
nostr ios client
git clone git://jb55.com/damus
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      1 # Contributing
      3 ## Submitting patches
      5 *Most of this comes from the linux kernel guidelines for submitting
      6 patches, we follow many of the same guidelines. These are very important!
      7 If you want your code to be accepted, please read this carefully*
      9 Describe your problem.  Whether your patch is a one-line bug fix or
     10 5000 lines of a new feature, there must be an underlying problem that
     11 motivated you to do this work.  Convince the reviewer that there is a
     12 problem worth fixing and that it makes sense for them to read past the
     13 first paragraph.
     15 Once the problem is established, describe what you are actually doing
     16 about it in technical detail.  It's important to describe the change
     17 in plain English for the reviewer to verify that the code is behaving
     18 as you intend it to.
     20 The maintainer will thank you if you write your patch description in a
     21 form which can be easily pulled into Damus's source code tree.
     23 **Solve only one problem per patch**.  If your description starts to get
     24 long, that's a sign that you probably need to split up your patch. See
     25 the dedicated `Separate your changes` section because this is very
     26 important.
     28 Describe your changes in imperative mood, e.g. "make xyzzy do frotz"
     29 instead of "[This patch] makes xyzzy do frotz" or "[I] changed xyzzy
     30 to do frotz", as if you are giving orders to the codebase to change
     31 its behaviour.
     33 If your patch fixes a bug, use the 'Closes:' tag with a URL referencing
     34 the report in the mailing list archives or a public bug tracker. For
     35 example:
     37 	Closes: https://github.com/damus-io/damus/issues/1234
     39 Some bug trackers have the ability to close issues automatically when a
     40 commit with such a tag is applied. Some bots monitoring mailing lists can
     41 also track such tags and take certain actions. Private bug trackers and
     42 invalid URLs are forbidden.
     44 If your patch fixes a bug in a specific commit, e.g. you found an issue using
     45 ``git bisect``, please use the 'Fixes:' tag with the first 12 characters of
     46 the SHA-1 ID, and the one line summary.  Do not split the tag across multiple
     47 lines, tags are exempt from the "wrap at 75 columns" rule in order to simplify
     48 parsing scripts.  For example::
     50 	Fixes: 54a4f0239f2e ("Fix crash in navigation")
     52 The following ``git config`` settings can be used to add a pretty format for
     53 outputting the above style in the ``git log`` or ``git show`` commands::
     55 	[core]
     56 		abbrev = 12
     57 	[pretty]
     58 		fixes = Fixes: %h (\"%s\")
     60 An example call::
     62 	$ git log -1 --pretty=fixes 54a4f0239f2e
     63 	Fixes: 54a4f0239f2e ("Fix crash in navigation")
     66 ### Separate your changes
     68 Separate each **logical change** into a separate patch.
     70 For example, if your changes include both bug fixes and performance
     71 enhancements for a particular feature, separate those changes into two or
     72 more patches.  If your changes include an API update, and a new feature
     73 which uses that new API, separate those into two patches.
     75 On the other hand, if you make a single change to numerous files, group
     76 those changes into a single patch.  Thus a single logical change is
     77 contained within a single patch.
     79 The point to remember is that each patch should make an easily understood
     80 change that can be verified by reviewers.  Each patch should be justifiable
     81 on its own merits.
     83 When dividing your change into a series of patches, take special care to
     84 ensure that the Damus builds and runs properly after each patch in the
     85 series.  Developers using ``git bisect`` to track down a problem can end
     86 up splitting your patch series at any point; they will not thank you if
     87 you introduce bugs in the middle.
     89 If you cannot condense your patch set into a smaller set of patches,
     90 then only post say 15 or so at a time and wait for review and integration.
     92 Include `patch changelogs` which describe what has changed between the v1 and
     93 v2 version of the patch. 
     95 ### Sign your work - the Developer's Certificate of Origin
     97 To improve tracking of who did what, especially with patches that can
     98 percolate to their final resting place in the Damus through several
     99 layers of maintainers, we've introduced a "sign-off" procedure on
    100 patches that are being emailed around.
    102 The sign-off is a simple line at the end of the explanation for the
    103 patch, which certifies that you wrote it or otherwise have the right to
    104 pass it on as an open-source patch.  The rules are pretty simple: if you
    105 can certify the below:
    107 Developer's Certificate of Origin 1.1
    108 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
    110 By making a contribution to this project, I certify that:
    112         (a) The contribution was created in whole or in part by me and I
    113             have the right to submit it under the open source license
    114             indicated in the file; or
    116         (b) The contribution is based upon previous work that, to the best
    117             of my knowledge, is covered under an appropriate open source
    118             license and I have the right under that license to submit that
    119             work with modifications, whether created in whole or in part
    120             by me, under the same open source license (unless I am
    121             permitted to submit under a different license), as indicated
    122             in the file; or
    124         (c) The contribution was provided directly to me by some other
    125             person who certified (a), (b) or (c) and I have not modified
    126             it.
    128         (d) I understand and agree that this project and the contribution
    129             are public and that a record of the contribution (including all
    130             personal information I submit with it, including my sign-off) is
    131             maintained indefinitely and may be redistributed consistent with
    132             this project or the open source license(s) involved.
    134 then you just add a line saying:
    136 	Signed-off-by: Random J Developer <random@developer.example.org>
    138 This will be done for you automatically if you use `git commit -s`.
    139 Reverts should also include "Signed-off-by". `git revert -s` does that
    140 for you.
    142 Any further SoBs (Signed-off-by:'s) following the author's SoB are from
    143 people handling and transporting the patch, but were not involved in its
    144 development. SoB chains should reflect the **real** route a patch took
    145 as it was propagated to the maintainers and ultimately to Will, with
    146 the first SoB entry signalling primary authorship of a single author.
    148 ### Add Changelog-Changed, Changelog-Fixed, etc
    150 If you have a *user facing* change that you would like to include in Damus
    151 changelogs, please include:
    153 - Changelog-Changed: Changed the heart button to a shaka
    154 - Changelog-Fixed: Fixed notes not appearing on profile
    155 - Changelog-Added: Added a cool new feature
    156 - Changelog-Removed: Removed zaps
    158 The changelog script will pick these up and give you attribution for your
    159 change