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git-contacts (4513B)

      1 #!/usr/bin/env perl
      3 # List people who might be interested in a patch.  Useful as the argument to
      4 # git-send-email --cc-cmd option, and in other situations.
      5 #
      6 # Usage: git contacts <file | rev-list option> ...
      8 use strict;
      9 use warnings;
     10 use IPC::Open2;
     12 my $since = '5-years-ago';
     13 my $min_percent = 10;
     14 my $labels_rx = qr/Signed-off-by|Reviewed-by|Acked-by|Cc|Reported-by/i;
     15 my %seen;
     17 sub format_contact {
     18 	my ($name, $email) = @_;
     19 	return "$name <$email>";
     20 }
     22 sub parse_commit {
     23 	my ($commit, $data) = @_;
     24 	my $contacts = $commit->{contacts};
     25 	my $inbody = 0;
     26 	for (split(/^/m, $data)) {
     27 		if (not $inbody) {
     28 			if (/^author ([^<>]+) <(\S+)> .+$/) {
     29 				$contacts->{format_contact($1, $2)} = 1;
     30 			} elsif (/^$/) {
     31 				$inbody = 1;
     32 			}
     33 		} elsif (/^$labels_rx:\s+([^<>]+)\s+<(\S+?)>$/o) {
     34 			$contacts->{format_contact($1, $2)} = 1;
     35 		}
     36 	}
     37 }
     39 sub import_commits {
     40 	my ($commits) = @_;
     41 	return unless %$commits;
     42 	my $pid = open2 my $reader, my $writer, qw(git cat-file --batch);
     43 	for my $id (keys(%$commits)) {
     44 		print $writer "$id\n";
     45 		my $line = <$reader>;
     46 		if ($line =~ /^([0-9a-f]{40}) commit (\d+)/) {
     47 			my ($cid, $len) = ($1, $2);
     48 			die "expected $id but got $cid\n" unless $id eq $cid;
     49 			my $data;
     50 			# cat-file emits newline after data, so read len+1
     51 			read $reader, $data, $len + 1;
     52 			parse_commit($commits->{$id}, $data);
     53 		}
     54 	}
     55 	close $reader;
     56 	close $writer;
     57 	waitpid($pid, 0);
     58 	die "git-cat-file error: $?\n" if $?;
     59 }
     61 sub get_blame {
     62 	my ($commits, $source, $from, $ranges) = @_;
     63 	return unless @$ranges;
     64 	open my $f, '-|',
     65 		qw(git blame --porcelain -C),
     66 		map({"-L$_->[0],+$_->[1]"} @$ranges),
     67 		'--since', $since, "$from^", '--', $source or die;
     68 	while (<$f>) {
     69 		if (/^([0-9a-f]{40}) \d+ \d+ \d+$/) {
     70 			my $id = $1;
     71 			$commits->{$id} = { id => $id, contacts => {} }
     72 				unless $seen{$id};
     73 			$seen{$id} = 1;
     74 		}
     75 	}
     76 	close $f;
     77 }
     79 sub blame_sources {
     80 	my ($sources, $commits) = @_;
     81 	for my $s (keys %$sources) {
     82 		for my $id (keys %{$sources->{$s}}) {
     83 			get_blame($commits, $s, $id, $sources->{$s}{$id});
     84 		}
     85 	}
     86 }
     88 sub scan_patches {
     89 	my ($sources, $id, $f) = @_;
     90 	my $source;
     91 	while (<$f>) {
     92 		if (/^From ([0-9a-f]{40}) Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001$/) {
     93 			$id = $1;
     94 			$seen{$id} = 1;
     95 		}
     96 		next unless $id;
     97 		if (m{^--- (?:a/(.+)|/dev/null)$}) {
     98 			$source = $1;
     99 		} elsif (/^@@ -(\d+)(?:,(\d+))?/ && $source) {
    100 			my $len = defined($2) ? $2 : 1;
    101 			push @{$sources->{$source}{$id}}, [$1, $len] if $len;
    102 		}
    103 	}
    104 }
    106 sub scan_patch_file {
    107 	my ($commits, $file) = @_;
    108 	open my $f, '<', $file or die "read failure: $file: $!\n";
    109 	scan_patches($commits, undef, $f);
    110 	close $f;
    111 }
    113 sub parse_rev_args {
    114 	my @args = @_;
    115 	open my $f, '-|',
    116 		qw(git rev-parse --revs-only --default HEAD --symbolic), @args
    117 		or die;
    118 	my @revs;
    119 	while (<$f>) {
    120 		chomp;
    121 		push @revs, $_;
    122 	}
    123 	close $f;
    124 	return @revs if scalar(@revs) != 1;
    125 	return "^$revs[0]", 'HEAD' unless $revs[0] =~ /^-/;
    126 	return $revs[0], 'HEAD';
    127 }
    129 sub scan_rev_args {
    130 	my ($commits, $args) = @_;
    131 	my @revs = parse_rev_args(@$args);
    132 	open my $f, '-|', qw(git rev-list --reverse), @revs or die;
    133 	while (<$f>) {
    134 		chomp;
    135 		my $id = $_;
    136 		$seen{$id} = 1;
    137 		open my $g, '-|', qw(git show -C --oneline), $id or die;
    138 		scan_patches($commits, $id, $g);
    139 		close $g;
    140 	}
    141 	close $f;
    142 }
    144 sub mailmap_contacts {
    145 	my ($contacts) = @_;
    146 	my %mapped;
    147 	my $pid = open2 my $reader, my $writer, qw(git check-mailmap --stdin);
    148 	for my $contact (keys(%$contacts)) {
    149 		print $writer "$contact\n";
    150 		my $canonical = <$reader>;
    151 		chomp $canonical;
    152 		$mapped{$canonical} += $contacts->{$contact};
    153 	}
    154 	close $reader;
    155 	close $writer;
    156 	waitpid($pid, 0);
    157 	die "git-check-mailmap error: $?\n" if $?;
    158 	return \%mapped;
    159 }
    161 if (!@ARGV) {
    162 	die "No input revisions or patch files\n";
    163 }
    165 my (@files, @rev_args);
    166 for (@ARGV) {
    167 	if (-e) {
    168 		push @files, $_;
    169 	} else {
    170 		push @rev_args, $_;
    171 	}
    172 }
    174 my %sources;
    175 for (@files) {
    176 	scan_patch_file(\%sources, $_);
    177 }
    178 if (@rev_args) {
    179 	scan_rev_args(\%sources, \@rev_args)
    180 }
    182 my $toplevel = `git rev-parse --show-toplevel`;
    183 chomp $toplevel;
    184 chdir($toplevel) or die "chdir failure: $toplevel: $!\n";
    186 my %commits;
    187 blame_sources(\%sources, \%commits);
    188 import_commits(\%commits);
    190 my $contacts = {};
    191 for my $commit (values %commits) {
    192 	for my $contact (keys %{$commit->{contacts}}) {
    193 		$contacts->{$contact}++;
    194 	}
    195 }
    196 $contacts = mailmap_contacts($contacts);
    198 my $ncommits = scalar(keys %commits);
    199 for my $contact (keys %$contacts) {
    200 	my $percent = $contacts->{$contact} * 100 / $ncommits;
    201 	next if $percent < $min_percent;
    202 	print "$contact\n";
    203 }