
Damus issue data exported from github
git clone git://jb55.com/damus-github-export
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index.js (3932B)

      1 #!/usr/bin/env node
      2 /* jshint esversion: 6 */
      4 const program = require("commander");
      5 const co = require("co");
      6 const prompt = require("co-prompt");
      7 const { Octokit } = require("@octokit/rest");
      8 const { throttling } = require("@octokit/plugin-throttling");
      9 const { importFile } = require("./import.js");
     10 const { exportIssues } = require("./export.js");
     12 program
     13   .version(require("../package.json").version)
     14   .arguments("[file]")
     15   .option(
     16     "-g, --github_enterprise [https://api.github.my-company.com]",
     17     "Your GitHub Enterprise URL."
     18   )
     19   .option(
     20     "-t, --token [token]",
     21     "The GitHub token. https://github.com/settings/tokens"
     22   )
     23   .option(
     24     "-o, --organization [organization]",
     25     "The User or Organization slug that the repo lives under."
     26   )
     27   .option("-r, --repository [repository]", "The repository name (slug).")
     28   .option(
     29     "-f, --exportFileName [export.csv]",
     30     "The name of the CSV you'd like to export to."
     31   )
     32   .option(
     33     "-a, --exportAttributes [attributes]",
     34     "Comma-separated list of attributes (columns) in the export."
     35   )
     36   .option("-c, --exportComments", "Include comments in the export.")
     37   .option("-e, --exportAll", "Include all data in the export.")
     38   .option(
     39     "--csvDelimiter [csvDelimiter]",
     40     "CSV delimiter character (defaults to ',')"
     41   )  .option("-v, --verbose", "Include additional logging information.")
     42   .action(function (file, options) {
     43     co(function* () {
     44       const retObject = {};
     45       retObject.githubUrl =
     46         options.github_enterprise || "https://api.github.com";
     47       retObject.token = options.token || "";
     48       if (retObject.token === "") {
     49         retObject.token = yield prompt(
     50           "Token (get from https://github.com/settings/tokens): "
     51         );
     52       }
     53       retObject.exportFileName = options.exportFileName || false;
     54       retObject.exportAttributes = options.exportAttributes || false;
     55       if (retObject.exportAttributes) {
     56         retObject.exportAttributes = retObject.exportAttributes
     57           .split(",")
     58           .map((i) => i.trim());
     59       }
     60       retObject.exportComments = options.exportComments || false;
     61       retObject.exportAll = options.exportAll || false;
     62       retObject.csvDelimiter = options.csvDelimiter || ',';
     63       retObject.verbose = options.verbose || false;
     65       retObject.userOrOrganization = options.organization || "";
     66       if (retObject.userOrOrganization === "") {
     67         retObject.userOrOrganization = yield prompt("User or organization: ");
     68       }
     70       retObject.repo = options.repository || "";
     71       if (retObject.repo === "") {
     72         retObject.repo = yield prompt("Repository: ");
     73       }
     74       return retObject;
     75     }).then(
     76       function (values) {
     77         const ThrottledOctokit = Octokit.plugin(throttling);
     78         const octokit = new ThrottledOctokit({
     79           auth: values.token,
     80           userAgent: "github-csv-tools",
     81           baseUrl: values.githubUrl,
     82           throttle: {
     83             onRateLimit: (retryAfter, options) => {
     84               console.warn(
     85                 `Request quota exhausted for request ${options.method} ${options.url}`
     86               );
     88               if (options.request.retryCount === 0) {
     89                 // only retries once
     90                 console.log(`Retrying after ${retryAfter} seconds!`);
     91                 return true;
     92               }
     93             },
     94             onAbuseLimit: (retryAfter, options) => {
     95               // does not retry, only logs a warning
     96               console.warn(
     97                 `Abuse detected for request ${options.method} ${options.url}`
     98               );
     99             },
    100           },
    101         });
    103         if (file) {
    104           // This is an import!
    105           importFile(octokit, file, values);
    106         } else {
    107           // this is an export!
    108           exportIssues(octokit, values);
    109         }
    110       },
    111       function (err) {
    112         console.error("ERROR", err);
    113       }
    114     );
    115   })
    116   .parse(process.argv);