
nostr ios client
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ConfigView.swift (8320B)

      1 //
      2 //  ConfigView.swift
      3 //  damus
      4 //
      5 //  Created by William Casarin on 2022-06-09.
      6 //
      7 import AVFoundation
      8 import Kingfisher
      9 import SwiftUI
     10 import LocalAuthentication
     11 import Combine
     13 struct ConfigView: View {
     14     let state: DamusState
     15     @Environment(\.colorScheme) var colorScheme
     16     @Environment(\.dismiss) var dismiss
     17     @State var confirm_logout: Bool = false
     18     @State var delete_account_warning: Bool = false
     19     @State var confirm_delete_account: Bool = false
     20     @State var delete_text: String = ""
     22     @ObservedObject var settings: UserSettingsStore
     24     private let DELETE_KEYWORD = "DELETE"
     26     init(state: DamusState) {
     27         self.state = state
     28         _settings = ObservedObject(initialValue: state.settings)
     29     }
     31     func textColor() -> Color {
     32         colorScheme == .light ? DamusColors.black : DamusColors.white
     33     }
     35     var body: some View {
     36         ZStack(alignment: .leading) {
     37             Form {
     38                 Section {
     39                     NavigationLink(value: Route.KeySettings(keypair: state.keypair)) {
     40                         IconLabel(NSLocalizedString("Keys", comment: "Settings section for managing keys"), img_name: "Key", color: .purple)
     41                     }
     43                     NavigationLink(value: Route.AppearanceSettings(settings: settings)) {
     44                         IconLabel(NSLocalizedString("Appearance and filters", comment: "Section header for text, appearance, and content filter settings"), img_name: "eye", color: .red)
     45                     }
     47                     NavigationLink(value: Route.SearchSettings(settings: settings)) {
     48                         IconLabel(NSLocalizedString("Search/Universe", comment: "Section header for search/universe settings"), img_name: "search", color: .red)
     49                     }
     51                     NavigationLink(value: Route.NotificationSettings(settings: settings)) {
     52                         IconLabel(NSLocalizedString("Notifications", comment: "Section header for Damus notifications"), img_name: "notification-bell-on", color: .blue)
     53                     }
     55                     NavigationLink(value: Route.ZapSettings(settings: settings)) {
     56                         IconLabel(NSLocalizedString("Zaps", comment: "Section header for zap settings"), img_name: "zap.fill", color: .orange)
     57                     }
     59                     NavigationLink(value: Route.TranslationSettings(settings: settings)) {
     60                         IconLabel(NSLocalizedString("Translation", comment: "Section header for text and appearance settings"), img_name: "globe", color: .green)
     61                     }
     63                     NavigationLink(value: Route.ReactionsSettings(settings: settings)) {
     64                         IconLabel(NSLocalizedString("Reactions", comment: "Section header for reactions settings"), img_name: "shaka.fill", color: .purple)
     65                     }
     67                     NavigationLink(value: Route.DeveloperSettings(settings: settings)) {
     68                         IconLabel(NSLocalizedString("Developer", comment: "Section header for developer settings"), img_name: "magic-stick2.fill", color: DamusColors.adaptableBlack)
     69                     }
     70                 }
     72                 Section(NSLocalizedString("Sign Out", comment: "Section title for signing out")) {
     73                     Button(action: {
     74                         if state.keypair.privkey == nil {
     75                             logout(state)
     76                         } else {
     77                             confirm_logout = true
     78                         }
     79                     }, label: {
     80                         Label(NSLocalizedString("Sign out", comment: "Sidebar menu label to sign out of the account."), image: "logout")
     81                             .foregroundColor(textColor())
     82                             .frame(maxWidth: .infinity, alignment: .leading)
     83                     })
     84                 }
     86                 if state.is_privkey_user {
     87                     Section(header: Text(NSLocalizedString("Permanently Delete Account", comment: "Section title for deleting the user"))) {
     88                         Button(action: {
     89                             delete_account_warning = true
     90                         }, label: {
     91                             Label(NSLocalizedString("Delete Account", comment: "Button to delete the user's account."), image: "delete")
     92                                 .frame(maxWidth: .infinity, alignment: .leading)
     93                                 .foregroundColor(.red)
     94                         })
     95                     }
     96                 }
     98                 Section(NSLocalizedString("Version", comment: "Section title for displaying the version number of the Damus app.")) {
     99                     Text(verbatim: VersionInfo.version)
    100                         .contextMenu {
    101                             Button {
    102                                 UIPasteboard.general.string = VersionInfo.version
    103                             } label: {
    104                                 Label(NSLocalizedString("Copy", comment: "Context menu option for copying the version of damus."), image: "copy2")
    105                             }
    106                         }
    107                 }
    108             }
    109         }
    110         .navigationTitle(NSLocalizedString("Settings", comment: "Navigation title for Settings view."))
    111         .navigationBarTitleDisplayMode(.large)
    112         .alert(NSLocalizedString("WARNING:\n\nTHIS WILL SIGN AN EVENT THAT DELETES THIS ACCOUNT.\n\nYOU WILL NO LONGER BE ABLE TO LOG INTO DAMUS USING THIS ACCOUNT KEY.\n\n ARE YOU SURE YOU WANT TO CONTINUE?", comment: "Alert for deleting the users account."), isPresented: $delete_account_warning) {
    114             Button(NSLocalizedString("Cancel", comment: "Cancel deleting the user."), role: .cancel) {
    115                 delete_account_warning = false
    116             }
    117             Button(NSLocalizedString("Continue", comment: "Continue with deleting the user.")) {
    118                 confirm_delete_account = true
    119             }
    120         }
    121         .alert(NSLocalizedString("Permanently Delete Account", comment: "Alert for deleting the users account."), isPresented: $confirm_delete_account) {
    122             TextField(String(format: NSLocalizedString("Type %@ to delete", comment: "Text field prompt asking user to type DELETE in all caps to confirm that they want to proceed with deleting their account."), DELETE_KEYWORD), text: $delete_text)
    123             Button(NSLocalizedString("Cancel", comment: "Cancel deleting the user."), role: .cancel) {
    124                 confirm_delete_account = false
    125             }
    126             Button(NSLocalizedString("Delete", comment: "Button for deleting the users account."), role: .destructive) {
    127                 guard let keypair = state.keypair.to_full(),
    128                       delete_text == DELETE_KEYWORD,
    129                       let ev = created_deleted_account_profile(keypair: keypair) else {
    130                     return
    131                 }
    132                 state.postbox.send(ev)
    133                 logout(state)
    134             }
    135         }
    136         .alert(NSLocalizedString("Logout", comment: "Alert for logging out the user."), isPresented: $confirm_logout) {
    137             Button(NSLocalizedString("Cancel", comment: "Cancel out of logging out the user."), role: .cancel) {
    138                 confirm_logout = false
    139             }
    140             Button(NSLocalizedString("Logout", comment: "Button for logging out the user."), role: .destructive) {
    141                 logout(state)
    142             }
    143         } message: {
    144                 Text("Make sure your nsec account key is saved before you logout or you will lose access to this account", comment: "Reminder message in alert to get customer to verify that their private security account key is saved saved before logging out.")
    145         }
    146         .onReceive(handle_notify(.switched_timeline)) { _ in
    147             dismiss()
    148         }
    149     }
    151 }
    153 struct ConfigView_Previews: PreviewProvider {
    154     static var previews: some View {
    155         NavigationView {
    156             ConfigView(state: test_damus_state)
    157         }
    158     }
    159 }
    162 func handle_string_amount(new_value: String) -> Int? {
    163     let filtered = new_value.filter {
    164         $0.isNumber
    165     }
    167     if filtered == "" {
    168         return nil
    169     }
    171     guard let amt = NumberFormatter().number(from: filtered) as? Int else {
    172         return nil
    173     }
    175     return amt
    176 }