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fugitive.txt (11152B)

      1 *fugitive.txt*  A Git wrapper so awesome, it should be illegal
      3 Author:  Tim Pope <>         *fugitive-author*
      4 License: Same terms as Vim itself (see |license|)
      6 This plugin is only available if 'compatible' is not set.
      8 INTRODUCTION                                    *fugitive*
     10 Install in ~/.vim, or in ~\vimfiles if you're on Windows and feeling lucky.
     11 Vim 7.2 is recommended as it ships with syntax highlighting for many Git file
     12 types.
     14 If you're in a hurry to get started, here are some things to try:
     16 In any file in your repository, run |:Gedit| HEAD.  Press <CR> to jump to the
     17 current branch.  Press <CR> again to jump to the top most commit.  Keep using
     18 <CR> to explore parent commits, trees, and blobs.  Use C in a tree or blob to
     19 get back to the commit.
     21 Edit a file in the work tree and make some changes.  Use |:Gdiff| to open up
     22 the indexed version.  Use |do| and |dp| on various hunks to bring the files in
     23 sync, or use |:Gread| to pull in all changes.  Write the indexed version to
     24 stage the file.
     26 Run |:Gstatus| to check your repository's status.  Use "-" to stage and reset
     27 files and "p" to add/reset --patch them.  Invoke |:Gcommit| to commit your
     28 changes.
     30 Run |:Gblame| in a work tree file to see a blame in a vertical split.  Press
     31 <CR> on any line to reopen and reblame that file as it stood in that commit.
     32 Press o or O on any line to inspect that commit in a split or a tab.
     34 Run |:Ggrep| to search the work tree or history.  Run |:Gmove| to rename a
     35 file.  Run |:Gremove| to delete a file.
     37 COMMANDS                                        *fugitive-commands*
     39 These commands are local to the buffers in which they work (generally, buffers
     40 that are part of Git repositories).
     42                                                 *fugitive-:Git*
     43 :Git [args]             Run an arbitrary git command. Similar to :!git [args]
     44                         but chdir to the repository tree first.
     46                                                 *fugitive-:Gcd*
     47 :Gcd [directory]        |:cd| relative to the repository.
     49                                                 *fugitive-:Glcd*
     50 :Glcd [directory]       |:lcd| relative to the repository.
     52                                                 *fugitive-:Gstatus*
     53 :Gstatus                Bring up the output of git-status in the preview
     54                         window.  In addition to standard motions, you can
     55                         use <C-N> and <C-P> to jump from filename to
     56                         filename.  Press D to |:Gdiff| the file on the cursor
     57                         line, or dh to |:Gdiff!|.  Press - to stage or unstage
     58                         the file on the cursor line.  Press p to do so on a
     59                         per hunk basis (--patch).  Press C to invoke
     60                         |:Gcommit|.
     62                                                 *fugitive-:Gcommit*
     63 :Gcommit [args]         A wrapper around git-commit.  If there is nothing
     64                         to commit, |:Gstatus| is called instead.  Unless the
     65                         arguments given would skip the invocation of an editor
     66                         (e.g., -m), a split window will be used to obtain a
     67                         commit message.  Write and close that window (:wq or
     68                         |:Gwrite|) to finish the commit.  Unlike when running
     69                         the actual git-commit command, it is possible (but
     70                         unadvisable) to muck with the index with commands like
     71                         git-add and git-reset while a commit message is
     72                         pending.
     74                                                 *fugitive-:Ggrep*
     75 :Ggrep [args]           |:grep| with git-grep as 'grepprg'.
     77                                                 *fugitive-:Glog*
     78 :Glog [args]            Load all previous revisions of the current file into
     79                         the quickfix list.  Additional git-log arguments can
     80                         be given (for example, --reverse).  If "--" appears as
     81                         an argument, no file specific filtering is done, and
     82                         commits are loaded into the quickfix list.
     84                                         *fugitive-:Gedit* *fugitive-:Ge*
     85 :Gedit [revision]       |:edit| a |fugitive-revision|.
     87                                                 *fugitive-:Gsplit*
     88 :Gsplit [revision]      |:split| a |fugitive-revision|.
     90                                                 *fugitive-:Gvsplit*
     91 :Gvsplit [revision]     |:vsplit| a |fugitive-revision|.
     93                                                 *fugitive-:Gtabedit*
     94 :Gtabedit [revision]    |:tabedit| a |fugitive-revision|
     96                                                 *fugitive-:Gpedit*
     97 :Gpedit [revision]      |:pedit| a |fugitive-revision|
     99                                                 *fugitive-:Gread*
    100 :Gread [revision]       Empty the buffer and |:read| a |fugitive-revision|.
    101                         When the argument is omitted, this is similar to
    102                         git-checkout on a work tree file or git-add on a stage
    103                         file, but without writing anything to disk.
    105 :{range}Gread [revision]
    106                         |:read| in a |fugitive-revision| after {range}.
    108                                                 *fugitive-:Gread!*
    109 :Gread! [revision]      Deprecated synonym for |:Gread|.
    111                                                 *fugitive-:Gwrite*
    112 :Gwrite                 Write to the current file's path and stage the results.
    113                         When run in a work tree file, it is effectively git
    114                         add.  Elsewhere, it is effectively git-checkout.  A
    115                         great deal of effort is expended to behave sensibly
    116                         when the work tree or index version of the file is
    117                         open in another buffer.
    119 :Gwrite {path}          You can give |:Gwrite| an explicit path of where in
    120                         the work tree to write.  You can also give a path like
    121                         :0:foo.txt or even :0 to write to just that stage in
    122                         the index.
    124                                                 *fugitive-:Gdiff*
    125 :Gdiff [revision]       Perform a |vimdiff| against the current file in the
    126                         given revision.  With no argument, the version in the
    127                         index is used (which means a three-way diff during a
    128                         merge conflict, making it a git-mergetool
    129                         alternative).  The newer of the two files is placed
    130                         to the right.  Use |do| and |dp| and write to the
    131                         index file to simulate "git add --patch".
    133                                                 *fugitive-:Gdiff!*
    134 :Gdiff! [revision]      Like |:Gdiff|, but split horizontally.
    136                                                 *fugitive-:Gmove*
    137 :Gmove {destination}    Wrapper around git-mv that renames the buffer
    138                         afterward.  The destination is relative to the current
    139                         directory except when started with a /, in which case
    140                         it is relative to the work tree.  Add a ! to pass -f.
    142                                                 *fugitive-:Gremove*
    143 :Gremove                Wrapper around git-rm that deletes the buffer
    144                         afterward.  When invoked in an index file, --cached is
    145                         passed.  Add a ! to pass -f and forcefully discard the
    146                         buffer.
    148                                                 *fugitive-:Gblame*
    149 :Gblame [flags]         Run git-blame on the file and open the results in a
    150                         scroll bound vertical split.  Press enter on a line to
    151                         reblame the file as it was in that commit.  You can
    152                         give any of ltwfsMC as flags and they will be passed
    153                         along to git-blame.
    155 :[range]Gblame [flags]  Run git-blame on the given range.
    157 MAPPINGS                                        *fugitive-mappings*
    159 These maps are available in Git objects.
    161                                                 *fugitive-<CR>*
    162 <CR>                    Jump to the revision under the cursor.
    164                                                 *fugitive-o*
    165 o                       Jump to the revision under the cursor in a new split.
    167                                                 *fugitive-O*
    168 O                       Jump to the revision under the cursor in a new tab.
    170                                                 *fugitive-~*
    171 ~                       Go to the current file in the [count]th first
    172                         ancestor.
    174                                                 *fugitive-P*
    175 P                       Go to the current file in the [count]th parent.
    177                                                 *fugitive-C*
    178 C                       Go to the commit containing the current file.
    180                                                 *fugitive-a*
    181 a                       Show the current tag, commit, or tree in an alternate
    182                         format.
    184 SPECIFYING REVISIONS                            *fugitive-revision*
    186 Fugitive revisions are similar to Git revisions as defined in the "SPECIFYING
    187 REVISIONS" section in the git-rev-parse man page.  For commands that accept an
    188 optional revision, the default is the file in the index for work tree files
    189 and the work tree file for everything else.  Example revisions follow.
    191 Revision        Meaning ~
    192 HEAD            .git/HEAD
    193 master          .git/refs/heads/master
    194 HEAD^{}         The commit referenced by HEAD
    195 HEAD^           The parent of the commit referenced by HEAD
    196 HEAD:           The tree referenced by HEAD
    197 /HEAD           The file named HEAD in the work tree
    198 Makefile        The file named Makefile in the work tree
    199 HEAD^:Makefile  The file named Makefile in the parent of HEAD
    200 :Makefile       The file named Makefile in the index (writable)
    201 -               The current file in HEAD
    202 ^               The current file in the previous commit
    203 ~3              The current file 3 commits ago
    204 :               .git/index (Same as |:Gstatus|)
    205 :0              The current file in the index
    206 :1              The current file's common ancestor during a conflict
    207 :2              The current file in the target branch during a conflict
    208 :3              The current file in the merged branch during a conflict
    209 :/foo           The most recent commit with "foo" in the message
    211 STATUSLINE                                      *fugitive-statusline*
    213                                                 *fugitive#statusline()*
    214 Add %{fugitive#statusline()} to your statusline to get an indicator including
    215 the current branch and the currently edited file's commit.  If you don't have
    216 a statusline, this one matches the default when 'ruler' is set:
    217 >
    218     set statusline=%<%f\ %h%m%r%{fugitive#statusline()}%=%-14.(%l,%c%V%)\ %P
    219 <
    220 ABOUT                                           *fugitive-about*
    222 Grab the latest version or report a bug on GitHub:
    226  vim:tw=78:et:ft=help:norl: