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haskell.vim (14955B)

      1 " Vim syntax file
      2 "
      3 " Modification of vims Haskell syntax file:
      4 "   - match types using regular expression
      5 "   - highlight toplevel functions
      6 "   - use "syntax keyword" instead of "syntax match" where appropriate
      7 "   - functions and types in import and module declarations are matched
      8 "   - removed hs_highlight_more_types (just not needed anymore)
      9 "   - enable spell checking in comments and strings only
     10 "   - FFI highlighting
     11 "   - QuasiQuotation
     12 "   - top level Template Haskell slices
     13 "   - PackageImport
     14 "
     15 " TODO: find out which vim versions are still supported
     16 "
     17 " From Original file:
     18 " ===================
     19 "
     20 " Language:		    Haskell
     21 " Maintainer:		Haskell Cafe mailinglist <>
     22 " Last Change:		2010 Feb 21
     23 " Original Author:	John Williams <>
     24 "
     25 " Thanks to Ryan Crumley for suggestions and John Meacham for
     26 " pointing out bugs. Also thanks to Ian Lynagh and Donald Bruce Stewart
     27 " for providing the inspiration for the inclusion of the handling
     28 " of C preprocessor directives, and for pointing out a bug in the
     29 " end-of-line comment handling.
     30 "
     31 " Options-assign a value to these variables to turn the option on:
     32 "
     33 " hs_highlight_delimiters - Highlight delimiter characters--users
     34 "			    with a light-colored background will
     35 "			    probably want to turn this on.
     36 " hs_highlight_boolean - Treat True and False as keywords.
     37 " hs_highlight_types - Treat names of primitive types as keywords.
     38 " hs_highlight_debug - Highlight names of debugging functions.
     39 " hs_allow_hash_operator - Don't highlight seemingly incorrect C
     40 "			   preprocessor directives but assume them to be
     41 "			   operators
     42 " 
     43 " 
     45 if version < 600
     46   syn clear
     47 elseif exists("b:current_syntax")
     48   finish
     49 endif
     51 "syntax sync fromstart "mmhhhh.... is this really ok to do so?
     52 syntax sync linebreaks=15 minlines=50 maxlines=500
     54 syn match  hsSpecialChar	contained "\\\([0-9]\+\|o[0-7]\+\|x[0-9a-fA-F]\+\|[\"\\'&\\abfnrtv]\|^[A-Z^_\[\\\]]\)"
     55 syn match  hsSpecialChar	contained "\\\(NUL\|SOH\|STX\|ETX\|EOT\|ENQ\|ACK\|BEL\|BS\|HT\|LF\|VT\|FF\|CR\|SO\|SI\|DLE\|DC1\|DC2\|DC3\|DC4\|NAK\|SYN\|ETB\|CAN\|EM\|SUB\|ESC\|FS\|GS\|RS\|US\|SP\|DEL\)"
     56 syn match  hsSpecialCharError	contained "\\&\|'''\+"
     57 sy region  hsString		start=+"+  skip=+\\\\\|\\"+  end=+"+  contains=hsSpecialChar,@Spell
     58 sy match   hsCharacter		"[^a-zA-Z0-9_']'\([^\\]\|\\[^']\+\|\\'\)'"lc=1 contains=hsSpecialChar,hsSpecialCharError
     59 sy match   hsCharacter		"^'\([^\\]\|\\[^']\+\|\\'\)'" contains=hsSpecialChar,hsSpecialCharError
     61 " (Qualified) identifiers (no default highlighting)
     62 syn match ConId "\(\<[A-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_']*\.\)\=\<[A-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_']*\>"
     63 syn match VarId "\(\<[A-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_']*\.\)\=\<[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9_']*\>"
     65 " Infix operators--most punctuation characters and any (qualified) identifier
     66 " enclosed in `backquotes`. An operator starting with : is a constructor,
     67 " others are variables (e.g. functions).
     68 syn match hsVarSym "\(\<[A-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_']*\.\)\=[-!#$%&\*\+/<=>\?@\\^|~.][-!#$%&\*\+/<=>\?@\\^|~:.]*"
     69 syn match hsConSym "\(\<[A-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_']*\.\)\=:[-!#$%&\*\+./<=>\?@\\^|~:]*"
     70 syn match hsVarSym "`\(\<[A-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_']*\.\)\=[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9_']*`"
     71 syn match hsConSym "`\(\<[A-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_']*\.\)\=[A-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_']*`"
     73 " Toplevel Template Haskell support
     74 "sy match hsTHTopLevel "^[a-z]\(\(.\&[^=]\)\|\(\n[^a-zA-Z0-9]\)\)*"
     75 sy match hsTHIDTopLevel "^[a-z]\S*" 
     76 sy match hsTHTopLevel "^\$(\?" nextgroup=hsTHTopLevelName 
     77 sy match hsTHTopLevelName "[a-z]\S*" contained
     79 " Reserved symbols--cannot be overloaded.
     80 syn match hsDelimiter  "(\|)\|\[\|\]\|,\|;\|_\|{\|}"
     82 sy region hsInnerParen start="(" end=")" contained contains=hsInnerParen,hsConSym,hsType,hsVarSym
     83 sy region hs_InfixOpFunctionName start="^(" end=")\s*[^:`]\(\W\&\S\&[^'\"`()[\]{}@]\)\+"re=s
     84     \ contained keepend contains=hsInnerParen,hs_HlInfixOp
     86 sy match hs_hlFunctionName "[a-z_]\(\S\&[^,\(\)\[\]]\)*" contained 
     87 sy match hs_FunctionName "^[a-z_]\(\S\&[^,\(\)\[\]]\)*" contained contains=hs_hlFunctionName
     88 sy match hs_HighliteInfixFunctionName "`[a-z_][^`]*`" contained
     89 sy match hs_InfixFunctionName "^\S[^=]*`[a-z_][^`]*`"me=e-1 contained contains=hs_HighliteInfixFunctionName,hsType,hsConSym,hsVarSym,hsString,hsCharacter
     90 sy match hs_HlInfixOp "\(\W\&\S\&[^`(){}'[\]]\)\+" contained contains=hsString
     91 sy match hs_InfixOpFunctionName "^\(\(\w\|[[\]{}]\)\+\|\(\".*\"\)\|\('.*'\)\)\s*[^:]=*\(\W\&\S\&[^='\"`()[\]{}@]\)\+"
     92     \ contained contains=hs_HlInfixOp,hsCharacter
     94 sy match hs_OpFunctionName        "(\(\W\&[^(),\"]\)\+)" contained
     95 "sy region hs_Function start="^["'a-z_([{]" end="=\(\s\|\n\|\w\|[([]\)" keepend extend
     96 sy region hs_Function start="^["'a-zA-Z_([{]\(\(.\&[^=]\)\|\(\n\s\)\)*=" end="\(\s\|\n\|\w\|[([]\)" 
     97         \ contains=hs_OpFunctionName,hs_InfixOpFunctionName,hs_InfixFunctionName,hs_FunctionName,hsType,hsConSym,hsVarSym,hsString,hsCharacter
     99 sy match hs_DeclareFunction "^[a-z_(]\S*\(\s\|\n\)*::" contains=hs_FunctionName,hs_OpFunctionName
    101 " hi hs_InfixOpFunctionName guibg=bg
    102 " hi hs_Function guibg=green
    103 " hi hs_InfixFunctionName guibg=red
    104 " hi hs_DeclareFunction guibg=red
    106 sy keyword hsStructure data family class where instance default deriving
    107 sy keyword hsTypedef type newtype
    109 sy keyword hsInfix infix infixl infixr
    110 sy keyword hsStatement  do case of let in
    111 sy keyword hsConditional if then else
    113 "if exists("hs_highlight_types")
    114   " Primitive types from the standard prelude and libraries.
    115   sy match hsType "\<[A-Z]\(\S\&[^,.]\)*\>"
    116   sy match hsType "()"
    117 "endif
    119 " Not real keywords, but close.
    120 if exists("hs_highlight_boolean")
    121   " Boolean constants from the standard prelude.
    122   syn keyword hsBoolean True False
    123 endif
    125 syn region	hsPackageString	start=+L\="+ skip=+\\\\\|\\"\|\\$+ excludenl end=+"+ end='$' contains=cSpecial contained
    126 sy match   hsModuleName  excludenl "\([A-Z]\w*\.\?\)*" contained 
    128 sy match hsImport "\<import\>\s\+\(qualified\s\+\)\?\(\<\(\w\|\.\)*\>\)" 
    129     \ contains=hsModuleName,hsImportLabel
    130     \ nextgroup=hsImportParams,hsImportIllegal skipwhite
    131 sy keyword hsImportLabel import qualified contained
    133 sy match hsImportIllegal "\w\+" contained
    135 sy keyword hsAsLabel as contained
    136 sy keyword hsHidingLabel hiding contained
    138 sy match hsImportParams "as\s\+\(\w\+\)" contained
    139     \ contains=hsModuleName,hsAsLabel
    140     \ nextgroup=hsImportParams,hsImportIllegal skipwhite
    141 sy match hsImportParams "hiding" contained
    142     \ contains=hsHidingLabel
    143     \ nextgroup=hsImportParams,hsImportIllegal skipwhite 
    144 sy region hsImportParams start="(" end=")" contained
    145     \ contains=hsBlockComment,hsLineComment, hsType,hsDelimTypeExport,hs_hlFunctionName,hs_OpFunctionName
    146     \ nextgroup=hsImportIllegal skipwhite
    148 " hi hsImport guibg=red
    149 "hi hsImportParams guibg=bg
    150 "hi hsImportIllegal guibg=bg
    151 "hi hsModuleName guibg=bg
    153 "sy match hsImport		"\<import\>\(.\|[^(]\)*\((.*)\)\?" 
    154 "         \ contains=hsPackageString,hsImportLabel,hsImportMod,hsModuleName,hsImportList
    155 "sy keyword hsImportLabel import contained
    156 "sy keyword hsImportMod		as qualified hiding contained
    157 "sy region hsImportListInner start="(" end=")" contained keepend extend contains=hs_OpFunctionName
    158 "sy region  hsImportList matchgroup=hsImportListParens start="("rs=s+1 end=")"re=e-1
    159 "        \ contained 
    160 "        \ keepend extend
    161 "        \ contains=hsType,hsLineComment,hsBlockComment,hs_hlFunctionName,hsImportListInner
    165 " new module highlighting
    166 syn region hsDelimTypeExport start="\<[A-Z]\(\S\&[^,.]\)*\>(" end=")" contained
    167    \ contains=hsType
    169 sy keyword hsExportModuleLabel module contained
    170 sy match hsExportModule "\<module\>\(\s\|\t\|\n\)*\([A-Z]\w*\.\?\)*" contained contains=hsExportModuleLabel,hsModuleName
    172 sy keyword hsModuleStartLabel module contained
    173 sy keyword hsModuleWhereLabel where contained
    175 syn match hsModuleStart "^module\(\s\|\n\)*\(\<\(\w\|\.\)*\>\)\(\s\|\n\)*" 
    176   \ contains=hsModuleStartLabel,hsModuleName
    177   \ nextgroup=hsModuleCommentA,hsModuleExports,hsModuleWhereLabel
    179 syn region hsModuleCommentA start="{-" end="-}"
    180   \ contains=hsModuleCommentA,hsCommentTodo,@Spell contained
    181   \ nextgroup=hsModuleCommentA,hsModuleExports,hsModuleWhereLabel skipwhite skipnl
    183 syn match hsModuleCommentA "--.*\n"
    184   \ contains=hsCommentTodo,@Spell contained
    185   \ nextgroup=hsModuleCommentA,hsModuleExports,hsModuleWhereLabel skipwhite skipnl
    187 syn region hsModuleExports start="(" end=")" contained
    188    \ nextgroup=hsModuleCommentB,hsModuleWhereLabel skipwhite skipnl
    189    \ contains=hsBlockComment,hsLineComment,hsType,hsDelimTypeExport,hs_hlFunctionName,hs_OpFunctionName,hsExportModule
    191 syn match hsModuleCommentB "--.*\n"
    192   \ contains=hsCommentTodo,@Spell contained
    193   \ nextgroup=hsModuleCommentB,hsModuleWhereLabel skipwhite skipnl
    195 syn region hsModuleCommentB start="{-" end="-}"
    196    \ contains=hsModuleCommentB,hsCommentTodo,@Spell contained
    197    \ nextgroup=hsModuleCommentB,hsModuleWhereLabel skipwhite skipnl
    198 " end module highlighting
    200 " FFI support
    201 sy keyword hsFFIForeign foreign contained
    202 "sy keyword hsFFIImportExport import export contained
    203 sy keyword hsFFIImportExport export contained
    204 sy keyword hsFFICallConvention ccall stdcall contained
    205 sy keyword hsFFISafety safe unsafe contained
    206 sy region  hsFFIString		start=+"+  skip=+\\\\\|\\"+  end=+"+  contained contains=hsSpecialChar
    207 sy match hsFFI excludenl "\<foreign\>\(.\&[^\"]\)*\"\(.\)*\"\(\s\|\n\)*\(.\)*::"
    208   \ keepend
    209   \ contains=hsFFIForeign,hsFFIImportExport,hsFFICallConvention,hsFFISafety,hsFFIString,hs_OpFunctionName,hs_hlFunctionName
    212 sy match   hsNumber		"\<[0-9]\+\>\|\<0[xX][0-9a-fA-F]\+\>\|\<0[oO][0-7]\+\>"
    213 sy match   hsFloat		"\<[0-9]\+\.[0-9]\+\([eE][-+]\=[0-9]\+\)\=\>"
    215 " Comments
    216 sy keyword hsCommentTodo    TODO FIXME XXX TBD contained
    217 sy match   hsLineComment      "---*\([^-!#$%&\*\+./<=>\?@\\^|~].*\)\?$" contains=hsCommentTodo,@Spell
    218 sy region  hsBlockComment     start="{-"  end="-}" contains=hsBlockComment,hsCommentTodo,@Spell
    219 sy region  hsPragma	       start="{-#" end="#-}"
    221 " QuasiQuotation
    222 sy region hsQQ start="\[\$" end="|\]"me=e-2 keepend contains=hsQQVarID,hsQQContent nextgroup=hsQQEnd
    223 sy region hsQQNew start="\[\(.\&[^|]\&\S\)*|" end="|\]"me=e-2 keepend contains=hsQQVarIDNew,hsQQContent nextgroup=hsQQEnd
    224 sy match hsQQContent ".*" contained
    225 sy match hsQQEnd "|\]" contained
    226 sy match hsQQVarID "\[\$\(.\&[^|]\)*|" contained
    227 sy match hsQQVarIDNew "\[\(.\&[^|]\)*|" contained
    229 if exists("hs_highlight_debug")
    230   " Debugging functions from the standard prelude.
    231   syn keyword hsDebug undefined error trace
    232 endif
    235 " C Preprocessor directives. Shamelessly ripped from c.vim and trimmed
    236 " First, see whether to flag directive-like lines or not
    237 if (!exists("hs_allow_hash_operator"))
    238     syn match	cError		display "^\s*\(%:\|#\).*$"
    239 endif
    240 " Accept %: for # (C99)
    241 syn region	cPreCondit	start="^\s*\(%:\|#\)\s*\(if\|ifdef\|ifndef\|elif\)\>" skip="\\$" end="$" end="//"me=s-1 contains=cComment,cCppString,cCommentError
    242 syn match	cPreCondit	display "^\s*\(%:\|#\)\s*\(else\|endif\)\>"
    243 syn region	cCppOut		start="^\s*\(%:\|#\)\s*if\s\+0\+\>" end=".\@=\|$" contains=cCppOut2
    244 syn region	cCppOut2	contained start="0" end="^\s*\(%:\|#\)\s*\(endif\>\|else\>\|elif\>\)" contains=cCppSkip
    245 syn region	cCppSkip	contained start="^\s*\(%:\|#\)\s*\(if\>\|ifdef\>\|ifndef\>\)" skip="\\$" end="^\s*\(%:\|#\)\s*endif\>" contains=cCppSkip
    246 syn region	cIncluded	display contained start=+"+ skip=+\\\\\|\\"+ end=+"+
    247 syn match	cIncluded	display contained "<[^>]*>"
    248 syn match	cInclude	display "^\s*\(%:\|#\)\s*include\>\s*["<]" contains=cIncluded
    249 syn cluster	cPreProcGroup	contains=cPreCondit,cIncluded,cInclude,cDefine,cCppOut,cCppOut2,cCppSkip,cCommentStartError
    250 syn region	cDefine		matchgroup=cPreCondit start="^\s*\(%:\|#\)\s*\(define\|undef\)\>" skip="\\$" end="$"
    251 syn region	cPreProc	matchgroup=cPreCondit start="^\s*\(%:\|#\)\s*\(pragma\>\|line\>\|warning\>\|warn\>\|error\>\)" skip="\\$" end="$" keepend
    253 syn region	cComment	matchgroup=cCommentStart start="/\*" end="\*/" contains=cCommentStartError,cSpaceError contained
    254 syntax match	cCommentError	display "\*/" contained
    255 syntax match	cCommentStartError display "/\*"me=e-1 contained
    256 syn region	cCppString	start=+L\="+ skip=+\\\\\|\\"\|\\$+ excludenl end=+"+ end='$' contains=cSpecial contained
    259 if version >= 508 || !exists("did_hs_syntax_inits")
    260   if version < 508
    261     let did_hs_syntax_inits = 1
    262     command -nargs=+ HiLink hi link <args>
    263   else
    264     command -nargs=+ HiLink hi def link <args>
    265   endif
    267   HiLink hs_hlFunctionName    Function
    268   HiLink hs_HighliteInfixFunctionName Function
    269   HiLink hs_HlInfixOp       Function
    270   HiLink hs_OpFunctionName  Function
    271   HiLink hsTypedef          Statement
    272   HiLink hsVarSym           hsOperator
    273   HiLink hsConSym           hsOperator
    274   if exists("hs_highlight_delimiters")
    275     " Some people find this highlighting distracting.
    276 	HiLink hsDelimiter        Delimiter
    277   endif
    279   HiLink hsModuleStartLabel Structure
    280   HiLink hsExportModuleLabel Keyword
    281   HiLink hsModuleWhereLabel Structure
    282   HiLink hsModuleName       Normal
    284   HiLink hsImportIllegal    Error
    285   HiLink hsAsLabel          hsImportLabel
    286   HiLink hsHidingLabel      hsImportLabel
    287   HiLink hsImportLabel      Include
    288   HiLink hsImportMod        Include
    289   HiLink hsPackageString    hsString
    291   HiLink hsOperator         Operator
    293   HiLink hsInfix            Keyword
    294   HiLink hsStructure        Statement
    295   HiLink hsStatement        Statement
    296   HiLink hsConditional      Conditional
    298   HiLink hsSpecialCharError Error
    299   HiLink hsSpecialChar      SpecialChar
    300   HiLink hsString           String
    301   HiLink hsFFIString        String
    302   HiLink hsCharacter        Character
    303   HiLink hsNumber           Number
    304   HiLink hsFloat            Float
    306   HiLink hsLiterateComment		  hsComment
    307   HiLink hsBlockComment     hsComment
    308   HiLink hsLineComment      hsComment
    309   HiLink hsModuleCommentA   hsComment
    310   HiLink hsModuleCommentB   hsComment
    311   HiLink hsComment          Comment
    312   HiLink hsCommentTodo      Todo
    313   HiLink hsPragma           SpecialComment
    314   HiLink hsBoolean			  Boolean
    316   if exists("hs_highlight_types")
    317       HiLink hsDelimTypeExport  hsType
    318       HiLink hsType             Type
    319   endif
    321   HiLink hsDebug            Debug
    323   HiLink cCppString         hsString
    324   HiLink cCommentStart      hsComment
    325   HiLink cCommentError      hsError
    326   HiLink cCommentStartError hsError
    327   HiLink cInclude           Include
    328   HiLink cPreProc           PreProc
    329   HiLink cDefine            Macro
    330   HiLink cIncluded          hsString
    331   HiLink cError             Error
    332   HiLink cPreCondit         PreCondit
    333   HiLink cComment           Comment
    334   HiLink cCppSkip           cCppOut
    335   HiLink cCppOut2           cCppOut
    336   HiLink cCppOut            Comment
    338   HiLink hsFFIForeign       Keyword
    339   HiLink hsFFIImportExport  Structure
    340   HiLink hsFFICallConvention Keyword
    341   HiLink hsFFISafety         Keyword
    343   HiLink hsTHIDTopLevel   Macro
    344   HiLink hsTHTopLevelName Macro
    346   HiLink hsQQVarID Keyword
    347   HiLink hsQQVarIDNew Keyword
    348   HiLink hsQQEnd   Keyword
    349   HiLink hsQQContent String
    351   delcommand HiLink
    352 endif
    354 let b:current_syntax = "haskell"