
nostr ios client
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ZapTypePicker.swift (5277B)

      1 //
      2 //  ZapTypePicker.swift
      3 //  damus
      4 //
      5 //  Created by William Casarin on 2023-04-23.
      6 //
      8 import SwiftUI
     10 struct ZapTypePicker: View {
     11     @Binding var zap_type: ZapType
     12     @ObservedObject var settings: UserSettingsStore
     13     let profiles: Profiles
     14     let pubkey: Pubkey
     16     @Environment(\.colorScheme) var colorScheme
     18     func fillColor() -> Color {
     19         colorScheme == .light ? DamusColors.white : DamusColors.black
     20     }
     22     func fontColor() -> Color {
     23         colorScheme == .light ? DamusColors.black : DamusColors.white
     24     }
     26     var is_default: Bool {
     27         zap_type == settings.default_zap_type
     28     }
     30     var body: some View {
     31         VStack(spacing: 20) {
     32             HStack {
     33                 Text("Zap type", comment: "Text to indicate that the buttons below it is for choosing the type of zap to send.")
     34                     .font(.system(size: 25, weight: .heavy))
     35                 Spacer()
     36                 if !is_default {
     37                     Button(action: {
     38                         settings.default_zap_type = zap_type
     39                     }) {
     40                         Label(NSLocalizedString("Make Default", comment: "Button label to indicate that tapping it will make the selected zap type be the default for future zaps."), image: "checkmark.circle.fill")
     41                     }
     42                 }
     43             }
     44             ZapTypeSelection(text: NSLocalizedString("Public", comment: "Picker option to indicate that a zap should be sent publicly and identify the user as who sent it."), img: "globe", action: {zap_type = ZapType.pub}, type: ZapType.pub)
     45             ZapTypeSelection(text: NSLocalizedString("Private", comment: "Picker option to indicate that a zap should be sent privately and not identify the user to the public."), img: "lock", action: {zap_type = ZapType.priv}, type: ZapType.priv)
     46             ZapTypeSelection(text: NSLocalizedString("Anonymous", comment: "Picker option to indicate that a zap should be sent anonymously and not identify the user as who sent it."), img: "question", action: {zap_type = ZapType.anon}, type: ZapType.anon)
     47             ZapTypeSelection(text: NSLocalizedString("None", comment: "Picker option to indicate that sats should be sent to the user's wallet as a regular Lightning payment, not as a zap."), img: "zap", action: {zap_type = ZapType.non_zap}, type: ZapType.non_zap)
     48         }
     49         .padding(.horizontal)
     50     }
     52     func ZapTypeSelection(text: String, img: String, action: @escaping () -> (), type: ZapType) -> some View {
     53         Button(action: action) {
     54             VStack(alignment: .leading, spacing: 5) {
     55                 HStack {
     56                     Image(img)
     57                         .resizable()
     58                         .aspectRatio(contentMode: .fit)
     59                         .frame(width: 20, height: 20)
     60                         .foregroundColor(.gray)
     62                     Text(text)
     63                         .font(.system(size: 20, weight: .semibold))
     65                     Spacer()
     66                 }
     67                 .padding(.horizontal)
     69                 let zapTypeDescription = zap_type_desc(type: type, profiles: profiles, pubkey: pubkey)
     70                 Text(zapTypeDescription)
     71                     .padding(.horizontal)
     72                     .foregroundColor(.gray)
     73                     .font(.system(size: 16))
     74             }
     75         }
     76         .frame(maxWidth: .infinity, minHeight: 50, maxHeight: 70)
     77         .foregroundColor(fontColor())
     78         .background(zap_type == type ? fillColor() : DamusColors.adaptableGrey)
     79         .cornerRadius(15)
     80         .overlay(RoundedRectangle(cornerRadius: 15)
     81             .stroke(DamusColors.purple.opacity(zap_type == type ? 1.0 : 0.0), lineWidth: 2))
     82     }
     83 }
     85 struct ZapTypePicker_Previews: PreviewProvider {
     86     @State static var zap_type: ZapType = .pub
     87     static var previews: some View {
     88         let ds = test_damus_state
     89         ZapTypePicker(zap_type: $zap_type, settings: ds.settings, profiles: ds.profiles, pubkey: test_pubkey)
     90     }
     91 }
     93 func zap_type_desc(type: ZapType, profiles: Profiles, pubkey: Pubkey) -> String {
     94     switch type {
     95     case .pub:
     96         return NSLocalizedString("Everyone will see that you zapped", comment: "Description of public zap type where the zap is sent publicly and identifies the user who sent it.")
     97     case .anon:
     98         return NSLocalizedString("No one will see that you zapped", comment: "Description of anonymous zap type where the zap is sent anonymously and does not identify the user who sent it.")
     99     case .priv:
    100         let prof_txn = profiles.lookup(id: pubkey)
    101         let prof = prof_txn?.unsafeUnownedValue
    102         let name = Profile.displayName(profile: prof, pubkey: pubkey).username.truncate(maxLength: 50)
    103         return String.localizedStringWithFormat(NSLocalizedString("private_zap_description", value: "Only '%@' will see that you zapped them", comment: "Description of private zap type where the zap is sent privately and does not identify the user to the public."), name)
    104     case .non_zap:
    105         return NSLocalizedString("No zaps will be sent, only a lightning payment.", comment: "Description of non-zap type where sats are sent to the user's wallet as a regular Lightning payment, not as a zap.")
    106     }
    107 }