
nostr ios client
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ReplyView.swift (4067B)

      1 //
      2 //  ReplyView.swift
      3 //  damus
      4 //
      5 //  Created by William Casarin on 2022-04-17.
      6 //
      8 import SwiftUI
     10 struct ReplyView: View {
     11     let replying_to: NostrEvent
     12     let damus: DamusState
     14     let original_pubkeys: [Pubkey]
     15     @Binding var filtered_pubkeys: Set<Pubkey>
     16     @State var participantsShown: Bool = false
     18     var references: [Pubkey] {
     19         original_pubkeys.filter { pk in
     20             !filtered_pubkeys.contains(pk)
     21         }
     22     }
     24     var ReplyingToSection: some View {
     25         HStack {
     26             Group {
     27                 let names = references
     28                     .map { pubkey in
     29                         let pk = pubkey
     30                         let prof = damus.ndb.lookup_profile(pk)?.unsafeUnownedValue?.profile
     31                         return "@" + Profile.displayName(profile: prof, pubkey: pk).username.truncate(maxLength: 50)
     32                     }
     33                     .joined(separator: " ")
     34                 if names.isEmpty {
     35                     Text("Replying to \(Text("self", comment: "Part of a larger sentence 'Replying to self' in US English. 'self' indicates that the user is replying to themself and no one else.").foregroundColor(.accentColor).font(.footnote))", comment: "Indicating that the user is replying to the themself and no one else, where the parameter is 'self' in US English.")
     36                         .foregroundColor(.gray)
     37                         .font(.footnote)
     38                 } else {
     39                     Text("Replying to \(Text(verbatim: names).foregroundColor(.accentColor).font(.footnote))", comment: "Indicating that the user is replying to the following listed people.")
     40                         .foregroundColor(.gray)
     41                         .font(.footnote)
     42                 }
     43             }
     44             .onTapGesture {
     45                 participantsShown.toggle()
     46             }
     47             .sheet(isPresented: $participantsShown) {
     48                 if #available(iOS 16.0, *) {
     49                     ParticipantsView(damus_state: damus,
     50                                      original_pubkeys: self.original_pubkeys,
     51                                      filtered_pubkeys: $filtered_pubkeys)
     52                         .presentationDetents([.medium, .large])
     53                         .presentationDragIndicator(.visible)
     54                 } else {
     55                     ParticipantsView(damus_state: damus,
     56                                      original_pubkeys: self.original_pubkeys,
     57                                      filtered_pubkeys: $filtered_pubkeys)
     58                 }
     59             }
     60             .padding(.leading, 75)
     61             Spacer()
     62         }
     63     }
     65     func line(height: CGFloat) -> some View {
     66         return Rectangle()
     67             .fill(Color.gray.opacity(0.25))
     68             .frame(width: 2, height: height)
     69             .offset(x: 25, y: 40)
     70             .padding(.leading)
     71     }
     73     var body: some View {
     74         VStack(alignment: .leading) {
     75             EventView(damus: damus, event: replying_to, options: [.no_action_bar])
     76                 .padding()
     77                 .background(GeometryReader { geometry in
     78                     let eventHeight = geometry.frame(in: .global).height
     79                     line(height: eventHeight)
     80                 })
     82             ReplyingToSection
     83                 .background(GeometryReader { geometry in
     84                     let replyingToHeight = geometry.frame(in: .global).height
     85                     line(height: replyingToHeight)
     86                 })
     87         }
     88     }
     89 }
     91 struct ReplyView_Previews: PreviewProvider {
     92     static var previews: some View {
     93         VStack {
     94             ReplyView(replying_to: test_note,
     95                       damus: test_damus_state,
     96                       original_pubkeys: [],
     97                       filtered_pubkeys: .constant([]))
     98                 .frame(height: 300)
    100             ReplyView(replying_to: test_longform_event.event,
    101                       damus: test_damus_state,
    102                       original_pubkeys: [],
    103                       filtered_pubkeys: .constant([]))
    104                 .frame(height: 300)
    105         }
    106     }
    107 }