
nostr ios client
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ZapSettingsView.swift (3460B)

      1 //
      2 //  WalletSettingsView.swift
      3 //  damus
      4 //
      5 //  Created by William Casarin on 2023-04-05.
      6 //
      8 import SwiftUI
      9 import Combine
     11 struct ZapSettingsView: View {
     12     @ObservedObject var settings: UserSettingsStore
     14     @State var default_zap_amount: String
     15     @Environment(\.dismiss) var dismiss
     17     init(settings: UserSettingsStore) {
     18         _default_zap_amount = State(initialValue: settings.default_zap_amount.formatted())
     19         self._settings = ObservedObject(initialValue: settings)
     20     }
     22     var body: some View {
     23         Form {
     24             Section(
     25                 header: Text(NSLocalizedString("OnlyZaps", comment: "Section header for enabling OnlyZaps mode (hide reactions)")),
     26                 footer: Text(NSLocalizedString("Hide all 🤙's", comment: "Section footer describing OnlyZaps mode"))
     28             ) {
     29                 Toggle(NSLocalizedString("OnlyZaps mode", comment: "Setting toggle to hide reactions."), isOn: $settings.onlyzaps_mode)
     30                     .toggleStyle(.switch)
     31                     .onChange(of: settings.onlyzaps_mode) { newVal in
     32                         notify(.onlyzaps_mode(newVal))
     33                     }
     34             }
     36             Section(NSLocalizedString("Wallet", comment: "Title for section in zap settings that controls the Lightning wallet selection.")) {
     38                 Toggle(NSLocalizedString("Show wallet selector", comment: "Toggle to show or hide selection of wallet."), isOn: $settings.show_wallet_selector).toggleStyle(.switch)
     39                 Picker(NSLocalizedString("Select default wallet", comment: "Prompt selection of user's default wallet"),
     40                        selection: $settings.default_wallet) {
     41                     ForEach(Wallet.allCases, id: \.self) { wallet in
     42                         Text(wallet.model.displayName)
     43                             .tag(wallet.model.tag)
     44                     }
     45                 }
     46             }
     48             Section(NSLocalizedString("Zaps", comment: "Title for section in zap settings that controls general zap preferences.")) {
     49                 Toggle(NSLocalizedString("Zap Vibration", comment: "Setting to enable vibration on zap"), isOn: $settings.zap_vibration)
     50                     .toggleStyle(.switch)
     51             }
     53             Section(NSLocalizedString("Default Zap Amount in sats", comment: "Title for section in zap settings that controls the default zap amount in sats.")) {
     54                 TextField(fallback_zap_amount.formatted(), text: $default_zap_amount)
     55                     .keyboardType(.numberPad)
     56                     .onReceive(Just(default_zap_amount)) { newValue in
     57                         if let parsed = handle_string_amount(new_value: newValue) {
     58                             self.default_zap_amount = parsed.formatted()
     59                             settings.default_zap_amount = parsed
     60                         } else {
     61                             self.default_zap_amount = ""
     62                             settings.default_zap_amount = 0
     63                         }
     64                     }
     65             }
     66         }
     67         .navigationTitle(NSLocalizedString("Zaps", comment: "Navigation title for zap settings."))
     68         .onReceive(handle_notify(.switched_timeline)) { _ in
     69             dismiss()
     70         }
     71     }
     72 }
     74 struct WalletSettingsView_Previews: PreviewProvider {
     75     static var previews: some View {
     76         ZapSettingsView(settings: UserSettingsStore())
     77     }
     78 }