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vf1 (45116B)

      1 #!/usr/bin/env python3
      2 # VF-1 Gopher client
      3 # (C) 2018,2019 Solderpunk <>
      4 # With contributions from:
      5 #  - Alex Schroeder <>
      6 #  - Joseph Lyman <>
      7 #  - Adam Mayer (
      8 #  - Paco Esteban <>
     10 import argparse
     11 import cmd
     12 import codecs
     13 import collections
     14 import fnmatch
     15 import io
     16 import mimetypes
     17 import os.path
     18 import random
     19 import shlex
     20 import shutil
     21 import socket
     22 import subprocess
     23 import sys
     24 import tempfile
     25 import urllib.parse
     26 import ssl
     27 import time
     29 _VERSION = "0.0.11"
     31 # Use chardet if it's there, but don't depend on it
     32 try:
     33     import chardet
     34     _HAS_CHARDET = True
     35 except ImportError:
     36     _HAS_CHARDET = False
     38 # Command abbreviations
     39 _ABBREVS = {
     40     "a":    "add",
     41     "b":    "back",
     42     "bb":   "blackbox",
     43     "bm":   "bookmarks",
     44     "book": "bookmarks",
     45     "f":    "fold",
     46     "fo":   "forward",
     47     "g":    "go",
     48     "h":    "history",
     49     "hist": "history",
     50     "l":    "less",
     51     "li":   "links",
     52     "m":    "mark",
     53     "n":    "next",
     54     "p":    "previous",
     55     "prev": "previous",
     56     "q":    "quit",
     57     "r":    "reload",
     58     "s":    "save",
     59     "se":   "search",
     60     "/":    "search",
     61     "t":    "tour",
     62     "u":    "up",
     63     "v":    "veronica",
     64 }
     66 # Programs to handle different item types
     67 _ITEMTYPE_TO_MIME = {
     68     "1":    "text/plain",
     69     "0":    "text/plain",
     70     "h":    "text/html",
     71     "g":    "image/gif",
     72 }
     74 _MIME_HANDLERS = {
     75     "application/pdf":      "xpdf %s",
     76     "audio/mpeg":           "mpg123 %s",
     77     "audio/ogg":            "ogg123 %s",
     78     "image/*":              "feh %s",
     79     "text/*":               "less --quit-if-one-screen %s",
     80     "text/html":            "lynx -dump -force_html %s",
     81 }
     83 # Item type formatting stuff
     84 _ITEMTYPE_TITLES = {
     85     "7":        " <INP>",
     86     "8":        " <TEL>",
     87     "9":        " <BIN>",
     88     "h":        " <HTM>",
     89     "g":        " <IMG>",
     90     "s":        " <SND>",
     91     "I":        " <IMG>",
     92     "T":        " <TEL>",
     93 }
     95 _ANSI_COLORS = {
     96     "red":      "\x1b[0;31m",
     97     "green":    "\x1b[0;32m",
     98     "yellow":   "\x1b[0;33m",
     99     "blue":     "\x1b[0;34m",
    100     "purple":   "\x1b[0;35m",
    101     "cyan":     "\x1b[0;36m",
    102     "white":    "\x1b[0;37m",
    103     "black":    "\x1b[0;30m",
    104 }
    106 _ITEMTYPE_COLORS = {
    107     "0":        _ANSI_COLORS["green"],    # Text File
    108     "1":        _ANSI_COLORS["blue"],     # Sub-menu
    109     "7":        _ANSI_COLORS["red"],      # Search / Input
    110     "8":        _ANSI_COLORS["purple"],   # Telnet
    111     "9":        _ANSI_COLORS["cyan"],     # Binary
    112     "g":        _ANSI_COLORS["blue"],     # Gif
    113     "h":        _ANSI_COLORS["green"],    # HTML
    114     "s":        _ANSI_COLORS["cyan"],     # Sound
    115     "I":        _ANSI_COLORS["cyan"],     # Gif
    116     "T":        _ANSI_COLORS["purple"],   # Telnet
    117 }
    119 CRLF = '\r\n'
    121 # Lightweight representation of an item in Gopherspace
    122 GopherItem = collections.namedtuple("GopherItem",
    123         ("host", "port", "path", "itemtype", "name"))
    125 def url_to_gopheritem(url):
    126     # urllibparse.urlparse can handle IPv6 addresses, but only if they
    127     # are formatted very carefully, in a way that users almost
    128     # certainly won't expect.  So, catch them early and try to fix
    129     # them...
    130     if url.count(":") > 2: # Best way to detect them?
    131         url = fix_ipv6_url(url)
    132     # Prepend a gopher schema if none given
    133     if "://" not in url:
    134         url = "gopher://" + url
    135     u = urllib.parse.urlparse(url)
    136     #
    137     path = u.path
    138     if u.path and u.path[0] == '/' and len(u.path) > 1:
    139         itemtype = u.path[1]
    140         path = u.path[2:]
    141     else:
    142         # Use item type 1 for top-level selector
    143         itemtype = 1
    144     return GopherItem(u.hostname, u.port or 70, path,
    145                       str(itemtype), "")
    147 def fix_ipv6_url(url):
    148     # If there's a pair of []s in there, it's probably fine as is.
    149     if "[" in url and "]" in url:
    150         return url
    151     # Easiest case is a raw address, no schema, no path.
    152     # Just wrap it in square brackets and whack a slash on the end
    153     if "/" not in url:
    154         return "[" + url + "]/"
    155     # Now the trickier cases...
    156     if "://" in url:
    157         schema, schemaless = url.split("://")
    158     else:
    159         schema, schemaless = None, url
    160     if "/" in schemaless:
    161         netloc, rest = schemaless.split("/",1)
    162         schemaless = "[" + netloc + "]" + "/" + rest
    163     if schema:
    164         return schema + "://" + schemaless
    165     return schemaless
    167 def gopheritem_to_url(gi):
    168     if gi and
    169         return ("gopher://%s:%d/%s%s" % (
    170   , int(gi.port),
    171             gi.itemtype, gi.path))
    172     elif gi:
    173         return gi.path
    174     else:
    175         return ""
    177 def gopheritem_from_line(line):
    178     # Split on tabs.  Strip final element after splitting,
    179     # since if we split first we loose empty elements.
    180     parts = line.split("\t")
    181     parts[-1] = parts[-1].strip()
    182     # Discard Gopher+ noise
    183     if parts[-1] == "+":
    184         parts = parts[:-1]
    185     # Attempt to assign variables.  This may fail.
    186     # It's up to the caller to catch the Exception.
    187     name, path, host, port = parts
    188     itemtype = name[0]
    189     name = name[1:]
    190     port = int(port)
    191     # Handle the h-type URL: hack for secure links
    192     if itemtype == "h" and path.startswith("URL:gopher"):
    193         url = path[4:]
    194         return url_to_gopheritem(url)
    195     return GopherItem(host, port, path, itemtype, name)
    197 def gopheritem_to_line(gi, name=""):
    198     name = ((name or or gopheritem_to_url(gi))
    199     # Prepend itemtype to name
    200     name = str(gi.itemtype) + name
    201     path = gi.path
    202     return "\t".join((name, path, or "", str(gi.port))) + "\n"
    204 # Cheap and cheerful URL detector
    205 def looks_like_url(word):
    206     return "." in word and ("gopher://" in word or "gophers://" in word)
    208 def extract_url(word):
    209     # Given a word that probably contains a URL, extract that URL from
    210     # with sensible surrounding punctuation.
    211     for start, end in (("<",">"), ('[',']'), ("(",")"), ("'","'"), ('"','"')):
    212         if word[0] == start and end in word:
    213             return word[1:word.rfind(end)]
    214     if word.endswith("."):
    215         return word[:-1]
    216     else:
    217         return word
    219 # Decorators
    220 def needs_gi(inner):
    221     def outer(self, *args, **kwargs):
    222         if not
    223             print("You need to 'go' somewhere, first")
    224             return None
    225         else:
    226             return inner(self, *args, **kwargs)
    227     outer.__doc__ = inner.__doc__
    228     return outer
    230 class GopherClient(cmd.Cmd):
    232     def __init__(self, debug=False, tls=False):
    233         cmd.Cmd.__init__(self)
    234         self._set_tls(tls)
    235 = None
    236         self.history = []
    237         self.hist_index = 0
    238         self.menu_filename = ""
    239 = []
    240         self.menu_index = -1
    241         self.lookup =
    242         self.marks = {}
    243         self.mirrors = {}
    244         self.page_index = 0
    245         self.tmp_filename = ""
    246         self.visited_hosts = set()
    247         self.waypoints = []
    249         self.options = {
    250             "color_menus" : False,
    251             "debug" : debug,
    252             "encoding" : "iso-8859-1",
    253             "ipv6" : True,
    254             "timeout" : 10,
    255         }
    257         self.log = {
    258             "start_time": time.time(),
    259             "requests": 0,
    260             "tls_requests": 0,
    261             "ipv4_requests": 0,
    262             "ipv6_requests": 0,
    263             "bytes_recvd": 0,
    264             "ipv4_bytes_recvd": 0,
    265             "ipv6_bytes_recvd": 0,
    266             "dns_failures": 0,
    267             "refused_connections": 0,
    268             "reset_connections": 0,
    269             "timeouts": 0,
    270         }
    271         self.itemtype_counts = { }
    273     def _go_to_gi(self, gi, update_hist=True, query_str=None, handle=True):
    274         """This method might be considered "the heart of VF-1".
    275         Everything involved in fetching a gopher resource happens here:
    276         sending the request over the network, parsing the response if
    277         its a menu, storing the response in a temporary file, choosing
    278         and calling a handler program, and updating the history."""
    279         # Handle non-gopher protocols first
    280         if gi.itemtype in ("8", "T", "S"):
    281             # SSH (non-standard, but nice)
    282             if gi.itemtype == "S":
    283       "ssh %s@%s -p %s" % (gi.path,, gi.port)))
    284             # Telnet
    285             elif gi.path:
    286       "telnet -l %s %s %s" % (gi.path,, gi.port)))
    287             else:
    288       "telnet %s %s" % (, gi.port)))
    289             if update_hist:
    290                 self._update_history(gi)
    291             return
    293         # From here on in, it's gopher only
    295         # Do everything which touches the network in one block,
    296         # so we only need to catch exceptions once
    297         try:
    298             # Is this a local file?
    299             if not
    300                 address, f = None, open(gi.path, "rb")
    301             # Is this a search point?
    302             elif gi.itemtype == "7":
    303                 if not query_str:
    304                     query_str = input("Query term: ")
    305                 address, f = self._send_request(gi, query=query_str)
    306             else:
    307                 address, f = self._send_request(gi)
    308             # Read whole response
    309             response =
    310             f.close()
    312         # Catch network errors which may be recoverable if a redundant
    313         # mirror is specified
    314         except (socket.gaierror, ConnectionRefusedError,
    315                 ConnectionResetError, TimeoutError, socket.timeout,
    316                 ) as network_error:
    317             # Print an error message
    318             if isinstance(network_error, socket.gaierror):
    319                 self.log["dns_failures"] += 1
    320                 print("ERROR: DNS error!")
    321             elif isinstance(network_error, ConnectionRefusedError):
    322                 self.log["refused_connections"] += 1
    323                 print("ERROR: Connection refused!")
    324             elif isinstance(network_error, ConnectionResetError):
    325                 self.log["reset_connections"] += 1
    326                 print("ERROR: Connection reset!")
    327             elif isinstance(network_error, (TimeoutError, socket.timeout)):
    328                 self.log["timeouts"] += 1
    329                 print("""ERROR: Connection timed out!
    330 Slow internet connection?  Use 'set timeout' to be more patient.""")
    331                 if not self.tls:
    332                     print("Encrypted gopher server?  Use 'tls' to enable encryption.")
    333             # Try to fall back on a redundant mirror
    334             new_gi = self._get_mirror_gi(gi)
    335             if new_gi:
    336                 print("Trying redundant mirror %s..." % gopheritem_to_url(new_gi))
    337                 self._go_to_gi(new_gi)
    338             return
    339         # Catch non-recoverable errors
    340         except Exception as err:
    341             print("ERROR: " + str(err))
    342             if isinstance(err, ssl.SSLError):
    343                 print(gopheritem_to_url(gi) + " is probably not encrypted.")
    344                 print("Use 'tls' to disable encryption.")
    345             return
    347         # Attempt to decode something that is supposed to be text
    348         if gi.itemtype in ("0", "1", "7", "h"):
    349             try:
    350                 response = self._decode_text(response)
    351             except UnicodeError:
    352                 print("""ERROR: Unknown text encoding!
    353 If you know the correct encoding, use e.g. 'set encoding koi8-r' and
    354 try again.  Otherwise, install the 'chardet' library for Python 3 to
    355 enable automatic encoding detection.""")
    356                 return
    358         # Render gopher menus
    359         if gi.itemtype in ("1", "7"):
    360             response = self._render_menu(response, gi)
    362         # Save the result in a temporary file
    363         ## Delete old file
    364         if self.tmp_filename:
    365             os.unlink(self.tmp_filename)
    366         ## Set file mode
    367         if gi.itemtype in ("0", "1", "7", "h"):
    368             mode = "w"
    369             encoding = "UTF-8"
    370         else:
    371             mode = "wb"
    372             encoding = None
    373         ## Write
    374         tmpf = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode, encoding=encoding, delete=False)
    375         size = tmpf.write(response)
    376         tmpf.close()
    377         self.tmp_filename =
    378         self._debug("Wrote %d byte response to %s." % (size, self.tmp_filename))
    380         # Pass file to handler, unless we were asked not to
    381         if handle:
    382             cmd_str = self._get_handler_cmd(gi)
    383             try:
    384        %, shell=True)
    385             except FileNotFoundError:
    386                 print("Handler program %s not found!" % shlex.split(cmd_str)[0])
    387                 print("You can use the ! command to specify another handler program or pipeline.")
    389         # Update state
    390 = gi
    391         self._log_visit(gi, address, size)
    392         if update_hist:
    393             self._update_history(gi)
    395     # This method below started life as the core of the old
    396     # module from Python 2.4, with minimal changes made for Python 3
    397     # compatibility and to handle convenient download of plain text (including
    398     # Unicode) or binary files.  It's come a long way since then, though.
    399     # Everything network related happens in this one method!
    400     def _send_request(self, gi, query=None):
    401         """Send a selector to a given host and port.
    402         Returns the resolved address and binary file with the reply."""
    403         # Add query to selector
    404         if query:
    405             gi = gi._replace(path=gi.path + "\t" + query)
    406         # DNS lookup - will get IPv4 and IPv6 records if IPv6 is enabled
    407         if ":" in
    408             # This is likely a literal IPv6 address, so we can *only* ask for
    409             # IPv6 addresses or getaddrinfo will complain
    410             family_mask = socket.AF_INET6
    411         elif socket.has_ipv6 and self.options["ipv6"]:
    412             # Accept either IPv4 or IPv6 addresses
    413             family_mask = 0
    414         else:
    415             # IPv4 only
    416             family_mask = socket.AF_INET
    417         addresses = socket.getaddrinfo(, gi.port, family=family_mask,
    418                 type=socket.SOCK_STREAM)
    419         # Sort addresses so IPv6 ones come first
    420         addresses.sort(key=lambda add: add[0] == socket.AF_INET6, reverse=True)
    421         # Verify that this sort works
    422         if any(add[0] == socket.AF_INET6 for add in addresses):
    423             assert addresses[0][0] == socket.AF_INET6
    424         # Connect to remote host by any address possible
    425         err = None
    426         for address in addresses:
    427             self._debug("Connecting to: " + str(address[4]))
    428             s = socket.socket(address[0], address[1])
    429             s.settimeout(self.options["timeout"])
    430             if self.tls:
    431                 context = ssl.create_default_context()
    432                 # context.check_hostname = False
    433                 # context.verify_mode = ssl.CERT_NONE
    434                 s = context.wrap_socket(s, server_hostname =
    435             try:
    436                 s.connect(address[4])
    437                 break
    438             except OSError as e:
    439                 err = e
    440         else:
    441             # If we couldn't connect to *any* of the addresses, just
    442             # bubble up the exception from the last attempt and deny
    443             # knowledge of earlier failures.
    444             raise err
    445         # Send request and wrap response in a file descriptor
    446         self._debug("Sending %s<CRLF>" % gi.path)
    447         s.sendall((gi.path + CRLF).encode("UTF-8"))
    448         return address, s.makefile(mode = "rb")
    450     def _get_handler_cmd(self, gi):
    451         # First, get mimetype, either from itemtype or filename
    452         if gi.itemtype in _ITEMTYPE_TO_MIME:
    453             mimetype = _ITEMTYPE_TO_MIME[gi.itemtype]
    454         else:
    455             mimetype, encoding = mimetypes.guess_type(gi.path)
    456             if mimetype is None:
    457                 # No idea what this is, try harder by looking at the
    458                 # magic number using file(1)
    459                 out = subprocess.check_output(
    460                     shlex.split("file --brief --mime-type %s" % self.tmp_filename))
    461                 mimetype = out.decode("UTF-8").strip()
    462             # Don't permit file extensions to completely override the
    463             # vaguer imagetypes
    464             if gi.itemtype == "I" and not mimetype.startswith("image"):
    465                 # The server declares this to be an image.
    466                 # But it has a weird or missing file extension, so the
    467                 # MIME type was guessed as something else.
    468                 # We shall trust the server that it's an image.
    469                 # Pretend it's a jpeg, because whatever handler the user has
    470                 # set for jpegs probably has the best shot at handling this.
    471                 mimetype = "image/jpeg"
    472             elif gi.itemtype == "s" and not mimetype.startswith("audio"):
    473                 # As above, this is "weird audio".
    474                 # Pretend it's an mp3?
    475                 mimetype = "audio/mpeg"
    476         self._debug("Assigned MIME type: %s" % mimetype)
    478         # Now look for a handler for this mimetype
    479         # Consider exact matches before wildcard matches
    480         exact_matches = []
    481         wildcard_matches = []
    482         for handled_mime, cmd_str in _MIME_HANDLERS.items():
    483             if "*" in handled_mime:
    484                 wildcard_matches.append((handled_mime, cmd_str))
    485             else:
    486                 exact_matches.append((handled_mime, cmd_str))
    487         for handled_mime, cmd_str in exact_matches + wildcard_matches:
    488             if fnmatch.fnmatch(mimetype, handled_mime):
    489                 break
    490         else:
    491             # Use "xdg-open" as a last resort.
    492             cmd_str = "xdg-open %s"
    493         self._debug("Using handler: %s" % cmd_str)
    494         return cmd_str
    496     def _decode_text(self, raw_bytes):
    497         # Attempt to decode some bytes into a Unicode string.
    498         # First of all, try UTF-8 as the default.
    499         # If this fails, attempt to autodetect the encoding if chardet
    500         # library is installed.
    501         # If chardet is not installed, or fails to work, fall back on
    502         # the user-specified alternate encoding.
    503         # If none of this works, this will raise UnicodeError and it's
    504         # up to the caller to handle it gracefully.
    505         # Try UTF-8 first:
    506         try:
    507             text = raw_bytes.decode("UTF-8")
    508         except UnicodeError:
    509             # If we have chardet, try the magic
    510             self._debug("Could not decode response as UTF-8.")
    511             if _HAS_CHARDET:
    512                 autodetect = chardet.detect(raw_bytes)
    513                 # Make sure we're vaguely certain
    514                 if autodetect["confidence"] > 0.5:
    515                     self._debug("Trying encoding %s as recommended by chardet." % autodetect["encoding"])
    516                     text = raw_bytes.decode(autodetect["encoding"])
    517                 else:
    518                     # Try the user-specified encoding
    519                     self._debug("Trying fallback encoding %s." % self.options["encoding"])
    520                     text = raw_bytes.decode(self.options["encoding"])
    521             else:
    522                 # Try the user-specified encoding
    523                 text = raw_bytes.decode(self.options["encoding"])
    524         if not text.endswith("\n"):
    525             text += CRLF
    526         return text
    528     def _render_menu(self, response, menu_gi):
    529 = []
    530         if self.menu_filename:
    531             os.unlink(self.menu_filename)
    532         tmpf = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile("w", encoding="UTF-8", delete=False)
    533         self.menu_filename =
    534         response = io.StringIO(response)
    535         rendered = []
    536         for line in response.readlines():
    537             if line.startswith("3"):
    538                 print("Error message from server:")
    539                 print(line[1:].split("\t")[0])
    540                 tmpf.close()
    541                 os.unlink(self.menu_filename)
    542                 self.menu_filename = ""
    543                 return ""
    544             else:
    545                 tmpf.write(line)
    547             if line.startswith("i"):
    548                 rendered.append(line[1:].split("\t")[0] + "\n")
    549             else:
    550                 try:
    551                     gi = gopheritem_from_line(line)
    552                 except:
    553                     # Silently ignore things which are not errors, information
    554                     # lines or things which look like valid menu items
    555                     self._debug("Ignoring menu line: %s" % line)
    556                     continue
    557                 if gi.itemtype == "+":
    558                     self._register_redundant_server(gi)
    559                     continue
    561                 rendered.append(self._format_gopheritem(len(, gi) + "\n")
    563         self.lookup =
    564         self.page_index = 0
    565         self.menu_index = -1
    567         return "".join(rendered)
    569     def _format_gopheritem(self, index, gi, url=False):
    570         line = "[%d] " % index
    571         # Add item name, with itemtype indicator for non-text items
    572         if
    573             line +=
    574         # Use URL in place of name if we didn't get here from a menu
    575         else:
    576             line += gopheritem_to_url(gi)
    577         if gi.itemtype in _ITEMTYPE_TITLES:
    578             line += _ITEMTYPE_TITLES[gi.itemtype]
    579         elif gi.itemtype == "1" and not line.endswith("/"):
    580                 line += "/"
    581         # Add URL if requested
    582         if and url:
    583             line += " (%s)" % gopheritem_to_url(gi)
    584         # Colourise
    585         if self.options["color_menus"] and gi.itemtype in _ITEMTYPE_COLORS:
    586             line = _ITEMTYPE_COLORS[gi.itemtype] + line + "\x1b[0m"
    587         return line
    589     def _register_redundant_server(self, gi):
    590         # This mirrors the last non-mirror item
    591         target =[-1]
    592         target = (, target.port, target.path)
    593         if target not in self.mirrors:
    594             self.mirrors[target] = []
    595         self.mirrors[target].append((, gi.port, gi.path))
    596         self._debug("Registered redundant mirror %s" % gopheritemi_to_url(gi))
    598     def _get_mirror_gi(self, gi):
    599         # Search for a redundant mirror that matches this GI
    600         for (host, port, path_prefix), mirrors in self.mirrors.items():
    601             if (host == and port == gi.port and
    602                 gi.path.startswith(path_prefix)):
    603                 break
    604         else:
    605         # If there are no mirrors, we're done
    606             return None
    607         # Pick a mirror at random and build a new GI for it
    608         mirror_host, mirror_port, mirror_path = random.sample(mirrors, 1)[0]
    609         new_gi = GopherItem(mirror_host, mirror_port,
    610                 mirror_path + "/" + gi.path[len(path_prefix):],
    611                 gi.itemtype,
    612         return new_gi
    614     def _show_lookup(self, offset=0, end=None, url=False):
    615         for n, gi in enumerate(self.lookup[offset:end]):
    616             print(self._format_gopheritem(n+offset+1, gi, url))
    618     def _update_history(self, gi):
    619         # Don't duplicate
    620         if self.history and self.history[self.hist_index] == gi:
    621             return
    622         self.history = self.history[0:self.hist_index+1]
    623         self.history.append(gi)
    624         self.hist_index = len(self.history) - 1
    626     def _log_visit(self, gi, address, size):
    627         self.itemtype_counts[gi.itemtype] = (
    628             self.itemtype_counts.get(gi.itemtype, 0) + 1)
    629         if not address:
    630             return
    631         self.log["requests"] += 1
    632         self.log["bytes_recvd"] += size
    633         self.visited_hosts.add(address)
    634         if self.tls:
    635             self.log["tls_requests"] += 1
    636         if address[0] == socket.AF_INET:
    637             self.log["ipv4_requests"] += 1
    638             self.log["ipv4_bytes_recvd"] += size
    639         elif address[0] == socket.AF_INET6:
    640             self.log["ipv6_requests"] += 1
    641             self.log["ipv6_bytes_recvd"] += size
    643     def _set_tls(self, tls):
    644         self.tls = tls
    645         if self.tls:
    646             self.prompt = "\x1b[38;5;196m" + "VF-1" + "\x1b[38;5;255m" + "> " + "\x1b[0m"
    647         else:
    648             self.prompt = "\x1b[38;5;202m" + "VF-1" + "\x1b[38;5;255m" + "> " + "\x1b[0m"
    650     def _debug(self, debug_text):
    651         if not self.options["debug"]:
    652             return
    653         debug_text = "\x1b[0;32m[DEBUG] " + debug_text + "\x1b[0m"
    654         print(debug_text)
    656     # Cmd implementation follows
    658     def default(self, line):
    659         if line.strip() == "EOF":
    660             return self.onecmd("quit")
    661         elif line.strip() == "..":
    662             return self.do_up()
    663         elif line.startswith("/"):
    664             return self.do_search(line[1:])
    666         # Expand abbreviated commands
    667         first_word = line.split()[0].strip()
    668         if first_word in _ABBREVS:
    669             full_cmd = _ABBREVS[first_word]
    670             expanded = line.replace(first_word, full_cmd, 1)
    671             return self.onecmd(expanded)
    673         # Try to parse numerical index for lookup table
    674         try:
    675             n = int(line.strip())
    676         except ValueError:
    677             print("What?")
    678             return
    680         try:
    681             gi = self.lookup[n-1]
    682         except IndexError:
    683             print ("Index too high!")
    684             return
    686         self.menu_index = n
    687         self._go_to_gi(gi)
    689     ### Settings
    690     def do_set(self, line):
    691         """View or set various options."""
    692         if not line.strip():
    693             # Show all current settings
    694             for option in sorted(self.options.keys()):
    695                 print("%s   %s" % (option, self.options[option]))
    696         elif len(line.split()) == 1:
    697             option = line.strip()
    698             if option in self.options:
    699                 print("%s   %s" % (option, self.options[option]))
    700             else:
    701                 print("Unrecognised option %s" % option)
    702         else:
    703             option, value = line.split(" ", 1)
    704             if option not in self.options:
    705                 print("Unrecognised option %s" % option)
    706                 return
    707             elif option == "encoding":
    708                 try:
    709                     codecs.lookup(value)
    710                 except LookupError:
    711                     print("Unknown encoding %s" % value)
    712                     return
    713             elif value.isnumeric():
    714                 value = int(value)
    715             elif value.lower() == "false":
    716                 value = False
    717             elif value.lower() == "true":
    718                 value = True
    719             else:
    720                 try:
    721                     value = float(value)
    722                 except ValueError:
    723                     pass
    724             self.options[option] = value
    726     def do_handler(self, line):
    727         """View or set handler commands for different MIME types."""
    728         if not line.strip():
    729             # Show all current handlers
    730             for mime in sorted(_MIME_HANDLERS.keys()):
    731                 print("%s   %s" % (mime, _MIME_HANDLERS[mime]))
    732         elif len(line.split()) == 1:
    733             mime = line.strip()
    734             if mime in _MIME_HANDLERS:
    735                 print("%s   %s" % (mime, _MIME_HANDLERS[mime]))
    736             else:
    737                 print("No handler set for MIME type %s" % mime)
    738         else:
    739             mime, handler = line.split(" ", 1)
    740             _MIME_HANDLERS[mime] = handler
    741             if "%s" not in handler:
    742                 print("Are you sure you don't want to pass the filename to the handler?")
    744     ### Stuff for getting around
    745     def do_go(self, line):
    746         """Go to a gopher URL or marked item."""
    747         line = line.strip()
    748         if not line:
    749             print("Go where?")
    750         # First, check for possible marks
    751         elif line in self.marks:
    752             gi = self.marks[line]
    753             self._go_to_gi(gi)
    754         # or a local file
    755         elif os.path.exists(os.path.expanduser(line)):
    756             gi = GopherItem(None, None, os.path.expanduser(line),
    757                             "1", line)
    758             self._go_to_gi(gi)
    759         # If this isn't a mark, treat it as a URL
    760         else:
    761             url = line
    762             gi = url_to_gopheritem(url)
    763             self._go_to_gi(gi)
    765     @needs_gi
    766     def do_reload(self, *args):
    767         """Reload the current URL."""
    768         self._go_to_gi(
    770     @needs_gi
    771     def do_up(self, *args):
    772         """Go up one directory in the path."""
    773         new_path, removed = os.path.split(
    774         if not removed:
    775             new_path, removed = os.path.split(new_path)
    776         new_gi =, itemtype="1")
    777         self._go_to_gi(new_gi)
    779     def do_back(self, *args):
    780         """Go back to the previous gopher item."""
    781         if not self.history or self.hist_index == 0:
    782             return
    783         self.hist_index -= 1
    784         gi = self.history[self.hist_index]
    785         self._go_to_gi(gi, update_hist=False)
    787     def do_forward(self, *args):
    788         """Go forward to the next gopher item."""
    789         if not self.history or self.hist_index == len(self.history) - 1:
    790             return
    791         self.hist_index += 1
    792         gi = self.history[self.hist_index]
    793         self._go_to_gi(gi, update_hist=False)
    795     def do_next(self, *args):
    796         """Go to next item after current in index."""
    797         return self.onecmd(str(self.menu_index+1))
    799     def do_previous(self, *args):
    800         """Go to previous item before current in index."""
    801         self.lookup =
    802         return self.onecmd(str(self.menu_index-1))
    804     @needs_gi
    805     def do_root(self, *args):
    806         """Go to root selector of the server hosting current item."""
    807         gi ="", itemtype="1",
    808         self._go_to_gi(gi)
    810     def do_tour(self, line):
    811         """Add index items as waypoints on a tour, which is basically a FIFO
    812 queue of gopher items.
    814 Items can be added with `tour 1 2 3 4` or ranges like `tour 1-4`.
    815 All items in current menu can be added with `tour *`.
    816 Current tour can be listed with `tour ls` and scrubbed with `tour clear`."""
    817         line = line.strip()
    818         if not line:
    819             # Fly to next waypoint on tour
    820             if not self.waypoints:
    821                 print("End of tour.")
    822             else:
    823                 gi = self.waypoints.pop(0)
    824                 self._go_to_gi(gi)
    825         elif line == "ls":
    826             old_lookup = self.lookup
    827             self.lookup = self.waypoints
    828             self._show_lookup()
    829             self.lookup = old_lookup
    830         elif line == "clear":
    831             self.waypoints = []
    832         elif line == "*":
    833             self.waypoints.extend(self.lookup)
    834         elif looks_like_url(line):
    835             self.waypoints.append(url_to_gopheritem(line))
    836         else:
    837             for index in line.split():
    838                 try:
    839                     pair = index.split('-')
    840                     if len(pair) == 1:
    841                         # Just a single index
    842                         n = int(index)
    843                         gi = self.lookup[n-1]
    844                         self.waypoints.append(gi)
    845                     elif len(pair) == 2:
    846                         # Two endpoints for a range of indices
    847                         for n in range(int(pair[0]), int(pair[1]) + 1):
    848                             gi = self.lookup[n-1]
    849                             self.waypoints.append(gi)
    850                     else:
    851                         # Syntax error
    852                         print("Invalid use of range syntax %s, skipping" % index)
    853                 except ValueError:
    854                     print("Non-numeric index %s, skipping." % index)
    855                 except IndexError:
    856                     print("Invalid index %d, skipping." % n)
    858     @needs_gi
    859     def do_mark(self, line):
    860         """Mark the current item with a single letter.  This letter can then
    861 be passed to the 'go' command to return to the current item later.
    862 Think of it like marks in vi: 'mark a'='ma' and 'go a'=''a'."""
    863         line = line.strip()
    864         if not line:
    865             for mark, gi in self.marks.items():
    866                 print("[%s] %s (%s)" % (mark,, gopheritem_to_url(gi)))
    867         elif line.isalpha() and len(line) == 1:
    868             self.marks[line] =
    869         else:
    870             print("Invalid mark, must be one letter")
    872     def do_veronica(self, line):
    873         # Don't tell Betty!
    874         """Submit a search query to the Veronica 2 search engine."""
    875         veronica = url_to_gopheritem("gopher://")
    876         self._go_to_gi(veronica, query_str = line)
    878     def do_version(self, line):
    879         """Display version information."""
    880         print("VF-1 " + _VERSION)
    882     ### Stuff that modifies the lookup table
    883     def do_ls(self, line):
    884         """List contents of current index.
    885 Use 'ls -l' to see URLs."""
    886         self.lookup =
    887         self._show_lookup(url = "-l" in line)
    888         self.page_index = 0
    890     def do_history(self, *args):
    891         """Display history."""
    892         self.lookup = self.history
    893         self._show_lookup(url=True)
    894         self.page_index = 0
    896     def do_search(self, searchterm):
    897         """Search index (case insensitive)."""
    898         results = [
    899             gi for gi in self.lookup if searchterm.lower() in]
    900         if results:
    901             self.lookup = results
    902             self._show_lookup()
    903             self.page_index = 0
    904         else:
    905             print("No results found.")
    907     def emptyline(self):
    908         """Page through index ten lines at a time."""
    909         i = self.page_index
    910         if i > len(self.lookup):
    911             return
    912         self._show_lookup(offset=i, end=i+10)
    913         self.page_index += 10
    915     ### Stuff that does something to most recently viewed item
    916     @needs_gi
    917     def do_cat(self, *args):
    918         """Run most recently visited item through "cat" command."""
    919"cat %s" % self.tmp_filename))
    921     @needs_gi
    922     def do_less(self, *args):
    923         """Run most recently visited item through "less" command."""
    924         cmd_str = self._get_handler_cmd(
    925         cmd_str = cmd_str % self.tmp_filename
    926"%s | less -R" % cmd_str, shell=True)
    928     @needs_gi
    929     def do_fold(self, *args):
    930         """Run most recently visited item through "fold" command."""
    931         cmd_str = self._get_handler_cmd(
    932         cmd_str = cmd_str % self.tmp_filename
    933"%s | fold -w 70 -s" % cmd_str, shell=True)
    935     @needs_gi
    936     def do_shell(self, line):
    937         """'cat' most recently visited item through a shell pipeline."""
    938"cat %s |" % self.tmp_filename) + line, shell=True)
    940     @needs_gi
    941     def do_save(self, line):
    942         """Save an item to the filesystem.
    943 'save n filename' saves menu item n to the specified filename.
    944 'save filename' saves the last viewed item to the specified filename.
    945 'save n' saves menu item n to an automagic filename."""
    946         args = line.strip().split()
    948         # First things first, figure out what our arguments are
    949         if len(args) == 0:
    950             # No arguments given at all
    951             # Save current item, if there is one, to a file whose name is
    952             # inferred from the gopher path
    953             if not self.tmp_filename:
    954                 print("You need to visit an item first!")
    955                 return
    956             else:
    957                 index = None
    958                 filename = None
    959         elif len(args) == 1:
    960             # One argument given
    961             # If it's numeric, treat it as an index, and infer the filename
    962             try:
    963                 index = int(args[0])
    964                 filename = None
    965             # If it's not numeric, treat it as a filename and
    966             # save the current item
    967             except ValueError:
    968                 index = None
    969                 filename = os.path.expanduser(args[0])
    970         elif len(args) == 2:
    971             # Two arguments given
    972             # Treat first as an index and second as filename
    973             index, filename = args
    974             try:
    975                 index = int(index)
    976             except ValueError:
    977                 print("First argument is not a valid item index!")
    978                 return
    979             filename = os.path.expanduser(filename)
    980         else:
    981             print("You must provide an index, a filename, or both.")
    982             return
    984         # Next, fetch the item to save, if it's not the current one.
    985         if index:
    986             last_gi =
    987             try:
    988                 gi = self.lookup[index-1]
    989                 self._go_to_gi(gi, update_hist = False, handle = False)
    990             except IndexError:
    991                 print ("Index too high!")
    992        = last_gi
    993                 return
    994         else:
    995             gi =
    997         # Derive filename from current GI's path, if one hasn't been set
    998         if not filename:
    999             if gi.itemtype == '1':
   1000                 path = gi.path
   1001                 if path in ("", "/"):
   1002                     # Attempt to derive a nice filename from the gopher
   1003                     # item name, falling back to the hostname if there
   1004                     # is no item name
   1005                     if not
   1006                         filename = + ".txt"
   1007                     else:
   1008                         filename =" ","_") + ".txt"
   1009                 else:
   1010                     # Derive a filename from the last component of the
   1011                     # path
   1012                     if path.endswith("/"):
   1013                         path = path[0:-1]
   1014                     filename = os.path.split(path)[1]
   1015             else:
   1016                 filename = os.path.basename(gi.path)
   1018         # Check for filename collisions and actually do the save if safe
   1019         if os.path.exists(filename):
   1020             print("File %s already exists!" % filename)
   1021         else:
   1022             # Save the "source code" of menus, not the rendered view
   1023             src_file = self.menu_filename if in ("1", "7") else self.tmp_filename
   1024             shutil.copyfile(src_file, filename)
   1025             print("Saved to %s" % filename)
   1027         # Restore gi if necessary
   1028         if index != None:
   1029             self._go_to_gi(last_gi, handle=False)
   1031     @needs_gi
   1032     def do_url(self, *args):
   1033         """Print URL of most recently visited item."""
   1034         print(gopheritem_to_url(
   1036     @needs_gi
   1037     def do_links(self, *args):
   1038         """Extract URLs from most recently visited item."""
   1039         if not in ("0", "h"):
   1040             print("You need to visit a text item, first")
   1041             return
   1042         links = []
   1043         with open(self.tmp_filename, "r") as fp:
   1044             for line in fp:
   1045                 words = line.strip().split()
   1046                 words_containing_urls = (w for w in words if looks_like_url(w))
   1047                 urls = (extract_url(w) for w in words_containing_urls)
   1048                 links.extend([url_to_gopheritem(u) for u in urls])
   1049         self.lookup = links
   1050         self._show_lookup()
   1052     ### Bookmarking stuff
   1053     @needs_gi
   1054     def do_add(self, line):
   1055         """Add the current URL to the bookmarks menu.
   1056 Bookmarks are stored in the ~/.vf1-bookmarks.txt file.
   1057 Optionally, specify the new name for the bookmark."""
   1058         with open(os.path.expanduser("~/.vf1-bookmarks.txt"), "a") as fp:
   1059             fp.write(gopheritem_to_line(, name=line))
   1061     def do_bookmarks(self, *args):
   1062         """Show the current bookmarks menu.
   1063 Bookmarks are stored in the ~/.vf1-bookmarks.txt file."""
   1064         file_name = "~/.vf1-bookmarks.txt"
   1065         if not os.path.isfile(os.path.expanduser(file_name)):
   1066             print("You need to 'add' some bookmarks, first")
   1067         else:
   1068             gi = GopherItem(None, None, os.path.expanduser(file_name),
   1069                             "1", file_name)
   1070             self._go_to_gi(gi)
   1072     ### Security
   1073     def do_tls(self, *args):
   1074         """Engage or disengage battloid mode."""
   1075         self._set_tls(not self.tls)
   1076         if self.tls:
   1077             print("Battloid mode engaged! Only accepting encrypted connections.")
   1078         else:
   1079             print("Battloid mode disengaged! Switching to unencrypted channels.")
   1081     ### Help
   1082     def do_help(self, arg):
   1083         """ALARM! Recursion detected! ALARM! Prepare to eject!"""
   1084         if arg == "!":
   1085             print("! is an alias for 'shell'")
   1086         elif arg == "?":
   1087             print("? is an alias for 'help'")
   1088         else:
   1089             cmd.Cmd.do_help(self, arg)
   1091     ### Flight recorder
   1092     def do_blackbox(self, *args):
   1093         """Display contents of flight recorder, showing statistics for the
   1094 current gopher browsing session."""
   1095         lines = []
   1096         # Compute flight time
   1097         now = time.time()
   1098         delta = now - self.log["start_time"]
   1099         hours, remainder = divmod(delta, 3600)
   1100         minutes, seconds = divmod(remainder, 60)
   1101         # Count hosts
   1102         ipv4_hosts = len([host for host in self.visited_hosts if host[0] == socket.AF_INET])
   1103         ipv6_hosts = len([host for host in self.visited_hosts if host[0] == socket.AF_INET6])
   1104         # Assemble lines
   1105         lines.append(("Flight duration", "%02d:%02d:%02d" % (hours, minutes, seconds)))
   1106         lines.append(("Requests sent:", self.log["requests"]))
   1107         lines.append(("   IPv4 requests:", self.log["ipv4_requests"]))
   1108         lines.append(("   IPv6 requests:", self.log["ipv6_requests"]))
   1109         lines.append(("   TLS-secured requests:", self.log["tls_requests"]))
   1110         for itemtype in sorted(self.itemtype_counts.keys()):
   1111             lines.append(("   Itemtype %s:" % itemtype, self.itemtype_counts[itemtype]))
   1112         lines.append(("Bytes received:", self.log["bytes_recvd"]))
   1113         lines.append(("   IPv4 bytes:", self.log["ipv4_bytes_recvd"]))
   1114         lines.append(("   IPv6 bytes:", self.log["ipv6_bytes_recvd"]))
   1115         lines.append(("Unique hosts visited:", len(self.visited_hosts)))
   1116         lines.append(("   IPv4 hosts:", ipv4_hosts))
   1117         lines.append(("   IPv6 hosts:", ipv6_hosts))
   1118         lines.append(("DNS failures:", self.log["dns_failures"]))
   1119         lines.append(("Timeouts:", self.log["timeouts"]))
   1120         lines.append(("Refused connections:", self.log["refused_connections"]))
   1121         lines.append(("Reset connections:", self.log["reset_connections"]))
   1122         # Print
   1123         for key, value in lines:
   1124             print(key.ljust(24) + str(value).rjust(8))
   1126     ### The end!
   1127     def do_quit(self, *args):
   1128         """Exit VF-1."""
   1129         # Clean up after ourself
   1130         if self.tmp_filename:
   1131             os.unlink(self.tmp_filename)
   1132         if self.menu_filename:
   1133             os.unlink(self.menu_filename)
   1134         print()
   1135         print("Thank you for flying VF-1!")
   1136         sys.exit()
   1138     do_exit = do_quit
   1140 # Config file finder
   1141 def get_rcfile():
   1142     rc_paths = ("~/.config/vf1/vf1rc", "~/.config/.vf1rc", "~/.vf1rc")
   1143     for rc_path in rc_paths:
   1144         rcfile = os.path.expanduser(rc_path)
   1145         if os.path.exists(rcfile):
   1146             return rcfile
   1147     return None
   1149 # Main function
   1150 def main():
   1152     # Parse args
   1153     parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='A command line gopher client.')
   1154     parser.add_argument('--bookmarks', action='store_true',
   1155                         help='start with your list of bookmarks')
   1156     parser.add_argument('--debug', action='store_true',
   1157                         help='start with debugging mode enabled')
   1158     parser.add_argument('url', metavar='URL', nargs='*',
   1159                         help='start with this URL')
   1160     parser.add_argument('--tls', action='store_true',
   1161                         help='secure all communications using TLS')
   1162     parser.add_argument('--version', action='store_true',
   1163                         help='display version information and quit')
   1164     args = parser.parse_args()
   1166     # Handle --version
   1167     if args.version:
   1168         print("VF-1 " + _VERSION)
   1169         sys.exit()
   1171     # Instantiate client
   1172     gc = GopherClient(debug=args.debug, tls=args.tls)
   1174     # Process config file
   1175     rcfile = get_rcfile()
   1176     if rcfile:
   1177         print("Using config %s" % rcfile)
   1178         with open(rcfile, "r") as fp:
   1179             for line in fp:
   1180                 line = line.strip()
   1181                 if ((args.bookmarks or args.url) and
   1182                     any((line.startswith(x) for x in ("go", "g", "tour", "t")))
   1183                    ):
   1184                     if args.bookmarks:
   1185                         print("Skipping rc command \"%s\" due to --bookmarks option." % line)
   1186                     else:
   1187                         print("Skipping rc command \"%s\" due to provided URLs." % line)
   1188                     continue
   1189                 gc.cmdqueue.append(line)
   1191     # Say hi
   1192     print("Welcome to VF-1!")
   1193     if args.tls:
   1194         print("Battloid mode engaged! Watch your back in Gopherspace!")
   1195     else:
   1196         print("Enjoy your flight through Gopherspace...")
   1198     # Act on args
   1199     if args.bookmarks:
   1200         gc.cmdqueue.append("bookmarks")
   1201     elif args.url:
   1202         if len(args.url) == 1:
   1203             gc.cmdqueue.append("go %s" % args.url[0])
   1204         else:
   1205             for url in args.url:
   1206                 if not url.startswith("gopher://"):
   1207                     url = "gopher://" + url
   1208                 gc.cmdqueue.append("tour %s" % url)
   1209             gc.cmdqueue.append("tour")
   1211     # Endless interpret loop
   1212     while True:
   1213         try:
   1214             gc.cmdloop()
   1215         except KeyboardInterrupt:
   1216             print("")
   1218 if __name__ == '__main__':
   1219     main()