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find-changelog-duplicates.sh (930B)

      1 #!/bin/bash
      3 # Usage function to display help
      4 function usage() {
      5   echo "Usage: $0 <file1> <file2>"
      6   echo "Where:"
      7   echo "  <file1> is the file to find duplicates within"
      8   echo "  <file2> is the file to check these duplicates against"
      9   echo
     10   echo "This script finds duplicate lines in <file1> and prints out any"
     11   echo "of these duplicates that exist in <file2>."
     12   exit 1
     13 }
     15 # Check for help flag
     16 if [[ "$1" == "-h" || "$1" == "--help" ]]; then
     17   usage
     18 fi
     20 # Check the number of arguments provided
     21 if [ "$#" -ne 2 ]; then
     22   echo "Error: Two arguments are required."
     23   usage
     24 fi
     26 # Assign arguments to variables
     27 file1=$1
     28 file2=$2
     30 # Check if files exist
     31 if [ ! -f "$file1" ]; then
     32   echo "Error: File '$file1' does not exist."
     33   exit 1
     34 fi
     36 if [ ! -f "$file2" ]; then
     37   echo "Error: File '$file2' does not exist."
     38   exit 1
     39 fi
     41 # Find duplicates and check against the second file
     42 sort "$file1" | uniq -d | grep -Fxf - "$file2"