
My dotfiles, scripts and nix configs
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custom.el (18884B)

      1 (custom-set-variables
      2  ;; custom-set-variables was added by Custom.
      3  ;; If you edit it by hand, you could mess it up, so be careful.
      4  ;; Your init file should contain only one such instance.
      5  ;; If there is more than one, they won't work right.
      6  '(Linum-format "%7i ")
      7  '(ac-ispell-requires 4 t)
      8  '(ahs-case-fold-search nil)
      9  '(ahs-default-range 'ahs-range-whole-buffer)
     10  '(ahs-idle-interval 0.25)
     11  '(ahs-idle-timer 0 t)
     12  '(ahs-inhibit-face-list nil)
     13  '(ansi-color-faces-vector
     14    [default bold shadow italic underline bold bold-italic bold])
     15  '(ansi-color-names-vector
     16    ["#110F13" "#B13120" "#719F34" "#CEAE3E" "#7C9FC9" "#7868B5" "#009090" "#F4EAD5"])
     17  '(ansi-term-color-vector
     18    [unspecified "#1d1f21" "#cc6666" "#b5bd68" "#f0c674" "#81a2be" "#b294bb" "#81a2be" "#c5c8c6"] t)
     19  '(before-save-hook
     20    '(spacemacs//python-sort-imports gofmt-before-save org-update-all-dblocks))
     21  '(browse-url-browser-function 'browse-url-generic)
     22  '(browse-url-generic-program "/home/jb55/bin/browser")
     23  '(c-default-style
     24    '((c-mode . "linux")
     25      (java-mode . "java")
     26      (awk-mode . "awk")
     27      (other . "gnu")))
     28  '(company-clang-arguments '("-Ideps"))
     29  '(company-quickhelp-delay nil)
     30  '(company-quickhelp-mode t)
     31  '(compilation-message-face 'default)
     32  '(compilation-window-height 15)
     33  '(csv-separators '("," "	"))
     34  '(cua-global-mark-cursor-color "#2aa198")
     35  '(cua-normal-cursor-color "#657b83")
     36  '(cua-overwrite-cursor-color "#b58900")
     37  '(cua-read-only-cursor-color "#859900")
     38  '(debug-on-error nil)
     39  '(debug-on-quit nil)
     40  '(disaster-objdump "objdump -d -M att -Sl --no-show-raw-insn")
     41  '(elm-indent-offset 4)
     42  '(epg-gpg-home-directory "~/.gnupg")
     43  '(epg-gpg-program "gpg")
     44  '(eshell-prompt-function 'jb55/eshell-prompt)
     45  '(evil-kill-on-visual-paste nil)
     46  '(evil-shift-width 2)
     47  '(evil-want-Y-yank-to-eol t)
     48  '(expand-region-contract-fast-key "V")
     49  '(expand-region-reset-fast-key "r")
     50  '(fci-rule-character-color "#202020" t)
     51  '(fci-rule-color "#202020" t)
     52  '(fill-column 70)
     53  '(flycheck-clang-include-path '("deps"))
     54  '(flycheck-clang-language-standard nil)
     55  '(flycheck-display-errors-function 'flycheck-pos-tip-error-messages)
     56  '(flycheck-gcc-language-standard "c++11")
     57  '(flycheck-ghc-args '("-isrc"))
     58  '(flycheck-hlint-ignore-rules '("Eta reduce"))
     59  '(flycheck-pos-tip-timeout 2)
     60  '(flycheck-standard-error-navigation t)
     61  '(fringe-mode '(1 . 1) nil (fringe))
     62  '(global-display-fill-column-indicator-mode t)
     63  '(global-hl-line-mode t)
     64  '(gnus-select-method '(nntp ""))
     65  '(grep-find-ignored-directories
     66    '("SCCS" "RCS" "CVS" "MCVS" ".svn" ".git" ".hg" ".bzr" "_MTN" "_darcs" "{arch}" "node_modules"))
     67  '(haskell-font-lock-symbols nil)
     68  '(haskell-hoogle-command nil t)
     69  '(haskell-hoogle-url "http://localhost:8080/?hoogle=%s" t)
     70  '(haskell-indentation-indent-leftmost t)
     71  '(haskell-interactive-mode-scroll-to-bottom t)
     72  '(haskell-interactive-popup-error nil t)
     73  '(haskell-mode-hook
     74    '(turn-on-haskell-indent haskell-hook turn-on-hi2 flycheck-mode) t)
     75  '(haskell-notify-p t t)
     76  '(haskell-process-args-cabal-repl '("--ghc-options=-ferror-spans -fshow-loaded-modules"))
     77  '(haskell-process-args-ghci
     78    '("-isrc" "-XOverloadedStrings" "-ferror-spans" "-fshow-loaded-modules"))
     79  '(haskell-process-auto-import-loaded-modules t t)
     80  '(haskell-process-log t)
     81  '(haskell-process-suggest-remove-import-lines t t)
     82  '(haskell-process-type 'ghci)
     83  '(haskell-stylish-on-save nil t)
     84  '(haskell-tags-on-save nil)
     85  '(helm-echo-input-in-header-line nil)
     86  '(helm-ff-skip-boring-files t)
     87  '(highlight-changes-colors '("#d33682" "#6c71c4"))
     88  '(highlight-symbol-colors
     89    (--map
     90     (solarized-color-blend it "#fdf6e3" 0.25)
     91     '("#b58900" "#2aa198" "#dc322f" "#6c71c4" "#859900" "#cb4b16" "#268bd2")))
     92  '(highlight-symbol-foreground-color "#586e75")
     93  '(highlight-tail-colors
     94    '(("#eee8d5" . 0)
     95      ("#B4C342" . 20)
     96      ("#69CABF" . 30)
     97      ("#69B7F0" . 50)
     98      ("#DEB542" . 60)
     99      ("#F2804F" . 70)
    100      ("#F771AC" . 85)
    101      ("#eee8d5" . 100)))
    102  '(hl-bg-colors
    103    '("#DEB542" "#F2804F" "#FF6E64" "#F771AC" "#9EA0E5" "#69B7F0" "#69CABF" "#B4C342"))
    104  '(hl-fg-colors
    105    '("#fdf6e3" "#fdf6e3" "#fdf6e3" "#fdf6e3" "#fdf6e3" "#fdf6e3" "#fdf6e3" "#fdf6e3"))
    106  '(hl-todo-keyword-faces
    107    '(("TODO" . "#dc752f")
    108      ("NEXT" . "#dc752f")
    109      ("THEM" . "#2d9574")
    110      ("PROG" . "#3a81c3")
    111      ("OKAY" . "#3a81c3")
    112      ("DONT" . "#f2241f")
    113      ("FAIL" . "#f2241f")
    114      ("DONE" . "#42ae2c")
    115      ("NOTE" . "#b1951d")
    116      ("KLUDGE" . "#b1951d")
    117      ("HACK" . "#b1951d")
    118      ("TEMP" . "#b1951d")
    119      ("FIXME" . "#dc752f")
    120      ("XXX" . "#dc752f")
    121      ("XXXX" . "#dc752f")))
    122  '(if (version< emacs-version "24.4"))
    123  '(ispell-program-name "aspell")
    124  '(js-indent-level 2)
    125  '(js2-basic-offset 2)
    126  '(js2-bounce-indent-p t)
    127  '(js2-strict-missing-semi-warning nil)
    128  '(ledger-reports
    129    '(("bal realized" "%(binary) -f %(ledger-file) bal -V ")
    130      ("bal" "%(binary) -f %(ledger-file) bal")
    131      ("reg" "%(binary) -f %(ledger-file) reg")
    132      ("payee" "%(binary) -f %(ledger-file) reg @%(payee)")
    133      ("account" "%(binary) -f %(ledger-file) reg %(account)")))
    134  '(link-hint-delete-trailing-paren t)
    135  '(linum-format " %7i ")
    136  '(lsp-prefer-flymake :none)
    137  '(magit-diff-use-overlays nil)
    138  '(magit-log-margin '(nil age magit-log-margin-width nil 18))
    139  '(magit-refresh-status-buffer nil)
    140  '(magit-revision-insert-related-refs nil)
    141  '(magit-revision-show-gravatars nil)
    142  '(magit-revision-use-hash-sections 'quickest)
    143  '(mail-envelope-from 'header)
    144  '(mail-self-blind t)
    145  '(mail-specify-envelope-from nil)
    146  '(mailcap-user-mime-data '(("zathura %s" "application/pdf" nil)))
    147  '(main-line-color1 "#1E1E1E")
    148  '(main-line-color2 "#111111")
    149  '(main-line-separator-style 'chamfer)
    150  '(markdown-hide-urls t)
    151  '(mastodon-instance-url "")
    152  '(message-auto-save-directory "~/mail/drafts")
    153  '(message-kill-buffer-on-exit t)
    154  '(message-mode-hook nil)
    155  '(message-send-mail-function 'message-send-mail-with-sendmail)
    156  '(message-sendmail-envelope-from 'header)
    157  '(message-sendmail-f-is-evil nil)
    158  '(mm-html-inhibit-images t)
    159  '(mm-sign-option nil)
    160  '(mm-text-html-renderer 'shr)
    161  '(mml-secure-key-preferences
    162    '((OpenPGP
    163       (sign
    164        ("" "5B2B1E4F62216BC74362AC61D4FBA2FC4535A2A9"))
    165       (encrypt
    166        ("" "5B2B1E4F62216BC74362AC61D4FBA2FC4535A2A9")))
    167      (CMS
    168       (sign)
    169       (encrypt))))
    170  '(mml-secure-openpgp-encrypt-to-self
    171    '("8860420C3C135662EABEADF96342E010C44A6337" "87D78CE40B38B817" "5B2B1E4F62216BC74362AC61D4FBA2FC4535A2A9"))
    172  '(nil nil t)
    173  '(notmuch-command "notmuch")
    174  '(notmuch-fcc-dirs ".Sent +sent -inbox -unread")
    175  '(notmuch-hello-tag-list-make-query "tag:inbox")
    176  '(notmuch-message-headers-visible t)
    177  '(notmuch-saved-searches
    178    '((:name "flagged" :query "tag:flagged and tag:inbox" :key "f")
    179      (:name "lightning" :query "tag:inbox and tag:lightning" :key "k" :sort-order newest-first)
    180      (:name "bitcoin" :query "tag:core and tag:inbox and subject:bitcoin/bitcoin" :key "b" :sort-order subject-ascending)
    181      (:name "best" :query "tag:best and tag:inbox" :key "B" :sort-order newest-first)
    182      (:name "inbox" :query "tag:inbox and not tag:filed and not tag:noise" :key "i" :sort-order newest-first)
    183      (:name "nixpkgs" :query "tag:nixpkgs and tag:inbox" :key "n" :sort-order subject-ascending)
    184      (:name "notmuch" :query "tag:notmuch and tag:inbox" :key "N" :sort-order newest-first)
    185      (:name "list" :query "tag:list and not tag:github and tag:inbox and not tag:busy" :key "l" :sort-order subject-ascending)
    186      (:name "github" :query "tag:github and not tag:busy and tag:inbox" :key "g" :sort-order subject-ascending)
    187      (:name "today" :query "date:today and tag:inbox" :key "1")
    188      (:name "rss" :query "tag:rss and tag:inbox and not tag:busy" :key "r" :sort-order from-ascending)
    189      (:name "rss-busy" :query "tag:rss and tag:inbox and tag:busy" :key "R" :sort-order from-ascending)
    190      (:name "2-day" :query "date:yesterday.. and tag:inbox" :key "2")
    191      (:name "work" :query "tag:inbox and tag:work" :key "w" :sort-order subject-ascending)))
    192  '(notmuch-search-line-faces
    193    '(("unread" . notmuch-search-unread-face)
    194      ("flagged" . notmuch-search-flagged-face)))
    195  '(notmuch-search-oldest-first nil)
    196  '(notmuch-search-sort-order 'newest-first)
    197  '(notmuch-show-all-tags-list t)
    198  '(notmuch-show-insert-text/plain-hook
    199    '(notmuch-wash-convert-inline-patch-to-part notmuch-wash-wrap-long-lines notmuch-wash-tidy-citations notmuch-wash-elide-blank-lines notmuch-wash-excerpt-citations))
    200  '(notmuch-tag-formats
    201    '(("unread" "?"
    202       (propertize tag 'face 'notmuch-tag-unread))
    203      ("flagged"
    204       #("*" 0 1
    205         (face
    206          ((:foreground "gold")
    207           (:foreground "gold")
    208           (:foreground "gold")
    209           (:foreground "gold")
    210           (:foreground "gold")
    211           (:foreground "gold")
    212           (:foreground "gold")
    213           (:foreground "gold")
    214           (:foreground "gold")
    215           (:foreground "gold")
    216           (:foreground "gold")
    217           (:foreground "gold")
    218           (:foreground "gold")
    219           (:foreground "gold")
    220           (:foreground "gold")
    221           (:foreground "gold")
    222           (:foreground "gold")
    223           (:foreground "gold")
    224           (:foreground "gold")
    225           (:foreground "gold"))))
    226       (notmuch-apply-face tag
    227                           '(:foreground "gold")))
    228      ("pr"
    229       (notmuch-apply-face tag
    230                           '(:foreground "green")))
    231      ("issue"
    232       (notmuch-apply-face tag
    233                           '(:foreground "orange")))
    234      ("filed"
    235       #("f" 0 1
    236         (face
    237          ((:foreground "dim gray")
    238           (:foreground "dim gray"))))
    239       (notmuch-apply-face tag
    240                           '(:foreground "dim gray")))
    241      ("list")
    242      ("github"
    243       #("gh" 0 2
    244         (face
    245          ((:foreground "dim gray")
    246           (:foreground "dim gray"))))
    247       (notmuch-apply-face tag
    248                           '(:foreground "dim gray")))
    249      ("inbox"
    250       #("i" 0 1
    251         (face
    252          ((:foreground "white")
    253           (:foreground "white"))))
    254       (notmuch-apply-face tag
    255                           '(:foreground "white")))
    256      ("closed"
    257       (notmuch-apply-face tag
    258                           '(:foreground "wheat")))
    259      ("merged"
    260       (notmuch-apply-face tag
    261                           '(:foreground "yellow")))
    262      ("bot"
    263       (notmuch-apply-face tag
    264                           '(:foreground "dim gray")))
    265      ("busy"
    266       #("b" 0 1
    267         (face
    268          ((:foreground "brown")
    269           (:foreground "brown"))))
    270       (notmuch-apply-face tag
    271                           '(:foreground "brown")))
    272      ("bitcoin"
    273       #("btc" 0 3
    274         (face
    275          ((:foreground "gold")
    276           (:foreground "gold"))))
    277       (notmuch-apply-face tag
    278                           '(:foreground "gold")))))
    279  '(notmuch-wash-wrap-lines-length 100)
    280  '(olivetti-body-width 100 t)
    281  '(org-adapt-indentation nil)
    282  '(org-agenda-current-time-string
    283    #("=========================== NOW ===========================" 0 59
    284      (org-heading t)))
    285  '(org-agenda-files
    286    '("~/src/c/polyadvent/" "/home/jb55/docs/org/" "/home/jb55/docs/org/" "/home/jb55/projects/razorcx/doc/org/"))
    287  '(org-agenda-time-grid
    288    '((daily today require-timed)
    289      ""
    290      (800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000)))
    291  '(org-archive-location "archive/%s_archive::")
    292  '(org-directory "~/docs/org")
    293  '(org-duration-format '((special . h:mm)))
    294  '(org-export-headline-levels 2)
    295  '(org-export-with-section-numbers nil)
    296  '(org-export-with-toc nil)
    297  '(org-format-latex-options
    298    '(:foreground default :background default :scale 2.0 :html-foreground "Black" :html-background "Transparent" :html-scale 1.0 :matchers
    299                  ("begin" "$1" "$" "$$" "\\(" "\\[")))
    300  '(org-html-head-include-default-style nil)
    301  '(org-html-head-include-scripts nil)
    302  '(org-html-postamble nil)
    303  '(org-refile-targets '((org-agenda-files :maxlevel . 1)))
    304  '(org-trello-current-prefix-keybinding "C-c o" nil (org-trello))
    305  '(org-use-sub-superscripts '{})
    306  '(package-selected-packages
    307    '(envrc org-kanban lsp-pyright tracking treemacs-projectile spaceline rjsx-mode prettier-js gntp org-cliplink meson-mode lsp-haskell hierarchy json-snatcher json-reformat js2-mode window-purpose imenu-list epc ctable concurrent prop-menu htmlize parent-mode haml-mode project eldoc xref emacsql-sqlite flx evil-textobj-line evil-ledger evil-ediff elm-test-runner lcr csharp-mode counsel swiper ivy deferred web-completion-data rtags company-quickhelp pos-tip nixos-options lua-mode irony go-mode anaconda-mode pythonic company lsp-mode spinner ht dash-functional markdown-mode rust-mode blacken yasnippet packed auctex flycheck f s pkg-info epl avy auto-complete popup org-plus-contrib hydra lv evil bind-map bind-key notmuch neuron-mode projectile haskell-mode reformatter helm helm-core iedit paredit goto-chg undo-tree anzu smartparens magit git-commit async with-editor transient ghub treepy emacsql multiple-cursors skewer-mode simple-httpd treemacs magit-popup sml-mode alert log4e org-category-capture purescript-mode test-simple loc-changes load-relative powerline all-the-icons memoize pfuture visual-fill-column treemacs-persp treemacs-icons-dired ron-mode org-superstar magit-section dash lsp-ivy flycheck-elsa emr list-utils graphql-mode swift-mode company-tabnine unicode-escape names lsp-ui lsp-treemacs lsp-python-ms cquery company-lsp ccls github-search github-clone git-gutter-fringe+ git-gutter-fringe fringe-helper gist gh marshal logito confluence git-gutter+ git-gutter pcache diff-hl xml-rpc browse-at-remote direnv writeroom-mode treemacs-evil typescript-mode symbol-overlay realgud olivetti eglot flymake jsonrpc forge closql flycheck-package package-lint let-alist auctex-latexmk github-review treemacs-magit nodejs-repl flycheck-ycmd devdocs cpp-auto-include company-ycmd ycmd request-deferred company-reftex attrap hybrid-mode elpher protobuf-mode ini-mode vi-tilde-fringe org-bullets helm-xref helm-themes helm-swoop helm-purpose helm-projectile helm-mode-manager helm-flx helm-descbinds helm-ag ace-jump-helm-line yasnippet-snippets yapfify yaml-mode ws-butler winum which-key wgrep weechat web-mode web-beautify w3m volatile-highlights uuidgen use-package twittering-mode toml-mode toc-org tide tagedit symon string-inflection sql-indent spotify spaceline-all-the-icons smex smeargle slim-mode shen-mode shen-elisp scss-mode sass-mode restart-emacs request rainbow-delimiters racket-mode racer pyvenv pytest pyenv-mode py-isort pug-mode psci psc-ide powershell popwin pippel pipenv pip-requirements persp-mode pcre2el password-generator paradox overseer orgit org-projectile org-present org-pomodoro org-mime org-download org-clock-csv org-brain open-junk-file omnisharp ob-sml nix-mode neotree nameless mvn move-text mmm-mode meghanada maven-test-mode mastodon markdown-toc magit-svn magit-gitflow macrostep lorem-ipsum livid-mode live-py-mode link-hint ledger-mode json-navigator json-mode js2-refactor js-doc jade-mode ivy-yasnippet ivy-xref ivy-rtags ivy-purpose ivy-hydra intero insert-shebang indent-guide importmagic impatient-mode idris-mode hungry-delete hlint-refactor hl-todo hindent highlight-parentheses highlight-numbers highlight-indentation helm-pages helm-make haskell-snippets groovy-mode groovy-imports graphviz-dot-mode gradle-mode google-translate google-c-style golden-ratio godoctor go-tag go-rename go-impl go-guru go-gen-test go-fill-struct go-eldoc gnuplot gnu-apl-mode glsl-mode gitignore-templates gitignore-mode gitconfig-mode gitattributes-mode git-timemachine git-messenger git-link gh-md ggtags fuzzy fsharp-mode font-lock+ flycheck-rust flycheck-rtags flycheck-pos-tip flycheck-ledger flycheck-haskell flycheck-elm flycheck-bashate flx-ido fish-mode fill-column-indicator fancy-battery eyebrowse expand-region evil-visualstar evil-visual-mark-mode evil-unimpaired evil-tutor evil-surround evil-org evil-numbers evil-nerd-commenter evil-mc evil-matchit evil-magit evil-lisp-state evil-lion evil-indent-plus evil-iedit-state evil-goggles evil-exchange evil-escape evil-cleverparens evil-args evil-anzu eval-sexp-fu ereader ensime emojify emoji-cheat-sheet-plus emmet-mode elm-mode elisp-slime-nav editorconfig dumb-jump dotenv-mode disaster diminish define-word dante cython-mode csv-mode counsel-projectile counsel-notmuch counsel-gtags counsel-css company-web company-tern company-statistics company-shell company-rtags company-nixos-options company-lua company-irony company-go company-ghci company-ghc company-emoji company-emacs-eclim company-cabal company-c-headers company-auctex company-anaconda column-enforce-mode cmm-mode clean-aindent-mode clang-format centered-cursor-mode cargo bison-mode base16-theme auto-yasnippet auto-highlight-symbol auto-compile aggressive-indent ace-window ace-link ac-ispell))
    308  '(pdf-view-midnight-colors '("#655370" . "#fbf8ef"))
    309  '(powerline-color1 "#1E1E1E")
    310  '(powerline-color2 "#111111")
    311  '(projectile-globally-ignored-directories
    312    '(".idea" ".eunit" ".git" ".hg" ".fslckout" ".bzr" "_darcs" ".tox" ".svn" "build" "node_modules"))
    313  '(projectile-mode-line 'Projectile t)
    314  '(psc-ide-add-import-on-completion t t)
    315  '(psc-ide-rebuild-on-save nil t)
    316  '(python-indent-offset 4)
    317  '(racer-cmd "racer")
    318  '(racer-command-timeout 0.2)
    319  '(racer-eldoc-timeout 0.2)
    320  '(racer-rust-src-path nil)
    321  '(rainbow-identifiers-cie-l*a*b*-lightness 80)
    322  '(rainbow-identifiers-cie-l*a*b*-saturation 18)
    323  '(rcirc-buffer-maximum-lines 10000)
    324  '(ring-bell-function 'ignore)
    325  '(rng-nxml-auto-validate-flag nil)
    326  '(rust-indent-offset 4)
    327  '(safe-local-variable-values
    328    '((js-indent-level . 8)
    329      (python-backend . lsp)
    330      (indicate-empty-lines . t)
    331      (indent-tabs-mode . f)
    332      (flycheck-clang-include-path "./include" "../include")))
    333  '(send-mail-function 'smtpmail-send-it)
    334  '(sendmail-program "sendmail")
    335  '(smartrep-mode-line-active-bg (solarized-color-blend "#859900" "#eee8d5" 0.2))
    336  '(smerge-command-prefix "m")
    337  '(smtpmail-smtp-server "")
    338  '(smtpmail-smtp-service 587)
    339  '(sql-port 5432)
    340  '(standard-indent 4)
    341  '(url-handler-mode nil)
    342  '(user-full-name "William Casarin")
    343  '(user-mail-address "")
    344  '(vc-follow-symlinks t)
    345  '(w3m-default-display-inline-images nil)
    346  '(weechat-auto-monitor-buffers
    347    '("monstercat.#general" "monstercat.#payments" "monstercat.#code"))
    348  '(weechat-auto-monitor-new-buffers t)
    349  '(weechat-modules '(weechat-button weechat-image weechat-complete))
    350  '(yas-snippet-dirs '("/home/jb55/.emacs.d/private/snippets/")))
    351 (custom-set-faces
    352  ;; custom-set-faces was added by Custom.
    353  ;; If you edit it by hand, you could mess it up, so be careful.
    354  ;; Your init file should contain only one such instance.
    355  ;; If there is more than one, they won't work right.
    356  '(diff-refine-added ((t (:background "dark green"))))
    357  '(notmuch-search-non-matching-authors ((t (:foreground "#353B45"))))
    358  '(notmuch-search-unread-face ((t nil))))