default.nix (7583B)
1 { composeKey, util, userConfig, theme, icon-theme, extra }: 2 { config, lib, pkgs, ... }: 3 let 4 clippings-pl-file = pkgs.fetchurl { 5 url = ""; 6 sha256 = "13bn5lvm4p85369yj88jr62h3zalmmyrzmjc332qwlqgqhyf3dls"; 7 }; 8 clippings-pl = util.writeBash "" '' 9 ${lib.getBin pkgs.perl}/bin/perl ${clippings-pl-file} 10 ''; 11 12 secrets = extra.private; 13 in 14 { 15 imports = [ 16 (import ./networking extra) 17 ]; 18 19 services.hoogle = { 20 enable = false; 21 port = 8088; 22 packages = pkgs.myHaskellPackages; 23 haskellPackages = pkgs.haskellPackages; 24 }; 25 26 services.pcscd.enable = true; 27 services.gnome.gnome-keyring.enable = if then false else true; 28 29 services.trezord.enable = true; 30 31 services.avahi.enable = true; 32 services.avahi.publish.enable = true; 33 services.avahi.publish.userServices = true; 34 35 services.spotifyd.enable = false; 36 services.spotifyd.config = '' 37 [global] 38 username = bcasarin 39 password = ${secrets.spotify.password} 40 backend = pulseaudio 41 bitrate = 160 42 device_name = spotifyd 43 no_audio_cache = true 44 volume_normalisation = true 45 normalisation_pregain = -10 46 ''; 47 48 programs.gnupg.agent.enable = true; 49 #programs.gnupg.agent.pinentryFlavor = "gtk2"; 50 51 # programs.gnupg.trezor-agent = { 52 # enable = if then false else true; 53 # configPath = "/home/jb55/.gnupg"; 54 # }; 55 56 services.redshift = { 57 enable = if then false else true; 58 = 5500; 59 temperature.night = 3800; 60 61 brightness = { 62 day = "1.0"; 63 night = "0.8"; 64 }; 65 }; 66 67 location.latitude = 49.270186; 68 location.longitude = -123.109353; 69 70 = { 71 enable = if then false else true; 72 description = "userspace removable drive automounter"; 73 after = [ "" ]; 74 wants = [ "" ]; 75 wantedBy = [ "" ]; 76 serviceConfig = { 77 Type = "simple"; 78 ExecStart = "${lib.getBin pkgs.udiskie}/bin/udiskie"; 79 }; 80 }; 81 82 = { 83 enable = true; 84 description = "udp notification daemon"; 85 wantedBy = [ "" ]; 86 after = [ "" ]; 87 88 path = with pkgs; [ bash gnupg libnotify netcat nettools ]; 89 90 serviceConfig.ExecStart = util.writeBash "notify-daemon" '' 91 exec ${pkgs.socat}/bin/socat -d -d udp4-recvfrom:${toString extra.private.notify-port},reuseaddr,fork exec:/home/jb55/bin/recvalert 92 ''; 93 }; 94 95 = { 96 enable = false; 97 description = "sync kindle"; 98 after = [ "media-kindle.mount" ]; 99 requires = [ "media-kindle.mount" ]; 100 wantedBy = [ "media-kindle.mount" ]; 101 serviceConfig = { 102 ExecStart = util.writeBash "kindle-sync" '' 103 export PATH=${lib.makeBinPath (with pkgs; [ coreutils eject perl dos2unix git ])}:$PATH 104 NOTES=/home/jb55/doc/notes/kindle 105 mkdir -p $NOTES 106 </media/kindle/documents/My\ Clippings.txt dos2unix | \ 107 ${clippings-pl} > $NOTES/clippings.yml 108 cd $NOTES 109 if [ ! -d ".git" ]; then 110 git init . 111 git remote add origin gh:jb55/my-clippings 112 fi 113 git add clippings.yml 114 git commit -m "update" 115 git push -u origin master 116 ''; 117 }; 118 }; 119 120 services.mpd = { 121 enable = false; 122 dataDir = "/home/jb55/mpd"; 123 user = "jb55"; 124 group = "users"; 125 extraConfig = '' 126 audio_output { 127 type "pulse" 128 name "Local MPD" 129 server "" 130 } 131 ''; 132 }; 133 134 services.xserver = { 135 enable = true; 136 layout = "us"; 137 138 # xset r rate 200 50 139 autoRepeatDelay = 200; 140 autoRepeatInterval = 50; 141 142 xkbOptions = "terminate:ctrl_alt_bksp, ctrl:nocaps, keypad:hex, altwin:swap_alt_win, lv3:ralt_switch, compose:${composeKey}"; 143 144 wacom.enable = false; 145 146 displayManager = { 147 defaultSession = "none+xmonad"; 148 sessionCommands = "${userConfig}/bin/xinitrc"; 149 lightdm = { 150 enable = true; 151 background = "${pkgs.fetchurl { 152 url = ""; 153 sha256 = "e45cc45eb084d615babfae1aae703757c814d544e056f0627d175a6ab18b35ab"; 154 }}"; 155 }; 156 }; 157 158 windowManager = { 159 xmonad = { 160 enable = true; 161 enableContribAndExtras = true; 162 }; 163 }; 164 165 desktopManager = { 166 xterm.enable = false; 167 }; 168 169 }; 170 171 # Enable the OpenSSH daemon. 172 # Enable CUPS to print documents. 173 services.printing = { 174 enable = if then false else true; 175 drivers = [ pkgs.gutenprint ] ; 176 }; 177 178 = { 179 enable = if then false else true; 180 description = "Calendar Sync"; 181 wantedBy = [ "" ]; 182 after = [ "" ]; 183 serviceConfig.ExecStart = "${pkgs.vdirsyncer}/bin/vdirsyncer sync"; 184 startAt = "*:0/15"; 185 }; 186 187 = { 188 enable = if then false else true; 189 description = "Standup notification"; 190 wantedBy = [ "" ]; 191 after = [ "" ]; 192 serviceConfig.ExecStart = "${pkgs.libnotify}/bin/notify-send -u critical standup"; 193 startAt = "Mon..Fri *-*-* 15:58:00"; 194 }; 195 196 = { 197 enable = true; 198 description = "RXVT-Unicode Daemon"; 199 wantedBy = [ "" ]; 200 after = [ "" ]; 201 path = [ pkgs.rxvt-unicode ]; 202 serviceConfig = { 203 Restart = "always"; 204 ExecStart = "${pkgs.rxvt-unicode}/bin/urxvtd -q -o"; 205 }; 206 }; 207 208 = { 209 enable = true; 210 description = "X auto screen locker"; 211 wantedBy = [ "" ]; 212 after = [ "" ]; 213 serviceConfig.ExecStart = "${pkgs.xautolock}/bin/xautolock -time 10 -locker ${pkgs.slock}/bin/slock"; 214 }; 215 216 services.clipmenu.enable = true; 217 218 #environment.systemPackages = [pkgs.phonectl]; 219 = { 220 # enable = if then false else true; 221 # description = "phonectl"; 222 # wantedBy = [ "" ]; 223 # after = [ "" ]; 224 225 # serviceConfig.ExecStart = "${pkgs.phonectl}/bin/phonectld"; 226 227 # environment = with secrets.phonectl; { 228 # PHONECTLUSER=user; 229 # PHONECTLPASS=pass; 230 # PHONECTLPHONE=phone; 231 # }; 232 #}; 233 234 # TODO: maybe doesn't have my package env 235 # = { 236 # enable = true; 237 # description = "X key bind helper"; 238 # wantedBy = [ "" ]; 239 # after = [ "" ]; 240 # serviceConfig.ExecStart = "${pkgs.xbindkeys}/bin/xbindkeys -n -f ${pkgs.jb55-dotfiles}/.xbindkeysrc"; 241 # }; 242 243 = { 244 enable = if then false else true; 245 246 description = "dunst notifier"; 247 wantedBy = [ "" ]; 248 after = [ "" ]; 249 serviceConfig.ExecStart = "${pkgs.dunst}/bin/dunst"; 250 }; 251 252 = { 253 enable = true; 254 description = "X session init commands"; 255 wantedBy = [ "" ]; 256 after = [ "" ]; 257 258 serviceConfig = { 259 Type = "oneshot"; 260 RemainAfterExit = true; 261 ExecStart = "${userConfig}/bin/xinitrc"; 262 }; 263 }; 264 265 }