
     36     XX(trailing_comma,          "trailing comma")                           \
     37     XX(expected_colon,          "expected colon")                           \
     38     XX(unexpected_character,    "unexpected character")                     \
     39     XX(invalid_numeric,         "invalid numeric")                          \
     40     XX(overflow,                "overflow")                                 \
     41     XX(underflow,               "underflow")                                \
     42     XX(unbalanced_array,        "unbalanced array")                         \
     43     XX(unbalanced_object,       "unbalanced object")                        \
     44     XX(precision_loss,          "precision loss")                           \
     45     XX(float_unexpected,        "float unexpected")                         \
     46     XX(unknown_symbol,          "unknown symbol")                           \
     47     XX(unquoted_symbolic_list,  "unquoted list of symbols")                 \
     48     XX(unknown_union,           "unknown union type")                       \
     49     XX(expected_string,         "expected string")                          \
     50     XX(invalid_character,       "invalid character")                        \
     51     XX(invalid_escape,          "invalid escape")                           \
     52     XX(invalid_type,            "invalid type")                             \
     53     XX(unterminated_string,     "unterminated string")                      \
     54     XX(expected_object,         "expected object")                          \
     55     XX(expected_array,          "expected array")                           \
     56     XX(expected_scalar,         "expected literal or symbolic scalar")      \
     57     XX(expected_union_type,     "expected union type")                      \
     58     XX(union_none_present,      "union present with type NONE")             \
     59     XX(union_none_not_null,     "union of type NONE is not null")           \
     60     XX(union_incomplete,        "table has incomplete union")               \
     61     XX(duplicate,               "table has duplicate field")                \
     62     XX(required,                "required field missing")                   \
     63     XX(union_vector_length,     "union vector length mismatch")             \
     64     XX(base64,                  "invalid base64 content")                   \
     65     XX(base64url,               "invalid base64url content")                \
     66     XX(array_underflow,         "fixed length array underflow")               \
     67     XX(array_overflow,          "fixed length array overflow")                \
     68     XX(runtime,                 "runtime error")                            \
     69     XX(not_supported,           "not supported")
     71 enum flatcc_json_parser_error_no {
     72 #define XX(no, str) flatcc_json_parser_error_##no,
     74 #undef XX
     75 };
     77 const char *flatcc_json_parser_error_string(int err);
     79 #define flatcc_json_parser_ok flatcc_json_parser_error_ok
     80 #define flatcc_json_parser_eof flatcc_json_parser_error_eof
     82 /*
     83  * The struct may be zero initialized in which case the line count will
     84  * start at line zero, or the line may be set to 1 initially. The ctx
     85  * is only used for error reporting and tracking non-standard unquoted
     86  * ctx.
     87  *
     88  * `ctx` may for example hold a flatcc_builder_t pointer.
     89  */
     90 typedef struct flatcc_json_parser_ctx flatcc_json_parser_t;
     91 struct flatcc_json_parser_ctx {
     92     flatcc_builder_t *ctx;
     93     const char *line_start;
     94     flatcc_json_parser_flags_t flags;
     96     int unquoted;
     97 #endif
     99     int line, pos;
    100     int error;
    101     const char *start;
    102     const char *end;
    103     const char *error_loc;
    104     /* Set at end of successful parse. */
    105     const char *end_loc;
    106 };
    108 static inline int flatcc_json_parser_get_error(flatcc_json_parser_t *ctx)
    109 {
    110     return ctx->error;
    111 }
    113 static inline void flatcc_json_parser_init(flatcc_json_parser_t *ctx, flatcc_builder_t *B, const char *buf, const char *end, flatcc_json_parser_flags_t flags)
    114 {
    115     memset(ctx, 0, sizeof(*ctx));
    116     ctx->ctx = B;
    117     ctx->line_start = buf;
    118     ctx->line = 1;
    119     ctx->flags = flags;
    120     /* These are not needed for parsing, but may be helpful in reporting etc. */
    121     ctx->start = buf;
    122     ctx->end = end;
    123     ctx->error_loc = buf;
    124 }
    126 const char *flatcc_json_parser_set_error(flatcc_json_parser_t *ctx, const char *loc, const char *end, int reason);
    128 /*
    129  * Wide space is not necessarily beneficial in the typical space, but it
    130  * also isn't expensive so it may be added when there are applications
    131  * that can benefit.
    132  */
    133 const char *flatcc_json_parser_space_ext(flatcc_json_parser_t *ctx, const char *buf, const char *end);
    135 static inline const char *flatcc_json_parser_space(flatcc_json_parser_t *ctx, const char *buf, const char *end)
    136 {
    137     if (end - buf > 1) {
    138         if (buf[0] > 0x20) {
    139             return buf;
    140         }
    141         if (buf[0] == 0x20 && buf[1] > 0x20) {
    142             return buf + 1;
    143         }
    144     }
    145     return flatcc_json_parser_space_ext(ctx, buf, end);
    146 }
    149 static inline const char *flatcc_json_parser_string_start(flatcc_json_parser_t *ctx, const char *buf, const char *end)
    150 {
    151     if (buf == end || *buf != '\"') {
    152         return flatcc_json_parser_set_error(ctx, buf, end, flatcc_json_parser_error_expected_string);
    153     }
    154     return ++buf;
    155 }
    157 static inline const char *flatcc_json_parser_string_end(flatcc_json_parser_t *ctx, const char *buf, const char *end)
    158 {
    159     if (buf == end || *buf != '\"') {
    160         return flatcc_json_parser_set_error(ctx, buf, end, flatcc_json_parser_error_unterminated_string);
    161     }
    162     return ++buf;
    163 }
    165 /*
    166  * Parse a string as a fixed length char array as `s` with length `n`.
    167  * and raise errors according to overflow/underflow runtime flags. Zero
    168  * and truncate as needed. A trailing zero is not inserted if the input
    169  * is at least the same length as the char array.
    170  * 
    171  * Runtime flags: `skip_array_overflow`, `pad_array_underflow`.
    172  */
    173 const char *flatcc_json_parser_char_array(flatcc_json_parser_t *ctx,
    174         const char *buf, const char *end, char *s, size_t n);
    176 /*
    177  * Creates a string. Returns *ref == 0 on unrecoverable error or
    178  * sets *ref to a valid new string reference.
    179  */
    180 const char *flatcc_json_parser_build_string(flatcc_json_parser_t *ctx,
    181         const char *buf, const char *end, flatcc_builder_ref_t *ref);
    183 typedef char flatcc_json_parser_escape_buffer_t[5];
    184 /*
    185  * If the buffer does not hold a valid escape sequence, an error is
    186  * returned with code[0] = 0/
    187  *
    188  * Otherwise code[0] the length (1-4) of the remaining
    189  * characters in the code, transcoded from the escape sequence
    190  * where a length of 4 only happens with escapaped surrogate pairs.
    191  *
    192  * The JSON extension `\xXX` is supported and may produced invalid UTF-8
    193  * characters such as 0xff. The standard JSON escape `\uXXXX` is not
    194  * checked for invalid code points and may produce invalid UTF-8.
    195  *
    196  * Regular characters are expected to valid UTF-8 but they are not checked
    197  * and may therefore produce invalid UTF-8.
    198  *
    199  * Control characters within a string are rejected except in the
    200  * standard JSON escpaped form for `\n \r \t \b \f`.
    201  *
    202  * Additional escape codes as per standard JSON: `\\ \/ \"`.
    203  */
    204 const char *flatcc_json_parser_string_escape(flatcc_json_parser_t *ctx, const char *buf, const char *end, flatcc_json_parser_escape_buffer_t code);
    206 /*
    207  * Parses the longest unescaped run of string content followed by either
    208  * an escape encoding, string termination, or error.
    209  */
    210 const char *flatcc_json_parser_string_part(flatcc_json_parser_t *ctx, const char *buf, const char *end);
    212 static inline const char *flatcc_json_parser_symbol_start(flatcc_json_parser_t *ctx, const char *buf, const char *end)
    213 {
    214     if (buf == end) {
    215         return buf;
    216     }
    217     if (*buf == '\"') {
    218         ++buf;
    220         ctx->unquoted = 0;
    221 #endif
    222     } else {
    224         if (*buf == '.') {
    225             return flatcc_json_parser_set_error(ctx, buf, end, flatcc_json_parser_error_unexpected_character);
    226         }
    227         ctx->unquoted = 1;
    228 #else
    229         return flatcc_json_parser_set_error(ctx, buf, end, flatcc_json_parser_error_unexpected_character);
    230 #endif
    231     }
    232     return buf;
    233 }
    235 static inline uint64_t flatcc_json_parser_symbol_part_ext(const char *buf, const char *end)
    236 {
    237     uint64_t w = 0;
    238     size_t n = (size_t)(end - buf);
    239     const uint8_t *ubuf = (const uint8_t*)buf;
    241     if (n > 8) {
    242         n = 8;
    243     }
    244     /* This can bloat inlining for a rarely executed case. */
    245 #if 1
    246     switch (n) {
    247     case 8:
    248         w |= ((uint64_t)ubuf[7]) << (0 * 8);
    249         goto lbl_n_7;
    250     case 7:
    251 lbl_n_7:
    252         w |= ((uint64_t)ubuf[6]) << (1 * 8);
    253         goto lbl_n_6;
    254     case 6:
    255 lbl_n_6:
    256         w |= ((uint64_t)ubuf[5]) << (2 * 8);
    257         goto lbl_n_5;
    258     case 5:
    259 lbl_n_5:
    260         w |= ((uint64_t)ubuf[4]) << (3 * 8);
    261         goto lbl_n_4;
    262     case 4:
    263 lbl_n_4:
    264         w |= ((uint64_t)ubuf[3]) << (4 * 8);
    265         goto lbl_n_3;
    266     case 3:
    267 lbl_n_3:
    268         w |= ((uint64_t)ubuf[2]) << (5 * 8);
    269         goto lbl_n_2;
    270     case 2:
    271 lbl_n_2:
    272         w |= ((uint64_t)ubuf[1]) << (6 * 8);
    273         goto lbl_n_1;
    274     case 1:
    275 lbl_n_1:
    276         w |= ((uint64_t)ubuf[0]) << (7 * 8);
    277         break;
    278     case 0:
    279         break;
    280     }
    281 #else
    282     /* But this is hardly much of an improvement. */
    283     {
    284         size_t i;
    285         for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
    286             w <<= 8;
    287             if (i < n) {
    288                 w = buf[i];
    289             }
    290         }
    291     }
    292 #endif
    293     return w;
    294 }
    296 /*
    297  * Read out string as a big endian word. This allows for trie lookup,
    298  * also when trailing characters are beyond keyword. This assumes the
    299  * external words tested against are valid and therefore there need be
    300  * no checks here. If a match is not made, the symbol_end function will
    301  * consume and check any unmatched content - from _before_ this function
    302  * was called - i.e. the returned buffer is tentative for use only if we
    303  * accept the part returned here.
    304  *
    305  * Used for both symbols and symbolic constants.
    306  */
    307 static inline uint64_t flatcc_json_parser_symbol_part(const char *buf, const char *end)
    308 {
    309     size_t n = (size_t)(end - buf);
    312     if (n >= 8) {
    313         return be64toh(*(uint64_t *)buf);
    314     }
    315 #endif
    316     return flatcc_json_parser_symbol_part_ext(buf, end);
    317 }
    319 /* Don't allow space in dot notation neither inside nor outside strings. */
    320 static inline const char *flatcc_json_parser_match_scope(flatcc_json_parser_t *ctx, const char *buf, const char *end, int pos)
    321 {
    322     const char *mark = buf;
    324     (void)ctx;
    326     if (end - buf <= pos) {
    327         return mark;
    328     }
    329     if (buf[pos] != '.') {
    330         return mark;
    331     }
    332     return buf + pos + 1;
    333 }
    335 const char *flatcc_json_parser_match_constant(flatcc_json_parser_t *ctx, const char *buf, const char *end, int pos, int *more);
    337 /* We allow '.' in unquoted symbols, but not at the start or end. */
    338 static inline const char *flatcc_json_parser_symbol_end(flatcc_json_parser_t *ctx, const char *buf, const char *end)
    339 {
    340     char c, clast = 0;
    344     if (ctx->unquoted) {
    345         while (buf != end && *buf > 0x20) {
    346             clast = c = *buf;
    347             if (c == '_' || c == '.' || (c & 0x80) || (c >= '0' && c <= '9')) {
    348                 ++buf;
    349                 continue;
    350             }
    351             /* Lower case. */
    352             c |= 0x20;
    353             if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') {
    354                 ++buf;
    355                 continue;
    356             }
    357             break;
    358         }
    359         if (clast == '.') {
    360             return flatcc_json_parser_set_error(ctx, buf, end, flatcc_json_parser_error_unexpected_character);
    361         }
    362     } else {
    363 #else
    364     {
    365 #endif
    366         while (buf != end && *buf != '\"') {
    367             if (*buf == '\\') {
    368                 if (end - buf < 2) {
    369                     break;
    370                 }
    371                 ++buf;
    372             }
    373             ++buf;
    374         }
    375         if (buf == end || *buf != '\"') {
    376             return flatcc_json_parser_set_error(ctx, buf, end, flatcc_json_parser_error_unterminated_string);
    377         }
    378         ++buf;
    379     }
    380     return buf;
    381 }
    383 static inline const char *flatcc_json_parser_constant_start(flatcc_json_parser_t *ctx, const char *buf, const char *end)
    384 {
    385     buf = flatcc_json_parser_symbol_start(ctx, buf, end);
    387     if (!ctx->unquoted) {
    388 #else
    389     {
    390 #endif
    391         buf = flatcc_json_parser_space(ctx, buf, end);
    392     }
    393     return buf;
    394 }
    396 static inline const char *flatcc_json_parser_object_start(flatcc_json_parser_t *ctx, const char *buf, const char *end, int *more)
    397 {
    398     if (buf == end || *buf != '{') {
    399         *more = 0;
    400         return flatcc_json_parser_set_error(ctx, buf, end, flatcc_json_parser_error_expected_object);
    401     }
    402     buf = flatcc_json_parser_space(ctx, buf + 1, end);
    403     if (buf != end && *buf == '}') {
    404         *more = 0;
    405         return flatcc_json_parser_space(ctx, buf + 1, end);
    406     }
    407     *more = 1;
    408     return buf;
    409 }
    411 static inline const char *flatcc_json_parser_object_end(flatcc_json_parser_t *ctx, const char *buf,
    412         const char *end, int *more)
    413 {
    414     buf = flatcc_json_parser_space(ctx, buf, end);
    415     if (buf == end) {
    416         *more = 0;
    417         return buf;
    418     }
    419     if (*buf != ',') {
    420         *more = 0;
    421         if (*buf != '}') {
    422             return flatcc_json_parser_set_error(ctx, buf, end, flatcc_json_parser_error_unbalanced_object);
    423         } else {
    424             return flatcc_json_parser_space(ctx, buf + 1, end);
    425         }
    426     }
    427     buf = flatcc_json_parser_space(ctx, buf + 1, end);
    428     if (buf == end) {
    429         *more = 0;
    430         return flatcc_json_parser_set_error(ctx, buf, end, flatcc_json_parser_error_unbalanced_object);
    431     }
    433     if (*buf == '}') {
    434         *more = 0;
    435         return flatcc_json_parser_space(ctx, buf + 1, end);
    436     }
    437 #endif
    438     *more = 1;
    439     return buf;
    440 }
    442 static inline const char *flatcc_json_parser_array_start(flatcc_json_parser_t *ctx, const char *buf, const char *end, int *more)
    443 {
    444     if (buf == end || *buf != '[') {
    445         *more = 0;
    446         return flatcc_json_parser_set_error(ctx, buf, end, flatcc_json_parser_error_expected_array);
    447     }
    448     buf = flatcc_json_parser_space(ctx, buf + 1, end);
    449     if (buf != end && *buf == ']') {
    450         *more = 0;
    451         return flatcc_json_parser_space(ctx, buf + 1, end);
    452     }
    453     *more = 1;
    454     return buf;
    455 }
    457 static inline const char *flatcc_json_parser_array_end(flatcc_json_parser_t *ctx, const char *buf,
    458         const char *end, int *more)
    459 {
    460     buf = flatcc_json_parser_space(ctx, buf, end);
    461     if (buf == end) {
    462         *more = 0;
    463         return buf;
    464     }
    465     if (*buf != ',') {
    466         *more = 0;
    467         if (*buf != ']') {
    468             return flatcc_json_parser_set_error(ctx, buf, end, flatcc_json_parser_error_unbalanced_array);
    469         } else {
    470             return flatcc_json_parser_space(ctx, buf + 1, end);
    471         }
    472     }
    473     buf = flatcc_json_parser_space(ctx, buf + 1, end);
    474     if (buf == end) {
    475         *more = 0;
    476         return flatcc_json_parser_set_error(ctx, buf, end, flatcc_json_parser_error_unbalanced_array);
    477     }
    479     if (*buf == ']') {
    480         *more = 0;
    481         return flatcc_json_parser_space(ctx, buf + 1, end);
    482     }
    483 #endif
    484     *more = 1;
    485     return buf;
    486 }
    488 /*
    489  * Detects if a symbol terminates at a given `pos` relative to the
    490  * buffer pointer, or return fast.
    491  *
    492  * Failure to match is not an error but a recommendation to try
    493  * alternative longer suffixes - only if such do not exist will
    494  * there be an error. If a match was not eventually found,
    495  * the `flatcc_json_parser_unmatched_symbol` should be called to consume
    496  * the symbol and generate error messages.
    497  *
    498  * If a match was detected, ':' and surrounding space is consumed,
    499  * or an error is generated.
    500  */
    501 static inline const char *flatcc_json_parser_match_symbol(flatcc_json_parser_t *ctx, const char *buf,
    502         const char *end, int pos)
    503 {
    504     const char *mark = buf;
    506     if (end - buf <= pos) {
    507         return mark;
    508     }
    510     if (ctx->unquoted) {
    511         if (buf[pos] > 0x20 && buf[pos] != ':') {
    512             return mark;
    513         }
    514         buf += pos;
    515         ctx->unquoted = 0;
    516     } else {
    517 #else
    518     {
    519 #endif
    520         if (buf[pos] != '\"') {
    521             return mark;
    522         }
    523         buf += pos + 1;
    524     }
    525     buf = flatcc_json_parser_space(ctx, buf, end);
    526     if (buf != end && *buf == ':') {
    527         ++buf;
    528         return flatcc_json_parser_space(ctx, buf, end);
    529     }
    530     return flatcc_json_parser_set_error(ctx, buf, end, flatcc_json_parser_error_expected_colon);
    531 }
    533 static inline const char *flatcc_json_parser_match_type_suffix(flatcc_json_parser_t *ctx, const char *buf, const char *end, int pos)
    534 {
    535     if (end - buf <= pos + 5) {
    536         return buf;
    537     }
    538     if (memcmp(buf + pos, "_type", 5)) {
    539         return buf;
    540     }
    541     return flatcc_json_parser_match_symbol(ctx, buf, end, pos + 5);
    542 }
    544 const char *flatcc_json_parser_unmatched_symbol(flatcc_json_parser_t *ctx, const char *buf, const char *end);
    546 static inline const char *flatcc_json_parser_coerce_uint64(
    547         flatcc_json_parser_t *ctx, const char *buf,
    548         const char *end, int value_sign, uint64_t value, uint64_t *v)
    549 {
    550     if (value_sign) {
    551         return flatcc_json_parser_set_error(ctx, buf, end, flatcc_json_parser_error_underflow);
    552     }
    553     *v = value;
    554     return buf;
    555 }
    557 static inline const char *flatcc_json_parser_coerce_bool(flatcc_json_parser_t *ctx, const char *buf,
    558         const char *end, int value_sign, uint64_t value, uint8_t *v)
    559 {
    560     if (value_sign) {
    561         return flatcc_json_parser_set_error(ctx, buf, end, flatcc_json_parser_error_underflow);
    562     }
    563     *v = (uint8_t)!!value;
    564     return buf;
    565 }
    567 #define __flatcc_json_parser_define_coerce_unsigned(type, basetype, uctype) \
    568 static inline const char *flatcc_json_parser_coerce_ ## type(               \
    569         flatcc_json_parser_t *ctx, const char *buf,                         \
    570         const char *end, int value_sign, uint64_t value, basetype *v)       \
    571 {                                                                           \
    572     if (value_sign) {                                                       \
    573         return flatcc_json_parser_set_error(ctx, buf, end,                  \
    574                 flatcc_json_parser_error_underflow);                        \
    575     }                                                                       \
    576     if (value > uctype ## _MAX) {                                           \
    577         return flatcc_json_parser_set_error(ctx, buf, end,                  \
    578                 flatcc_json_parser_error_overflow);                         \
    579     }                                                                       \
    580     *v = (basetype)value;                                                   \
    581     return buf;                                                             \
    582 }
    584 __flatcc_json_parser_define_coerce_unsigned(uint32, uint32_t, UINT32)
    585 __flatcc_json_parser_define_coerce_unsigned(uint16, uint16_t, UINT16)
    586 __flatcc_json_parser_define_coerce_unsigned(uint8, uint8_t, UINT8)
    588 #define __flatcc_json_parser_define_coerce_signed(type, basetype, uctype)   \
    589 static inline const char *flatcc_json_parser_coerce_ ## type(               \
    590         flatcc_json_parser_t *ctx, const char *buf,                         \
    591         const char *end, int value_sign, uint64_t value, basetype *v)       \
    592 {                                                                           \
    593     if (value_sign) {                                                       \
    594         if (value > (uint64_t)(uctype ## _MAX) + 1) {                       \
    595             return flatcc_json_parser_set_error(ctx, buf, end,              \
    596                     flatcc_json_parser_error_underflow);                    \
    597         }                                                                   \
    598         *v = (basetype)-(int64_t)value;                                     \
    599     } else {                                                                \
    600         if (value > uctype ## _MAX) {                                       \
    601             return flatcc_json_parser_set_error(ctx, buf, end,              \
    602                     flatcc_json_parser_error_overflow);                     \
    603         }                                                                   \
    604         *v = (basetype)value;                                               \
    605     }                                                                       \
    606     return buf;                                                             \
    607 }
    609 __flatcc_json_parser_define_coerce_signed(int64, int64_t, INT64)
    610 __flatcc_json_parser_define_coerce_signed(int32, int32_t, INT32)
    611 __flatcc_json_parser_define_coerce_signed(int16, int16_t, INT16)
    612 __flatcc_json_parser_define_coerce_signed(int8, int8_t, INT8)
    614 static inline const char *flatcc_json_parser_coerce_float(
    615         flatcc_json_parser_t *ctx, const char *buf,
    616         const char *end, int value_sign, uint64_t value, float *v)
    617 {
    618     (void)ctx;
    619     (void)end;
    621     *v = value_sign ? -(float)value : (float)value;
    622     return buf;
    623 }
    625 static inline const char *flatcc_json_parser_coerce_double(
    626         flatcc_json_parser_t *ctx, const char *buf,
    627         const char *end, int value_sign, uint64_t value, double *v)
    628 {
    629     (void)ctx;
    630     (void)end;
    632     *v = value_sign ? -(double)value : (double)value;
    633     return buf;
    634 }
    636 const char *flatcc_json_parser_double(flatcc_json_parser_t *ctx, const char *buf, const char *end, double *v);
    638 const char *flatcc_json_parser_float(flatcc_json_parser_t *ctx, const char *buf, const char *end, float *v);
    640 /*
    641  * If the buffer does not contain a valid start character for a numeric
    642  * value, the function will return the the input buffer without failure.
    643  * This makes is possible to try a symbolic parse.
    644  */
    645 const char *flatcc_json_parser_integer(flatcc_json_parser_t *ctx, const char *buf, const char *end,
    646         int *value_sign, uint64_t *value);
    648 /* Returns unchanged buffer without error if `null` is not matched. */
    649 static inline const char *flatcc_json_parser_null(const char *buf, const char *end)
    650 {
    651     if (end - buf >= 4 && memcmp(buf, "null", 4) == 0) {
    652         return buf + 4;
    653     }
    654     return buf;
    655 }
    657 static inline const char *flatcc_json_parser_none(flatcc_json_parser_t *ctx,
    658         const char *buf, const char *end)
    659 {
    660     if (end - buf >= 4 && memcmp(buf, "null", 4) == 0) {
    661         return buf + 4;
    662     }
    663     return flatcc_json_parser_set_error(ctx, buf, end,
    664             flatcc_json_parser_error_union_none_not_null);
    665 }
    667 /*
    668  * `parsers` is a null terminated array of parsers with at least one
    669  * valid parser. A numeric literal parser may also be included.
    670  */
    671 #define __flatcc_json_parser_define_integral_parser(type, basetype)         \
    672 static inline const char *flatcc_json_parser_ ## type(                      \
    673         flatcc_json_parser_t *ctx,                                          \
    674         const char *buf, const char *end, basetype *v)                      \
    675 {                                                                           \
    676     uint64_t value = 0;                                                     \
    677     int value_sign = 0;                                                     \
    678     const char *mark = buf;                                                 \
    679                                                                             \
    680     *v = 0;                                                                 \
    681     if (buf == end) {                                                       \
    682         return buf;                                                         \
    683     }                                                                       \
    684     buf = flatcc_json_parser_integer(ctx, buf, end, &value_sign, &value);   \
    685     if (buf != mark) {                                                      \
    686         return flatcc_json_parser_coerce_ ## type(ctx,                      \
    687                 buf, end, value_sign, value, v);                            \
    688     }                                                                       \
    689     return buf;                                                             \
    690 }
    692 __flatcc_json_parser_define_integral_parser(uint64, uint64_t)
    693 __flatcc_json_parser_define_integral_parser(uint32, uint32_t)
    694 __flatcc_json_parser_define_integral_parser(uint16, uint16_t)
    695 __flatcc_json_parser_define_integral_parser(uint8, uint8_t)
    696 __flatcc_json_parser_define_integral_parser(int64, int64_t)
    697 __flatcc_json_parser_define_integral_parser(int32, int32_t)
    698 __flatcc_json_parser_define_integral_parser(int16, int16_t)
    699 __flatcc_json_parser_define_integral_parser(int8, int8_t)
    701 static inline const char *flatcc_json_parser_bool(flatcc_json_parser_t *ctx, const char *buf, const char *end, uint8_t *v)
    702 {
    703     const char *k;
    704     uint8_t tmp;
    706     k = buf;
    707     if (end - buf >= 4 && memcmp(buf, "true", 4) == 0) {
    708         *v = 1;
    709         return k + 4;
    710     } else if (end - buf >= 5 && memcmp(buf, "false", 5) == 0) {
    711         *v = 0;
    712         return k + 5;
    713     }
    714     buf = flatcc_json_parser_uint8(ctx, buf, end, &tmp);
    715     *v = !!tmp;
    716     return buf;
    717 }
    719 /*
    720  * The `parsers` argument is a zero terminated array of parser
    721  * functions with increasingly general scopes.
    722  *
    723  * Symbols can be be or'ed together by listing multiple space separated
    724  * flags in source being parsed, like `{ x : "Red Blue" }`.
    725  * Intended for flags, but generally available.
    726  *
    727  * `aggregate` means there are more symbols to follow.
    728  *
    729  * This function does not return input `buf` value if match was
    730  * unsuccessful. It will either match or error.
    731  */
    732 typedef const char *flatcc_json_parser_integral_symbol_f(flatcc_json_parser_t *ctx,
    733         const char *buf, const char *end, int *value_sign, uint64_t *value, int *aggregate);
    735 /*
    736  * Raise an error if a syntax like `color: Red Green` is seen unless
    737  * explicitly permitted. `color: "Red Green"` or `"color": "Red Green"
    738  * or `color: Red` is permitted if unquoted is permitted but not
    739  * unquoted list. Googles flatc JSON parser does not allow multiple
    740  * symbolic values unless quoted, so this is the default.
    741  */
    743 #define __flatcc_json_parser_init_check_unquoted_list()
    744 #define __flatcc_json_parser_check_unquoted_list()
    745 #else
    746 #define __flatcc_json_parser_init_check_unquoted_list() int list_count = 0;
    747 #define __flatcc_json_parser_check_unquoted_list()                          \
    748     if (list_count++ && ctx->unquoted) {                                    \
    749         return flatcc_json_parser_set_error(ctx, buf, end,                  \
    750             flatcc_json_parser_error_unquoted_symbolic_list);               \
    751     }
    752 #endif
    754 #define __flatcc_json_parser_define_symbolic_integral_parser(type, basetype)\
    755 static const char *flatcc_json_parser_symbolic_ ## type(                    \
    756         flatcc_json_parser_t *ctx,                                          \
    757         const char *buf, const char *end,                                   \
    758         flatcc_json_parser_integral_symbol_f *parsers[],                    \
    759         basetype *v)                                                        \
    760 {                                                                           \
    761     flatcc_json_parser_integral_symbol_f **p;                               \
    762     const char *mark;                                                       \
    763     basetype tmp = 0;                                                       \
    764     uint64_t value;                                                         \
    765     int value_sign, aggregate;                                              \
    766     __flatcc_json_parser_init_check_unquoted_list()                         \
    767                                                                             \
    768     *v = 0;                                                                 \
    769     buf = flatcc_json_parser_constant_start(ctx, buf, end);                 \
    770     if (buf == end) {                                                       \
    771         return buf;                                                         \
    772     }                                                                       \
    773     do {                                                                    \
    774         p = parsers;                                                        \
    775         do {                                                                \
    776             /* call parser function */                                      \
    777             buf = (*p)(ctx, (mark = buf), end,                              \
    778                     &value_sign, &value, &aggregate);                       \
    779             if (buf == end) {                                               \
    780                 return buf;                                                 \
    781             }                                                               \
    782         } while (buf == mark && *++p);                                      \
    783         if (mark == buf) {                                                  \
    784             return flatcc_json_parser_set_error(ctx, buf, end,              \
    785                     flatcc_json_parser_error_expected_scalar);              \
    786         }                                                                   \
    787         __flatcc_json_parser_check_unquoted_list()                          \
    788         if (end == flatcc_json_parser_coerce_ ## type(ctx,                  \
    789                     buf, end, value_sign, value, &tmp)) {                   \
    790             return end;                                                     \
    791         }                                                                   \
    792         /*                                                                  \
    793          * `+=`, not `|=` because we also coerce to float and double,       \
    794          * and because we need to handle signed values. This may give       \
    795          * unexpected results with duplicate flags.                         \
    796          */                                                                 \
    797         *v += tmp;                                                          \
    798     } while (aggregate);                                                    \
    799     return buf;                                                             \
    800 }
    802 __flatcc_json_parser_define_symbolic_integral_parser(uint64, uint64_t)
    803 __flatcc_json_parser_define_symbolic_integral_parser(uint32, uint32_t)
    804 __flatcc_json_parser_define_symbolic_integral_parser(uint16, uint16_t)
    805 __flatcc_json_parser_define_symbolic_integral_parser(uint8, uint8_t)
    806 __flatcc_json_parser_define_symbolic_integral_parser(int64, int64_t)
    807 __flatcc_json_parser_define_symbolic_integral_parser(int32, int32_t)
    808 __flatcc_json_parser_define_symbolic_integral_parser(int16, int16_t)
    809 __flatcc_json_parser_define_symbolic_integral_parser(int8, int8_t)
    811 __flatcc_json_parser_define_symbolic_integral_parser(bool, uint8_t)
    813 /* We still parse integral values, but coerce to float or double. */
    814 __flatcc_json_parser_define_symbolic_integral_parser(float, float)
    815 __flatcc_json_parser_define_symbolic_integral_parser(double, double)
    817 /* Parse vector as a base64 or base64url encoded string with no spaces permitted. */
    818 const char *flatcc_json_parser_build_uint8_vector_base64(flatcc_json_parser_t *ctx,
    819         const char *buf, const char *end, flatcc_builder_ref_t *ref, int urlsafe);
    821 /*
    822  * This doesn't do anything other than validate and advance past
    823  * a JSON value which may use unquoted symbols.
    824  *
    825  * Upon call it is assumed that leading space has been stripped and that
    826  * a JSON value is expected (i.e. root, or just after ':' in a
    827  * container object, or less likely as an array member). Any trailing
    828  * comma is assumed to belong to the parent context. Returns a parse
    829  * location stripped from space so container should post call expect
    830  * ',', '}', or ']', or EOF if the JSON is valid.
    831  */
    832 const char *flatcc_json_parser_generic_json(flatcc_json_parser_t *ctx, const char *buf, const char *end);
    834 /* Parse a JSON table. */
    835 typedef const char *flatcc_json_parser_table_f(flatcc_json_parser_t *ctx,
    836         const char *buf, const char *end, flatcc_builder_ref_t *pref);
    838 /* Parses a JSON struct. */
    839 typedef const char *flatcc_json_parser_struct_f(flatcc_json_parser_t *ctx,
    840         const char *buf, const char *end, flatcc_builder_ref_t *pref);
    842 /* Constructs a table, struct, or string object unless the type is 0 or unknown. */
    843 typedef const char *flatcc_json_parser_union_f(flatcc_json_parser_t *ctx,
    844         const char *buf, const char *end, uint8_t type, flatcc_builder_ref_t *pref);
    846 typedef int flatcc_json_parser_is_known_type_f(uint8_t type);
    848 /* Called at start by table parsers with at least 1 union. */
    849 const char *flatcc_json_parser_prepare_unions(flatcc_json_parser_t *ctx,
    850         const char *buf, const char *end, size_t union_total, size_t *handle);
    852 const char *flatcc_json_parser_finalize_unions(flatcc_json_parser_t *ctx,
    853         const char *buf, const char *end, size_t handle);
    855 const char *flatcc_json_parser_union(flatcc_json_parser_t *ctx,
    856         const char *buf, const char *end, size_t union_index,
    857         flatbuffers_voffset_t id, size_t handle,
    858         flatcc_json_parser_union_f *union_parser);
    860 const char *flatcc_json_parser_union_type(flatcc_json_parser_t *ctx,
    861         const char *buf, const char *end, size_t union_index,
    862         flatbuffers_voffset_t id, size_t handle,
    863         flatcc_json_parser_integral_symbol_f *type_parsers[],
    864         flatcc_json_parser_union_f *union_parser);
    866 const char *flatcc_json_parser_union_vector(flatcc_json_parser_t *ctx,
    867         const char *buf, const char *end, size_t union_index,
    868         flatbuffers_voffset_t id, size_t handle,
    869         flatcc_json_parser_union_f *union_parser);
    871 const char *flatcc_json_parser_union_type_vector(flatcc_json_parser_t *ctx,
    872         const char *buf, const char *end, size_t union_index,
    873         flatbuffers_voffset_t id, size_t handle,
    874         flatcc_json_parser_integral_symbol_f *type_parsers[],
    875         flatcc_json_parser_union_f *union_parser,
    876         flatcc_json_parser_is_known_type_f accept_type);
    878 /*
    879  * Parses a table as root.
    880  *
    881  * Use the flag `flatcc_json_parser_f_with_size` to create a buffer with
    882  * size prefix.
    883  *
    884  * `ctx` may be null or an uninitialized json parser to receive parse results.
    885  * `builder` must a newly initialized or reset builder object.
    886  * `buf`, `bufsiz` may be larger than the parsed json if trailing
    887  * space or zeroes are expected, but they must represent a valid memory buffer.
    888  * `fid` must be null, or a valid file identifier.
    889  * `flags` default to 0. See also `flatcc_json_parser_f_` constants.
    890  */
    891 int flatcc_json_parser_table_as_root(flatcc_builder_t *B, flatcc_json_parser_t *ctx,
    892         const char *buf, size_t bufsiz, flatcc_json_parser_flags_t flags, const char *fid,
    893         flatcc_json_parser_table_f *parser);
    895 /*
    896  * Similar to `flatcc_json_parser_table_as_root` but parses a struct as
    897  * root.
    898  */
    899 int flatcc_json_parser_struct_as_root(flatcc_builder_t *B, flatcc_json_parser_t *ctx,
    900         const char *buf, size_t bufsiz, flatcc_json_parser_flags_t flags, const char *fid,
    901         flatcc_json_parser_struct_f *parser);
    903 #include "portable/pdiagnostic_pop.h"
    905 #ifdef __cplusplus
    906 }
    907 #endif
    909 #endif /* FLATCC_JSON_PARSE_H */