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manxome.vim (2595B)

      1 """ local syntax file - set colors on a per-machine basis:
      2 """ Vim color file
      3 """ Title:			Manxome Foes Color Scheme
      4 """ Maintainer:		Ricardo SIGNES <>
      5 """ This Version:	R2v2 [2003-07-16]
      6 """ suggested vim editing options: tw=0 ts=4 sw=4
      8 ""  clear and re-initialize global variables
      9 hi clear
     10 set background=dark
     11 if exists("syntax_on")
     12   syntax reset
     13 endif
     14 let g:colors_name = "manxome"
     16 ""  set highlight groups
     17 ""		you'll notice that the ctermbg is often 'none'; this is so that when
     18 ""		console vim runs in a terminal, transparency (if any) is not broken
     20 highlight Title			ctermfg=3	ctermbg=none	cterm=bold	guifg=#ffff00	guibg=#000000	gui=none
     21 highlight Directory  	ctermfg=4	ctermbg=none	cterm=bold	guifg=#0000ff	guibg=#000000	gui=none
     22 highlight StatusLine 	ctermfg=7	ctermbg=4		cterm=bold	guifg=#ffffff	guibg=#0000ff	gui=none
     23 highlight StatusLineNC 	ctermfg=0	ctermbg=4		cterm=bold	guifg=#000000	guibg=#0000ff	gui=none
     24 highlight Normal		ctermfg=7	ctermbg=none	cterm=none	guifg=#cccccc	guibg=#000000	gui=none
     25 highlight Search		ctermfg=7	ctermbg=4		cterm=bold	guifg=#ffffff	guibg=#0000ff	gui=none
     26 highlight Visual		ctermfg=7	ctermbg=6		cterm=bold	guifg=#ffffff	guibg=#00aaaa	gui=none
     28 ""  set major preferred groups
     30 highlight Comment		ctermfg=2	ctermbg=none	cterm=bold	guifg=#00ff00	guibg=#000000	gui=none
     31 highlight Constant		ctermfg=6	ctermbg=none	cterm=bold	guifg=#00ffff	guibg=#000000	gui=none
     32 highlight Identifier	ctermfg=4	ctermbg=none	cterm=bold	guifg=#0000ee	guibg=#000000	gui=none
     33 highlight Statement 	ctermfg=6	ctermbg=none	cterm=none	guifg=#00aaaa	guibg=#000000	gui=none
     34 highlight PreProc		ctermfg=7	ctermbg=none	cterm=bold	guifg=#ffffff	guibg=#000000	gui=none
     35 highlight Type			ctermfg=6	ctermbg=none	cterm=none	guifg=#00aaaa	guibg=#000000	gui=none
     36 highlight Special		ctermfg=7	ctermbg=none	cterm=bold	guifg=#ffffff	guibg=#000000	gui=none
     37 highlight Underlined	ctermfg=2	ctermbg=none	cterm=none	guifg=#00aa00	guibg=#000000	gui=none
     38 highlight Ignore		ctermfg=0	ctermbg=none	cterm=bold  guifg=#aaaaaa	guibg=#000000	gui=none
     39 highlight Error			ctermfg=1	ctermbg=none	cterm=bold	guibg=#ff0000	guibg=#000000	gui=none
     40 highlight Todo		 	ctermfg=3	ctermbg=none	cterm=none	guifg=#aaaa00	guibg=#000000	gui=none
     42 "  set syntax-specific groups
     43 "	I'd like to avoid using these, but the default settings for these two are
     44 "	just no good.  Seeing italic text in Vim is just plain wrong.
     46 highlight htmlBold		ctermfg=7	ctermbg=none	cterm=bold	guifg=#ffffff	guibg=#000000	gui=none
     47 highlight htmlItalic	ctermfg=5	ctermbg=none	cterm=bold	guifg=#ff00ff	guibg=#000000	gui=none