
nostr ios client
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ParicipantsView.swift (3704B)

      1 //
      2 //  ParicipantsView.swift
      3 //  damus
      4 //
      5 //  Created by Joel Klabo on 1/18/23.
      6 //
      8 import SwiftUI
     10 struct ParticipantsView: View {
     12     let damus_state: DamusState
     14     @Binding var references: [ReferencedId]
     15     @Binding var originalReferences: [ReferencedId]
     17     var body: some View {
     18         VStack {
     19             Text("Replying to", comment: "Text indicating that the view is used for editing which participants are replied to in a note.")
     20                 .font(.headline)
     21             HStack {
     22                 Spacer()
     24                 Button {
     25                     // Remove all "p" refs, keep "e" refs
     26                     references = originalReferences.eRefs
     27                 } label: {
     28                     Text("Remove all", comment: "Button label to remove all participants from a note reply.")
     29                 }
     30                 .font(.system(size: 14, weight: .bold))
     31                 .frame(width: 100, height: 30)
     32                 .foregroundColor(.white)
     33                 .background(LINEAR_GRADIENT)
     34                 .clipShape(Capsule())
     36                 Button {
     37                     references = originalReferences
     38                 } label: {
     39                     Text("Add all", comment: "Button label to re-add all original participants as profiles to reply to in a note")
     40                 }
     41                 .font(.system(size: 14, weight: .bold))
     42                 .frame(width: 80, height: 30)
     43                 .foregroundColor(.white)
     44                 .background(LINEAR_GRADIENT)
     45                 .clipShape(Capsule())
     47                 Spacer()
     48             }
     49             VStack {
     50                 ScrollView {
     51                     ForEach(originalReferences.pRefs) { participant in
     52                         let pubkey = participant.id
     53                         HStack {
     54                             ProfilePicView(pubkey: pubkey, size: PFP_SIZE, highlight: .none, profiles: damus_state.profiles)
     56                             VStack(alignment: .leading) {
     57                                 let profile = damus_state.profiles.lookup(id: pubkey)
     58                                 ProfileName(pubkey: pubkey, profile: profile, damus: damus_state, show_friend_confirmed: false, show_nip5_domain: false)
     59                                 if let about = profile?.about {
     60                                     Text(FollowUserView.markdown.process(about))
     61                                         .lineLimit(3)
     62                                         .font(.footnote)
     63                                 }
     64                             }
     66                             Spacer()
     68                             Image(systemName: "checkmark.circle.fill")
     69                                 .font(.system(size: 30))
     70                                 .foregroundColor(references.contains(participant) ? DamusColors.purple : .gray)
     71                         }
     72                         .onTapGesture {
     73                             if references.contains(participant) {
     74                                 references = references.filter {
     75                                     $0 != participant
     76                                 }
     77                             } else {
     78                                 if references.contains(participant) {
     79                                     // Don't add it twice
     80                                 } else {
     81                                     references.append(participant)
     82                                 }
     83                             }
     84                         }
     85                     }                    
     86                 }
     87             }
     88             Spacer()
     89         }
     90         .padding()
     91     }
     92 }