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bolt11.c (20274B)

      1 //
      2 //  bolt11.c
      3 //  damus
      4 //
      5 //  Created by William Casarin on 2022-10-18.
      6 //
      8 #include "bolt11.h"
     10 //#include "address.h"
     11 //#include "script.h"
     12 #include "bech32.h"
     13 #include "utf8.h"
     14 #include "compiler.h"
     15 #include "endian.h"
     16 #include "list.h"
     17 #include "talstr.h"
     18 #include "tal.h"
     19 #include "node_id.h"
     20 #include "bech32_util.h"
     21 #include "bolt11.h"
     22 #include "amount.h"
     23 #include "array_size.h"
     24 #include "structeq.h"
     26 //#include "features.h"
     27 #include <errno.h>
     28 #include <inttypes.h>
     29 #include <assert.h>
     31 #define MSAT_PER_SAT ((u64)1000)
     32 #define SAT_PER_BTC ((u64)100000000)
     35 struct multiplier {
     36     const char letter;
     37     /* We can't represent p postfix to msat, so we multiply this by 10 */
     38     u64 m10;
     39 };
     41 /* BOLT #11:
     42  *
     43  * The following `multiplier` letters are defined:
     44  *
     45  * * `m` (milli): multiply by 0.001
     46  * * `u` (micro): multiply by 0.000001
     47  * * `n` (nano): multiply by 0.000000001
     48  * * `p` (pico): multiply by 0.000000000001
     49  */
     50 static struct multiplier multipliers[] = {
     51     { 'm', 10 * MSAT_PER_BTC / 1000 },
     52     { 'u', 10 * MSAT_PER_BTC / 1000000 },
     53     { 'n', 10 * MSAT_PER_BTC / 1000000000 },
     54     { 'p', 10 * MSAT_PER_BTC / 1000000000000ULL }
     55 };
     57 /* If pad is false, we discard any bits which don't fit in the last byte.
     58  * Otherwise we add an extra byte */
     59 static bool pull_bits(struct hash_u5 *hu5,
     60               u5 **data, size_t *data_len, void *dst, size_t nbits,
     61               bool pad)
     62 {
     63     size_t n5 = nbits / 5;
     64     size_t len = 0;
     66     if (nbits % 5)
     67         n5++;
     69     if (*data_len < n5)
     70         return false;
     71     if (!bech32_convert_bits(dst, &len, 8, *data, n5, 5, pad))
     72         return false;
     73     if (hu5)
     74         hash_u5(hu5, *data, n5);
     75     *data += n5;
     76     *data_len -= n5;
     78     return true;
     79 }
     81 /* For pulling fields where we should have checked it will succeed already. */
     82 #ifndef NDEBUG
     83 #define pull_bits_certain(hu5, data, data_len, dst, nbits, pad)         \
     84     assert(pull_bits((hu5), (data), (data_len), (dst), (nbits), (pad)))
     85 #else
     86 #define pull_bits_certain pull_bits
     87 #endif
     89 /* Helper for pulling a variable-length big-endian int. */
     90 static bool pull_uint(struct hash_u5 *hu5,
     91               u5 **data, size_t *data_len,
     92               u64 *val, size_t databits)
     93 {
     94     be64 be_val;
     96     /* Too big. */
     97     if (databits > sizeof(be_val) * CHAR_BIT)
     98         return false;
     99     if (!pull_bits(hu5, data, data_len, &be_val, databits, true))
    100         return false;
    101     *val = be64_to_cpu(be_val) >> (sizeof(be_val) * CHAR_BIT - databits);
    102     return true;
    103 }
    105 static size_t num_u8(size_t num_u5)
    106 {
    107     return (num_u5 * 5 + 4) / 8;
    108 }
    110 /* Frees bolt11, returns NULL. */
    111 static struct bolt11 *decode_fail(struct bolt11 *b11, char **fail,
    112                   const char *fmt, ...)
    113     PRINTF_FMT(3,4);
    115 static struct bolt11 *decode_fail(struct bolt11 *b11, char **fail,
    116                   const char *fmt, ...)
    117 {
    118     va_list ap;
    120     va_start(ap, fmt);
    121     *fail = tal_vfmt(tal_parent(b11), fmt, ap);
    122     va_end(ap);
    123     return tal_free(b11);
    124 }
    126 /*
    127  * These handle specific fields in the payment request; returning the problem
    128  * if any, or NULL.
    129  */
    130 static char *unknown_field(struct bolt11 *b11,
    131                struct hash_u5 *hu5,
    132                u5 **data, size_t *data_len,
    133                u5 type, size_t length)
    134 {
    135     struct bolt11_field *extra = tal(b11, struct bolt11_field);
    136     u8 u8data[num_u8(length)];
    138     extra->tag = type;
    139     extra->data = tal_dup_arr(extra, u5, *data, length, 0);
    140     list_add_tail(&b11->extra_fields, &extra->list);
    142     pull_bits_certain(hu5, data, data_len, u8data, length * 5, true);
    143     return NULL;
    144 }
    146 /* BOLT #11:
    147  *
    148  * `p` (1): `data_length` 52.  256-bit SHA256 payment_hash.  Preimage of this
    149  * provides proof of payment
    150  */
    151 static void decode_p(struct bolt11 *b11,
    152              struct hash_u5 *hu5,
    153              u5 **data, size_t *data_len,
    154              size_t data_length, bool *have_p)
    155 {
    156     /* BOLT #11:
    157      *
    158      * A payer... SHOULD use the first `p` field that it did NOT
    159      * skip as the payment hash.
    160      */
    161     if (*have_p) {
    162         unknown_field(b11, hu5, data, data_len, 'p', data_length);
    163         return;
    164     }
    166     /* BOLT #11:
    167      *
    168      * A reader... MUST skip over unknown fields, OR an `f` field
    169      * with unknown `version`, OR `p`, `h`, `s` or `n` fields that do
    170      * NOT have `data_length`s of 52, 52, 52 or 53, respectively.
    171     */
    172     if (data_length != 52) {
    173         unknown_field(b11, hu5, data, data_len, 'p', data_length);
    174         return;
    175     }
    177     pull_bits_certain(hu5, data, data_len, &b11->payment_hash, 256, false);
    178     *have_p = true;
    179 }
    182 static char *utf8_str(const tal_t *ctx, const u8 *buf TAKES, size_t buflen)
    183 {
    184     char *ret;
    186     if (!utf8_check(buf, buflen)) {
    187         if (taken(buf))
    188             tal_free(buf);
    189         return NULL;
    190     }
    192     /* Add one for nul term */
    193     ret = tal_dup_arr(ctx, char, (const char *)buf, buflen, 1);
    194     ret[buflen] = '\0';
    195     return ret;
    196 }
    199 /* BOLT #11:
    200  *
    201  * `d` (13): `data_length` variable.  Short description of purpose of payment
    202  * (UTF-8), e.g. '1 cup of coffee' or 'ナンセンス 1杯'
    203  */
    204 static char *decode_d(struct bolt11 *b11,
    205               struct hash_u5 *hu5,
    206               u5 **data, size_t *data_len,
    207               size_t data_length, bool *have_d)
    208 {
    209     u8 *desc;
    210     if (*have_d)
    211         return unknown_field(b11, hu5, data, data_len, 'd', data_length);
    213     desc = tal_arr(NULL, u8, data_length * 5 / 8);
    214     pull_bits_certain(hu5, data, data_len, desc, data_length*5, false);
    216     *have_d = true;
    217     b11->description = utf8_str(b11, take(desc), tal_bytelen(desc));
    218     if (b11->description)
    219         return NULL;
    221     return tal_fmt(b11, "d: invalid utf8");
    222 }
    224 /* BOLT #11:
    225  *
    226  * `h` (23): `data_length` 52.  256-bit description of purpose of payment
    227  * (SHA256).  This is used to commit to an associated description that is over
    228  * 639 bytes, but the transport mechanism for the description in that case is
    229  * transport specific and not defined here.
    230  */
    231 static void decode_h(struct bolt11 *b11,
    232              struct hash_u5 *hu5,
    233              u5 **data, size_t *data_len,
    234              size_t data_length, bool *have_h)
    235 {
    236     if (*have_h) {
    237         unknown_field(b11, hu5, data, data_len, 'h', data_length);
    238         return;
    239     }
    241     /* BOLT #11:
    242      *
    243      * A reader... MUST skip over unknown fields, OR an `f` field
    244      * with unknown `version`, OR `p`, `h`, `s` or `n` fields that do
    245      * NOT have `data_length`s of 52, 52, 52 or 53, respectively. */
    246     if (data_length != 52) {
    247         unknown_field(b11, hu5, data, data_len, 'h', data_length);
    248         return;
    249     }
    251     b11->description_hash = tal(b11, struct sha256);
    252     pull_bits_certain(hu5, data, data_len, b11->description_hash, 256,
    253               false);
    254     *have_h = true;
    255 }
    257 /* BOLT #11:
    258  *
    259  * `x` (6): `data_length` variable.  `expiry` time in seconds
    260  * (big-endian). Default is 3600 (1 hour) if not specified.
    261  */
    262 #define DEFAULT_X 3600
    263 static char *decode_x(struct bolt11 *b11,
    264               struct hash_u5 *hu5,
    265               u5 **data, size_t *data_len,
    266               size_t data_length, bool *have_x)
    267 {
    268     if (*have_x)
    269         return unknown_field(b11, hu5, data, data_len, 'x',
    270                      data_length);
    272     /* FIXME: Put upper limit in bolt 11 */
    273     if (!pull_uint(hu5, data, data_len, &b11->expiry, data_length * 5))
    274         return tal_fmt(b11, "x: length %zu chars is excessive",
    275                    *data_len);
    277     *have_x = true;
    278     return NULL;
    279 }
    281 /* BOLT #11:
    282  *
    283  * `c` (24): `data_length` variable.  `min_final_cltv_expiry` to use for the
    284  * last HTLC in the route. Default is 18 if not specified.
    285  */
    286 static char *decode_c(struct bolt11 *b11,
    287               struct hash_u5 *hu5,
    288               u5 **data, size_t *data_len,
    289               size_t data_length, bool *have_c)
    290 {
    291     u64 c;
    292     if (*have_c)
    293         return unknown_field(b11, hu5, data, data_len, 'c',
    294                      data_length);
    296     /* FIXME: Put upper limit in bolt 11 */
    297     if (!pull_uint(hu5, data, data_len, &c, data_length * 5))
    298         return tal_fmt(b11, "c: length %zu chars is excessive",
    299                    *data_len);
    300     b11->min_final_cltv_expiry = (u32)c;
    301     /* Can overflow, since c is 64 bits but value must be < 32 bits */
    302     if (b11->min_final_cltv_expiry != c)
    303         return tal_fmt(b11, "c: %"PRIu64" is too large", c);
    305     *have_c = true;
    306     return NULL;
    307 }
    309 static char *decode_n(struct bolt11 *b11,
    310               struct hash_u5 *hu5,
    311               u5 **data, size_t *data_len,
    312               size_t data_length, bool *have_n)
    313 {
    314     if (*have_n)
    315         return unknown_field(b11, hu5, data, data_len, 'n',
    316                      data_length);
    318     /* BOLT #11:
    319      *
    320      * A reader... MUST skip over unknown fields, OR an `f` field
    321      * with unknown `version`, OR `p`, `h`, `s` or `n` fields that do
    322      * NOT have `data_length`s of 52, 52, 52 or 53, respectively. */
    323     if (data_length != 53)
    324         return unknown_field(b11, hu5, data, data_len, 'n',
    325                      data_length);
    327     pull_bits_certain(hu5, data, data_len, &b11->receiver_id.k,
    328               data_length * 5, false);
    329     /*
    330     if (!node_id_valid(&b11->receiver_id))
    331         return tal_fmt(b11, "n: invalid pubkey %s",
    332                    node_id_to_hexstr(b11, &b11->receiver_id));
    333      */
    335     *have_n = true;
    336     return NULL;
    337 }
    339 /* BOLT #11:
    340  *
    341  * `m` (27): `data_length` variable. Additional metadata to attach to
    342  * the payment. Note that the size of this field is limited by the
    343  * maximum hop payload size. Long metadata fields reduce the maximum
    344  * route length.
    345  */
    346 static char *decode_m(struct bolt11 *b11,
    347               struct hash_u5 *hu5,
    348               u5 **data, size_t *data_len,
    349               size_t data_length,
    350               bool *have_m)
    351 {
    352     size_t mlen = (data_length * 5) / 8;
    354     if (*have_m)
    355         return unknown_field(b11, hu5, data, data_len, 'm',
    356                      data_length);
    358     b11->metadata = tal_arr(b11, u8, mlen);
    359     pull_bits_certain(hu5, data, data_len, b11->metadata,
    360               data_length * 5, false);
    362     *have_m = true;
    363     return NULL;
    364 }
    366 struct bolt11 *new_bolt11(const tal_t *ctx)
    367 {
    368     struct bolt11 *b11 = tal(ctx, struct bolt11);
    370     list_head_init(&b11->extra_fields);
    371     b11->description = NULL;
    372     b11->description_hash = NULL;
    373     b11->fallbacks = NULL;
    374     b11->msat = NULL;
    375     b11->expiry = DEFAULT_X;
    376     b11->features = tal_arr(b11, u8, 0);
    377     /* BOLT #11:
    378      *   - if the `c` field (`min_final_cltv_expiry`) is not provided:
    379      *     - MUST use an expiry delta of at least 18 when making the payment
    380      */
    381     b11->min_final_cltv_expiry = 18;
    382     //b11->payment_secret = NULL;
    383     b11->metadata = NULL;
    385     //if (msat)
    386         //b11->msat = tal_dup(b11, struct amount_msat, msat);
    387     return b11;
    388 }
    390 /* Define sha256_eq. */
    391 //STRUCTEQ_DEF(sha256, 0, u);
    393 /* Extracts signature but does not check it. */
    394 struct bolt11 *bolt11_decode_nosig(const tal_t *ctx, const char *str, u5 **sig, char **fail)
    395 {
    396     char *hrp, *amountstr, *prefix;
    397     u5 *data;
    398     size_t data_len;
    399     struct bolt11 *b11 = new_bolt11(ctx);
    400     struct hash_u5 hu5;
    401     bool have_p = false, have_d = false, have_h = false, have_n = false,
    402         have_x = false, have_c = false, have_m = false;
    404     /* BOLT #11:
    405      *
    406      * If a URI scheme is desired, the current recommendation is to either
    407      * use 'lightning:' as a prefix before the BOLT-11 encoding
    408      */
    409     if (strstarts(str, "lightning:") || strstarts(str, "LIGHTNING:"))
    410         str += strlen("lightning:");
    412     if (strlen(str) < 8)
    413         return decode_fail(b11, fail, "Bad bech32 string");
    415     hrp = tal_arr(b11, char, strlen(str) - 6);
    416     data = tal_arr(b11, u5, strlen(str) - 8);
    418     if (bech32_decode(hrp, data, &data_len, str, (size_t)-1)
    419         != BECH32_ENCODING_BECH32)
    420         return decode_fail(b11, fail, "Bad bech32 string");
    422     /* For signature checking at the end. */
    423     hash_u5_init(&hu5, hrp);
    425     /* BOLT #11:
    426      *
    427      * The human-readable part of a Lightning invoice consists of two sections:
    428      * 1. `prefix`: `ln` + BIP-0173 currency prefix (e.g. `lnbc` for Bitcoin mainnet,
    429      *    `lntb` for Bitcoin testnet, `lntbs` for Bitcoin signet, and `lnbcrt` for Bitcoin regtest)
    430      * 1. `amount`: optional number in that currency, followed by an optional
    431      *    `multiplier` letter. The unit encoded here is the 'social' convention of a payment unit -- in the case of Bitcoin the unit is 'bitcoin' NOT satoshis.
    432     */
    433     prefix = tal_strndup(b11, hrp, strcspn(hrp, "0123456789"));
    435     /* BOLT #11:
    436      *
    437      * A reader...if it does NOT understand the `prefix`... MUST fail the payment.
    438      */
    439     if (!strstarts(prefix, "ln"))
    440         return decode_fail(b11, fail,
    441                    "Prefix '%s' does not start with ln", prefix);
    443     /* BOLT #11:
    444      *
    445      *   - if the `amount` is empty:
    446      * */
    447     amountstr = tal_strdup(b11, hrp + strlen(prefix));
    448     if (streq(amountstr, "")) {
    449         /* BOLT #11:
    450          *
    451          * - SHOULD indicate to the payer that amount is unspecified.
    452          */
    453         b11->msat = NULL;
    454     } else {
    455         u64 m10 = 10 * MSAT_PER_BTC; /* Pico satoshis in a Bitcoin */
    456         u64 amount;
    457         char *end;
    459         /* Gather and trim multiplier */
    460         end = amountstr + strlen(amountstr)-1;
    461         for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(multipliers); i++) {
    462             if (*end == multipliers[i].letter) {
    463                 m10 = multipliers[i].m10;
    464                 *end = '\0';
    465                 break;
    466             }
    467         }
    469         /* BOLT #11:
    470          *
    471          * if `amount` contains a non-digit OR is followed by
    472          * anything except a `multiplier` (see table above)... MUST fail the
    473          * payment.
    474          **/
    475         amount = strtoull(amountstr, &end, 10);
    476         if (amount == ULLONG_MAX && errno == ERANGE)
    477             return decode_fail(b11, fail,
    478                        "Invalid amount '%s'", amountstr);
    479         if (!*amountstr || *end)
    480             return decode_fail(b11, fail,
    481                        "Invalid amount postfix '%s'", end);
    483         /* BOLT #11:
    484          *
    485          * if the `multiplier` is present...  MUST multiply
    486          * `amount` by the `multiplier` value to derive the
    487          * amount required for payment.
    488         */
    489         b11->msat = tal(b11, struct amount_msat);
    490         /* BOLT #11:
    491          *
    492          * - if multiplier is `p` and the last decimal of `amount` is
    493          *   not 0:
    494          *    - MUST fail the payment.
    495          */
    496         if (amount * m10 % 10 != 0)
    497             return decode_fail(b11, fail,
    498                        "Invalid sub-millisatoshi amount"
    499                        " '%sp'", amountstr);
    501         *b11->msat = amount_msat(amount * m10 / 10);
    502     }
    504     /* BOLT #11:
    505      *
    506      * The data part of a Lightning invoice consists of multiple sections:
    507      *
    508      * 1. `timestamp`: seconds-since-1970 (35 bits, big-endian)
    509      * 1. zero or more tagged parts
    510      * 1. `signature`: Bitcoin-style signature of above (520 bits)
    511      */
    512     if (!pull_uint(&hu5, &data, &data_len, &b11->timestamp, 35))
    513         return decode_fail(b11, fail, "Can't get 35-bit timestamp");
    515     while (data_len > 520 / 5) {
    516         const char *problem = NULL;
    517         u64 type, data_length;
    519         /* BOLT #11:
    520          *
    521          * Each Tagged Field is of the form:
    522          *
    523          * 1. `type` (5 bits)
    524          * 1. `data_length` (10 bits, big-endian)
    525          * 1. `data` (`data_length` x 5 bits)
    526          */
    527         if (!pull_uint(&hu5, &data, &data_len, &type, 5)
    528             || !pull_uint(&hu5, &data, &data_len, &data_length, 10))
    529             return decode_fail(b11, fail,
    530                        "Can't get tag and length");
    532         /* Can't exceed total data remaining. */
    533         if (data_length > data_len)
    534             return decode_fail(b11, fail, "%c: truncated",
    535                        bech32_charset[type]);
    537         switch (bech32_charset[type]) {
    538         case 'p':
    539             decode_p(b11, &hu5, &data, &data_len, data_length,
    540                  &have_p);
    541             break;
    543         case 'd':
    544             problem = decode_d(b11, &hu5, &data, &data_len,
    545                        data_length, &have_d);
    546             break;
    548         case 'h':
    549             decode_h(b11, &hu5, &data, &data_len, data_length,
    550                  &have_h);
    551             break;
    553         case 'n':
    554             problem = decode_n(b11, &hu5, &data,
    555                        &data_len, data_length,
    556                        &have_n);
    557             break;
    559         case 'x':
    560             problem = decode_x(b11, &hu5, &data,
    561                        &data_len, data_length,
    562                        &have_x);
    563             break;
    565         case 'c':
    566             problem = decode_c(b11, &hu5, &data,
    567                        &data_len, data_length,
    568                        &have_c);
    569             break;
    571                 /*
    572         case 'f':
    573             problem = decode_f(b11, &hu5, &data,
    574                        &data_len, data_length);
    575             break;
    576         case 'r':
    577             problem = decode_r(b11, &hu5, &data, &data_len,
    578                        data_length);
    579             break;
    580         case '9':
    581             problem = decode_9(b11, our_features, &hu5,
    582                        &data, &data_len,
    583                        data_length);
    584             break;
    585         case 's':
    586             problem = decode_s(b11, &hu5, &data, &data_len,
    587                        data_length, &have_s);
    588             break;
    589                  */
    590         case 'm':
    591             problem = decode_m(b11, &hu5, &data, &data_len,
    592                        data_length, &have_m);
    593             break;
    594         default:
    595             unknown_field(b11, &hu5, &data, &data_len,
    596                       bech32_charset[type], data_length);
    597         }
    598         if (problem)
    599             return decode_fail(b11, fail, "%s", problem);
    600     }
    602     if (!have_p)
    603         return decode_fail(b11, fail, "No valid 'p' field found");
    605     *sig = tal_dup_arr(ctx, u5, data, data_len, 0);
    606     return b11;
    607 }
    609 /* Decodes and checks signature; returns NULL on error. */
    610 struct bolt11 *bolt11_decode(const tal_t *ctx, const char *str, char **fail)
    611 {
    612     u5 *sigdata;
    613     size_t data_len;
    614     u8 sig_and_recid[65];
    615     //secp256k1_ecdsa_recoverable_signature sig;
    616     struct bolt11 *b11;
    618     b11 = bolt11_decode_nosig(ctx, str, &sigdata, fail);
    619     if (!b11)
    620         return NULL;
    622     /* BOLT #11:
    623      *
    624      * A writer...MUST set `signature` to a valid 512-bit
    625      * secp256k1 signature of the SHA2 256-bit hash of the
    626      * human-readable part, represented as UTF-8 bytes,
    627      * concatenated with the data part (excluding the signature)
    628      * with 0 bits appended to pad the data to the next byte
    629      * boundary, with a trailing byte containing the recovery ID
    630      * (0, 1, 2, or 3).
    631      */
    632     data_len = tal_count(sigdata);
    633     if (!pull_bits(NULL, &sigdata, &data_len, sig_and_recid, 520, false))
    634         return decode_fail(b11, fail, "signature truncated");
    636     assert(data_len == 0);
    638     /*
    639     if (!secp256k1_ecdsa_recoverable_signature_parse_compact
    640         (secp256k1_ctx, &sig, sig_and_recid, sig_and_recid[64]))
    641         return decode_fail(b11, fail, "signature invalid");
    643     secp256k1_ecdsa_recoverable_signature_convert(secp256k1_ctx,
    644                               &b11->sig, &sig);
    645      */
    647     /* BOLT #11:
    648      *
    649      * A reader...  MUST check that the `signature` is valid (see
    650      * the `n` tagged field specified below). ... A reader...
    651      * MUST use the `n` field to validate the signature instead of
    652      * performing signature recovery.
    653      */
    654     /*
    655     if (!have_n) {
    656         struct pubkey k;
    657         if (!secp256k1_ecdsa_recover(secp256k1_ctx,
    658                          &k.pubkey,
    659                          &sig,
    660                          (const u8 *)&hash))
    661             return decode_fail(b11, fail,
    662                        "signature recovery failed");
    663         node_id_from_pubkey(&b11->receiver_id, &k);
    664     } else {
    665         struct pubkey k;
    666         if (!pubkey_from_node_id(&k, &b11->receiver_id))
    667             abort();
    668         if (!secp256k1_ecdsa_verify(secp256k1_ctx, &b11->sig,
    669                         (const u8 *)&hash,
    670                         &k.pubkey))
    671             return decode_fail(b11, fail, "invalid signature");
    672     }
    673      */
    675     return b11;
    676 }