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tabula.vim (34091B)

      1 " ============================================================================
      2 " Filename:      tabula.vim
      3 " Last Modified: 2007-02-08
      4 " Version:       1.3.2
      5 " Maintainer:    Bernd Pol (bernd.pol AT online DOT de)
      6 " Copyright:     2006 Bernd Pol
      7 "                This script is free software; you can redistribute it and/or 
      8 "                modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as 
      9 "                published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of 
     10 "                the License, or (at your option) any later version. 
     11 " Description:   Vim colorscheme based on marklar.vim by SM Smithfield,
     12 "                slightly modified for harmonic, yet easily distinguishable
     13 "                display on GUI and a 256 color xterm as well.
     14 " Install:       Put this file in the users colors directory (~/.vim/colors)
     15 "                then load it with :colorscheme tabula
     16 " =============================================================================
     17 " Latest Changes:
     18 " =============================================================================
     19 " TODO
     20 " - automize options setting
     21 " - keep options in some setup file, e.g.:
     22 "   tabula.rc, sub e.g. "<OPTIONS> ... </OPTIONS>" marks
     23 " - options set up per directory (autoload option)
     24 "   such that text files be displayed other than e.g. c sources
     25 " =============================================================================
     27 hi clear
     28 set background=dark
     29 if exists("syntax_on")
     30     syntax reset
     31 endif
     32 let g:colors_name = "tabula"
     33 "let g:Tabula_setOptions = 0
     35 "==============================================================================
     36 "                              Option Settings                             {{{1
     37 "==============================================================================
     38 "
     39 " Use these in your .vimrc file before the ':colorscheme tabula' line
     40 "
     41 " Alternatively set the options variable from the command line, e.g.
     42 "       :let Tabula_LNumUnderline=1
     43 " and then call
     44 "       :colorscheme tabula
     45 " again.
     47 "------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     48 " Display Statements In Bold:                                              {{{2
     49 "       Tabula_BoldStatement = 0        statements display not bold
     50 "       Tabula_BoldStatement = 1        statements display bold
     51 " Defaults to non-bold display.
     52 "------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     53 "
     54 let s:BoldStatement = 0
     55 if exists("g:Tabula_BoldStatement")
     56   let s:BoldStatement = g:Tabula_BoldStatement
     57 endif
     59 "------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     60 " Set GUI Cursor Color:                                                    {{{2
     61 "       Tabula_CurColor = 'blue'
     62 "       Tabula_CurColor = 'red'
     63 "       Tabula_CurColor = 'yellow'
     64 "       Tabula_CurColor = 'white'
     65 " Defaults to 'blue'.
     66 "------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     67 "
     68 let s:CurColor = "blue"
     69 if exists("g:Tabula_CurColor")
     70   let s:CurColor = g:Tabula_CurColor
     71 endif
     73 "------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     74 " Set Color For Preprocessor Statements:                                   {{{2
     75 "       Tabula_ColorPre = 'blue'        purple-blue
     76 "       Tabula_ColorPre = 'red'         orange-red
     77 "       Tabula_ColorPre = 'yellow'      lightgreen-yellow
     78 " Defaults to 'blue'.
     79 "------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     80 "
     81 let s:ColorPre = "blue"
     82 if exists("g:Tabula_ColorPre")
     83   if g:Tabula_ColorPre == "red" || g:Tabula_ColorPre == "yellow"
     84     let s:ColorPre = g:Tabula_ColorPre
     85   endif
     86 endif
     88 "------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     89 " Use Dark Error Background:                                               {{{2
     90 " Sometimes desirable for less distracting error highlighting.
     91 "       Tabula_DarkError = 0            light red error background
     92 "       Tabula_DarkError = 1            dark red error background
     93 " Defaults to light error background.
     94 "------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     95 "
     96 let s:DarkError = 0
     97 if exists("g:Tabula_DarkError")
     98   let s:DarkError = g:Tabula_DarkError
     99 endif
    101 "------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    102 " Use Multiple Colors For Constant Values:                                 {{{2
    103 "       Tabula_FlatConstants = 0        use different color for each type
    104 "       Tabula_FlatConstants = 1        use common color for all
    105 " Defaults to using common colors.
    106 "------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    107 "
    108 let s:FlatConstants = 1
    109 if exists("g:Tabula_FlatConstants")
    110   let s:FlatConstants = g:Tabula_FlatConstants
    111 endif
    113 "------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    114 " How To Display Ignore And NonText Characters:                            {{{2
    115 "       Tabula_InvisibleIgnore = 0      slightly visible
    116 "                                       (good for Vim documentation editing)
    117 "       Tabula_InvisibleIgnore = 1      invisible on standard background
    118 " Defaults to invisible display.
    119 "------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    120 "
    121 let s:InvisibleIgnore = 1
    122 if exists("g:Tabula_InvisibleIgnore")
    123   let s:InvisibleIgnore = g:Tabula_InvisibleIgnore
    124 endif
    126 "------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    127 " Show Line Numbers Underlined:                                            {{{2
    128 " Sometimes useful to spot a line more easily.
    129 "       Tabula_LNumUnderline = 0        not underlined
    130 "       Tabula_LNumUnderline = 1        line numbers are underlined
    131 " Defaults to not underlined.
    132 "------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    133 "
    134 let s:LNumUnderline = 0
    135 if exists("g:Tabula_LNumUnderline")
    136   let s:LNumUnderline = g:Tabula_LNumUnderline
    137 endif
    139 "------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    140 " Let Search Occurrences Stand Out More Prominently:                       {{{2
    141 "       Tabula_SearchStandOut = 0       normal dark background display
    142 "       Tabula_SearchStandOut = 1       prominent underlined display
    143 "       Tabula_SearchStandOut = 2       even more prominent display
    144 " Defaults to normal display.
    145 "------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    146 "
    147 let s:SearchStandOut=0
    148 if exists("g:Tabula_SearchStandOut")
    149   let s:SearchStandOut = g:Tabula_SearchStandOut
    150 endif
    152 "------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    153 " How To Display TODOs And Similar:                                        {{{2
    154 "       Tabula_TodoUnderline = 0        display on a blue background
    155 "       Tabula_TodoUnderline = 1        display them underlined white
    156 " Defaults to underlined display.
    157 "------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    158 "
    159 let s:TodoUnderline=1
    160 if exists("g:Tabula_TodoUnderline")
    161   let s:TodoUnderline = g:Tabula_TodoUnderline
    162 endif
    164 "==============================================================================
    165 "                             Color Definitions                            {{{1
    166 "==============================================================================
    168 if version >= 700
    169     hi SpellBad         guisp=#FF0000
    170     hi SpellCap         guisp=#afaf00
    171     hi SpellRare        guisp=#bf4040
    172     hi SpellLocal       guisp=#00afaf                                                   ctermbg=0
    173     hi Pmenu            guifg=#00ffff   guibg=#000000                   ctermfg=51      ctermbg=0
    174     hi PmenuSel         guifg=#ffff00   guibg=#000000   gui=bold        ctermfg=226                     cterm=bold
    175     hi PmenuSbar                        guibg=#204d40                                   ctermbg=6
    176     hi PmenuThumb       guifg=#38ff56                                   ctermfg=3
    177     hi CursorColumn                     guibg=#096354                                   ctermbg=29
    178     hi CursorLine                       guibg=#096354                                   ctermbg=29
    179     hi Tabline          guifg=bg        guibg=fg        gui=NONE        ctermfg=NONE    ctermbg=NONE    cterm=reverse,bold
    180     hi TablineSel       guifg=#20012e   guibg=#00a675   gui=bold
    181     hi TablineFill      guifg=#689C7C
    182     hi MatchParen       guifg=#38ff56   guibg=#0000ff   gui=bold        ctermfg=14      ctermbg=21      cterm=bold
    183 endif
    184 "------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    186 "hi Comment             guifg=#00C5E7                                   ctermfg=39      
    187 hi Comment              guifg=#00C5E7                                   ctermfg=51
    189 "------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    190 " Constant Colors:
    191 "------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    192 "
    193 if s:FlatConstants
    194   hi Constant           guifg=#7DDCDB                                   ctermfg=123
    195 else
    196   hi Boolean            guifg=#7EDBD8                                   ctermfg=123
    197   hi Character          guifg=#AFD000                                   ctermfg=148
    198   hi Float              guifg=#AF87DF                                   ctermfg=141
    199   hi Number             guifg=#00A7F7                                   ctermfg=39
    200   hi String             guifg=#00DF00                                   ctermfg=46
    201 endif
    203 "------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    204 " Cursor Colors:
    205 "------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    206 "
    207 if s:CurColor == "yellow"
    208   hi Cursor             guifg=#000000   guibg=#EFEF00
    209 elseif s:CurColor == "red"
    210   " Note: Input cursor will be invisible on Error Group
    211   hi Cursor             guifg=#00007F   guibg=#F70000
    212 elseif s:CurColor == "blue"
    213   hi Cursor             guifg=#00007F   guibg=#00EFEF
    214 elseif s:CurColor == "white"
    215   hi Cursor             guifg=#000000   guibg=#FFFFFF
    216 endif
    217 "------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    219 hi DiffAdd              guifg=NONE      guibg=#136769                   ctermfg=4       ctermbg=7       cterm=NONE
    220 hi DiffDelete           guifg=NONE      guibg=#50694A                   ctermfg=1       ctermbg=7       cterm=NONE
    221 hi DiffChange           guifg=fg        guibg=#00463c   gui=None        ctermfg=4       ctermbg=2       cterm=NONE
    222 hi DiffText             guifg=#7CFC94   guibg=#00463c   gui=bold        ctermfg=4       ctermbg=3       cterm=NONE
    223 hi Directory            guifg=#25B9F8   guibg=NONE                                                      ctermfg=2
    225 "------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    226 " Error Colors:
    227 "------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    228 "
    229 if s:DarkError
    230 "  hi Error             guifg=#FF0000   guibg=#303800   gui=NONE        ctermfg=9       ctermbg=236     cterm=NONE
    231   hi Error              guifg=NONE      guibg=#303800   gui=NONE        ctermfg=NONE    ctermbg=236     cterm=NONE
    232 else
    233   if s:CurColor == "red"
    234     " Note: We need another background in this case to keep the cursor visible.
    235     hi Error            guifg=#FF0000   guibg=#FFFF00   gui=bold        ctermfg=11      ctermbg=9       cterm=NONE
    236   else
    237     hi Error            guifg=#FFFF00   guibg=#FF0000   gui=NONE        ctermfg=11      ctermbg=9       cterm=NONE
    238   endif
    239 endif
    240 "------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    242 hi ErrorMsg             guifg=#FFFFFF   guibg=#FF0000                   ctermfg=7       ctermbg=1
    243 hi FoldColumn           guifg=#00BBBB   guibg=#4E4E4E                   ctermfg=14      ctermbg=240
    244 hi Folded               guifg=#44DDDD   guibg=#4E4E4E                   ctermfg=14      ctermbg=240
    245 hi Identifier           guifg=#FDAE5A                                   ctermfg=215                     cterm=NONE
    247 "------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    248 " Ignore Variants:
    249 "------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    250 "
    251 if s:InvisibleIgnore
    252   " completely invisible
    253   hi Ignore             guifg=bg        guibg=NONE                      ctermfg=23
    254   hi NonText            guifg=bg        guibg=NONE                      ctermfg=23
    255 else
    256   " nearly invisible
    257   hi Ignore             guifg=#005FAF   guibg=NONE                      ctermfg=26
    258   hi NonText            guifg=#005FAF   guibg=NONE                      ctermfg=26
    259 endif
    260 "------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    262 "------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    263 " Line Number Variants:
    264 " Lines can sometimes be more precisely identified if the line numbers are
    265 " underlined.
    266 "------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    267 "
    268 if s:LNumUnderline
    269   hi LineNr             guifg=#00FF00   guibg=#005080   gui=underline   ctermfg=84      ctermbg=24      cterm=underline
    270 else
    271   hi LineNr             guifg=#00FF00   guibg=#005080                   ctermfg=84      ctermbg=24
    272 endif
    273 "------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    275 hi ModeMsg              guifg=#FFFFFF   guibg=#0000FF   gui=NONE        ctermfg=7       ctermbg=4       cterm=NONE
    276 hi MoreMsg              guifg=#FFFFFF   guibg=#00A261   gui=NONE        ctermfg=7       ctermbg=28      cterm=NONE
    278 hi Normal               guifg=#71D289   guibg=#004A41                   ctermfg=84      ctermbg=23 
    280 "------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    281 " Preprocessor Variants:
    282 "------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    283 "
    284 if s:ColorPre == "red"
    285   hi PreProc            guifg=#FF5F5F   guibg=bg                        ctermfg=203
    286 elseif s:ColorPre == "yellow"
    287   hi PreProc            guifg=#AFFF00   guibg=bg                        ctermfg=154
    288 elseif s:ColorPre == "blue"
    289   hi PreProc            guifg=#918EE4   guibg=bg                        ctermfg=105
    290 endif
    291 "------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    293 hi Question             guifg=#E5E500   guibg=NONE      gui=NONE        ctermfg=11      ctermbg=NONE    cterm=NONE
    295 "------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    296 " Search Stand Out Variants:
    297 "------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    298 "
    299 if s:SearchStandOut == 0
    300   hi IncSearch          guifg=#D0D0D0   guibg=#206828   gui=NONE        ctermfg=NONE    ctermbg=22      cterm=NONE
    301   hi Search             guifg=NONE      guibg=#212a81                   ctermfg=NONE    ctermbg=18
    302 elseif s:SearchStandOut == 1
    303   hi IncSearch          guifg=#D0D0D0   guibg=#206828   gui=underline   ctermfg=252     ctermbg=22      cterm=underline
    304   hi Search             guifg=#FDAD5D   guibg=#202880   gui=underline   ctermfg=215     ctermbg=18      cterm=underline
    305 elseif s:SearchStandOut == 2
    306   hi IncSearch          guibg=#D0D0D0   guifg=#206828   gui=underline   ctermbg=252     ctermfg=22      cterm=underline
    307   hi Search             guibg=#FDAD5D   guifg=#202880   gui=underline   ctermbg=215     ctermfg=18      cterm=underline
    308 endif
    309 "------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    311 hi SignColumn           guifg=#00BBBB   guibg=#204d40
    312 hi Special              guifg=#00E0F2   guibg=NONE      gui=NONE        ctermfg=45
    313 hi SpecialKey           guifg=#00F4F4   guibg=#266955
    315 "------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    316 " Statement Variants:
    317 "------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    318 "
    319 if s:BoldStatement
    320   hi Statement          guifg=#DEDE00                   gui=bold        ctermfg=11                      cterm=bold
    321 else
    322   hi Statement          guifg=#E4E300                   gui=NONE        ctermfg=11
    323 endif
    324 "------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    326 hi StatusLine           guifg=#000000   guibg=#7DCEAD   gui=NONE                        ctermbg=00      cterm=reverse
    327 hi StatusLineNC         guifg=#245748   guibg=#689C7C   gui=NONE        ctermfg=72      ctermbg=23      cterm=reverse
    328 hi Title                guifg=#7CFC94   guibg=NONE      gui=bold        ctermfg=2                       cterm=bold
    330 "------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    331 " Todo Variants:
    332 "------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    333 "
    334 if s:TodoUnderline
    335   " Underlined
    336   hi Todo               guifg=#AFD7D7   guibg=NONE      gui=underline   ctermfg=159     ctermbg=NONE    cterm=underline
    337 else
    338   " Blue background
    339   hi Todo               guifg=#00FFFF   guibg=#0000FF                   ctermfg=51      ctermbg=4
    340 endif
    341 "------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    343 hi Type                 guifg=#F269E4   guibg=bg        gui=NONE        ctermfg=213
    344 hi Underlined                                           gui=underline                                   cterm=underline
    345 hi VertSplit            guifg=#245748   guibg=#689C7C   gui=NONE        ctermfg=72      ctermbg=23      cterm=reverse
    346 hi Visual                               guibg=#0B7260   gui=NONE
    347 hi WarningMsg           guifg=#000087   guibg=#FFFF00                   ctermfg=18      ctermbg=11
    348 hi WildMenu             guifg=#20012e   guibg=#00a675   gui=bold        ctermfg=NONE    ctermbg=NONE    cterm=bold
    349 "
    350 hi pythonPreCondit                                                      ctermfg=2                       cterm=NONE
    351 hi tkWidget             guifg=#D5B11C   guibg=bg        gui=bold        ctermfg=7                       cterm=bold
    352 hi tclBookends          guifg=#7CFC94   guibg=NONE      gui=bold        ctermfg=2                       cterm=bold
    354 " ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    355 " Custom HTML Groups:
    356 " (see ':help html.vim' for more info)
    357 "------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    359 let html_my_rendering=1
    361 hi htmlBold             guifg=#87FFD7                   gui=bold        ctermfg=122                     cterm=bold
    362 hi htmlBoldItalic       guifg=#87D7EF                   gui=bold        ctermfg=117                     cterm=bold
    363 hi htmlBoldUnderline    guifg=#87FFD7                   gui=bold,underline ctermfg=122                  cterm=bold,underline
    364 hi htmlBoldUnderlineItalic guifg=#87D7EF                gui=bold,underline ctermfg=117                  cterm=bold,underline
    365 hi htmlH1               guifg=#00FF00   guibg=NONE      gui=bold,underline ctermfg=2                    cterm=bold,underline
    366 hi htmlH2               guifg=#00FF00   guibg=NONE      gui=bold        ctermfg=2                       cterm=bold
    367 hi htmlH3               guifg=#00FF00   guibg=NONE      gui=NONE        ctermfg=2
    368 hi htmlH4               guifg=#00C700   guibg=NONE      gui=underline   ctermfg=34                      cterm=underline
    369 hi htmlH5               guifg=#00C700   guibg=NONE      gui=NONE        ctermfg=34
    370 hi htmlH6               guifg=#00A700   guibg=NONE      gui=underline   ctermfg=28                      cterm=underline
    371 hi htmlItalic           guifg=#87D7D7                   gui=NONE        ctermfg=116
    372 hi htmlLink             guifg=#8787D7                   gui=underline   ctermfg=105                     cterm=underline
    373 hi htmlUnderline                                        gui=underline                                   cterm=underline
    374 hi htmlUnderlineItalic  guifg=#87D7D7                   gui=underline   ctermfg=116                     cterm=underline
    376 "------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    377 " VimOutliner Groups:
    378 " (see
    379 " Note: Make sure to add "colorscheme tabula" to the .vimoutlinerrc file.
    380 "------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    381 "
    382 " Indent level colors
    384 hi OL1                  guifg=#02AAFF                                   ctermfg=33
    385 hi OL2                  guifg=#02CAE9                                   ctermfg=39
    386 hi OL3                  guifg=#87D7D7                                   ctermfg=44
    387 hi OL4                  guifg=#87D7D7                                   ctermfg=44
    388 hi OL5                  guifg=#87D7D7                                   ctermfg=44
    389 hi OL6                  guifg=#87D7D7                                   ctermfg=44
    390 hi OL7                  guifg=#87D7D7                                   ctermfg=44
    391 hi OL8                  guifg=#87D7D7                                   ctermfg=44
    392 hi OL9                  guifg=#87D7D7                                   ctermfg=44
    394 " colors for tags
    395 hi outlTags             guifg=#F269E4                                   ctermfg=213
    397 " color for body text
    398 hi BT1                  guifg=#71D289                                   ctermfg=84 
    399 hi BT2                  guifg=#71D289                                   ctermfg=84 
    400 hi BT3                  guifg=#71D289                                   ctermfg=84 
    401 hi BT4                  guifg=#71D289                                   ctermfg=84 
    402 hi BT5                  guifg=#71D289                                   ctermfg=84 
    403 hi BT6                  guifg=#71D289                                   ctermfg=84 
    404 hi BT7                  guifg=#71D289                                   ctermfg=84 
    405 hi BT8                  guifg=#71D289                                   ctermfg=84 
    406 hi BT9                  guifg=#71D289                                   ctermfg=84 
    408 " color for pre-formatted text
    409 hi PT1                  guifg=#7DDCDB                                   ctermfg=123
    410 hi PT2                  guifg=#7DDCDB                                   ctermfg=123
    411 hi PT3                  guifg=#7DDCDB                                   ctermfg=123
    412 hi PT4                  guifg=#7DDCDB                                   ctermfg=123
    413 hi PT5                  guifg=#7DDCDB                                   ctermfg=123
    414 hi PT6                  guifg=#7DDCDB                                   ctermfg=123
    415 hi PT7                  guifg=#7DDCDB                                   ctermfg=123
    416 hi PT8                  guifg=#7DDCDB                                   ctermfg=123
    417 hi PT9                  guifg=#7DDCDB                                   ctermfg=123
    419 " color for tables 
    420 hi TA1                  guifg=#918EE4                                   ctermfg=105
    421 hi TA2                  guifg=#918EE4                                   ctermfg=105
    422 hi TA3                  guifg=#918EE4                                   ctermfg=105
    423 hi TA4                  guifg=#918EE4                                   ctermfg=105
    424 hi TA5                  guifg=#918EE4                                   ctermfg=105
    425 hi TA6                  guifg=#918EE4                                   ctermfg=105
    426 hi TA7                  guifg=#918EE4                                   ctermfg=105
    427 hi TA8                  guifg=#918EE4                                   ctermfg=105
    428 hi TA9                  guifg=#918EE4                                   ctermfg=105
    430 " color for user text (wrapping)
    431 hi UT1                  guifg=#71D289                                   ctermfg=84
    432 hi UT2                  guifg=#71D289                                   ctermfg=84 
    433 hi UT3                  guifg=#71D289                                   ctermfg=84 
    434 hi UT4                  guifg=#71D289                                   ctermfg=84 
    435 hi UT5                  guifg=#71D289                                   ctermfg=84 
    436 hi UT6                  guifg=#71D289                                   ctermfg=84 
    437 hi UT7                  guifg=#71D289                                   ctermfg=84 
    438 hi UT8                  guifg=#71D289                                   ctermfg=84 
    439 hi UT9                  guifg=#71D289                                   ctermfg=84 
    441 " color for user text (non-wrapping)
    442 hi UT1                  guifg=#71D289                                   ctermfg=84 
    443 hi UT2                  guifg=#71D289                                   ctermfg=84 
    444 hi UT3                  guifg=#71D289                                   ctermfg=84 
    445 hi UT4                  guifg=#71D289                                   ctermfg=84 
    446 hi UT5                  guifg=#71D289                                   ctermfg=84 
    447 hi UT6                  guifg=#71D289                                   ctermfg=84 
    448 hi UT7                  guifg=#71D289                                   ctermfg=84 
    449 hi UT8                  guifg=#71D289                                   ctermfg=84 
    450 hi UT9                  guifg=#71D289                                   ctermfg=84
    452 " colors for experimental spelling error highlighting
    453 " this only works for spellfix.vim with will be cease to exist soon
    454 hi spellErr             guifg=#E4E300                   gui=underline   ctermfg=11                      cterm=underline
    455 hi BadWord              guifg=#E4E300                   gui=underline   ctermfg=11                      cterm=underline
    458 "==============================================================================
    459 "                              Options Processor                           {{{1
    460 "==============================================================================
    461 "
    462 "------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    463 " Main Dialog:                                                             {{{2
    464 "------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    465 "
    466 function! Tabula()
    467   call inputsave()
    468   let thisOption = 1
    469   while thisOption >= 1 && thisOption <= 9
    470     redraw
    471     let thisOption = inputlist([
    472           \                  "Select a 'Tabula_' option:",
    473           \                  "1. BoldStatement    Display statements in bold",
    474           \                  "2. ColorPre         Set Color for preprocessor statements",
    475           \                  "3. CurColor         Set GUI cursor color",
    476           \                  "4. DarkError        Use dark error background",
    477           \                  "5. FlatConstants    Use multiple colors for constant values",
    478           \                  "6. InvisibleIgnore  Display of Ignore and NonText characters",
    479           \                  "7. LNumUnderline    Show line numbers underlined",
    480           \                  "8. SearchStandOut   Display of search occurrences",
    481           \                  "9. TodoUnderline    Display of TODOs and similar"
    482           \                  ])
    484     redraw
    485     if thisOption >= 1 && thisOption <= 9
    486       call Tabula_{thisOption}()
    487       "let g:Tabula_setOptions = 1
    488     endif
    489   endwhile
    490   call inputrestore()
    491 endfunction
    493 "------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    494 " Bold Statements:                                                         {{{2
    495 "------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    496 "
    497 function! Tabula_1()
    498   let curOption = ""
    499   if s:BoldStatement == 0
    500     let curOption = "not "
    501   endif
    502   let optionValue = inputlist([
    503         \                     "How to display statements (currently ".curOption."bold)?",
    504         \                     "1. bold",
    505         \                     "2. not bold"
    506         \                     ])
    507   if optionValue == 1
    508     let g:Tabula_BoldStatement = 1
    509   elseif optionValue == 2
    510     let g:Tabula_BoldStatement = 0
    511   endif
    512 endfunction
    514 "------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    515 " Color For Preprocessor Statements:                                       {{{2
    516 "------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    517 "
    518 function! Tabula_2()
    519   let optionValue = inputlist([
    520         \                     "How to display preprocessor statements (currently ".s:ColorPre.")?",
    521         \                     "1. blue",
    522         \                     "2. red",
    523         \                     "3. yellow"
    524         \                     ])
    525   if optionValue == 1
    526     let g:Tabula_ColorPre = "blue"
    527   elseif optionValue == 2
    528     let g:Tabula_ColorPre = "red"
    529   elseif optionValue == 3
    530     let g:Tabula_ColorPre = "yellow"
    531    endif
    532 endfunction
    534 "------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    535 " GUI Cursor Color:                                                        {{{2
    536 "------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    537 "
    538 function! Tabula_3()
    539   let optionValue = inputlist([
    540         \                     "Use which cursor color (currently ".s:CurColor.")?",
    541         \                     "1. blue",
    542         \                     "2. red",
    543         \                     "3. yellow",
    544         \                     "4. white"
    545         \                     ])
    546   if optionValue == 1
    547     let g:Tabula_CurColor = "blue"
    548   elseif optionValue == 2
    549     let g:Tabula_CurColor = "red"
    550   elseif optionValue == 3
    551     let g:Tabula_CurColor = "yellow"
    552   elseif optionValue == 4
    553     let g:Tabula_CurColor = "white"
    554   endif
    555 endfunction
    557 "------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    558 " Use Dark Error Background:                                               {{{2
    559 "------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    560 "
    561 function! Tabula_4()
    562   let curOption = "light "
    563   if s:DarkError
    564     let curOption = "dark "
    565   endif
    566   let optionValue = inputlist([
    567         \                     "How to display errors in the text (currently ".curOption."background)?",
    568         \                     "1. light background",
    569         \                     "2. dark background"
    570         \                     ])
    571   if optionValue == 1
    572     let g:Tabula_DarkError = 0
    573   elseif optionValue == 2
    574     let g:Tabula_DarkError = 1
    575   endif
    576 endfunction
    578 "------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    579 " Multiple Constant Colors:                                                {{{2
    580 "------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    581 "
    582 function! Tabula_5()
    583   let curOption = "one color"
    584   if s:FlatConstants == 0
    585     let curOption = "multiple colors"
    586   endif
    587   let optionValue = inputlist([
    588         \                     "How to display constant values (currently ".curOption.")?",
    589         \                     "1. use one common color for all",
    590         \                     "2. use different color for each type"
    591         \                     ])
    592   if optionValue == 1
    593     let g:Tabula_FlatConstants = 1
    594   elseif optionValue == 2
    595     let g:Tabula_FlatConstants = 0
    596   endif
    597 endfunction
    599 "------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    600 " Ignore And NonText Characters:                                           {{{2
    601 "------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    602 "
    603 function! Tabula_6()
    604   let curOption = "invisible"
    605   if s:InvisibleIgnore == 0
    606     let curOption = "slightly visible"
    607   endif
    608   let optionValue = inputlist([
    609         \                     "Show Ignore and NonText characters (currently ".curOption.")?",
    610         \                     "1. invisible",
    611         \                     "2. slightly visible"
    612         \                     ])
    613   if optionValue == 1
    614     let g:Tabula_InvisibleIgnore = 1
    615   elseif optionValue == 2
    616     let g:Tabula_InvisibleIgnore = 0
    617   endif
    618 endfunction
    620 "------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    621 " Underlined Line Numbers:                                                 {{{2
    622 "------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    623 "
    624 function! Tabula_7()
    625   let curOption = ""
    626   if s:LNumUnderline == 0
    627     let curOption = "not "
    628   endif
    629   let optionValue = inputlist([
    630         \                     "How to display line numbers(currently ".curOption."underlined)?",
    631         \                     "1. underlined",
    632         \                     "2. not underlined"
    633         \                     ])
    634   if optionValue == 1
    635     let g:Tabula_LNumUnderline = 1
    636   elseif optionValue == 2
    637     let g:Tabula_LNumUnderline = 0
    638   endif
    639 endfunction
    641 "------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    642 " Let Search Occurrences Stand Out More Prominently:                       {{{2
    643 "------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    644 "
    645 function! Tabula_8()
    646   if s:SearchStandOut == 0
    647     let curOption = "normal"
    648   elseif s:SearchStandOut == 1
    649     let curOption = "prominent"
    650   elseif s:SearchStandOut == 2
    651     let curOption = "very prominent"
    652   endif
    653   let optionValue = inputlist([
    654         \                     "How to display search occurrences (currently ".curOption.")?",
    655         \                     "1. normal",
    656         \                     "2. prominent",
    657         \                     "3. very prominent"
    658         \                     ])
    659   if optionValue == 1
    660     let g:Tabula_SearchStandOut = 0
    661   elseif optionValue == 2
    662     let g:Tabula_SearchStandOut = 1
    663   elseif optionValue == 3
    664     let g:Tabula_SearchStandOut = 2
    665   endif
    666 endfunction
    668 "------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    669 " TODOs Display:                                                           {{{2
    670 "------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    671 "
    672 function! Tabula_9()
    673   let curOption = ""
    674   if s:TodoUnderline == 0
    675     let curOption = "not "
    676   endif
    677   let optionValue = inputlist([
    678         \                     "How to display TODOs and similar (currently ".curOption."underlined)?",
    679         \                     "1. underlined",
    680         \                     "2. not underlined"
    681         \                     ])
    682   if optionValue == 1
    683     let g:Tabula_TodoUnderline = 1
    684   elseif optionValue == 2
    685     let g:Tabula_TodoUnderline = 0
    686   endif
    687 endfunction
    689 "==========================================================================}}}1
    690 "
    691 " FIXME: This can't work!
    692 "
    693 "if g:Tabula_setOptions
    694 "  :exe "color tabula"
    695 "  let g:Tabula_setOptions = 0
    696 "endif
    698 " vim:tw=0:fdm=marker:fdl=0:fdc=3:fen