default.nix (14837B)
1 extra: 2 { config, lib, pkgs, ... }: 3 let util = extra.util; 4 nix-serve = extra.machine.nix-serve; 5 zenstates = pkgs.fetchFromGitHub { 6 owner = "r4m0n"; 7 repo = "ZenStates-Linux"; 8 rev = "0bc27f4740e382f2a2896dc1dabfec1d0ac96818"; 9 sha256 = "1h1h2n50d2cwcyw3zp4lamfvrdjy1gjghffvl3qrp6arfsfa615y"; 10 }; 11 jb55pkgs = import <jb55pkgs> { inherit pkgs; }; 12 git-email-contacts = "${jb55pkgs.git-email-contacts}/bin/git-email-contacts"; 13 email-notify = util.writeBash "email-notify-user" '' 14 export HOME=/home/jb55 15 export PATH=${lib.makeBinPath (with pkgs; [ eject libnotify muchsync notmuch openssh ])}:$PATH 16 ( 17 flock -x -w 100 200 || exit 1 18 19 muchsync charon 20 21 #DISPLAY=:0 notify-send --category=email "you got mail" 22 23 ) 200>/tmp/email-notify.lock 24 ''; 25 26 in 27 { 28 imports = [ 29 ./hardware 30 (import ./rocksmith.nix) 31 # ./contracts/commit 32 # ./contracts/plastiq 33 34 #(import ../../misc/dnsmasq-adblock.nix) 35 (import ../../misc/msmtp extra) 36 (import ./networking extra) 37 (import ../../misc/imap-notifier extra) 38 ] ++ (if ! then [ (import ./bitcoin extra) ] else []); 39 40 #hardware.steam-hardware.enable = true; 41 42 #boot.zfs.enableUnstable = true; 43 boot.zfs.removeLinuxDRM = true; 44 #boot.kernelPackages = config.boot.zfs.package.latestCompatibleLinuxPackages; 45 46 # ai 47 #services.comfyui.enable = false; 48 #services.comfyui.rocmSupport = true; 49 #services.comfyui.dataPath = "/titan/ai/comfyui"; 50 services.ollama = { 51 enable = true; 52 host = ""; 53 acceleration = "rocm"; 54 environmentVariables = { 55 HCC_AMDGPU_TARGET = "gfx1010"; # used to be necessary, but doesn't seem to anymore 56 }; 57 rocmOverrideGfx = "10.1.0"; 58 }; 59 60 services.n8n.enable = true; 61 62 services.ofono.enable = false; 63 services.ofono.plugins = with pkgs; [ ofono-phonesim ]; 64 65 = true; 66 = 8090; 67 68 services.prometheus.enable = false; 69 # services.prometheus.dataDir = "/zbig/data/prometheus"; 70 services.grafana.enable = false; 71 services.grafana.port = 3005; 72 services.grafana.provision.datasources = [ 73 { name = "bitcoin"; 74 type = "prometheus"; 75 access = "direct"; 76 isDefault = true; 77 } 78 ]; 79 80 # services.guix.enable = true; 81 services.synergy.client.enable = if then false else false; 82 services.synergy.client.autoStart = true; 83 services.synergy.client.serverAddress = ""; 84 services.synergy.client.screenName = "monad"; 85 86 services.bitlbee.enable = if then false else false; 87 services.bitlbee.libpurple_plugins = with pkgs; [ 88 pidgin-skypeweb 89 purple-facebook 90 purple-hangouts 91 telegram-purple 92 purple-matrix 93 ]; 94 95 # services.thelounge.enable = true; 96 # services.thelounge.theme = "thelounge-theme-mininapse"; 97 # services.thelounge.port = 9002; 98 99 services.dnscrypt-proxy2.enable = false; 100 services.dnscrypt-proxy2.settings = { 101 102 listen_addresses = [ "" ]; 103 server_names = ["cs-ca2" "ev-to"]; 104 fallback_resolver = ""; 105 sources = { 106 public-resolvers = { 107 urls = ["" 108 "" 109 ]; 110 cache_file = ""; 111 minisign_key = "RWQf6LRCGA9i53mlYecO4IzT51TGPpvWucNSCh1CBM0QTaLn73Y7GFO3"; 112 refresh_delay = 71; 113 }; 114 115 relays = { 116 urls = [""]; 117 cache_file = ""; 118 minisign_key = "RWQf6LRCGA9i53mlYecO4IzT51TGPpvWucNSCh1CBM0QTaLn73Y7GFO3"; 119 refresh_delay = 71; 120 }; 121 }; 122 anonymized_dns.routes = [ 123 { server_name="cs-ca2"; via=["anon-ev-va"]; } 124 { server_name="ev-to"; via=["anon-cs-ca2"]; } 125 ]; 126 }; 127 128 services.dnsmasq.enable = true; 129 services.dnsmasq.resolveLocalQueries = false; 130 #services.dnsmasq.servers = [""]; 131 # services.dnsmasq.servers = ["" "" ""]; 132 services.dnsmasq.settings.server = ["" "" ]; 133 services.dnsmasq.settings.conf-file = "/var/dnsmasq-hosts"; 134 services.dnsmasq.settings.addn-hosts = "/var/hosts"; 135 services.dnsmasq.settings.dns-forward-max = 12000; 136 services.dnsmasq.settings.min-cache-ttl = 300; 137 services.dnsmasq.settings.rebind-domain-ok = ""; 138 139 services.bitlbee.plugins = with pkgs; [ 140 bitlbee-mastodon 141 ]; 142 143 # shitcoin vendor 144 services.keybase.enable = false; 145 146 = { 147 description = "Block Distracting Hosts"; 148 149 path = with pkgs; [ systemd procps ]; 150 151 serviceConfig.ExecStart = util.writeBash "block-distracting-hosts" '' 152 set -e 153 cp /var/undistracting-hosts /var/distracting-hosts 154 155 # crude way to clear the cache... 156 systemctl restart dnsmasq 157 ''; 158 159 startAt = "Mon..Fri *-*-* 09:00:00"; 160 }; 161 162 = { 163 enable = false; 164 description = "Email bitcoin PR patches that have me as a git-contact"; 165 166 wantedBy = [ "" ]; 167 after = [ "" ]; 168 169 path = with pkgs; [ openssh msmtp libnotify netcat gitFull ]; 170 171 environment = { 172 SSH_AUTH_SOCK = "/run/user/1000/ssh-agent"; 173 }; 174 175 serviceConfig.ExecStart = util.writeBash "bitcoin-contacts" '' 176 export SSH_ASKPASS="${pkgs.x11_ssh_askpass}/libexec/x11-ssh-askpass" 177 while true 178 do 179 duration="30m" 180 cd /home/jb55/dev/github/bitcoin/bitcoin 181 ${git-email-contacts} 182 git gc 183 cd /home/jb55/dev/github/bitcoin-core/gui 184 ${git-email-contacts} 185 git gc 186 cd /home/jb55/etc/nixpkgs-master 187 git fetch -p upstream 188 ${git-email-contacts} 189 git gc 190 printf "done for now, waiting %s...\n" $duration 2>&1 191 sleep $duration 192 done 193 ''; 194 }; 195 196 = { 197 enable = if then false else true; 198 description = "Stop spotify when Elliott goes to bed"; 199 wantedBy = [ "" ]; 200 after = [ "" ]; 201 serviceConfig.ExecStart = "${pkgs.dbus}/bin/dbus-send --print-reply --dest=org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.spotify /org/mpris/MediaPlayer2 org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.Player.Stop"; 202 203 startAt = "*-*-* 19:30:00"; 204 }; 205 206 = { 207 enable = if then false else true; 208 209 description = "Unblock Distracting Hosts"; 210 211 path = with pkgs; [ systemd ]; 212 213 serviceConfig.ExecStart = util.writeBash "unblock-distracting-hosts" '' 214 set -e 215 echo "" > /var/distracting-hosts 216 systemctl restart dnsmasq 217 ''; 218 219 startAt = "Mon..Fri *-*-* 17:00:00"; 220 }; 221 222 #virtualisation.docker.enable = if then false else true; 223 224 boot.kernelPatches = [ 225 #{ # pci acs hack, not really safe or a good idea 226 # name = "acs-overrides"; 227 # patch = pkgs.fetchurl { 228 # url = ""; 229 # sha256 = "1b1qjlqkbwpv82aja48pj9vpi9p6jggc8g92p4rg7zjjjs2ldp24"; 230 # }; 231 #} 232 ]; 233 234 #boot.kernelParams = [ "pcie_acs_override=downstream" ]; 235 236 = { 237 description = "clightning mainnet rpc tunnel"; 238 wantedBy = [ "" ]; 239 after = [ "" ]; 240 241 serviceConfig.ExecStart = extra.util.writeBash "lightning-tunnel" '' 242 ${pkgs.socat}/bin/socat -d -d TCP-LISTEN:7878,fork,reuseaddr,range= UNIX-CONNECT:/home/jb55/.lightning/bitcoin/lightning-rpc 243 ''; 244 }; 245 246 virtualisation.libvirtd = { 247 enable = false; 248 qemu = { 249 package = pkgs.qemu_kvm; 250 runAsRoot = true; 251 swtpm.enable = true; 252 ovmf = { 253 enable = false; 254 #packages = [(pkgs.OVMF.override { 255 # secureBoot = true; 256 # tpmSupport = true; 257 #}).fd]; 258 }; 259 }; 260 }; 261 262 = { 263 enable = if then false else true; 264 description = "Ban Bitcoin EC2 nodes"; 265 wantedBy = [ "bitcoind-mainnet.service" ]; 266 after = [ "bitcoind-mainnet.service" ]; 267 serviceConfig.ExecStart = util.writeBash "btc-ban-ec2" '' 268 # lets chill for a bit before we do this 269 ${pkgs.curl}/bin/curl -s '' | 270 ${pkgs.jq}/bin/jq -rc '.prefixes[].ip_prefix | {"jsonrpc": "1.0", "id":"aws-banscript", method: "setban", "params": [., "add", 3450]}' | 271 ${pkgs.jq}/bin/jq -s | 272 ${pkgs.curl}/bin/curl -s -u ${extra.private.btc-user}:${extra.private.btc-pass} --data-binary @/dev/stdin -H 'content-type: text/plain' ${extra.private.btc-rpc-host}:${extra.private.btc-rpc-port} 273 ''; 274 startAt = "*-*-* *:00:00"; #hourly 275 }; 276 277 environment.systemPackages = [ pkgs.virt-manager ]; 278 279 services.minecraft-server.enable = false; 280 services.minecraft-server.eula = true; 281 services.minecraft-server.openFirewall = true; 282 services.minecraft-server.declarative = true; 283 services.minecraft-server.serverProperties = { 284 server-port = 25565; 285 difficulty = "normal"; 286 gamemode = "survival"; 287 force-gamemode = true; 288 max-players = 2; 289 motd = "NixOS Minecraft server!"; 290 white-list = false; 291 enable-rcon = true; 292 "rcon.password" = "minecraft"; 293 }; 294 295 = true; 296 = false; 297 = true; 298 299 users.extraUsers.jb55.extraGroups = [ "vboxusers" "bitcoin" "kvm" "qemu-libvirtd" "libvirtd" "input" ]; 300 301 services.xserver.videoDrivers = [ ]; 302 303 users.extraGroups.tor.members = [ "jb55" "nginx" ]; 304 users.extraGroups.bitcoin.members = [ "jb55" ]; 305 users.extraGroups.nginx.members = [ "jb55" ]; 306 users.extraGroups.transmission.members = [ "nginx" "jb55" ]; 307 308 programs.mosh.enable = false; 309 programs.adb.enable = true; 310 311 documentation.nixos.enable = false; 312 313 services.redis.enable = if then false else false; 314 services.mongodb.enable = if then false else false; 315 316 services.zeronet.enable = false; 317 #services.zeronet.trackers = '' 318 # 319 # 320 # 321 # 322 # udp:// 323 #''; 324 325 services.tor.enable = if then false else true; 326 services.tor.controlPort = 9051; 327 services.tor.client.enable = true; 328 services.tor.settings = extra.private.tor.settings; 329 330 services.nix-serve.enable = false; 331 services.nix-serve.bindAddress = nix-serve.bindAddress; 332 services.nix-serve.port = nix-serve.port; 333 334 services.xserver.screenSection = '' 335 Option "metamodes" "1920x1080_144 +0+0" 336 Option "dpi" "96 x 96" 337 ''; 338 339 services.nginx.enable = if then false else true; 340 = [ "/var/www" ]; 341 services.nginx.httpConfig = '' 342 server { 343 listen 80 default_server; 344 listen ${extra.machine.ztip}:80 default_server; 345 listen default_server; 346 347 server_name; 348 349 location / { 350 root /var/www/public; 351 autoindex on; 352 index index.html; 353 } 354 } 355 356 server { 357 listen 80; 358 listen ${extra.machine.ztip}:80; 359 listen; 360 361 server_name; 362 363 location / { 364 root /var/www/notes; 365 autoindex on; 366 index index.html; 367 368 client_body_temp_path /var/www/tmp; 369 370 dav_methods PUT DELETE MKCOL COPY MOVE; 371 dav_ext_methods PROPFIND OPTIONS; 372 373 client_max_body_size 10M; 374 375 create_full_put_path on; 376 dav_access user:rw group:rw all:rw; 377 } 378 } 379 380 '' + (if then '' 381 server { 382 listen ${nix-serve.bindAddress}:80; 383 server_name; 384 385 location / { 386 proxy_pass http://${nix-serve.bindAddress}:${toString nix-serve.port}; 387 proxy_next_upstream error timeout invalid_header http_500 http_502 http_503 http_504; 388 proxy_redirect off; 389 proxy_buffering off; 390 proxy_set_header Host $host; 391 proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr; 392 proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for; 393 } 394 } 395 '' else "") + (if then extra.private.tor.nginx else ""); 396 397 # services.footswitch = { 398 # enable = false; 399 # enable-led = true; 400 # led = "input5::numlock"; 401 # }; 402 403 = { 404 description = "Ryzen Disable C6 State"; 405 406 wantedBy = [ "" ]; 407 after = [ "" "" ]; 408 409 serviceConfig.Type = "oneshot"; 410 serviceConfig.ExecStart = util.writeBash "disable-c6-state" '' 411 ${pkgs.kmod}/bin/modprobe msr 412 ${pkgs.python3}/bin/python ${zenstates}/ --c6-disable --list 413 ''; 414 }; 415 416 services.mysql.enable = false; 417 services.mysql.package = pkgs.mariadb; 418 419 # services.postgresql = { 420 # dataDir = "/var/db/postgresql/100/"; 421 # enable = true; 422 # package = pkgs.postgresql_10; 423 # # extraPlugins = with pkgs; [ pgmp ]; 424 # authentication = pkgs.lib.mkForce '' 425 # # type db user address method 426 # local all all trust 427 # host all all trust 428 # host all all trust 429 # ''; 430 # extraConfig = '' 431 # listen_addresses = '' 432 # ''; 433 # }; 434 435 # services.postgresql = { 436 # dataDir = "/var/db/postgresql/96/"; 437 # enable = true; 438 # package = pkgs.postgresql96; 439 # # extraPlugins = with pkgs; [ pgmp ]; 440 # authentication = pkgs.lib.mkForce '' 441 # # type db user address method 442 # local all all trust 443 # host all all trust 444 # host all all trust 445 # ''; 446 # extraConfig = '' 447 # listen_addresses = '' 448 # ''; 449 # }; 450 451 # for kmsgrab streaming 452 security.wrappers.ffmpeg = { 453 source = "${pkgs.ffmpeg}/bin/ffmpeg"; 454 capabilities = "cap_sys_admin+ep"; 455 owner = "root"; 456 group = "root"; 457 }; 458 459 # security.pam.u2f = { 460 # enable = true; 461 # interactive = true; 462 # cue = true; 463 # control = "sufficient"; 464 # authfile = "${pkgs.writeText "pam-u2f-config" '' 465 # jb55:vMXUgYb1ytYmOVgqFDwVOxJmvVI9F3gdSJVbvsi1A1VA-3mftTUhgARo4Kmm_8SAH6IJJ8p3LSXPSbtTSXMIpQ,04d8c1542a7391ee83112a577db968b84351f0090a9abe7c75bedcd94777cf15727c68ce4ac8858ff2812ded3c86d978efc5893b25cf906032632019fe792d3ec4 466 # ''}"; 467 # }; 468 469 }