
My dotfiles, scripts and nix configs
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massager-service.nix (828B)

      1 { mkDerivation, base, bytestring, cassava, flexible-instances
      2 , http-types, payment, data-default, pipes, pipes-csv, stdenv, streaming
      3 , streaming-wai, text, unordered-containers, vector, wai, warp
      4 , word8
      5 }:
      6 with stdenv.lib;
      7 mkDerivation {
      8   pname = "massager-service";
      9   version = "0.1.0";
     10   src = /dropbox/projects/monstercat/haskell/massager-service;
     11   isLibrary = false;
     12   isExecutable = true;
     13   executableHaskellDepends = [
     14     base bytestring data-default cassava flexible-instances http-types payment
     15     pipes pipes-csv streaming streaming-wai text unordered-containers
     16     vector wai warp word8
     17   ];
     18   postInstall = ''
     19     cp -r parsers $out/bin
     20   '';
     21   homepage = "";
     22   description = "Match csvs with Connect users and tracks";
     23   license =;
     24 }