
My dotfiles, scripts and nix configs
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sync-ical2org.nix (1695B)

      1 home:
      2 { config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
      3 let calendars = (import ../private.nix).calendars;
      4     calendarArgs = with pkgs.lib;
      5       let xs = mapAttrsToList (n: v: "'" + n + "=" + v.category + "=" + + "'") calendars;
      6       in concatStringsSep " " xs;
      7 in {
      8 = {
      9     description = "Sync gcal calendar to";
     10     serviceConfig = {
     11       Type = "oneshot";
     12       ExecStart = let script = pkgs.writeScript "ical2org-auto" ''
     13         #!${pkgs.python35}/bin/python3
     14         import os
     15         import sys
     16         from urllib.request import urlopen
     17         import subprocess
     18         caldir = "${home}/var/ical2org"
     19         os.makedirs(caldir, exist_ok=True)
     20         cat = lambda n: b"#+CATEGORY:    " + bytes(n, "utf-8")
     21         for arg in sys.argv[1:]:
     22           [name, category, link] = arg.split("=")
     23           ical = urlopen(link).read()
     24           fname = os.path.join(caldir, name + ".org")
     25           org = open(fname, "wb")
     26           icalfd = open(os.path.join(caldir, name + ".ical"), "wb")
     27           icalfd.write(ical)
     28           icalfd.close()
     29           # just download for now
     30           #proc = subprocess.Popen("${pkgs.ical2org}/bin/ical2org",
     31           #                        close_fds=True,
     32           #                        stdin=subprocess.PIPE,
     33           #                        stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
     34           #out, err = proc.communicate(ical)
     35           #org.write(out.replace(cat("google"), cat(category)))
     36           #org.close()
     37       ''; in "${script} ${calendarArgs}";
     39     };
     40     preStart = ''
     41       export SSL_CERT_FILE="${pkgs.cacert}/etc/ssl/certs/ca-bundle.crt"
     42     '';
     43     restartIfChanged = false;
     44     startAt = "*:0/10";
     45   };
     46 }