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biogoo.vim (3775B)

      1 " Vim color File
      2 " Name:			biogoo
      3 " Maintainer:	Benjamin Esham <>
      4 " Last Change:	2006-11-20
      5 " Version:		1.5
      6 "
      7 " Colorful text on a light gray background.  It's pretty easy on the eyes in
      8 " my opinion.  Any feedback is greatly appreciated!
      9 "
     10 " Installation:
     11 "	Copy to ~/.vim/colors; do :color biogoo
     12 "
     13 " Customization Options:
     14 "	Use a 'normal' cursor color:
     15 "		let g:biogoo_normal_cursor = 1
     16 "
     17 " Props:
     18 "	Jani Nurminen's zenburn.vim as an example file.
     19 "	Scott F. and Matt F. for feature suggestions.
     20 "	Bill McCarthy for his Vim mailing list post about Vim 7 support.
     21 "
     22 " Version History:
     23 "	1.5:	should fully support Vim 7 now
     24 "	1.4:	more support for Vim 7: added the `MatchParen' group for ()[]{} matching
     25 "	1.3:	added support for Vim 7: added groups for the new spellchecking, and
     26 "			added a conditional to display Visual mode correctly in any version.		
     27 "	1.2:	added `SpellErrors' group for use with vimspell.
     28 "	1.1:	added `IncSearch' group for improved visibility in incremental searches.
     29 "	1.0:	minor tweaks
     30 "	0.95:	initial release
     31 "
     32 " TODO: Add new groups as needed.  E-mail me with any suggestions!
     34 set background=light
     35 hi clear
     36 if exists("syntax_on")
     37 	syntax reset
     38 endif
     39 let g:colors_name = "biogoo"
     41 hi Comment			guifg=#0000c3
     42 hi Constant			guifg=#0000ff
     43 hi CursorColumn		guibg=#ffffff
     44 hi CursorLine		guibg=#ffffff
     45 hi Delimiter		guifg=#00007f
     46 hi DiffAdd			guifg=#007f00 guibg=#e5e5e5
     47 hi DiffChange		guifg=#00007f guibg=#e5e5e5
     48 hi DiffDelete		guifg=#7f0000 guibg=#e5e5e5
     49 hi DiffText			guifg=#ee0000 guibg=#e5e5e5
     50 hi Directory		guifg=#b85d00
     51 hi Error			guifg=#d6d6d6 guibg=#7f0000
     52 hi ErrorMsg			guifg=#ffffff guibg=#ff0000 gui=bold
     53 hi Float			guifg=#b85d00
     54 hi FoldColumn		guifg=#00007f guibg=#e5e5e5
     55 hi Folded			guifg=#00007f guibg=#e5e5e5
     56 hi Function			guifg=#7f0000
     57 hi Identifier		guifg=#004000
     58 hi Include			guifg=#295498 gui=bold
     59 hi IncSearch		guifg=#ffffff guibg=#0000ff gui=bold
     60 hi LineNr			guifg=#303030 guibg=#e5e5e5 gui=underline
     61 hi Keyword			guifg=#00007f
     62 hi Macro			guifg=#295498
     63 hi MatchParen		guifg=#ffffff guibg=#00a000
     64 hi ModeMsg			guifg=#00007f
     65 hi MoreMsg			guifg=#00007f
     66 hi NonText			guifg=#007f00
     67 hi Normal			guifg=#000000 guibg=#d6d6d6
     68 hi Number			guifg=#b85d00
     69 hi Operator			guifg=#00007f
     70 hi Pmenu			guifg=#000000 guibg=#cc9999
     71 hi PmenuSel			guifg=#ffffff guibg=#993333
     72 hi PmenuSbar		guibg=#99cc99
     73 hi PmenuThumb		guifg=#339933
     74 hi PreCondit		guifg=#295498 gui=bold
     75 hi PreProc			guifg=#0c3b6b gui=bold
     76 hi Question			guifg=#00007f
     77 hi Search			guibg=#ffff00
     78 hi Special			guifg=#007f00
     79 hi SpecialKey		guifg=#00007f
     80 hi SpellBad			guifg=#ffffff guibg=#7f0000 gui=undercurl guisp=#d6d6d6
     81 hi SpellCap			guifg=#ffffff guibg=#7f007f gui=undercurl guisp=#d6d6d6
     82 hi SpellLocal		guifg=#ffffff guibg=#007f7f gui=undercurl guisp=#d6d6d6
     83 hi SpellRare		guifg=#ffffff guibg=#b85d00 gui=undercurl guisp=#d6d6d6
     84 hi Statement		guifg=#00007f gui=none
     85 hi StatusLine		guifg=#00007f guibg=#ffffff
     86 hi StatusLineNC		guifg=#676767 guibg=#ffffff
     87 hi String			guifg=#d10000
     88 hi TabLine			guifg=#222222 guibg=#d6d6d6
     89 hi TabLineFill		guifg=#d6d6d6
     90 hi TabLineSel		guifg=#00007f guibg=#eeeeee gui=bold
     91 hi Title			guifg=#404040 gui=bold
     92 hi Todo				guifg=#00007f guibg=#e5e5e5 gui=underline
     93 hi Type				guifg=#540054 gui=bold
     94 hi Underlined		guifg=#b85d00
     95 hi VertSplit		guifg=#676767 guibg=#ffffff
     96 if version < 700
     97 	hi Visual		guifg=#7f7f7f guibg=#ffffff
     98 else
     99 	hi Visual		guifg=#ffffff guibg=#7f7f7f
    100 endif
    101 hi VisualNOS		guifg=#007f00 guibg=#e5e5e5
    102 hi WarningMsg		guifg=#500000
    103 hi WildMenu			guifg=#540054
    105 " Non-standard highlighting (e.g. for plugins)
    107 " vimspell
    108 hi SpellErrors		guifg=#ffffff guibg=#7f0000 gui=undercurl guisp=#d6d6d6
    110 if !exists("g:biogoo_normal_cursor")
    111 	" use a gray-on-blue cursor
    112 	hi Cursor		guifg=#ffffff guibg=#00007f
    113 endif
    115 " vim:noet:ts=4 sw=4