
My dotfiles, scripts and nix configs
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adrian.vim (4389B)

      1 " Vim colorscheme file
      2 " Maintainer:   Adrian Nagle <>
      3 " Last Change:  2001-09-25 07:48:15 Mountain Daylight Time
      4 " URL:
      5 " MAIN URL:
      7 " This is my custom syntax file to override the defaults provided with Vim.
      8 " This file should be located in $HOME/vimfiles/colors.
     10 " This file should automatically be sourced by $RUNTIMEPATH.
     12 " NOTE(S):
     13 " *(1)
     14 " The color definitions assumes and is intended for a black or dark
     15 " background.
     17 " *(2)
     18 " This file is specifically in Unix style EOL format so that I can simply
     19 " copy this file between Windows and Unix systems.  VIM can source files in
     20 " with the UNIX EOL format (only <NL> instead of <CR><NR> for DOS) in any
     21 " operating system if the 'fileformats' is not empty and there is no <CR>
     22 " just before the <NL> on the first line.  See ':help :source_crnl' and
     23 " ':help fileformats'.
     24 "
     25 " *(3)
     26 " Move this file to adrian.vim for vim6.0aw.
     27 "
     31 hi clear
     32 set background=dark
     33 if exists("syntax_on")
     34   syntax reset
     35 endif
     36 let g:colors_name = "adrian"
     38 " Normal is for the normal (unhighlighted) text and background.
     39 " NonText is below the last line (~ lines).
     40 highlight Normal                  guibg=Black      guifg=Green 
     41 highlight Cursor                  guibg=Grey70     guifg=White
     42 highlight NonText                 guibg=Grey80
     43 highlight StatusLine     gui=bold guibg=DarkGrey   guifg=Orange
     44 highlight StatusLineNC            guibg=DarkGrey   guifg=Orange
     46 highlight Comment    term=bold      ctermfg=LightGrey                  guifg=#d1ddff
     47 highlight Constant   term=underline ctermfg=White                      guifg=#ffa0a0
     48 "highlight Number   term=underline ctermfg=Yellow                     guifg=Yellow
     49 highlight Identifier term=underline ctermfg=Cyan                       guifg=#40ffff
     50 highlight Statement  term=bold      ctermfg=Yellow           gui=bold  guifg=#ffff60
     51 highlight PreProc    term=underline ctermfg=Blue                       guifg=#ff4500
     52 highlight Type       term=underline ctermfg=DarkGrey         gui=bold  guifg=#7d96ff
     53 highlight Special    term=bold      ctermfg=Magenta                    guifg=Orange
     54 highlight Ignore                    ctermfg=black                      guifg=bg
     55 highlight Error                     ctermfg=White      ctermbg=Red     guifg=White    guibg=Red
     56 highlight Todo                      ctermfg=Blue       ctermbg=Yellow  guifg=Blue     guibg=Yellow
     58 " Change the highlight of search matches (for use with :set hls).
     59 highlight Search                    ctermfg=Black      ctermbg=Yellow  guifg=Black    guibg=Yellow  
     61 " Change the highlight of visual highlight.
     62 highlight Visual      cterm=NONE    ctermfg=Black      ctermbg=LightGrey  gui=NONE    guifg=Black guibg=Grey70
     64 highlight Float                     ctermfg=Blue                       guifg=#88AAEE
     65 highlight Exception                 ctermfg=Red        ctermbg=White   guifg=Red      guibg=White
     66 highlight Typedef                   ctermfg=White      ctermbg=Blue    gui=bold       guifg=White guibg=Blue
     67 highlight SpecialChar               ctermfg=Black      ctermbg=White   guifg=Black    guibg=White
     68 highlight Delimiter                 ctermfg=White      ctermbg=Black   guifg=White    guibg=Black
     69 highlight SpecialComment            ctermfg=Black      ctermbg=Green   guifg=Black    guibg=Green
     71 " Common groups that link to default highlighting.
     72 " You can specify other highlighting easily.
     73 highlight link String          Constant
     74 highlight link Character       Constant
     75 highlight link Number          Constant
     76 highlight link Boolean         Statement
     77 "highlight link Float           Number
     78 highlight link Function        Identifier
     79 highlight link Conditional     Type
     80 highlight link Repeat          Type
     81 highlight link Label           Type
     82 highlight link Operator        Type
     83 highlight link Keyword         Type
     84 "highlight link Exception       Type
     85 highlight link Include         PreProc
     86 highlight link Define          PreProc
     87 highlight link Macro           PreProc
     88 highlight link PreCondit       PreProc
     89 highlight link StorageClass    Type
     90 highlight link Structure       Type
     91 "highlight link Typedef         Type
     92 "highlight link SpecialChar     Special
     93 highlight link Tag             Special
     94 "highlight link Delimiter       Special
     95 "highlight link SpecialComment  Special
     96 highlight link Debug           Special