
My dotfiles, scripts and nix configs
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commands (4239B)

      1 ans	app > note scratch	echo scratch-note
      2 ane	app > note edit	fuzz-note-edit
      3 aci	app > cal > interactive	echo pcal interactive
      4 acl	app > cal > list	echo pcal list
      5 afb	app > feeds > blogs	fuzz-rss "grep @blog | grep -v @busy"
      6 afe	app > edit feeds	echo edit ~/dotfiles/rssfeeds
      7 aff	app > feeds	fuzz-rss "grep -v @busy"
      8 afp	app > feeds > podcasts	fuzz-rss "grep @pod"
      9 afu	app > update feeds	echo rssfeeds
     10 ada	app > direnv > allow	echo direnv allow
     11 afs	app > feeds > busy	fuzz-rss
     12 afa	app > feeds > arxiv	fuzz-rss "grep @arxiv"
     13 afy	app > feeds > youtube	fuzz-rss "grep @yt"
     14 ar	app > reader	fuzz-reader
     15 ash	app > social > home	echo fedi-timeline home
     16 asi	app > social > interesting	echo fedi-timeline list/260
     17 bt	btc txs	fuzz-btc-txs
     18 cc	compile	fuzz-compile
     19 cd	change directory	fuzz-cd-dirname
     20 cdpr	cd project root	echo cd $(project-root)
     21 ce	compile error	fuzz-compile-error
     22 cR	compile repeat error	fuzz-compile-repeat-error
     23 cr	compile repeat	fuzz-compile-repeat
     24 cs	compile show build	echo less .build-result
     25 dsa	docs->stripe->api	~/docs/stripe/jumpapi
     26 dsg	docs->stripe->go	fuzzdoc ~/docs/stripe/go-v72.txt '^type '
     27 dgt	docs->go->testing	fuzzdoc ~/docs/godoc/testing.txt '^func '
     28 ecc	edit vdirsyncer config	echo edit ~/.config/vdirsyncer/config
     29 ec	edit commands	fuzz-edit-scripts
     30 ebc	edit build command	echo edit .buildcmd
     31 ed	edit default.nix	echo edit default.nix
     32 es	edit shell.nix	echo edit shell.nix
     33 eFc	edit fuzz command	fuzz-edit-command
     34 eFl	edit fuzz command list	fuzz-edit-command-list
     35 egc	edit git config	echo edit ~/.gitconfig
     36 eG	edit gemmarks	echo edit ~/dotfiles/gemmarks
     37 elf	edit last files	fuzz-last-files edit
     38 eM	edit mimi	echo edit ~/.config/mimi/mime.conf
     39 em	edit mutt config	echo edit ~/.config/neomutt/neomuttrc
     40 ea	edit mail aliases	echo edit ~/.mail_aliases
     41 et	edit todo	echo edit ~/docs/todo/todo.txt
     42 ff	create file	echo fuzz-create-file
     43 gb	git branches	echo git bvr
     44 G	gemini	gemmark
     45 ghi	github issues	fuzz-gh-issue-list
     46 ghp	github prf	fuzz-gh-pr-list
     47 gcp	github cherry-pick	echo git cherry-pick
     48 gpm	git mlap	echo git mlap
     49 h	run history	fuzz-run-hist
     50 jt	jump tag	fuzz-jump-tag
     51 nai	notmuch archive inbox	fuzz-notmuch-archive-inbox
     52 nep	notmuch edit poll	echo vim scp://charon//home/jb55/bin/notmuch-poll
     53 nam	notmuch am	fuzz-notmuch-am
     54 ng	notmuch github patch	fuzz-notmuch-gam
     55 nat	notmuch archive	fuzz-notmuch-archive
     56 nm	notmuch muchsync	echo muchsync charon
     57 m	mutt	echo neomutt
     58 mP	mutt prs	echo neomutt -f damus-prs
     59 mp	mutt patches	echo neomutt -f patches
     60 mi	mutt issues	echo neomutt -f damus-issues
     61 Nc	new command	echo make-script
     62 ni	notmuch inbox	fuzz-notmuch-inbox
     63 nT	email today	echo f nt query:today
     64 nt	notmuch threads	fuzz-notmuch-threads
     65 of	open file	fuzz-open-file
     66 olf	open last files	fuzz-last-files open
     67 pr	cd project root	echo cd \"$(project-root)\"
     68 pc	cat project file	fuzz-cat-file
     69 pr	cd project root	echo cd $(project-root)
     70 pf	edit project file	fuzz-edit-file
     71 ps	edit project skeletons	fuzz-edit-file --dir ~/dotfiles/skeletons
     72 rf	recent files	fuzz-recent-files
     73 sc	show command	fuzz-show-script
     74 sFc	show fuzz command	fuzz-show-fuzz-command
     75 sf	search project file funcs	fuzz-funcs
     76 sgb	search git branch	fuzz-jump-branchdiff
     77 sgd	search git diff	fuzz-edit-diff-line
     78 sgh	search git head	fuzz-edit-diff-line HEAD^-
     79 sgs	search git staged diff	fuzz-edit-diff-line --staged
     80 sgm	search git modified files	fuzz-git-modified
     81 sh	show history	fuzz-show-hist
     82 sp	search project	fuzz-search-files
     83 ss	search project file	fuzz-search-file
     84 st	search TODOs	fuzz-search-files TODO
     85 vim	edit vim config	echo edit ~/.config/nvim/init.vim
     86 wsg	work service gql	fuzzedit schema '^'
     87 wsm	work service mutations	fuzzedit mutation '^func '
     88 wsq	work service queries	fuzzedit query '^func '
     89 wsp	work service permissions	fuzzedit permission.go '^"'
     90 wdq	work dashboard queries	fuzzedit queries '^'
     91 wtb	work trello backlog	fuzz-trello-sprint "^Backlog "
     92 wti	work trello inprogress	fuzz-trello-sprint "^In Progress "
     93 wtr	work trello refresh	echo trello refresh
     94 wts	work trello sprint	fuzz-trello-sprint
     95 wtt	work trello todo	fuzz-trello-sprint "^Todo "
     96 wn	work notes	echo edit /home/jb55/projects/steamoji/doc/$(ls -1pt /home/jb55/projects/steamoji/doc | grep -v / | head -n1)
     97 wm	work mail	echo neomutt -f \"notmuch://?query=query:work\"
     98 z	fz	echo fz