
nostr ios client
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CondensedProfilePicturesView.swift (1299B)

      1 //
      2 //  CondensedProfilePicturesView.swift
      3 //  damus
      4 //
      5 //  Created by Terry Yiu on 6/19/23.
      6 //
      8 import SwiftUI
     10 struct CondensedProfilePicturesView: View {
     11     let state: DamusState
     12     let pubkeys: [Pubkey]
     13     let maxPictures: Int
     15     init(state: DamusState, pubkeys: [Pubkey], maxPictures: Int) {
     16         self.state = state
     17         self.pubkeys = pubkeys
     18         self.maxPictures = min(maxPictures, pubkeys.count)
     19     }
     21     var body: some View {
     22         // Using ZStack to make profile pictures floating and stacked on top of each other.
     23         ZStack {
     24             ForEach((0..<maxPictures).reversed(), id: \.self) { index in
     25                 ProfilePicView(pubkey: pubkeys[index], size: 32.0, highlight: .none, profiles: state.profiles, disable_animation: state.settings.disable_animation)
     26                     .offset(x: CGFloat(index) * 20)
     27             }
     28         }
     29         // Padding is needed so that other components drawn adjacent to this view don't get drawn on top.
     30         .padding(.trailing, CGFloat((maxPictures - 1) * 20))
     31     }
     32 }
     34 struct CondensedProfilePicturesView_Previews: PreviewProvider {
     35     static var previews: some View {
     36         CondensedProfilePicturesView(state: test_damus_state, pubkeys: [test_pubkey, test_pubkey, test_pubkey, test_pubkey], maxPictures: 3)
     37     }
     38 }